Материалдар / Journey biological understanding .Human Biology. The Degrees of Comparison
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Journey biological understanding .Human Biology. The Degrees of Comparison

Материал туралы қысқаша түсінік
The Adjective (сын есім) Degrees of comparison – Сын есімнің шырайлары Заттың сын-сипатын, көлемін түр-түсін, сапасын білдіретін сөз табы және ағылшын тілінде сын есім қазақ тіліндегідей септелмейді, тәуелденбейді, көптелмейді. Шырайының 3 түрі бар (Degrees of comparison): 1) жай (the Positive Degree); 2) салыстырмалы (the Comparative Degree); 3) күшейтпелі (the Superlative Degree); Жай шырай – бұл оның сөздіктегі формасы. Басқа екеуі осыдан туындайды.
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18 Қазан 2022
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Бұл бетте материалдың қысқаша нұсқасы ұсынылған. Материалдың толық нұсқасын жүктеп алып, көруге болады

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жүктеп алып көруге болады

Сабақ тақырыбы : Journey biological understanding

Human Biology. The Degrees of Comparison

Модуль /пән атауы : English language

Дайындаған педагог: Zhumabay Aigul

Курс, оқу жылы, топ: I course, 2022 year, TM-9-226

Сабақ типі: Combined

Оқу сабақтары барысында білім алушылар игеретін кәсіби дағдыларының тізбесі:

  • Apply speaking and listening skills and to do exercises;

  • Understand the text by reading and answer questions according to the text;

  • Do the plans for completing classroom tasks;

  • To do given exercise according to the topic ;

Оқу-әдістемелік құрал-жабдықтар (көрнекіліктер): Books, active board, the work with slids

Анықтамалық әдебиеттер : Action for Kazakhstan

Grade -10

Student’s book

Jenny Dooley

Bob Obee

Page 114-115

Техникалық құралдар, (материалдар): Active board, the work with computers

I: Сабақты ұйымдастыру:

Teacher welcomes the students and explain the topic of the lesson by asking questions.

What is human biology?

What could the text be about ?

II: Өткен тақырыптарға шолу: Teacher will show on the board the topical vocabulary of the lesson and student must find out the meaning.

When Check these words: aging process , enzyme , cell , repair , fertility , process , reverse , efficient , toxin , technique , restore , breed , ability , protein , youthful , combat , artificially , development , prevent , serving , compare , wrinkles , fantasy

III: Жаңа тақырыпты түсіндіру:The Adjective (сын есім)

Degrees of comparison Сын есімнің шырайлары
Заттың сын-сипатын, көлемін түр-түсін, сапасын білдіретін сөз табы және ағылшын тілінде сын есім қазақ тіліндегідей септелмейді, тәуелденбейді, көптелмейді.
Шырайының 3 түрі бар (Degrees of comparison):
1) жай (the Positive Degree);
салыстырмалы (the Comparative Degree);
күшейтпелі (the Superlative Degree);
Жай шырай бұл оның сөздіктегі формасы. Басқа екеуі осыдан туындайды.

Салыстырмалы шырай -er жұрнағы арқылы жасалады:

young – younger
old –

long -longer
Күшейтпелі шырай -est жұрнағы жалғану арқылы жасалады және сын есімнің алдында міндетті түрде the белгілі артиклі тұрады:

young – (the) youngest
old – (the)

long -(the) longest

Салыстырмалы шырай -er жұрнағы арқылы жасалады:

  • сareful- мұқият more careful the most careful

  • interesting – қызықты more interesting the most interesting

  • famous – атақты more famous the most famous

  • beautiful – әдемі more beautiful the most beautiful

Жақша ішіндегі сын есімді дұрыс түріне қой. 

III. Practice. 1. Complete the sentences with the right adjective
1) This is the _________ (good) theatre in the city.
2) I think this book is ___________ interesting than that one.
3) Ann’s hair is __________ (long) than Mary’s.
4) Aigerim is the ________ (pretty) girl in our school.
5) This is the __________ (new) of the cars.

IV: Journey biological understanding

Human Biology.

Topical Vocabulary

V: Let’s read the text and find out the meaning

Can we put END to AGING?

*1 The results of a recent experiment to slow the effects of the aging process in mice amazed scientists in Boston , USA . The scientists increased the amount of an enzyme called telomerase in the cells of the mice . Telomerase is an important enzyme because it repairs DNA . With increased telomerase in their cells , the mice's fertility improved , their fur began to look healthier , even their brains worked better . The scientists were hoping simply to slow the aging process in mice but , much to their surprise , they actually reversed it !

* 2 Could we use the same process to stop humans from aging ? It's possible , but it wouldn't be without risks . Scientists believe increasing the level of telomerase in human cells would put people at greater risk of cancer . What's more , it's unlikely that simply increasing telomerase would be enough to keep us young because hundreds of enzymes are involved in the aging process .

* 3 Although scientists don't yet know exactly how and why we age , they have several theories . One theory is that as time passes , our bodies become less efficient at removing toxins from our cells . One way to try to stop the aging process is to keep cells as clean as possible . Scientists in New York successfully used this technique to restore the livers of old mice . The researchers bred special mice that did not lose their ability to remove damaged proteins from their livers . When these special mice were two years old , their livers were as healthy as the livers of ordinary one - month old mice . Although these special mice with youthful livers didn't live any longer than ordinary mice , scientists believe this study could eventually lead to ways of protecting humans from the diseases we get in old age .

*4 Of course , if scientists ever do succeed in developing drugs that combat the aging process we will need to ask ourselves whether it is right to use them . For instance , should we keep people young and healthy artificially when , already , there are far too many people on the planet ?

*5 What if you can't wait for these future developments though ? Well , scientists may not yet be able to stop you from aging , but they do know a way you can keep yourself looking younger - tomatoes ! Tomatoes contain a substance called lycopene which helps prevent one of the main causes of skin aging : sun damage . Researchers in the UK asked a group of people to eat a serving of cooked tomatoes every day for 12 weeks . They then compared their skin to the skin of people who hadn't eaten any tomatoes . The skin of the people who ate the tomatoes was much less likely to burn in the sun . Eating tomatoes also increases the levels of procollagen in your skin . Procollagen helps keep skin firm , so the more you have in your skin , the less likely you are to get wrinkles . So while living forever is still just a fantasy , nature has at least provided a way for us to keep looking as young as possible , for as long as possible !

Read the text and answer the questions . Discuss with your partner .

1. What physical change did the Boston scientists see in the mice in their experiment ?

2.What problem is there with performing the Boston procedure on people ? 3.What builds up in our cells as we age ?

4.What did the New York scientists achieve ?

5.What global problem does the writer mention that could be affected by anti - aging treatments ?

6.How does eating tomatoes help us achieve younger - looking skin ?

7.Why might reversing the aging process one day become a reality ?

VI: Сабақ бойынша рефлексия 1.Fill in : reversed , serving , combat , efficient , enzymes . ( кері байланыс, кызмет көрсету, боевое, эффектті, ферменттер.)

1 Scientists are trying to find ways to ……………the aging process and keep people looking young . 2 Our bodies are more………….. at removing toxins from our cells when we are young , than when we are old . 3 Eating a daily ............ of cooked tomatoes can help protect your skin against sun damage . 4.Scientists haven't just slowed down the aging process in mice ; they have ………………it . 5 Telomerase is just one of hundreds of involved ………………….in the aging process .

2.Label the organs / parts of body

VII: Үйге тапсырма

Teacher asks students to answer questions according to the content of the lesson

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