Материалдар / Lesson plan for Grade 1
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Lesson plan for Grade 1

Материал туралы қысқаша түсінік
Lesson plan for Grade 1. The theme of the lesson " Initial sounds".
Автор материалды ақылы түрде жариялады. Сатылымнан түскен қаражат авторға автоматты түрде аударылады. Толығырақ
21 Желтоқсан 2017
3 рет жүктелген
770 ₸
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Тегін турнир Мұғалімдер мен Тәрбиешілерге
Дипломдар мен сертификаттарды алып үлгеріңіз!
Бұл бетте материалдың қысқаша нұсқасы ұсынылған. Материалдың толық нұсқасын жүктеп алып, көруге болады

Материалдың толық нұсқасын
жүктеп алып көруге болады

Lesson plan.

Long-term plan unit: 1. THE WORLD AROUND US

School: Kazakh Secondary

Date: 12.12

Teacher name: Usenova N

Grade: 1

Number present:


Theme of the lesson

English around us : Initial sounds

Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to

1.L4 pronounce basic words and expressions intelligibly

1.S 1 use basic adjectives and colours to say what someone/something is or has

1.S3 produce words in response to basic prompts

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:

make a sentence about the weather today with little support

Most learners will be able to:

remember the words about weather

Some learners will be able to

make sentences using the words correctly

Success criteria

Learners have met this learning objective if they can:

  • Remember at least 5 out of 6 words correctly

Value links

Community – following school, classroom rules; getting to know each other;

Cross curricular links

Lesson is connected with geography: students show and describe places where they went in summer;

ICT skills

Previous learning

Animals, days of the week


Planned timings

Planned activities (replace the notes below with your planned activities)



5 minutes

Start the lesson with LOS introduced.

Check if the learners cut their cards and did the hometask. Praise them with smiles.

Do a quick Show me revision with their cards. You may ask one strong student to name the cards instead of you.Others will find and show them

Students’ cards


5 minutes


5 minutes

15 minutes

Activity 1.

Ask students questions like:

-What is the weather today? Is it cold? Is it hot? Is it wet? Is it dry?

Encorage students to make a sentence using the words they have learnt.

For example: Today the weather is hot, dry and sunny.

Show students PPT with the pictures and quickly got through it asking all or individuals.

Activity 2.Drilling

Have 2 students to come out and choose the cards on the teacher’s table, help them to make a sentence. Class repeats. Then continue this with the rest of the class.

Activity 3.

To revise animals and weather vocabulary students listen and sing a song. Before turning it on ask students to name the animals from the song, their names. Practice singing and dancing.

Activity 4.

Go fish game

Learners are in pairs. They are given the worksheets with the pictures of clothes and they will need their weather cards as well (1 set for a pair). All the weather cards are face down. They take turns opening the cards and matching the weather to the cloth picture. Ask them why they think so.

Another version: they can have all the words cut and match them when they turn them over if the weather and clothes match.

If there is time –teach students how to say the clothes in English


Weather flash cards

Rain, rain go away song:


clothes cards


2 minutes

3 minutes


Apples are cut and are on the teacher’s table. Students have to come and take one apple showing their results today. Teacher observes.

I liked and understood the lesson

I didn’t I need some more practice

Apples worksheet 3

Additional information

Differentiation – how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners?

Assessment – how are you planning to check learners’ learning?

Health and safety check
ICT links

Stronger students explain and tell the words to the class, make sentences. Weaker students are helped by teacher and a partner in pair work

Observation and cards for quick answer

Singing and dancing


Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives realistic? Did all learners achieve the LO?

If not, why?

Did my planned differentiation work well?

Did I stick to timings?

What changes did I make from my plan and why?

Use the space below to reflect on your lesson. Answer the most relevant questions from the box on the left about your lesson.

Summary evaluation

What two things went really well (consider both teaching and learning)?



What two things would have improved the lesson (consider both teaching and learning)?



What have I learned from this lesson about the class or achievements/difficulties of individuals that will inform my next lesson?

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