Материалдар / Lesson plan, 7 grade (Сабақ жоспары, 7 сынып)

Lesson plan, 7 grade (Сабақ жоспары, 7 сынып)

Материал туралы қысқаша түсінік
Environmental problem “Smog in the city”, 7 grade(7С1) understand with little support the main points in extended talk on a limited range of general and curricular topics (7R2) understand specific information and detail in texts on a range of familiar general and curricular topics (7L1) use speaking and listening skills to solve problems creatively and cooperatively in groups (7C3) respect differing points of view At the end of the lesson students will be able to: • describe main points of the environmental problems using the target vocabulary in speaking tasks with support • recognize and explain the main reasons of environmental causes from the text • analyze and solve the problems of the environmental problem in group work • express own views on the topic
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05 Қараша 2021
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Lesson plan

Unit of a long term plan. Space and Earth

School: 117


Teacher name: Korgambaeva Amina


Number present:


Lesson title

Environmental problem “Smog in the city”

Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to (link to the Subject programme)

(7С1) understand with little support the main points in extended talk on a limited range of general and curricular topics

(7R2) understand specific information and detail in texts on a range of familiar general and curricular topics

(7L1) use speaking and listening skills to solve problems creatively and cooperatively in groups

(7C3) respect differing points of view

Lesson objectives

At the end of the lesson students will be able to:

  • describe main points of the environmental problems using the target vocabulary in speaking tasks with support

  • recognize and explain the main reasons of environmental causes from the text

  • analyze and solve the problems of the environmental problem in group work

  • express own views on the topic

Level of thinking (Bloom’s taxonomy, revised version)

Understanding, applying, analyzing

Assessment criteria

  • Retell the text using target vocabulary with support

  • identify and clarify causes of a problem from the text

  • explore the problem and offer solution while discussion

  • convey own thoughts and ideas

Values links

The lesson is aimed at instilling values which will help students to care about our planet by awareness of the problem and through discussion, analysis and problem solving.

Cross-curricular links

Cross-curricular integration with Geography and Chemistry takes place in a lesson through the content.

Previous learning

Basic vocabulary for describing geographical location and relating to preserving environmental/ types of Environmental problems

Using ‘will’ for making offers and “to be going to” for prediction and intentions


Planned timings

Planned activities (replace the notes below with your planned activities)


Class organization




Pre-teaching vocabulary



Teacher will greet students and ask them about their mood. Teacher will ask students about the day of the week, the date, marks absentees T-P. Teacher sets the goals of the lesson, giving students to understand what to expect from the lesson.

Review the studied material (vocabulary) from previous lesson

Teacher will show image of a polluted city to brainstorm students in order to generate students’ interest to the theme of the lesson. Teacher will ask them

What problems do you face in the city nowadays?

Students describe the Environmental problems they face with that they have learnt previous lessons. Teacher will ask students to predict

What the text is about?

Students will predict the content of a text.

Teacher will read the title of the text “Smog in the city” aloud and elicit what students know about it and check what they remember from previous lesson.

Teacher will say: there are many different environmental issues you are facing every day like air pollution, water pollution and global warming you have known from previous lesson. And in this lesson, you'll be able not only describe, recognize and explain the main reasons of environmental problems but also to analyze and solve the problems on the topic, express own views when discussing environmental problems using target vocabulary. So let’s start from target vocabulary

Teacher will present vocabulary. Students will look at the pictures (talking flashcards) on the display with their definitions. Teacher will read new words/phrases. Students will repeat after the teacher and listen to the definitions. Students also will draw it on flip charts. Teacher will use concept checking vocabulary strategy to find out if students understand the meaning of the words or not.

• smog • vehicle • increase • fume • poison • reduce • litter • recycle

Task1. Find synonyms or opposites of given words. (students A)

Paraphrase or give definition. (students B)

• smog • vehicle • increase • fume • chemical materials • reduce • litter • recycle.

(students A)

Present __________by giving a synonym (2 words)

Present __________by giving its opposite

(students B)

Present __________by paraphrasing it(2 words)

Present __________ by giving a definition(2 words)


A learner - matches synonyms with opposites

  • rewrites given word without losing their meaning

Task2. Complete and create the sentences with following words.

Vehicles, chemical materials, poison, increased, air pollution.

1.The biggest single air polluter is road vehicles such as cars.

2.Air pollution can make it difficult to breathe and cause diseases such as lung cancer, respiratory infections, and heart disease..

3.Air pollution in the city has increased for two last decades.

4. Many pollutants go into the air from natural sources as volcanic  ashes and gases, smoke from forest fires and many other chemical materials.

5.  Ozone is a gas that stops harmful ultraviolet rays from the sun. When it is near the ground, though, it can poison people and other organisms.


A learner - fills in the gaps

  • uses words correctly

Task3. Fill in the KWL chart. Write three things you know about the air pollution, you want to know about itThis strategy will help to activate student’s knowledge before reading, engage students in reading by finding answers to the questions they are interested in and check student’s comprehension of the text.

Task4. Listen, read the text “Smog in the city” and see what you have learnt, whether you can answer your questions in KWL chart?


A learner - uses topical vocabulary

  • composes sentences about air pollution

  • compare own answers with information from the text

All students will do this task attentively. Teacher will monitor the class

Power Point Presentation

Image of Almaty https://365info.kz/2018/10/zashhishhayushhee-vozduh-predpriyatie-zapustyat-v-almaty

Students book “Excel” grade 7, Virginia Evans-Jenny Dooley- Bob Obee




Power Point Presentation

Power Point Presentation

Students book “Excel” grade 7, Virginia Evans-Jenny Dooley- Bob Obee

video and text p.51




Task5. Read the text again. Ask and tell your partner.

what the problem is?

what the effects are?

what the solutions are?


A learner - works in pairs

  • talks on topic

  • listen to the partner

  • evaluates partner’s answer

Task6. Air balloon activity. Discuss, analyze and solve the given problem in groups. Present Air balloon to others.

There will be the question on the white board How can we treat the Earth? Students solve the problem associating Air balloon with environmental problems. Students try to find facts, causes, and impacts of the environmental problems in our lives, discuss, analyze and solve them in collaborative work. Students present their works to classmates.


A learner - uses target vocabulary

  • discusses the task in a group

  • offers solutions

  • presents it to the class

Students book “Excel” grade 7, Virginia Evans-Jenny Dooley- Bob Obee

video and text p.51

Power Point Presentation



Home work to write an essay offering solutions to a problem

Five fingers.

Students learned to pronounce new words correctly, consolidated vocabulary; they were involved to express their own ideas and interests; they consolidated and systematized their knowledge, revised the theme and applied their knowledge in the speaking task, extended abilities to use grammar (will, to be going to) in speech. They had listening and speaking practice.

Do ex p. 51 ex 4

Power Point Presentation

Additional information

Differentiation – how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners?

Assessment – how are you planning to check learners’ learning?

Health and safety check

Differentiation by task is used in task1:

Less able students find synonyms and opposites of given words. (students A)

More able students paraphrase and give definition of given words. (students B)

and in task2:

Less able students fill in sentences with given words. (students A)

More able students create own sentences with given words. (students B)

Differentiation by scaffolding is used in

Making predictions strategy and link to background strategy are used in KWL chart.

It supports student’s interest in learning.

Visual aids strategy is used in presentation of vocabulary. It scaffolds students to memorize target vocabulary.

Giving more thinking time is used in answering questions and discussions tasks

It scaffolds students to achieve speaking skills on environmental problem.

Differentiation by learning styles is used in pre-teaching vocabulary and in Air balloon activity

For auditory students teacher uses talking flash cards, provides audio of the text “Smog in the city”, listen to the teacher and each other during the lesson.

For visual students teacher shows image of a polluted city, flash cards on a screen and students observe air balloon poster that they have done in class.

For kinesthetic students teacher gives flash cards they have to show while checking vocabulary, asks them to draw a polluted city, provides physical activity exercises during presentation.

The KWL chart is used as self assessment

Traffic light assessment is used while Pre-teaching vocabulary stage

Air balloon assessment is used in presentation.

Using physical exercises and active activities will help student to cheer up

Students will show what they will do to treat the Earth (plant trees, pick up rubbish from the ground, throw garbage into bins use bikes, walk…).

Материал жариялап тегін
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Бұл сертификат «Ustaz tilegi» Республикалық ғылыми – әдістемелік журналының желілік басылымына өз авторлық жұмысын жарияланғанын растайды. Журнал Қазақстан Республикасы Ақпарат және Қоғамдық даму министрлігінің №KZ09VPY00029937 куәлігін алған. Сондықтан аттестацияға жарамды
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