Материалдар / Is it better to watch sport live or on TV?

Is it better to watch sport live or on TV?

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17 Мамыр 2024
0 рет жүктелген
225 ₸ 250 ₸
Бүгін алсаңыз 10% жеңілдік
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Is it better to watch sport live or on TV?

Our athletes attract people’s attention with their flexibility, tenacity, active actions, and many qualities. It is true that many people want to see such interesting events. And now as for the question of whether it is better to watch sports on TV or live, I would say it is better to go to the place where race is taking place.

Firstly, you will be with many people and you will see sports events with your own eyes. For example, you can meet your friends there or you can go with your relatives or with your friends and you will enjoy watching together. As a result, let your mood lift and feel a good atmosphere.

In addition, you can watch them and their activities with your own eyes , at the same time you will support the athletes with claps. Moreover, our support paves the way for our athletes to become stronger. As a result, it is quite possible that our athletes who make the name of our country will increase.

On the other hand, it has its disadvantages too. For example, various actions among the majority may have a negative effect on some, Therefore, it may not be pleasant to sit in one place for a long time during very hot or cold periods of the day. In such situation, it is better to watch sport on TV because at home all conditions are created for hot and cold days.

After all, I think sports fans like it more and they will watch it no matter what the situation. These acts are a must-see, whether live or televised. Because athletes are one of the people who introduce our country to the world. And sport is a guarantee of health.

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