Материалдар / Learners read a classical fiction book

Learners read a classical fiction book

Материал туралы қысқаша түсінік
Lesson plan for college students, 1 course. V Unit. Reading for pleasure Theme: Learners read a classical fiction book
03 Қараша 2021
1 рет жүктелген
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Unit: V Unit. Reading for pleasure

College: College: SCCE ‘Aktobe medical college named after the hero of the Soviet Union Manshuk Mametova’

Date: 24.09.2021

Teacher’s name: Amankulova A. A

CLASS: 1 course

Number present:


Lesson title: Learners read a classical fiction book

Learning objectives

Practice speaking and listening skills to provide sensitive feedback to peers;

Realize speaker viewpoints and extent of explicit agreement between speakers on topic;

Employ appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about topic;

Lesson objectives

Give feedback assessing partners conversation

Use subjects specific vocabulary and a good range of structured sentences

Complete a chart an identify true or false sentences in a task

Assessment criteria

  • Identify the main point of a text

  • Mark true or false sentences

  • Describe characters from the text

  • Tell about classical fiction books.

Previous learning


Planned timings

Planned activities


7 min

20 min

13 min

10 min

10 min

30 min

Active method

Прямая со стрелкой 13 Прямая со стрелкой 15

Прямая со стрелкой 14 Прямая со стрелкой 16 Team work


Make them guess

Teach a friend True or false

Activity 1

Task: Teacher puts students in groups of five and give each group a sheet of paper. When teacher says start, students have exactly three minutes to write as many names of classical fiction books as they know in English. One person begins by writing a word in the given category and then passes the sheet of paper to the next group member to add another word and so on round the circle. Each student can write one word at a time. But If students can’t write a word, they can pass the sheet of paper to the next student. When time is up, teacher will check which group has the longest list. Then teacher write the words on the board, and other groups can add any missing words.

Прямая со стрелкой 4 Прямая со стрелкой 12

Овал 1


Прямая со стрелкой 1


Прямая со стрелкой 2

Прямая со стрелкой 3

Прямая со стрелкой 10

Activity 2

Strategy ‘Teach a friend’

Task: learners listen and read the text ‘The Picture of Dorian Gray’.

Then learners work in pairs. One of them will be a student, and second will be a teacher, a student read the text and teacher listen the text. And second student correct the partner if it is necessary.

Activity 3

Task: Which adjectives and nouns can you choose to describe each character?





Beautiful, painter, successful, actress, sailor, cruel, kind, young, clever, very handsome, revengeful, talented, helpful, rude, hot – tempered, sympathetic, charming, proud.

Description: Individual work

Complete the chart

Describe the characters

Activity 4

Task: Did you understand the task? Are the sentences about the story true or false?

Teacher divided students into groups and says the number and students should find the number. Students take the number from the wall and stick the task on the board. Students read the task and decide the sentence true or false.


Dorian Gray’s friend Basil painted his portrait


Lord Henry Wotton Wanted to meet Dorian because he wanted to sell Dorian his portrait


Dorian wanted to stay young and his portrait to grow old


Sybil called Dorian Prince Charming though she knew his name


Dorian killed Sybil for acting badly


Basil went away to Paris


Dorian followed Sybil’s brother

Description: Team work

Read the task

Decide the sentences true or false

Be active

Be first

Differentiation / by support

High motivated learners can: make a question sentences by using text ‘The Picture of Dorian Gray’.

Low motivated students can: answer the question sentences.

Formative assessment

Strategy - Oral Attitude Surveys

Task: Students tell about books

Who is author/ What do they know about author/ What about the story/ Do they like the story

Teams evaluate their classmates with the help of check list

Learners tell about books and author they’ll get excellent assessment.

Learners tell about books they’ll get well done assessment.

Learners tell about author they’ll get good job assessment

Прямоугольник с двумя вырезанными противолежащими углами 1

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland



The Little Prince


Treasure Island

The Beautiful and Damned

Gulliver's Travels

Sheet of paper,

markers, crayons


List with tasks

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