Материалдар / Kazakh customs and traditions of the people

Kazakh customs and traditions of the people

Материал туралы қысқаша түсінік
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«БЕКІТЕМІН»директордың оқу және жаңа технология жөніндегі орынбасары

Ш.Б.Аширова ___________ «___ » __________2017ж

Ашық сабақ

Тақырыбы: Kazakh customs and traditions of the people.

Оқытушы: Тажиева Мырзагүл Толебаевна Пәні: Ағылшын тілі Мамандық: 0101000-«Мектепке дейінгі тәрбие және оқыту»Курс: I топ: МД 1-16

Жоспар кафедра отырысындақарастырылып, ұсынылды.

Хаттама №____ _«__ » ____________________2017 ж

Кафедра меңгерушісі: _______________________ З. Матаева

Сабақ жоспарыКүні: 13.03.17ж.Пәні: Ағылшын тіліТобы: Мд 1-16Сабақтың тақырыбы: Kazakh customs and traditions of the people.Сабақтың түрі: Аралас сабақСабақтың мақсаты: Білімгерлерге өз ұлтының салт дәстүрлері туралы ағылшын тілінде мәлімет беру. Тақырып бойынша ағылшын тілінде сөйлеуге салт дәстүрлерді үйрену арқылы халқын, отанын сүюге, ата дәстүрлерін құрмет етуге баулу.Сабақта қолданылатын әдіс-тәсілдер: Сұрақ-жауап, түсінік беру, дамыта оқыту.Пәнаралық байланыс: педагогика, психология, мәдениеттану, қазақ тілі.Сабақтың жабдықталуы: карточкалар,мультимедиалық проектор, ұлттық киімдер.

Сабақтың барысы:І. Ұйымдастыру кезеңіБіздің ұран: Little strokes fell freat darks.ІІ. Үй тапсырмасын сұрау

Houme workThe Kazakhs are an extremely hospitable people. Traditionally every guest is offered dishes of national Kazakh cuisine at the dastarkhan (the low table) in a yurt.YurtsThe yurt is one of the most sensible movable house. It is a comfortable and practical home, ideally suited to the local conditions and way of life – one of the greatest inventions of Eurasian nomads.It is easily taken apart (it is said that a Kazakh woman can do it in half an hour) and carried on horses and camels.The yurt consists of three main elements: an extensible trellis base (the kerege), a dome made of poles (the uyk) and a round top (the shanyrak).

The Kazakh national dressThe Kazakh national dress varies by regions. Men wear chapans, a kind of dressing gown with a belt, made of velvet and richly embroidered. They cover their heads with a soft skullcap (tobetai), a tall felt cap (kalpak) or a fox-fur hat with earflaps (malakai).The women's national costume consists of a white cotton or colored silk dress, a velvet waistcoat with embroidery and a cap or a silk scarf. Elderly women wear a hood made of white cloth with a hole for the face (the kimeshek). Brides wear a tall pointed, richly decorated hat, topped with feathers (saukele). Music and musical instrumentsThe Kazakhs love the art of words and their akyns (poets), who improvise at public competitions (aitys) accompanied by national stringed musical instruments: the dombra or the kobyz.National gamesNational games: Kazaksha kures (Kazakh wrestling), baiga (horse racing over 25, 50 or 100 km), kokpar (a sort of polo game played with a dead goat), kyz-kuu (catch the girl) and alty bakan (six-pole swing).Kokpar. This is horseracing struggle, horsemen struggle for goat taking-over. “Kokpar-kokbori” means the Kazakh grey wolf. The game has two variants. The most widely used is zhalpy-tartys”, when many horsemen take part in this game and everyone struggles for the animal’s carcass. The other variant is Doda tartys”. Kyz kuu. National horseracing game is carried out on the racecourse of hippodrome. The game distance is 300-400 m. Two movable flags are set on the start in 10 meters from each other. The girl starts at the first flag.

Crossing of the flags line by the girl gives the right to dzhigit to catch her. The main point of the game is to catch the girl. If dzhigit catches the girl, he becomes the winner and may kiss her. If the girl catches dzhigit, she becomes the winner and may hit him by “kamcha”.


Alty bakan

NauryzNauryz (the Islamic New Year) is one of the biggest holidays in Central Asia. It is celebrated on the day of spring equinox of March 22. On that day, the streets of villages and towns are transformed. Guests are met in beautiful yurts with the traditional Nauryz kozhe dish made of seven traditional ingredients.

ІІІ. Жаңа тақырып бойынша жұмыс:Kazakh national traditionsShildehana is a child’s birth celebration. Kalzha is ceremonial treating of parturient woman in the first day of parturition. This is care about parturient woman and symbol of respect and kindness. This celebration is made nowadays usually on the 40th day after the child’s birth. The mother of parturient woman brings sheep, “kalta” or “korzhyn” with foodstuff and gifts for this celebration. Besikke salu, besik toy is a holiday arranged after the child’s putting to cradle (in 3-5 days after umbilical cord falling off). Esim koyu, at koyu is a holiday of name giving to the child. This holiday is celebrated during “shildehana” or on the 3rd day after the child’s birth and child’s putting to cradle (“besik toy”).Kyrkynan shygaru is a holiday, celebrated on the 40th day after the child’s birth. This is a ceremony of the child’s bathing in forty-spoons-water, first hair and nails cutting. Tusau kesu are the child’s first steps. Lately, this celebration is committed to the man (usually from relatives), who walks fast. Sundetke otyrgyzu (circumcision). In this day parents of 5-7-year-old son invite venerable mullah, who makes circumcision. On this occasion, many guests are invited and give presents to the child and his parents. 2. Wedding customs and ceremonies. During marriage, certain restrictions were observed. Therefore, the girls were married off in 13-14 years old and boys were married in 14-15 years old. Nowadays such early marriages are not used. The whole process of marriage has several stages and each stage has customs and ceremonies. During “kudalyk” (matchmaking), the visit of matchmakers into the bride’s house is made, bride-money to the bride’s father are given. Ceremonial treating “Kuyrik bauyr” made from liver and fat tail means matchmaking. Kyz uzatu means bride’s seeing-off. Five-seven or more matchmakers arrive in the evening. The bride leaves home with matchmakers early in the morning. Girls and dzhigits sing “Zhar-zhar” song. Kelin tusiru is celebration of the daughter-in-law meeting. People sing traditional song “Betashar” (song of wishes and desires). Treating of son-in-law by brisket meat symbolizes wealth, welfare and fertility. ІV. Жаңа тақырыпты бекіту:

We have many traditions. Please, who can tell about .kazakh traditions?What is a national tradition «Suyinshi?»Suyinshi is a gift for good news.

What is a national tradition «Baygazy?»Baygazy is a gift for new thing.

What is a national tradition «Korimdik?»Korimdik is a gift for bride-show and bride dowry.

What is a national tradition «Asar?»Asar is a tradition of mutual help of people. Calling of relatives, friends and neighbours for urgent work that can’t be done by one family. The helpers were tasty treated. What is a national tradition «Erulik?»Erulik is a treating for new neighbours. Country people invited new settlers for “erulik” for their quick adaptation in new environment. This custom is used nowadays.

What is a national tradition «Konil surau?»Konil surau means an inquire after smb`s health. People say: “Recovery of sick is good deed of healthy”. Work with dictionary.1.Culture2.Tradition

Now, make up sentences.

Now, doing exercises. Please attension!V. Студенттерді бағалау.

VI. Үй тапсырмасын беру.VII.Рефлексия

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