Материалдар / Lesson Plan 7th grade: Use of English 3b Present Perfect Tense (just,already,yet)

Lesson Plan 7th grade: Use of English 3b Present Perfect Tense (just,already,yet)

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Lesson Plan 7th grade: Use of English 3b Present Perfect Tense (just,already,yet)
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LESSON: Use of English 3b

Present Perfect Tense (just,already,yet)

School: 95

Date: 14/11/23

Teacher’s name: Kadyr F.


Number present: 16


Learning objectives that this lesson is contributing to – spell most high-frequency vocabulary accurately for a limited range of familiar general topics and some curricular topics

7.2.7 - understand independently specific information and detail in short

7.2.1 – respect different points of view

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:

Recognize the present perfect with still,yet,just,and already

Most learners will be able to:

Apply the present perfect with still,yet,just and already

Some learners will be able to:

Use the present perfect with still,yet,just and already

ICT skills

Audio-Visual skills,smart board for showing a presentation  and pictures

Assessment criteria

Learners have met the learning objectives if they can: understand the main points of reading and listening tasks; use different grammar structures in a speech; write an excellent essay

Previous learning

Holidays and Travel

Planned timings

Teacher’s activities

Pupil’s activities



Beginning the lesson


5 min

Organization moment :


Teacher: Hello my dear students! How are you today?

Pupils: We are fine. Thank you. What about you?

Teacher: I am fine. Thanks. Please, take your seats!

2. T plays a game “spin a wheel of luck” with the irregular verbs and SS should tell 3 forms of the verb

3.Lead in:

Repeat the rules of Present perfect tense from the previous lesson

The aim: to engage in foreign language lesson student with gamefication

At the organization moment T tries to award active Ss. «The praise» method is used to evaluate Ss with phrases like:

Good job!

Well done!”



Middle of the lesson

5 min

The topic of our lesson today is the use of already,just and yet

Teacher shows a video lesson related to the use of “already,just,yet”

The goal is to develop a listening and cognitive skills

Ss know in which cases they use “just,already and yet”




5 min

The goal is to form the skills of composing negative and 01interrogative sentences on the topic of Present Perfect

1. Introduction of the structure of negative and interrogative sentences in Present Perfect

Working out the acquired knowledge in practice.

I ask you to make suggestions using pictures and phrases from slides.

The goal is to form the skills of composing negative and interrogative sentences on the topic of Present Perfect

Student practice on the new grammar while doing exercises from slides

S s evaluate each other and encourage classmates with phrases



5 min

3) Fixing a new grammatical topic. Formation of skills for constructing statements.

Work in pairs.

Make a short dialog using structure of “Present Perfect”

Ss read the task and share their opinions with each other

-Have you ever been toParis?

-No,I have never been to Paris

-Recently I have visited a circus show

Ss evaluate each other and encourage classmates with phrases like:

Well done! Brilliant! Good job! I like it!


Student’s Book

5 min

4) Formation of search reading skills.

Work with students:

- Please, open your book, page 32,

Now we will do ex.2 Match the verbs to the past participle

Ss complete the task on the page 32

Answer Key:

1-c,2-g,3-j,4-a,5-e,6-b,7- i, 8-d,9-h,10-f

Ss evaluate each other and encourage classmates with phrases like:

Well done! Brilliant! Good job! I like it!


Student’s Book

5 min

Ex.3 p. 32. To use the verbs in the list in the present perfect to complete the sentences

Ask Ss to revise the verbs from the list

Ask Ss to complete the task with verbs in the right form

Answer Key:

1) They have visited a lot of museums so far

2) Assel has flown in a Boeing 747 twice

3) She has learnt to play the piano

4) We have taken part in the competition twice

5) He has won two gold medals so far

6) I Have tried sushi once

7) Damir and Berik have gone to the beach

Ss evaluate each other and encourage classmates with phrases like:

Well done! Brilliant! Good job! I like it!


Student’s book

10 min

Ex. 4a p. 32

Ask Ss to look at the table and complete the sentences

Answer key:

  1. Sanzhar hasn’t slept in a tent

  2. Zhenya hasn’t gone bungee jumping

  3. Rauan and Sauran have ran a marathon

  4. Zhenya and Sanzhar haven’t tried an Indian food

  5. Zhenya hasn’t ran marathon

  6. Rauan and Sauran have slept in tent

Ss evaluate each other and encourage classmates with phrases like:

Well done! Brilliant! Good job! I like it!


Student’s book

Ending the lesson


5 min

Individual work


Summing up

Evaluating students’ answers and asking them to evaluate the lesson itself.


Aim: To know how many Ss got the theme.


Ss can share their points of view

Ss evaluate each other and encourage classmate with phrases like:

Well done!


Student’s Book

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