Назар аударыңыз. Бұл материалды сайт қолданушысы жариялаған. Егер материал сіздің авторлық құқығыңызды бұзса, осында жазыңыз. Біз ең жылдам уақытта материалды сайттан өшіреміз
Жақын арада сайт әкімшілігі сізбен хабарласады
Бонусты жинап картаңызға (kaspi Gold, Halyk bank) шығарып аласыз
Интелектуалды ойын:Polyglot
Дипломдар мен сертификаттарды алып үлгеріңіз!
Материалдың толық нұсқасын
жүктеп алып көруге болады
The theme: “Polyglot”
Objectives; To enrich pupils` knowledge of foreign languages, to show the importance of being well-educated.
To develop pupils` intellect, speech, habits through speaking , listening, and writing in three languages.
-Talking about Polyglot people, introducing themselves, translating from English into Kazakh and Russian, finding proverbs, guessing riddles.
The plan of the competition
Teacher: Good afternoon dear teachers, guests, students..
Today we are going to spend a competition which called “Polyglot”.
And the participants of this competition are the students of 9
Languages is the main type of means of
communication. There are nearly 3000 languages in the world.
English and Russian are the languages
of Рushkin, Shakespeare,
Lermontov, Byron, Esenin, Burns, whom we love and respect for their
poems, sonnets and novels. And Kazakh is the language you study at
With the help of knowledge of foreign
language we can communicate with each other through the internet or
get necessary information from it. And with the help of Russian and
Kazakh we can develop our skills in oral speech and reading and to
be patriots our Motherland. Our game consist of five levels.There
are : Warming up,Baiga,
True or False and Puzzles.
Before begin our competitions, students should introduce yourself.
Do you like English?
Favourite school subjects
The 1st Level is ‘‘Warming up''
Teacher: - I will read a little poems for each student and you must end it with the English word. You can get 1 point for each right answer. You have only 10 seconds to answer. And translate into two languages.
Утром каждым в школе птичьей,
Всех птенцов петь учит ..
(teacher -
Готов обед у миссис Эйбл,
Гостям накрыт уж круглый ...
Не проспать чтоб на урок,
Мы заводим на ночь ...
Уколы стойко перенёс -
Легка рука у нашей ...
(nurse –
В летнем саду для детей наберут
Сладких и вкусных, полезных всем ...
(fruit - фрукты)
Нужен всем нам на обед
Пышный, вкусный, свежий ...
В клетке лев рычит, шумит,
Чтоб на ужин дали ...
Пил я чай в гостях у друга,
Всыпал в чай шесть ложек ...
Её мы не сыпем ну только лишь в торт -
Супы и котлеты безвкусны без ...
От жары сейчас сгорим!
Ох, подайте нам ...
Я его хоть банку съем -
Из клубники вкусен ...
Кисло-сладкий он на вкус,
Витаминный пейте ...
Пять часов уже почти.
Ждёт нас всех горячий
Вкусно пахнет, чует Дина, -
Два часа, готов уж
Не болит уж горло Вани -
Чай он пил с цветочным
Скорлупа бела, как снег,
Нам снесла наседка
Всех фотографов каприз -
Нам сказать всем слово
Сижу на нем я прямо,
Чтоб не болела шея.
Он с удобной спинкой
И зовётся
После того, как закончен обед,
Всем малышам нужно goto
Не проспать чтоб на урок,
Мы заводим на ночь
Днём и ночью наш сосед
Смотрит, смотрит
Он пишет много, вы - читайте!
Детишкам книги пишет
Книга понравится вам о корриде.
Если ты с книжкой, зовёшься ты
Пахнет вкусно: жарят лук,
Царь на кухне - это
Поворот крутой направо,
Поворот крутой направо,
Справлюсь с ним - лихой я
Вот афиша на проспекте,
А на ней - известный
Мой братишка-шалопай
один весь
с мясом ...(pie)
- Well, let, s start the 2nd level is –
“Baiga”. Answer the questions quickly
Dear students, this contest is
for you. “Who is quicker?” Your task is to guess the word quicker
and answer the questions. Ready, steady,
1. What is the currency of Great Britain?
2. What is the nickname of George Washington
monument? (Pencil)
3. What is the highest mountain in UK? (Ben -
4. What is the capital of Scotland?
5. What country is called “Land of songs”?
6. What is the national emblem of Scotland?
7. What is the oldest university of GB?
8. What is the national emblem of England?
9. What is the nickname of London s
underground? (The Tube)
10. What is the main figure in the emblem of
the USA? (eagle)
1. The first day of the
2. The colour of the sun…
3. You drink this when you are thirsty…
4. Move quickly…
5.The month that follows October…
6. A bright colour…
7. A domestic animal…
8. You grow flowers in a…
9. Eight plus one is…
10. A very big animal…
11. A spring red flower…
12. Boys and girls at school are…
(Answers: Sunday, yellow, water, run, November, red, dog, garden, nine, elephant, tulip, pupils
The 3rd level is “Proverbs”.
– Complete the proverb.
1. East or west home is best.
2. Custom is a second nature.
3. Friend in need is a friend indeed
4.. There's no place like home
5. Home is where the heart is.
6. Diligence is a great teacher.
7. A teacher is better than two
8. One who eats plain food is healthy.
9. No pain,no gain
10.Rome was not built in a day
The 4th Level True or False
1. Kazakhstan is situated in
the centre of Europe.
2. The population of Kazakhstan is 10 million people.
3. The capital of Kazakhstan is Astana.
4. The president of USA is Nursultan Nazarbaev.
5. Kazakh is the state language of Kazakhstan.
6. The national flag of the country is red.
7. The country is not rich with mineral
8.There are 55states in the USA.
9.A person who work hard is lazy
10.Our national drink is juice
And our last the 5th level is Riddles. Find the meaning of those riddles and say into English ,Kazakh and Russian.
1Лежал, лежал, да и в речку побежал
қар - снег - snow
2. Длинное хвостище, рыжее волосище, сама хитрища
түлкі – лиса - fox
3. Они стоят на месте, но всегда идут
Бұлт – облако - cloud
4 Clean, but not water, White, but not snow, Sweet, but not ice-cream, What is it?
қант – сахар - sugar
5 Чист, но не вода, Бел, но не снег, Сладок, но не мороженое, Что это?
снег- қар- snow
6 What is found over your head but under your hat?
Что находится над головой, но под шляпой?
шаш – волосы - hair
7 Look at my face and you see somebody Look at my back and you see nobody.
Посмотри на мое лицо и увидишь кого-то. Посмотри на спину и не увидишь никого.
Айна – зеркало – mirror
8 What has 4 legs and only 1 foot? Bed-төсек-кровать
9 Тілден ұшып,құлаққа қонады
10 Жаны жоқ болсада
Ақылды адам ісін істейді
Кітап- книга-book