Материалдар / Lesson plans Excel 7 Term 1

Lesson plans Excel 7 Term 1

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12 Қырқүйек 2024
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Бұл бетте материалдың қысқаша нұсқасы ұсынылған. Материалдың толық нұсқасын жүктеп алып, көруге болады

Материалдың толық нұсқасын
жүктеп алып көруге болады

Short term plan

Unit 1: Hobbies and Leisure lesson 1



Teacher name:

Grade: 7

Number present:


Lesson title

Vocabulary: Free-time activities

Learning objectives use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a range of general topics, and some curricular topics respect different points of view

Learning objectives

(assessment criteria)

Learners will be able to:

- Overview of the module

Levels of thinking skills

Knowledge and comprehension



Teachers actions

Students actions




5 min

Greeting. (Whale class, Individually)

T tells the class to make groups of 2.

Warm up:

Sentence scramble

For this activity, you can divide the students into small groups or pairs or they can work on their own. Come up with a few sentences before class, and write the sentence’s words on your physical or virtual whiteboard in a random order. The first group or individual student to unscramble the words and read the sentence aloud correctly wins that round.

T: What do you think about today’s theme?

Setting the aim of the lesson.

Learners read the given sentences on the board and guess the topic and share with their ideas.

Remember and recognize the main vocabulary.

Teacher controles the process, gives feedback and asks additional questions if it’s nessasery.

Teacher evaluate pupils with phrases like:

Good job!

Well done!”

Formative Assessment

Sheets of peppers

Pictures of to be



30 min

Task. I (Wh, I) (pair dicsussion)

Ex: 1 P:5

Go through the list of free-time activities 1-9 and play the recording with pauses for students to repeat chorally and individually.

Explain any unknown words and then ask students to make sentences following the example.

Students compare answers with a partner. Ask some students around the class to present answers and make a list on the board.

Differentiation with individual need:

Learner will be supported by teacher and by helpers from his class. Allow them to discuss their ideas in pairs. Model and drill pronunciation of words that are new to students.

Learners listen and say. Which are outdoor activities? Indoor activities? Extreme sports? Hobbies?


Hang-gliding is an outdoor activity. It is an extreme sport.

Dancing is an indoor activity. It is a hobby.

Model making is an indoor activity. It is a hobby.

Kayaking is an outdoor activity. It is an extreme sport.

Rock climbing is an outdoor activity. It is an extreme sport.

Bungee jumping is an outdoor activity. It is an extreme sport.

T’s feedback


- list of free-time activities

- repeat chorally and individually.

Total: 2 point


Thumbs up, thumbs down”

After correct answer teacher shows thumbs up, if there are some mistakes thumbs down with comments

Student’s book

Task. II (Wh, I) (Task for location)

Ex: 2 P:5

To present and practice adjectives, to express and compare likes, dislikes.

Go through the adjectives and explain their meanings.

explain the task and give students time to complete it

Learners use the phrases to complete the sentences.


I like dancing because it is fun. I don’t like rock climbing because it’s dangerous.

Self -assessment


- use the phrases

- complete the sentences.

Total: 2 point




5 min

Finger” method is used to find out was the lesson clear or not.

5 fingers- I understood

4 fingers -I have some questions

2 fingers-I need a help

Ex: P:

Home task

Ss show their knowledge according to the lesson

Ss evaluate each other and encourage classmate with phrases like:

W ell done! Brilliant! Good job! I like it!

Poster Success Ladder

Short term plan

Unit 1: Hobbies and Leisure lesson 2



Teacher name:

Grade: 7

Number present:


Lesson title

Reading: Take up a hobby

Learning objectives understand with little support some of the implied meaning in extended talk on a limited range of general and curricular topics understand specific information and detail in texts on a range of familiar general and curricular topics give an opinion at discourse level on a growing range of general and curricular topics

Learning objectives

(assessment criteria)

Learners will be able to:

- Present and practice vocabulary for hobbies and leisure activities

- Predict the content of the text

- Read for specific information and main ideas

Levels of thinking skills

Knowledge and comprehension



Teachers actions

Students actions




5 min

Greeting. (Whale class, Individually)

T tells the class to make groups of 2.

Warm up:

Before speaking about the Free-time activities let’s name as many words connected with this word as you remember. Find some words from the text.

T: What do you think about today’s theme?

Setting the aim of the lesson.

Learners read the given sentences on the board and guess the topic and share with their ideas.

Remember and recognize the main vocabulary.

Teacher controles the process, gives feedback and asks additional questions if it’s nessasery.

Teacher evaluate pupils with phrases like:

Good job!

Well done!”

Formative Assessment

Sheets of peppers

Pictures of to be



30 min

Task. I (Wh, I) (pair dicsussion)

Ex: 1 P: 6

Explain the task. Allow students a minute to write down as many different hobbies and leisure activities.

Students compare answers with a partner. Ask some students around the class to present answers and make a list on the board.

Learners in a minute write down as many different hobbies and leisure activities as you can. Compare with your partner.


Suggested answer

Painting, archery, kart racing, gardening, golf, jewellery- making, photography, singing, playing the piano,

T’s feedback


- write down as many different hobbies

Total: 2 point

Student’s book

Task. II

(Wh, I) (Task for location)

Ex: 2 P: 6

Ask students to read the title and the subheadings and look at the picture. Elicit what students think each person’s hobby is.

Play the recording. Students listen and follow the text in their books to find out.

A learner with individual needs: will be supported by teacher and by helpers.

Learners look at the title and the pictures in the text. Where can someone play football? Does it hurt if someone hits you? Listen and read to find out.


I think you can play paintball in the forest. I think it hurts a lot if someone hits you. I think video games do take part in tournaments.

Self -assessment


- read the title

- answer the question

Total: 2 point


Task. III (Task for understanding)

Ex: 3 P: 6

Explain the task and give students time to read the text and mark the statements according to the information in the text. Students correct the false statements.


This task differentiated by the time management. More able Ss finish firstly and less able Ss finish later.

Learners read the text again and mark the sentences

T (true), F (false) or DS (doesn’t say)


Text A

1 F (He plays games of paintball every weekend)

2 DS 3 T 4 DS

Text B 5 T 6 T 7 F

8 F

T’s feedback


- read the text

- write true or false

Total: 2 point



Task. IV

Ex:4 P:7

Explain the task. Allow students time to complete the sentences.

Learners complete these sentences with these words.


1 screen 2 talented

3 concentration

4 tournament

5 support 6 chaising

Self -assessment

T s feedback


- complete these sentences

Total: 2 point


5 min

The Ladder method was used as a reflection. T asks Ss to stick their stickers to the Success Ladder.

Green- I understood

Yellow-I have some questions

Red-I need a help.

Home task Ex: P:

Ss use their stickers to show their knowledge according to the lesson

Poster Success Ladder

Short term plan

Unit 1: Hobbies and Leisure lesson 3



Teacher name:

Grade: 7

Number present:


Lesson title


Learning objectives use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a range of general topics, and some curricular topics write with minimal support about real and imaginary past events, activities and experiences on a growing range of familiar general topics and some curricular topics use some abstract nouns and complex noun phrases on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics;

Learning objectives

(assessment criteria)

Learners will be able to:

- Practise vocabulary

- Express likes and dislike

- Talk about hobbies, likes and dislikes

Levels of thinking skills

Knowledge and comprehension



Teachers actions

Students actions




5 min

Greeting. (Whale class, Individually)

T tells the class to make groups of 2.

Warm up:

Name ten

This simple game can be done at either the beginning or end of the class. Students can work in pairs or ideally in small groups. Give each group a piece of paper and a pencil. Say a category and students try to write as many words as possible that match the category. The first group to finish with the highest number of words will win the round, if the words are correct!

T: What do you think about today’s theme?

Setting the aim of the lesson.

Learners read the given sentences on the board and guess the topic and share with their ideas.

Remember and recognize the main vocabulary.

Teacher controles the process, gives feedback and asks additional questions if it’s nessasery.

Teacher evaluate pupils with phrases like:

Good job!

Well done!”

Formative Assessment

Sheets of peppers

Pictures of to be



30 min

Task. I (Wh, I) (pair dicsussion)

Ex: 5 P: 7

Explain the task. Ss think of reasons why they like or don’t like these two hobbies.

Elicit answers from Ss around the class.

Learners tell the class two reasons why you like/don’t like each of these hobbies.


A; I like paintballing because it is a physical activity like a sport and so I can get fit while playing it.

B: I don’t like paintballing because I don’t want paint on my clothes. I like computer games because they are fun and they improve my concentration

T’s feedback


- tell the class two reasons

- answer the question

Total: 2 point

Student’s book

Task. II (Wh, I) (Task for location)

Ex: 6 P: 7

Draw Ss attention to the pictures. Play the recording.

Ss listen and repeat chorally and individually.

Check Ss’ intonation and pronunciation

Learners listen and repeat


Students’ own answers

Self -assessment


- listen and repeat

Total: 2 point


Task. III (Task for understanding)

Ex: 7 P: 7

Explain any unknown words. Ss work in pairs and go through the hobbies to say which are creative and which are related to sport/adventure.

A learner with individual needs: will be paired with helpers and teacher allows him to create which are related to sport/adventure

Learners answer the question. Which hobbies in Ex6 are creative? Related to sport/adventure? Decide in pairs.


Creative hobbies: gardening, painting, jewellery-making, playing, music, photography

Hobbies related sport/adventure: archery, cart racing, golf, be skating.

T’s comment


Thumbs up, thumbs down”

After correct answer teacher shows thumbs up, if there are some mistakes thumbs down with comments


- work in pairs

- answer the question

Total: 2 point



Task. IV

Ex: 8 P: 7

Go through the adjectives in the list and elicit their meanings.

Read out the example and ask Ss to work in closed pairs to ask and answer questions.

Learners use these adjectives in Ex 6


A: Do you like cart racing

B: Yes, I think it it thrilling

Self assessment


- read out the example

- use these adjectives

Total: 2 point



5 min

The Ladder method was used as a reflection. T asks Ss to stick their stickers to the Success Ladder.

Green- I understood

Yellow-I have some questions

Red-I need a help.

Ex: P:

Home task

Ss use their stickers to show their knowledge according to the lesson

Poster Success Ladder

Short term plan

Unit 1: Hobbies and Leisure lesson 4



Teacher name:

Grade: 7

Number present:


Lesson title

Use of English: Present simple and Present continuous

Learning objectives ask complex questions to get information about a limited range of general topics and some curricular topics write with minimal support about real and imaginary past events, activities and experiences on a growing range of familiar general topics and some curricular topics use present continuous forms for present and future meaning and past continuous on a range of familiar general and curricular topics

Learning objectives

(assessment criteria)

Learners will be able to:

- Present and compare the present simple and the present continuous

- Practice the present simple and the present continuous

- Practice using the present simple and the present continuous

Levels of thinking skills

Knowledge and comprehension



Teachers actions

Students actions




5 min

Greeting. (Whale class, Individually)

T tells the class to make groups of 2.

Warm up:

Ask students to close their eyes and think about a person that its important for them (like their mom, dad, husband, wife, dog, etc), tell them to think about what are they doing right now (for example 'She is preparing lunch', 'he is working', 'he is running', etc).

Make sure the students are using the correct form of Present Continuous, be at hand to correct mistakes or provide help with some vocabulary students may need to make their sentences.

Learners read the given sentences on the board and guess the topic and share with their ideas.

Remember and recognize the main vocabulary.

Teacher controles the process, gives feedback and asks additional questions if it’s nessasery.

Teacher evaluate pupils with phrases like:

Good job!

Well done!”

Formative Assessment

Sheets of peppers

Pictures of to be



30 min

Task. I (Wh, I) (pair dicsussion)

Ex: 1 P: 8

Ss close their books. Say then write on the board: / watch TV in the evening. I am watching TV now. Elicit the tense of each sentence (I watch-present simple; I am watching - present continuous) and which sentence describes habit a or routine (watch) and which one describes an action happening now/around the time of speaking (I am watching).

Ss open their books. Go through the theory box with them. Elicit the L1 equivalents for the examples.

Allow Ss time to read through the text on p. 6 to AM nouns find examples.

Check Ss' answers

Learners read the theory and say the examples in your language. Find examples in the text.


is running - happening now

is chasing - happening now

hits-action happening now (hit - stative ve)


try-permanent state

T’s feedback


- read the theory

- find examples

Total: 2 point


Thumbs up, thumbs down”

After correct answer teacher shows thumbs up, if there are some mistakes thumbs down with comments

Student’s book

Task. II (Wh, I) (Task for location)

Ex: 2 P: 8

Explain the task and allow Ss some time to complete it. Tell Ss to refer back to the theory box to help them justify their answers.

Check Ss' answers around the class.

A learner with individual needs: will be paired with helpers and teacher allows him to complete the gaps with present simple and the present continuous by teacher’s support

Learners complete the gaps with present simple and the present continuous forms of the verbs. Give reasons.


1 plays (habit)

2 is reading (action happening now)

3 Do you like (stative verb)

4 are going (future arrangement)

5 starts (timetable)

6 wants (stative verb)

7 Are you flying (future arrangement)

Self -assessment


- complete the gaps

-use present simple and the present continuous

Total: 2 point


Task. III

(Task for understanding)

Ex: 3 P: 8

Explain the task and allow Ss some time to complete it.

Check Ss' answers around the class.

Learners put the verbs in brackets into the present simple and the present continuous


1 am/’m

2 is/’s having

3 is/’s tidying

4 am/’m making

5 wants 6 needs

7 doesn’t like

8 is/s making

9 do you want

T’s comment


- complete the task

- use affirmative and negative forms

Total: 2 point



Task. IV

(Task for understanding)

Ex: 4 P: 8

Draw Ss' attention to the theory box. Have a S read it out and elicit more examples from various Ss to remind them of the relevant theory.

Allow Ss time to complete the exercise.

Check Ss' answers around the class.

Learners read the theory, then choose the correct item


1 are

2 is

3 is

4 are

5 is

6 are

7 is

8 are

9 is

10 are

Pair assessment


- read the theory,

- choose the correct item

Total: 2 point


5 min

The Ladder method was used as a reflection. T asks Ss to stick their stickers to the Success Ladder.

Green- I understood

Yellow-I have some questions

Red-I need a help.

Ex: P:

Home task

Ss use their stickers to show their knowledge according to the lesson

Poster Success Ladder

Short term plan

Unit 1: Hobbies and Leisure lesson 5



Teacher name:

Grade: 7

Number present:


Lesson title

Use of English: Comparative and Superlative

Learning objectives ask complex questions to get information about a limited range of general topics and some curricular topics link with little or no support, sentences into coherent paragraphs using a variety of basic connectors on a range of familiar general topics and some curricular topics; use comparative degree adverb structures with regular and irregular adverbs on a range of familiar general and curricular topics;

Learning objectives

(assessment criteria)

Learners will be able to:

- Present comparative and superlative

- Practice comparative forms

- Present too/enough

Levels of thinking skills

Knowledge and comprehension



Teachers actions

Students actions




5 min

Greeting. (Whale class, Individually)

T tells the class to make groups of 2.

Warm up:

Ask students to design and market a robot, flying car, etc. This should naturally bring up language like “It’s faster than a highway” and “It’s the most intelligent robot ever”, but this can also be encouraged by telling them to use three superlatives and three comparatives in their design and marketing.

Setting the aim of the lesson.

Learners read the given sentences on the board and guess the topic and share with their ideas.

Remember and recognize the main vocabulary.

Teacher controles the process, gives feedback and asks additional questions if it’s nessasery.

Teacher evaluate pupils with phrases like:

Good job!

Well done!”

Formative Assessment

Sheets of peppers

Pictures of to be



30 min

Task. I (Wh, I) (pair dicsussion)

Ex: 5 P: 9

Go through the table with Ss. Explain that when we want to compare two people/things/places etc, we use comparative forms. Explain that when we want to compare one person/thing/place etc, with more than one person/thing/place in the same group, we use superlative forms.

Explain the task and allow Ss some time to complete it.

Check Ss' answers around the class

Learners complete the table. How do we form the comparative and superlative? Find examples in the text.


1 longer

2 fattest

3 the happiest

T’s feedback


- complete the table.

- find examples

Total: 2 point

Student’s book

Task. II (Wh, I) (Task for location)

Ex: 6 P: 9

Explain the task and allow Ss some time to complete it.

Check Ss' answers around the class. As an extension ask Ss to compare two members of their family. (e.g. My dad is older than my mum.)

Learners fill in the correct comparative forms.


1 nicer

2 more beautiful

3 hotter

4 cheaper

5 worse

6 more popular

Self -assessment


- fill in the correct comparative

- complete the task

Total: 2 point


Student’s book

Task. III

(Task for understanding)

Ex: 7 P: 9

Explain the task and allow Ss some time to complete it.

Check Ss' answers around the class

A learner with individual needs: will be supported by teacher and by helpers from his class.

Task. Make sentences. Use adjective in brackets.

Learners fill in the superlative forms of the adjectives in brackets.


1 the fastest

2 the longest

3 the shortest

4 the healthiest

Teacher’s comment


Thumbs up, thumbs down”

After correct answer teacher shows thumbs up, if there are some mistakes thumbs down with comments


- fill in the superlative forms

- complete the task

Total: 2 point




Task. IV

Ex: 8 P: 9

Go through the adjectives and the table with Ss. Explain any unknown words. Explain the task and allow Ss some time to complete it. Check Ss' answers around the class.


A learner with individual needs: Learner will be supported by teacher and by helpers.

Learners use the adjectives in the list to compare the people in the table.


Tracy is taller than Sofia. Paul is much taller than Sofia. Tracy isn't as tall as Paul. Paul is the tallest of all.

Sofia is more active than Paul. Tracy is much more active than Paul. Sofia isn't as active as Tracy. Tracy is the most active of all.

Paul is more sociable than Tracy. Sofia is much more sociable than Tracy. Paul isn't as sociable as is the most sociable of all. Sofia. Sofia

T’s feedback


- use the adjectives

- compare the people

Total: 2 point

Task. V

Ex: 9 P: 9

Ss close their books. Say then write on the board: My bag is too heavy to lift. My bag is light enough to lift. Mime too heavy/light enough. Elicit that too has a negative meaning and enough has a positive meaning. Ss open their books. Read out the theory box. Elicit the L1 equivalents for the examples.

Learners read the theory are there similar structures in your language.


Students’ own answers.


- read the theory

- mime too heavy/light enough

Total: 2 point

Task. VI

Ex: 10 P: 9

Explain the task and allow Ss some time to complete it.

Check Ss' answers around the class.

A learner with individual needs: will be paired with helpers and teacher allows him to complete the sentences using too or enough and the adjectives by teacher’s support

Students complete the sentences using too or enough and the adjectives in brackets.


1 clever enough

2 too small

3 old enough

4 too expensive

5 too tired


- complete the sentences

- use too or enough

Total: 2 point


5 min

The Ladder method was used as a reflection. T asks Ss to stick their stickers to the Success Ladder.

Green- I understood

Yellow-I have some questions

Red-I need a help.

Ex: P:

Home task

Ss use their stickers to show their knowledge according to the lesson

Poster Success Ladder

Short term plan

Unit 1: Hobbies and Leisure lesson 6



Teacher name:

Grade: 7

Number present:


Lesson title

Reading: The Flight of the steppe eagle.

Learning objectives ask complex questions to get information about a limited range of general topics and some curricular topics understand the main points in texts on a limited range of unfamiliar general and curricular topics

Learning objectives

(assessment criteria)

Learners will be able to:

- Stimulate interest in the topic

- Predict content of a text

- Read for specific information.

Levels of thinking skills

Knowledge and comprehension



Teachers actions

Students actions




5 min

Greeting. (Whale class, Individually)

T tells the class to make groups of 2.

Warm up:

Name ten

This simple game can be done at either the beginning or end of the class. Students can work in pairs or ideally in small groups. Give each group a piece of paper and a pencil. Say a category and students try to write as many words as possible that match the category. The first group to finish with the highest number of words will win the round, if the words are correct!

Setting the aim of the lesson.

Picture 5

Learners read the given sentences on the board and guess the topic and share with their ideas.

Remember and recognize the main vocabulary.

Teacher controles the process, gives feedback and asks additional questions if it’s nessasery.

Teacher evaluate pupils with phrases like:

Good job!

Well done!”

Formative Assessment

Sheets of peppers

Pictures of to be


30 min

Task. I

(Wh, I) (pair dicsussion)

Ex: 1 P: 10

Elicit traditional sports from the class.

Allow Ss time to make lists.

Ss compare answers with a partner.

Check Ss' answers and write a full list on the board

Learners answer the question. What traditional sports are popular in Kazakhstan? Make a list. Compare with your partner


Falconry, Kokpar, Baiga, Audaryspak, Kumis alu, Kyz Kuu Kures, Saiys, etc

T’s feedback


- answer the question.

- compare answers

Total: 2 point

Student’s book

Task. II (Wh, I) (Task for location)

Ex: 2 a P: 10

Explain the task. Ask Ss to read the article and the first sentence of each paragraph and elicit answers around the class as for what the article is about.

Play the recording. Ss listen and read to find the answer.

Check $s' answers around the class.


Learners will be paired with helpers and teacher allows him to read the article and find the answer with support.

Learners read the title of the article and the first sentences of each paragraph. What do you think the article is about?


The text is about falcony in the steppe.

Pair -assessment


- read the title

- find the answer

Total: 2 point


Task. II (Wh, I) (Task for location)

Ex: 2b P: 10

Give Ss time to look up the words/phrases in the Check these words box and elicit their meanings.

Allow Ss time to read through the text again and answer the questions. They should justify their answers.

Check Ss' answers.

T asks some CCQs:

  • Is falcon very popular in Kazakhstan?

  • Did Genghis Khan enjoy falcon?

  • Is falcon a symbol of Kazakh national?

Learners read the title of the article and the first sentences of each paragraph. What do you think the article is about? ANSWERS

1 B-(whole paragraph)

2 C-(Genghis Khan ... them.)

3 C(In Kazakhstan... traditional .)

4 A-(It's no surprise... identity)

Learners answers Yes or No in CCQ ANSWERS



- Yes


Thumbs up, thumbs down”

After correct answer teacher shows thumbs up, if there are some mistakes thumbs down with comments


- read the title

- find the answer

Total: 2 point


- answers Yes or No

Task. III

(Wh, I) (Task for location)

Ex: 3 P: 10

Explain the task. Elicit whether Ss would like to take up this hobby

Ask Ss to say or write why. Monitor the activity around the class.

Check Ss' answers.

Learners answer the question. Would you enjoy taking up this hobby? Say or write a few sentences.


A: I would like to try falconry. It would be great to be able to do a traditional sport like this. I think that these large birds are beautiful and it must be amazing to be able to hold them and have them fly back to your arm.

B: I wouldn't enjoy falconry. The birds are very big and they are too scary. I would be afraid that they might not come back when I let them go. These birds are so strong they might hurt my arm.

T’s comment


- answer the question

- say or write a few sentences.

Total: 2 point

Student’s book

Task. IV (Wh, I) (Task for location)

Ex: 4 P: 10

Explain the task and allow Ss some time to complete the sentence.

Check Ss' answers around the class.

A learner with individual needs: Learner will be supported by teacher and by helpers.

Learners complete the sentence


1 popular

2 proud

3 breathtaking

4 returns

5 bright

6 dive

Self assessment


- complete the sentence

Total: 2 point

Student’s book


5 min

The Ladder method was used as a reflection. T asks Ss to stick their stickers to the Success Ladder.

Green- I understood

Yellow-I have some questions

Red-I need a help.

Ex: P:

Home task

Ss use their stickers to show their knowledge according to the lesson

Poster Success Ladder

Short term plan

Unit 1: Hobbies and Leisure lesson 7



Teacher name:

Grade: 7

Number present:


Lesson title

Everyday English: Making plans

Learning objectives evaluate and respond constructively to feedback from others understand with little support some of the implied meaning in extended talk on a limited range of general and curricular topics begin to link comments with some flexibility to what others say at sentence and discourse level in pair, group and whole class exchanges

Learning objectives

(assessment criteria)

Learners will be able to:

- Present language related to making plans

- Predict the content of a dialogue.

- Lear synonymous phrases

Levels of thinking skills

Knowledge and comprehension



Teachers actions

Students actions




5 min

Greeting. (Whale class, Individually)

T tells the class to make groups of 2.

Warm up:

Name ten

This simple game can be done at either the beginning or end of the class. Students can work in pairs or ideally in small groups. Give each group a piece of paper and a pencil. Say a category and students try to write as many words as possible that match the category. The first group to finish with the highest number of words will win the round, if the words are correct!

Setting the aim of the lesson.

Learners read the given sentences on the board and guess the topic and share with their ideas.

Remember and recognize the main vocabulary.

Teacher controles the process, gives feedback and asks additional questions if it’s nessasery.

Teacher evaluate pupils with phrases like:

Good job!

Well done!”

Formative Assessment

Sheets of peppers

Pictures of to be


30 min

Task. I (Wh, I) (pair dicsussion)

Ex: 1 P: 12

Explain the task. Play the recording.

Ss listen and repeat chorally and/or individually.

Check Ss' intonation and pronunciation.

Allow Ss time to identify the stressed syllables.

Check Ss' answers.

Learners listen and repeat. Mark the stressed syllables.


Why don't you come along too? Sorry, I can't. Do you want to come go-karting with us? Sure, why not?

Pair assessment


- listen and repeat.

- identify the stressed syllables

Total: 2 point

Student’s book

Task. II (Wh, I) (Task for location)

Ex: 2 P: 12

Explain the task. Elicit answers from the Ss.

Play the recording. Ss listen and read to check answers.

Elicit answers around the class.

T asks some CCQs:

  • Is Martin going swimming pool this evening?

  • Is Kelly going ice skating with Martin?

  • Are Martin and Kelly going to go karting on Saturday?

Learners read the dialogue. What is the dialogue about?


The dialogue is about inviting someone to join in free-time activities.

Martin invites Kelly to go ice skating. She refuses. Martin then invites Kelly to go go-karting. She accepts.

Learners answers Yes or No in CCQ ANSWERS

- No


- Yes

T’s ffedback


- read the dialogue.

Total: 2 point


- answers Yes or No


Student’s book

Task. III (Task for understanding)

Ex: 3 P: 12

Explain the task. Play the recording and Ss listen.

Ss working in closed pairs, take roles and read the dialogues aloud. Monitor the activity around the class.

Ask a few pairs to read the dialogue out to the class.

Learners listen to the dialogue. Take roles and read it out.


Students own answer

Pair assessment


- listen to the dialogue

- read the dialogue

Total: 2 point

Task. IV (Task for understanding)

Ex: 4 P: 12

Allow Ss time to match the sentences.

Check Ss' answers around the class.

Explain the task.


Learners will be paired with helpers and teacher allows him to find sentences in the dialogue with support.

Learners find sentences in the dialogue which mean.


I'd like you to come with us. Why don't you come along, too?

Are you free on Saturday afternoon? - What about

Saturday afternoon?

Yes, that sounds good. - Sure, why not? Let's go go-karting together. - Do you want to come go-karting with us?


Thumbs up, thumbs down”

After correct answer teacher shows thumbs up, if there are some mistakes thumbs down with comments


- match the sentences.

Total: 2 point


5 min

The Ladder method was used as a reflection. T asks Ss to stick their stickers to the Success Ladder.

Green- I understood

Yellow-I have some questions

Red-I need a help.

Ex: P: Home task

Ss use their stickers to show their knowledge according to the lesson

Poster Success Ladder

Short term plan

Unit 1: Hobbies and Leisure lesson 8



Teacher name:

Grade: 7

Number present:


Lesson title

Across cultures: Free time fun

Learning objectives use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a range of general topics, and some curricular topics understand the main points in texts on a limited range of unfamiliar general and curricular topics write with moderate grammatical accuracy on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics

Learning objectives

(assessment criteria)

Learners will be able to:

- Predict content of a text

- Read for specific information and main ideas.

- Practice vocabulary from the text.

Levels of thinking skills

Knowledge and comprehension



Teachers actions

Students actions




5 min

Greeting. (Whale class, Individually)

T tells the class to make groups of 2.

Warm up:

Ask students what free-time activities they enjoy.

Get feedback and have a class vote to find out which free-time activity is the most popular

Free time after school or work is called leisure time.

It is time when we don´t have to go to work or school. It is the time of fun and entertainment.

Setting the aim of the lesson.

Find words about hobbies

Learners read the given sentences on the board and guess the topic and share with their ideas.

Remember and recognize the main vocabulary.

Teacher controles the process, gives feedback and asks additional questions if it’s nessasery.

Teacher evaluate pupils with phrases like:

Good job!

Well done!”

Formative Assessment

Sheets of peppers

Pictures of to be



30 min

Task. I (Wh, I) (pair dicsussion)

Ex: 1 P: 13

Explain the task. Elicit how the words might relate to the text.

Play the recording. Ss listen and read. Check Ss' answers

Learners look at the phrases below. How do you think they are related to the text


The phrases are about physical and mental activities, like staying fit and improving concentration. They are related to the text because they deal with the benefits of doing sports. These benefits are not only physical but also good

for the mind.

Pair assessment


- look at the phrases

- listen and read.

Total: 2 point

Student’s book

Task. II (Wh, I) (Task for location)

Ex: 2 P: 13

Explain the task. Allow Ss time to complete the task. Correct the false statements.

Check Ss' answers around the cla

T asks some CCQs:

  • Is skate boarding a great form of exercise in Kazakhstan?

  • Are a lot of teenagers taking up this sport?

  • Are karate, kung fu and tae kwon do all East Asian martial arts?

Learners read the statements and mark them as T (true) F (false) or DS (doesn’t say)


1 T 2 T

3 F-(Almaty has a new skate park at the Central Park of Culture and Recreation.)

4 T 5 DS

Learners answers Yes or No in CCQ ANSWERS




T’s ffedback


- read the statements

- write true or false or doesn’t say

Total: 2 point


- answers Yes or No


Student’s book

Task. III (Task for understanding)

Ex: 3 P: 13

Give Ss time to look up the words in the Check these words box and elicit their meaning.

Allow Ss time to make sentences

Elicit answers from various Ss around the class.


Learners will be paired with helpers and teacher allows him to use the words in the box to make sentences with support.

Learners use the words in the box to make sentences.


Skateboarding combines thrills and a healthy lifestyle. Skateboarding is one of the latest street fashions. Martial arts include karate, kung fu, and tae kwon do


Thumbs up, thumbs down”

After correct answer teacher shows thumbs up, if there are some mistakes thumbs down with comments


- use the words in the box

- make sentences

Total: 2 point

Task. IV (Task for understanding)

Ex: 4 P: 12

Explain the task. Elicit other hobbies from the Ss. Write them on the board.

Allow Ss time to write a short text. Alternatively assign this task as HW.

To check answers, Ss read their work aloud to the class

Learners write a short text


Playing football is one of the most popular hobbies in my country. It is a game played in teams of eleven players who aim to score goals. The team with the most goals at the end of 90 minutes wins. There are many levels of completion, from school to national and international level.

Pair assessment


- write a short text

Total: 2 point


5 min

The Ladder method was used as a reflection. T asks Ss to stick their stickers to the Success Ladder.

Green- I understood

Yellow-I have some questions

Red-I need a help.

Ex: P:

Home task

Ss use their stickers to show their knowledge according to the lesson

Poster Success Ladder

Short term plan

Unit 1: Hobbies and Leisure lesson 9



Teacher name:

Grade: 7

Number present:


Lesson title

Across the curriculum (Physical Education)

Learning objectives understand with little support some of the implied meaning in extended talk on a limited range of general and curricular topics give an opinion at discourse level on a growing range of general and curricular topics understand specific information and detail in texts on a range of familiar general and curricular topics

Learning objectives

(assessment criteria)

Learners will be able to:

- Personalize topic and stimulate interest.

- Read for specific information

Levels of thinking skills

Knowledge and comprehension



Teachers actions

Students actions




5 min

Greeting. (Whale class, Individually)

T tells the class to make groups of 2.

Warm up:

Ask when they leave phone messages, and who the messages are for.

Ask students if they know how to leave a phone message in English. Elicit some phrases, but do not confirm or reject any at this stage

Setting the aim of the lesson.

Learners read the given sentences on the board and guess the topic and share with their ideas.

Remember and recognize the main vocabulary.

Teacher controles the process, gives feedback and asks additional questions if it’s nessasery.

Teacher evaluate pupils with phrases like:

Good job!

Well done!”

Formative Assessment

Sheets of peppers

Pictures of to be


30 min

Task. I (Wh, I) (pair dicsussion)

Ex: 1 P: 14

Draw Ss' attention to the box with the definition.

Read the definition.

Elicit answers from Ss around the class.

Play the recording. Ss listen and read.

Check Ss answers.

Learners read the dictionary definition. What do you think someone can do stop becoming a couch potato


To stop becoming a couch potato you can do some exercise in your free time. If you go cycling or play basketball with your friends, you will have fun and it will help you to become fit.

If you feel hungry when sitting at home, you can eat fruit and drink juice rather than eating junk food and drinking soft drinks.

Also instead of watching TV all the time, you can turn on

the radio and dance to the music.


Thumbs up, thumbs down”

After correct answer teacher shows thumbs up, if there are some mistakes thumbs down with comments


- read the dictionary definition

- listen and read.

Total: 2 point

Student’s book

Task. II (Wh, I) (Task for location)

Ex: 2 P: 14

Explain the task. Allow Ss time to read the text and fill in the missing information.

Check Ss' answers


Learners will be paired with helpers and teacher allows him to fill in the missing information with support.

Learners read the text again and complete the sentences.


1 become a healthy teen

2 feel happy

3 go cycling or play basketball with your friends 4 biscuits, sugary soft drinks Pu

5 a bowl of fruit with a glass of juice

6 dancing

T’s ffedback


- read the text

- complete the sentences.

Total: 2 point


Student’s book

Task. III

Ex: 3 P: 14

Allow Ss some time to prepare their answers. Ss can work in closed pairs. Monitor the activity. Invite various students to tell the class.

Learners tell your partner or the class.


To avoid being a couch potato, you can exercise in your free time. You can have a bowl of fruit and a glass of juice instead of biscuits and sugary soft drinks. You can also

Self assessment


- work in pairs

- tell your partner

Total: 2 point


5 min

The Ladder method was used as a reflection. T asks Ss to stick their stickers to the Success Ladder.

Green- I understood

Yellow-I have some questions

Red-I need a help.

Ex: P:

Home task

Ss use their stickers to show their knowledge according to the lesson

Poster Success Ladder

Short term plan

Unit 1: Hobbies and Leisure lesson 10



Teacher name:

Grade: 7

Number present:


Lesson title

Writing: An email describing a hobby

Summative Assessment for the Unit “Hobbies & Leisure

Learning objectives use formal and informal registers in their talk on a limited range of general and curricular topics link with little or no support, sentences into coherent paragraphs using a variety of basic connectors on a range of familiar general topics and some curricular topics

Learning objectives

(assessment criteria)

Learners will be able to:

- Present topic sentences and read for specific information

- Present and practice using linkers

- Write an email describing a hobby

Levels of thinking skills

Knowledge and comprehension



Teachers actions

Students actions




5 min

Greeting. (Whale class, Individually)

T tells the class to make groups of 2.

Warm up:

With books closed, ask students how many of them watch a popular TV programme, which you name. Ask students to put their hands up and do a quick count to find out how many students do and do not watch that programme

Learners read the given sentences on the board and guess the topic and share with their ideas.

Remember and recognize the main vocabulary.

Teacher controles the process, gives feedback and asks additional questions if it’s nessasery.

Teacher evaluate pupils with phrases like:

Good job!

Well done!”

Formative Assessment

Sheets of peppers

Pictures of to be



30 min

Task. I

(Wh, I) (pair dicsussion)

Ex: 1 P: 15

Draw Ss' attention to the Study Skills box about topic sentences. Read through the box about topic sentences.

Explain the task and allow Ss time to read the email and answer the questions. Check Ss' answers

Learners read the Study Skills box, then read the email. Complete the gaps with the topic sentences.


1 B 2 A

Pair assessment


- read the Study Skills box

- complete the gaps

Total: 2 point

Student’s book

Task. II (Wh, I) (Task for location)

Ex: 2 P: 15

Draw Ss' attention to the Study Skills box about 'Linkers' and read through it. Elicit some more examples from the Ss.

Allow Ss time to rewrite the sentences.

Check Ss' answers.

Learners rewrite the sentences using the linkers in brackets.


2 Collecting seashells is cheap and easy to do, as well.

3 Playing video games is fun. However, playing too much isn't good for us.

4 Paintballing is great exercise though it can hurt.

5 Rock climbing is difficult. It's tiring, too.

T’s ffedback


- rewrite the sentences

- use the linkers

Total: 2 point


Student’s book

Task. III (Task for understanding)

Ex: 3 P: 15

Explain the task. Allow Ss time to think of their answers.

Monitor the activity around the class.

Elicit answers from some Ss

Summative Assessment for the Unit “Hobbies & Leisure

Learners think of your favourite hobby and answer the question


1 My favourite hobby is hill walking.

2 1 go walking with a club. We meet every Sunday and go to different hills and mountains. We sometimes go away for the whole weekend and do longer walks.

3 You need good walking boots, some waterproof

clothes in case it rains, and a rucksack to carry food

and water for the day.

4 I feel great when I do it. I love to be outside in the fresh air. I love looking at the beautiful trees and listening to the birds singing.


Thumbs up, thumbs down”

After correct answer teacher shows thumbs up, if there are some mistakes thumbs down with comments


- think of your favourite hobby

- answer the question

Total: 2 point


5 min

The Ladder method was used as a reflection. T asks Ss to stick their stickers to the Success Ladder.

Green- I understood

Yellow-I have some questions

Red-I need a help.

Ex: P: Home task

Ss use their stickers to show their knowledge according to the lesson

Poster Success Ladder

Short term plan

Unit 1 Hobbies and Leisure lesson 11



Teacher name:

Grade: 7

Number present:


Lesson title

Edutainment1. Language review 1

Learning objectives respect differing points of view plan, write, edit and proofread work at text level with some support on a range of general and curricular topics

Learning objectives

(assessment criteria)

Learners will be able to:

- Personalise the topic and talk about hobbies

- Invent a hobby to generate new ideas

- Revise knowledge taught in the module

Levels of thinking skills

Knowledge and comprehension



Teachers actions

Students actions




5 min

Greeting. (Whale class, Individually)

T tells the class to make groups of 2.

Warm up:

With books closed, write the word personality on the board. Ask what words we can use to describe someone’s personality. Elicit some words and write them on the board. Ask some students to describe their own personality, or the personality of a friend or family member. Ask students if they think that someone’s date of birth can have an effect on their personality. Explain that some people believe in numerology, which says that your date of birth does affect your personality

Learners read the given sentences on the board and guess the topic and share with their ideas.

Remember and recognize the main vocabulary.

Teacher controles the process, gives feedback and asks additional questions if it’s nessasery.

Teacher evaluate pupils with phrases like:

Good job!

Well done!”

Formative Assessment

Sheets of peppers

Pictures of to be


30 min

Task. I (Wh, I) (pair dicsussion)

Ex: 1 P: 16

Explain the task. Ask Ss to read through the list and tick the benefits.

Elicit answers from some Ss

read the benefits of hobbies below. Tick the statements that are true for you.


A: I love my hobby, which is cycling. It helps me to keep fit and it challenges me. When I am cycling, I forget all bought my worries.

B: I agree but my hobby is jewellery-making. It doesn't keep me fit, but it relaxes me. It helps me to forget about my worries. I can also make some extra pocket money because sometimes my family buy the jewellery I make. etc.

Pair assessment


- benefits of hobbies

- tick the statements

Total: 2 point

Student’s book

Task. II

(Wh, I) (Task for location)

Ex: 2 P: 16

Explain the task.

Allow Ss some time to read the statements and decide whether each one is true or false

Learners do the quiz. Mark the sentences T (true) or F (false)


1T 2F 3F 4F

5T 6F 7T

T’s ffedback


- read the statements

- write true or false

Total: 2 point


Student’s book

Task. III (Task for understanding)

Ex: 3 P: 16

Explain the task and allow Ss time to look through Module 1 and think of quiz questions.

Tell Ss they can use the quiz in the previous task as a model. Offer an example, (e.g. Jack Stamford plays video games. A

Ss' swap their quizzes, do them and then report back to the class. They should correct the false sentences.


Learners will be paired with helpers and teacher allows him to write a T/F quiz of your own with support.

Learners go through module 1 and write a T/F quiz of your own


1 Alex Jacobs' favourite game is "Call of Duty". T

2 Archery is a creative hobby. F (sport/adventure hobby)

3 Sultan Kösen is the tallest man in the world. T .

4 The vulture is a symbol of Kazakh national identity. F (the steppe eagle)

5 Genghis Khan lived in the 14th century. F (12th)

6 A couch potato loves eating potatoes. F (sits on couch all day watches a lot of television and does not get


Thumbs up, thumbs down”

After correct answer teacher shows thumbs up, if there are some mistakes thumbs down with comments


- go through module 1

- write a T/F quiz

Total: 2 point

Task. IV (Task for understanding)

Ex: 4 P: 16

Explain the task.

Elicit answers from Ss.

Play the recording. Ss listen and check answers.

Learners read the title. What could then song be about?


The song is about someone who has a very busy schedule. They always have something to do and are busy every day of the week. They also like what they do


- read the title

- listen and check

Total: 2 point


5 min

The Ladder method was used as a reflection. T asks Ss to stick their stickers to the Success Ladder.

Green- I understood

Yellow-I have some questions

Red-I need a help.

Ex: P:

Home task

Ss use their stickers to show their knowledge according to the lesson

Poster Success Ladder

Short term plan

Unit 2 Communication & Technology lesson 12



Teacher name:

Grade: 7

Number present:


Lesson title

Means of Communication

Learning objectives use speaking and listening skills to provide sensitive feedback to peers recognise the opinion of the speakers in supported extended talk on a range of general and curricular topics ask complex questions to get information about a limited range of general topics and some curricular topics

Learning objectives

(assessment criteria)

Learners will be able to:

- Present vocabulary for means of communication

- Practice vocabulary for means of communication

Levels of thinking skills

Knowledge and comprehension



Teachers actions

Students actions




5 min

Greeting. (Whale class, Individually)

T tells the class to make groups of 2.

Warm up:

Ask when they leave phone messages, and who the messages are for.

Ask students if they know how to leave a phone message in English. Elicit some phrases, but do not

Setting the aim of the lesson.

Learners read the given sentences on the board and guess the topic and share with their ideas.

Remember and recognize the main vocabulary.

Teacher controles the process, gives feedback and asks additional questions if it’s nessasery.

Teacher evaluate pupils with phrases like:

Good job!

Well done!”

Formative Assessment

Sheets of peppers

Pictures of to be



30 min

Task. I (Wh, I) (pair dicsussion)

Ex: 1 P: 17

Draw Ss attention to the pictures.

Play the recording. Ss listen and repeat chorally or individually.

Learners look at the picture. Listen and repeat.


Students’ own answer

Pair assessment


- look at the picture

- listen and repeat.

Total: 2 point

Student’s book

Task. II (Wh, I) (Task for location)

Ex: 2 P: 17

Read the rubric and explain the task to Ss.

Explain/Elicit the meanings of the adverbs of frequency

Ask various Ss around the class for their answers.

Learners use the phrases with often, sometimes and never


I often talk face-to-face.

I often send a text message. I never chat on Skype.

I often talk on my mobile. I sometimes send an email.

I never send a letter.

I sometimes talk on a landline.

T’s ffedback


- read the rubric

- use the phrases

Total: 2 point


Student’s book


5 min

The Ladder method was used as a reflection. T asks Ss to stick their stickers to the Success Ladder.

Green- I understood

Yellow-I have some questions

Red-I need a help.

Ex: P:

Home task

Ss use their stickers to show their knowledge according to the lesson

Poster Success Ladder

Short term plan

Unit 2 Communication & Technology lesson 13



Teacher name:

Grade: 7

Number present:


Lesson title

Reading: Greeting from the planet Earth

Learning objectives deduce meaning from context with little support in extended talk on a limited range of general and curricular topics understand specific information and detail in texts on a range of familiar general and curricular topics develop with some support coherent arguments supported when necessary by examples and reasons for a limited range of written genres in familiar general and curricular topics

Learning objectives

(assessment criteria)

Learners will be able to:

- Introduce the topic and stimulate interest in a text

- Predict the content of a text

- Read for specific information

Levels of thinking skills

Knowledge and comprehension



Teachers actions

Students actions




5 min

Greeting. (Whale class, Individually)

T tells the class to make groups of 2.

Warm up:

- With books closed, write The future on the board and ask students what things they think will happen in the future.

Elicit some ideas, then ask individual students whether they agree with the predictions.

Ask what words we can use when we feel more certain about what will happen.

T: What do you think about today’s theme?

Learners read the given sentences on the board and guess the topic and share with their ideas.

Remember and recognize the main vocabulary.

Teacher controles the process, gives feedback and asks additional questions if it’s nessasery.

Teacher evaluate pupils with phrases like:

Good job!

Well done!”

Formative Assessment

Sheets of peppers

Pictures of to be


30 min

Task. I (Wh, I) (pair dicsussion)

Ex: 1a P: 18

Draw Ss' attention to the picture and elicit if Ss recognize the creature and what they know about it. The creature is E.T. from the science-fiction film "E.T. the

Learners answer the question


Extra-Terrestrial" by Steven Spielberg. It is a creature from another planet who comes to Earth and gets left behind by accident. He makes friends with a young boy who helps him get back home. He has a famous catchphrase, 'E.T. phone home'.

Pair assessment


- answer the question

Total: 2 point

Student’s book

Task. II (Wh, I) (Task for location)

Ex: 1b P: 18

Give Ss' one minute to read the title and the first sentence in each paragraph and elicit their guesses as to what the text is about.

Play the recording. Ss listen and follow the text in their books and find out.

Learners read the title and the first sentence in each paragraph in the text.


The text is about space exploration and the Voyager mission

T’s ffedback


- read the title

- listen and follow

Total: 2 point

Student’s book

Task. III

Ex: 2a P: 18

Allow Ss some time to read the text and answer the questions.

Direct Ss to the Word List to look up the meanings of the words in the Check these words box. Also, draw Ss' attention to the Did you know? box. Check Ss' answers.

Learners read the text and for questions choose the correct answer


2 B

3 A


Teacher’s comment


- read the text

- choose the correct answer

Total: 2 point

Task. IV (Task for understanding)

Ex: 2b P: 18

Explain the task.

Ss write sentences.

Check Ss' answers by asking various Ss to read their sentences out to the class.


Learners will be paired with helpers and teacher allows him to write a few sentences with support.

Learners in five minutes write a few sentences. Read your sentences to the class.


I think it is a very interesting idea. We do not know enough about space and I like the idea of sending a message for inhabitants of other planets. It is very interesting that the message tells the story of planet Earth and represents most of the people, languages and species of the planet.of a text the title and the ph and elicit their about. and follow the text

I don't think it is a good idea to send a message out to space. I don't believe they would understand any of our languages and that it is all a waste of time and money.


Thumbs up, thumbs down”

After correct answer teacher shows thumbs up, if there are some mistakes thumbs down with comments


- write a few sentences

- read your sentences

Total: 2 point


5 min

The Ladder method was used as a reflection. T asks Ss to stick their stickers to the Success Ladder.

Green- I understood

Yellow-I have some questions

Red-I need a help.

Ex: P: Home task

Ss use their stickers to show their knowledge according to the lesson

Poster Success Ladder

Short term plan

Unit 2 Communication and Technology lesson 14



Teacher name:

Grade: 7

Number present:


Lesson title

Vocabulary: Space

Learning objectives

7.2.5 .1recognise the opinion of the speaker(s) in supported extended talk on a range of general and curricular topics respect different points of view develop with some support coherent arguments supported when necessary by examples and reasons for a limited range of written genres in familiar general and curricular topics

Learning objectives

(assessment criteria)

Learners will be able to:

- Practice vocabulary related to space

- Practice verbs related to space

- Listen for specific information

Levels of thinking skills

Knowledge and comprehension



Teachers actions

Students actions




5 min

Greeting. (Whale class, Individually)

T tells the class to make groups of 2.

Warm up:

With books closed, ask students to work in pairs and write down in English the things that they usually have in their bag or in their pockets

Once students have discussed in pairs, elicit ideas from the class and write them on the board.

What are your favourite possessions?

What is your favourite piece of technology?

What do you do in your free time

Setting the aim of the lesson.

Learners read the given sentences on the board and guess the topic and share with their ideas.

Remember and recognize the main vocabulary.

Teacher controles the process, gives feedback and asks additional questions if it’s nessasery.

Teacher evaluate pupils with phrases like:

Good job!

Well done!”

Formative Assessment

Sheets of peppers

Pictures of to be


30 min

Task. I (Wh, I) (pair dicsussion)

Ex: 3 P: 19

Explain the task.

Allow Ss some time to complete the task.

Check Ss' answers.

Learners match the words in the two columns. Use them to complete the sentences.


1 b

2 d

3 a

4 c

1 desert island

2 space exploration

3 solar system

4 time capsule

Pair assessment


- match the words

- complete the sentences

Total: 2 point

Student’s book

Task. II

(Wh, I) (Task for location)

Ex: 4 P:19

Go through the list of verbs and Explain/Elicit any unknown words.

Ss complete the task.

Check Ss answers.


Learners will be paired with helpers and teacher allows him to complete the sentences with the appropriate verbs with support.

Learners complete the sentences with the appropriate verbs in the correct sentence


1 launched

2 explore

3 transmit

4 designed

5 communicate

6 land

7 represent

T’s ffedback


- check the meaning of the words

- complete the sentences

Total: 2 point

Student’s book

Task. III

(Task for understanding)

Ex: 5 P: 19

Explain the task.

Play the recording. Ss listen and choose the correct answers for the questions.

Check Ss' answers around the class.


For the general comprehension Teacher drill the phrases and less able Ss complete the sentences as possible, more able Ss complete

Learners listen to Harry asking for information about a school visit to a planetarium.


1 A

2 B

3 B

4 C

5 B

Teacher’s comment


- listen to Harry

- choose the correct answers

Total: 2 point

Task. IV

Ex: 6 P: 19

Explain the task. Ss work in small groups and decide which five things would best represent Kazakhstan.

Monitor the activity around the class and then ask each group to present their choices to the class giving reasons.

Then one group discusses with another which items they agree/disagree on in each other's time capsules

Monitor this part of the task around the class and then ask groups to report back to the class

Learners use the phrases below to discuss. Give reasons.


1 a recording of the Kazakh language

2 a sample of some national music

3 some photographs of native people and animals 4 a doll in national costume

5 a cookbook with recipes for national dishes


Thumbs up, thumbs down”

After correct answer teacher shows thumbs up, if there are some mistakes thumbs down with comments


- use the phrases

- give reasons.

Total: 2 point


5 min

The Ladder method was used as a reflection. T asks Ss to stick their stickers to the Success Ladder.

Green- I understood

Yellow-I have some questions

Red-I need a help.

Ex: P:

Home task

Ss use their stickers to show their knowledge according to the lesson

Poster Success Ladder

Short term plan

Unit 1 Communication and Technology lesson 15



Teacher name:

Grade: 7

Number present:


Lesson title

Use of English: can, could –able to

Learning objectives write with moderate grammatical accuracy on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics; use a variety of modal forms for different functions on a range of familiar general and curricular topics

Learning objectives

(assessment criteria)

Learners will be able to:

- Present can/could, be able to

- Practice can/could, be able to using personal examples

- Present used to and practice talking about past habits.

Levels of thinking skills

Knowledge and comprehension



Teachers actions

Students actions




5 min

Greeting. (Whale class, Individually)

T tells the class to make groups of 2.

Warm up:

Students must ask the teacher questions to which his or her real answer is “Yes, I can”, e.g. “Can you speak Spanish?” and “Can you cook English food?” They can then move onto the more amusing variation where they should try to get “No, I can’t” answers with questions like “Can you fly?” and “Can you lift all of us?” The same games can easily be played in pairs and small groups.

Setting the aim of the lesson.

Learners read the given sentences on the board and guess the topic and share with their ideas.

Remember and recognize the main vocabulary.

Teacher controles the process, gives feedback and asks additional questions if it’s nessasery.

Teacher evaluate pupils with phrases like:

Good job!

Well done!”

Formative Assessment

Sheets of peppers

Pictures of to be



30 min

Task. I (Wh, I) (pair dicsussion)

Ex: 1 P: 20

Say and write on the board: I could read when I was six. Explain that we use could to express ability in the past. Say then write on the board I was able to finish my homework early yesterday. Explain that we use was able to to express ability in the past in a for the examples particular situation.

Ss close their books. Say and write on the board: I can speak French. Underline can and explain that we use can to express ability in the present.

Ss open their books. Read the table aloud. Then elicit the Kazakhstani equivalents

Learners read the examples. Say the sentences in your language.


Students own answer

Pair assessment


- read the examples

- use can to express ability

Total: 2 point

Student’s book

Task. II (Wh, I) (Task for location)

Ex: 2 P: 20

Explain the task. Ss complete the task. Check Ss' answers.


For the general comprehension Teacher drill the phrases and less able Ss complete the sentences as possible, more able Ss complete

Learners fill the gaps


1 could

2 can

3 will be able to

4 can/is able to

5 will be able to

6 was able to

7 can

8 can

T’s ffedback


- fill the gaps

- complete the task

Total: 2 point

Student’s book

Task. III (Task for understanding)

Ex: 3 P: 20

Explain the task and allow Ss some time to complete it.

Say, then write on the board: I couldn't play the guitar when I was five. I couldn't find my hat this morning. Elicit/Explain that couldn't expresses lack of ability in the past both generally and in a particular situation.

Check Ss' answers around the class.

Learners complete the sentences about yourself.


1 speak English

2 speak French

3 ride a bike when I was 5

4 play the piano when I was 6

5 play the piano when I was 10

6 buy a new PC game when I get paid

Self assessment


- complete the sentences

Total: 2 point

Task. IV

Ex: 4 P: 20

Read the examples in the table aloud and elicit the Kazakhstani equivalents from various Ss around the class.

Explain the task and do the first item as an example with the class. Then Ss complete the task. Check Ss' answers.


Learners will be paired with helpers and teacher allows him to write sentences about what people past habits using used to with support.

Learners read the examples. Say them in your language. Then write sentences about what people past habits using used to


1 People didn't use to carry a phone with them.

2 People used to travel by boat.

3 People didn't use to have remote controls.

4 People didn't use to play video games.

5 People used to listen to vinyl records.


Thumbs up, thumbs down”

After correct answer teacher shows thumbs up, if there are some mistakes thumbs down with comments


- read the examples

- write sentences

Total: 2 point


5 min

The Ladder method was used as a reflection. T asks Ss to stick their stickers to the Success Ladder.

Green- I understood

Yellow-I have some questions

Red-I need a help.

Ex: P:

Home task

Ss use their stickers to show their knowledge according to the lesson

Poster Success Ladder

Short term plan

Unit 2 Communication and Technology lesson 16



Teacher name:

Grade: 7

Number present:


Lesson title

Use of English: Adjectives

Learning objectives keep interaction with peers to negotiate, agree and organise priorities and plans for completing classroom tasks link with little or no support, sentences into coherent paragraphs using a variety of basic connectors on a range of familiar general topics and some curricular topics; use a growing variety of compound adjectives and adjectives as participles;

Learning objectives

(assessment criteria)

Learners will be able to:

- Present and practice adjectives and order of adjectives

- Present and practice adjectives with –ing/ed endings

- Present and practice adverbs of degree.

Levels of thinking skills

Knowledge and comprehension



Teachers actions

Students actions




5 min

Greeting. (Whale class, Individually)

T tells the class to make groups of 2.

Warm up:

In this collaborative writing activity, students work in groups to craft a unique story incorporating a list of adjectives written on the board.

To start this activity, begin by writing several adjectives on the board. Make sure these adjectives are diverse and interesting and choose adjectives suitable for your students' proficiency level.

Explain to your students that they will work in groups to create a story that uses all the adjectives listed on the board.

Setting the aim of the lesson.

Learners read the given sentences on the board and guess the topic and share with their ideas.

Remember and recognize the main vocabulary.

Teacher controles the process, gives feedback and asks additional questions if it’s nessasery.

Teacher evaluate pupils with phrases like:

Good job!

Well done!”

Formative Assessment

Sheets of peppers

Pictures of to be



30 min

Task. I (Wh, I) (pair dicsussion)

Ex: 7 P: 21

Ss' books closed. Explain/Elicit that adjectives describe nouns and go before nouns. They can be used alone, after the verb to be or after verbs such as look, smell, sound, feel, taste etc. They have the same form in the singular and plural. Explain that opinion adjectives (nice, beautiful, ugly, etc) go before fact adjectives (big, old, glass, etc). Write the following examples on the board: a) a pretty young girl, b) an ugly old man.

Elicit which is the fact/opinion adjective in each example (opinion

pretty, ugly; fact = young, old). Ss open their books. Go through the theory box and draw Ss' attention to the table. Explain that when there are two or more fact adjectives in a sentence they go in the order shown. Also, point out that we do not usually have a long list of adjectives before a noun- three is usually the most.

Explain the task. Ss complete it. Check Ss answers

Learners put the adjectives in the correct order


2 big (size), old (age), wooden (material)

3 tall (size), skinny (shape), green (colour)

4 small (size), red (colour), Italian (origin)

5 gigantic (size), round (shape), silver (colour)

6 friendly (opinion), old (age), Spanish (origin)


Thumbs up, thumbs down”

After correct answer teacher shows thumbs up, if there are some mistakes thumbs down with comments


- put the adjectives in the correct order

- check your answers

Total: 2 point

Student’s book

Task. II (Wh, I) (Task for location)

Ex: 8 P: 21

Read the theory box aloud and elicit other examples of adjectives with -ing/-ed endings. Point out that -ing endings refer to what something is like and -ed endings to how we feel about something.

Explain the task. Ss complete the task. Check Ss


Learners will be supported by teacher and by helpers from his class

Learners choose the correct adjectives. Give reasons.


1 exciting-expressing what something is like

2 interesting-expressing what something is like

3 thrilled-expressing how someone feels

4 amazing-expressing what something is like

5 entertaining-expressing what something is like

6 surprising-expressing what something is like

7 boring-expressing what something is like

8 worried-expressing how someone feels

T’s ffedback


- read the theory box

- choose the correct adjectives

Total: 2 point

Student’s book

Task. III (Task for understanding)

Ex: 9 P: 21

Explain/Elicit that adverbs can be one word or a phrase and that they show how, where, when or how often sb/sth does sth. They usually go after verbs and before adjectives.

Go through the theory box and read out the types of adverbs and the examples. Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it, then check Ss' answers around the class.


Learners will be paired with helpers and teacher allows him to identify the type of adverb in bold with support.

Learners identify the type of adverb in bold


1 My mum seldom uses the computer. (frequency)

2 He came back from Paris on Sunday. (time)

3 This mobile is very expensive. (degree)

4 James talks slowly. (manner)

5 They are staying at their friend's house tonight. (time)


Thumbs up, thumbs down”

After correct answer teacher shows thumbs up, if there are some mistakes thumbs down with comments


- read out the types of adverbs

- identify the type of adverb in bold

Total: 2 point

Task. IV

Ex: 10 P: 21

Go through the theory box for quite - rather with the Ss. Elicit further examples from the class.

Ss complete the exercises.

Check Ss' answers.

Learners fill the gaps


1 rather

2 quite

3 quite

4 rathe

Pair assessment


- fill the gaps

- complete the exercises

Total: 2 point


5 min

The Ladder method was used as a reflection. T asks Ss to stick their stickers to the Success Ladder.

Green- I understood

Yellow-I have some questions

Red-I need a help.

Ex: P:

Home task

Ss use their stickers to show their knowledge according to the lesson

Poster Success Ladder

Short term plan

Unit 2 Communication and Technology lesson 17



Teacher name:

Grade: 7

Number present:


Lesson title

Reading: Computers

Learning objectives develop and sustain a consistent argument when speaking or writing give an opinion at discourse level on a growing range of general and curricular topics; understand the main points in texts on a limited range of unfamiliar general and curricular topics

Learning objectives

(assessment criteria)

Learners will be able to:

- Introduce new vocabulary about computers

- Predict the content of a text

- Read for specific information.

Levels of thinking skills

Knowledge and comprehension



Teachers actions

Students actions




5 min

Greeting. (Whale class, Individually)

T tells the class to make groups of 2.

Warm up:

Ask students what they understand by these words, then ask them to say what their favourite activities are.

Ask students if they have a lot of free time, or not enough. Elicit some ideas

Setting the aim of the lesson.

Learners read the given sentences on the board and guess the topic and share with their ideas.

Remember and recognize the main vocabulary.

Teacher controles the process, gives feedback and asks additional questions if it’s nessasery.

Teacher evaluate pupils with phrases like:

Good job!

Well done!”

Formative Assessment

Sheets of peppers

Pictures of to be



30 min

Task. I (Wh, I) (pair dicsussion)

Ex: 1 P: 22

Read out the list of actions and draw Ss' attention to the labeled pictures. .

Explain the task and read out the example

Ss complete the task.

Check Ss' answers around the class.


Learners will be paired with helpers and teacher allows him to use the phrases to make sentences with support.

Learners use the phrases to make sentences about the items in the pictures.


We use speakers to listen to music. We use a screen to see files.

We use a keyboard to type.

We use a CD/DVD drive to read CDs/DVDs.

We use a mouse to move around the screen. We use a printer to print documents.

We use a scanner to make a copy of a photo

Pair assessment


- use the phrases

- make sentences

Total: 2 point

Student’s book

Task. II (Wh, I) (Task for location)

Ex: 2 P: 22

Ask Ss to read the title and the first paragraph in the text and elicit Ss' guesses as to what the text is about. Play the recording. Ss listen and follow the text in their books and find out.

Learners read the title and the first paragraph in the text.


The text is about a smart house that will use technology to make our lives easier in the future

T’s ffedback


- read the title

- guess what the text is about

Total: 2 point

Student’s book

Task. III

(Task for understanding)

Ex: 3 P: 22

Allow Ss some time to read the text and answer the questions.

Direct Ss to the Word List to look up the meanings of the words in the Check these words box. Check Ss' answers.

Learners read the text and answer the question


1 nanotechnology

2 The Internet will be used by fridges to make sure our food stays fresh, and to order food directly from the supermarket

Teacher’s comment


- read the text

- answer the question

Total: 2 point


5 min

The Ladder method was used as a reflection. T asks Ss to stick their stickers to the Success Ladder.

Green- I understood

Yellow-I have some questions

Red-I need a help.

Ex: P:

Home task

Ss use their stickers to show their knowledge according to the lesson

Poster Success Ladder

Short term plan

Unit 2 Communication and Technology lesson 18



Teacher name:

Grade: 7

Number present:


Lesson title

Speaking: Giving advice

Learning objectives understand supported narratives on a wide range of general and curricular topics Ask complex questions to get information about a limited

range of general topics and some curricular topics use a variety of modal forms for different functions on a range of familiar general and curricular topics

Learning objectives

(assessment criteria)

Learners will be able to:

- Discuss survey results in a graph

- Personalize the topic

- Practice giving advice

Levels of thinking skills

Knowledge and comprehension



Teachers actions

Students actions




5 min

Greeting. (Whale class, Individually)

T tells the class to make groups of 2.

Warm up:

Students take turns acting out a word provided by you while their classmates try to guess what it is. This is a good opportunity to review vocabulary from a previous lesson or to try and introduce a new word. Young learners become really immersed in this activity and they usually try very hard to act out the word’s meaning.

T: What do you think about today’s theme?

Picture 7

Learners read the given sentences on the board and guess the topic and share with their ideas.


Teacher controles the process, gives feedback and asks additional questions if it’s nessasery.

Teacher evaluate pupils with phrases like:

Good job!

Well done!”

Formative Assessment

Sheets of peppers

Pictures of to be


30 min

Task. I (Wh, I) (pair dicsussion)

Ex: 4 P: 23

Draw Ss' attention to the graph and explain that it shows how American teens use their computers.

Explain the task.

Give Ss some time to read the key to the graph and the numbers on the graph.

Check Ss' answers around the class


Learners will be paired with helpers and teacher allows him to use the phrases to make sentences with support.

Learners look at the graph. Use the key and the phrases.


The majority of teens in the survey use their computers to communicate with friends and surf the Net.

A lot of teens use their computers for general usage such as playing games, downloading music and sending


Some teens use it for their homework. A few use it for reading or learning information and to find out the news. Very few use it for other reasons such as to design a web page.

Pair assessment


- look at the graph

- use the key

Total: 2 point

Student’s book

Task. II

(Wh, I) (Task for location)

Ex: 5 P: 23

Explain the task. (ICT Information and Communications Technology). Read the example aloud and explain/elicit the meanings of any unknown words in the prompts.

Ss then use the prompts to give advice. Elicit a variety of answers from Ss around the class.

Learners imagine you are an ICT teacher. Use these phrases to tell the class how to use the internet safely


You should use an antivirus program.

You should have a password.

You should keep a backup of files

You should use a username.

You shouldn't meet strangers you chat to online


Thumbs up, thumbs down”

After correct answer teacher shows thumbs up, if there are some mistakes thumbs down with comments


- use the phrases

- use the internet

Total: 2 point

Student’s book

Task. III (Task for understanding)

Ex: 6 P: 23

Explain the task. Play the recording. Ss listen and match the people to their computer activities.

Check Ss' answers around the class.

Learners listen and match the people to the activity for which they most often use their computer.


1 b 2 f 3 a 4 d 5 c

Teacher’s comment


- listen and match

- match the people

Total: 2 point

Task. IV

Ex: 7 P: 23

Explain the task and tell Ss to do a survey using the key in Ex. 4 as well as any other ideas of their own.

Ask Ss to say which of these uses they use the Internet for.

Tell Ss to add up the numbers for each use and make a graph similar to the one in Ex. 4.

Ask various to present the graph to the class.

Learners present the graph to the class.


Self ssessment


- use the Internet for

- make a graph

Total: 2 point


5 min

The Ladder method was used as a reflection. T asks Ss to stick their stickers to the Success Ladder.

Green- I understood

Yellow-I have some questions

Red-I need a help.

Ex: P:

Home task

Ss use their stickers to show their knowledge according to the lesson

Poster Success Ladder

Short term plan

Unit 2 Communication and Technology lesson 19



Teacher name:

Grade: 7

Number present:


Lesson title

Everyday English: Giving instructions

Learning objectives recognise the opinion of the speaker(s) in supported extended talk on a range of general and curricular topics Use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a growing range of general topics, and some curricular topics

Learning objectives

(assessment criteria)

Learners will be able to:

- Present situational language

- Listen and read for specific information

- Consolidate situational language through translation

Levels of thinking skills

Knowledge and comprehension



Teachers actions

Students actions




5 min

Greeting. (Whale class, Individually)

T tells the class to make groups of 2.

Warm up:

Ask students if they like shopping and ask about the kind of things they like to buy.

Ask if they usually go shopping alone or with friends.

Ask which they prefer, and why, and elicit that you can ask for a friend’s opinion about things you want to buy

T: What do you think about today’s theme?

Learners read the given sentences on the board and guess the topic and share with their ideas.

Remember and recognize the main vocabulary.

Teacher controles the process, gives feedback and asks additional questions if it’s nessasery.

Teacher evaluate pupils with phrases like:

Good job!

Well done!”

Formative Assessment

Sheets of peppers

Pictures of to be



30 min

Task. I

(Wh, I) (pair dicsussion)

Ex: 1 P: 24

Play the recording for Ss to listen and repeat chorally or individually.

Learners listen and repeat.


Students own answer.

Pair assessment


- listen and repeat chorally or individually

Total: 2 point

Student’s book

Task. II (Wh, I) (Task for location)

Ex: 2 P: 24

Play the recording. Ss listen and follow the dialogue in their books and order the pictures.


Learners will be paired with helpers and teacher allows him to put pictures in the correct order with support.

Learners listen and read. Put pictures in the correct order


A 3

B 5

C 1


E 4

F 2

T’s ffedback


- listen and read

- put pictures in the correct order

Total: 2 point

Student’s book

Task. III (Task for understanding)

Ex: 3 P: 24

Read out the phrases.

Refer Ss back to the dialogue and elicit the synonymous ones from various Ss around the class.


Learners find phrases in the dialogue.


Are you OK? - Hey, what's wrong?

Of course. - Sure.

Done it!-Got it! What do I do next? - What's next? You're welcome. - No problem.

Teacher’s comment


- read out the phrases

- find phrases

Total: 2 point

Task. IV

Ex: 4 P: 24

Elicit the Kazakhstani equivalents for the sentences in Ex. 1 from various Ss around the class.

Learners say the sentences in your language.


Student’s own answer.

Pair assessment


- say the sentences in your language

Total: 2 point

Task. V

Ex: 5 P: 24

Ask Ss to work in pairs and take roles and read out the dialogue.

Monitor the activity around the class and ask some pairs to read out the dialogue in front of the class

Learners listen and read the dialogue again.


Student’s own answer.

Self assessment


- work in pairs

- read the dialogue

Total: 2 point


5 min

The Ladder method was used as a reflection. T asks Ss to stick their stickers to the Success Ladder.

Green- I understood

Yellow-I have some questions

Red-I need a help.

Ex: P:

Home task

Ss use their stickers to show their knowledge according to the lesson

Poster Success Ladder

Short term plan

Unit 2 Communication and Technology lesson 20



Teacher name:

Grade: 7

Number present:


Lesson title

Across cultures: World forum

Learning objectives understand supported narratives on a wide range of general and curricular topics understand specific information and detail in texts on a range of familiar general and curricular topics;

Learning objectives

(assessment criteria)

Learners will be able to:

- Predict the content of a text

- Read for specific information

- Personalize the topic

Levels of thinking skills

Knowledge and comprehension



Teachers actions

Students actions




5 min

Greeting. (Whale class, Individually)

T tells the class to make groups of 2.

Warm up:

Ask students if they use the internet, and ask what they use it for.

Ask if they use the internet to talk to friends and meet new friends.

Write internet profile on the board and elicit or explain that it is a description of yourself that you put on the internet in order to meet new friends

Learners read the given sentences on the board and guess the topic and share with their ideas.

Remember and recognize the main vocabulary.

Teacher controles the process, gives feedback and asks additional questions if it’s nessasery.

Teacher evaluate pupils with phrases like:

Good job!

Well done!”

Formative Assessment

Sheets of peppers

Pictures of to be



30 min

Task. I (Wh, I) (pair dicsussion)

Ex: 1 P: 25

Read the question in the rubric aloud and elicit Ss guesses.

Play the recording. Ss listen and follow the text in their books and find out.

Learners look at the pictures. Listen and read to find out.


1 It's OK to offer flowers when you visit someone in Japan, the UK and Kazakhstan. In Egypt it's not OK to offer flowers when you visit someone.

2 It's OK to eat with a knife and a fork in the UK.

3 It's OK to leave food on our plate in the UK, Kazakhstan and Egypt. It's not OK to leave food on your plate in Japan.

Pair assessment


- look at the pictures

- Listen and read

Total: 2 point

Student’s book

Task. II (Wh, I) (Task for location)

Ex: 2 P: 25

Allow Ss some time to read the text and answer the questions then check Ss' answers.

Direct Ss to the Word List to look up the meanings of the words in the

Check these words box

T asks some CCQs:

  • Do they eat everything with knife and fork in Britain?

  • Does bread the main food in Kazakhstan?

  • Do they use their right hand to eat food in Japan?

Learners read again and mark the sentences T (true), F (false) or DS (doesn’t say)


1 DS

2 T

3 T

4 T

5 F

Learners answers Yes or No in CCQ ANSWERS

- Yes

- Yes

- No

T’s ffedback


- read the text

- write true or false

Total: 2 point


- answers Yes or No

Student’s book

Task. III (Task for understanding)

Ex: 3 P: 25

Explain the task and allow Ss some time to formulate their answers.

Elicit a variety of answers from Ss around the class.


Learners will be supported by teacher and by helpers from his class.

Learners compare and contrast good/bad manners in Japan, the UK, Kazakhstan and Egypt.


In the UK, it's OK to bring flowers as a gift when you visit someone. It's the same in Japan and Kazakhstan. However, you shouldn't give flowers when you visit someone's home in Egypt


Thumbs up, thumbs down”

After correct answer teacher shows thumbs up, if there are some mistakes thumbs down with comments


- compare and contrast good/bad manners

Total: 2 point


5 min

The Ladder method was used as a reflection. T asks Ss to stick their stickers to the Success Ladder.

Green- I understood

Yellow-I have some questions

Red-I need a help.

Ex: P:

Home task

Ss use their stickers to show their knowledge according to the lesson

Poster Success Ladder

Short term plan

Unit 2 Communication and Technology lesson 21



Teacher name:

Grade: 7

Number present:


Lesson title

Across curriculum: The Industrial revolution

Learning objectives understand supported narratives on a wide range of general and curricular topics understand specific information and detail in texts on a range of familiar general and curricular topics; write with moderate grammatical accuracy on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics

Learning objectives

(assessment criteria)

Learners will be able to:

- introduce the topic of the text

- read for specific information

- give a presentation on the Industrial Revolution

Levels of thinking skills

Knowledge and comprehension



Teachers actions

Students actions




5 min

Greeting. (Whale class, Individually)

T tells the class to make groups of 2.

Warm up:

With books closed, write the word app on the board and elicit the meaning. If necessary, explain that an app (application software) is a computer program that is designed for a particular purpose. It can be downloaded from an app store and run on a mobile device such as a smartphone or a tablet.

T: What do you think about today’s theme?

Learners read the given sentences on the board and guess the topic and share with their ideas.

Remember and recognize the main vocabulary.

Teacher controles the process, gives feedback and asks additional questions if it’s nessasery.

Teacher evaluate pupils with phrases like:

Good job!

Well done!”

Formative Assessment

Sheets of peppers

Pictures of to be



30 min

Task. I (Wh, I) (pair dicsussion)

Ex: 1 P: 26

Elicit what Ss know about the Industrial Revolution. Elicit questions that they would like to know the answers to. Write three of them on the board.

Play the recording. Ss listen and follow the text in their books and check if their questions were answered

Learners listen and read to find out how things changed.


When did it begin? It began in England in the 18th century. Why is it called the Industrial Revolution? Because people invented machines that could make things very fast. How did it change people's lives? People moved to big cities and started working in factories.

Pair assessment


- listen and read

- check your answer

Total: 2 point

Student’s book

Task. II (Wh, I) (Task for location)

Ex: 2 P: 26

Allow Ss some time to read the text carefully and answer the questions.

Direct Ss to the Word List to look up the meanings of the words in the Check these words box and then check Ss' answers

T asks some CCQs:

  • Did The Industrial Revolution begin in the 16th century?

  • Was England the first country to become industrial?

  • Did everybody even children work in the factory?

Learners read the text again and mark the statements T (true), F (false). Correct the false statements


1 T

2 T

3 F The spinning jenny was a machine that made doth

4 F James Watt invented the first steam engine.

5 F Men, women and children worked in factories.

6 F Wages were low.

Learners answers Yes or No in CCQ ANSWERS

- No

- Yes

- Yes


- read the text

- write true or false

Total: 2 point


Thumbs up, thumbs down”

After correct answer teacher shows thumbs up, if there are some mistakes thumbs down with comments


- answers Yes or No

Student’s book


Task. III

(Task for understanding)

Ex: 3 P: 26

Ask Ss to work in groups and look up information on the Internet using the key phrase in the search bar or in encyclopaedias/other reference books.

Allow time for Ss to collect the information and prepare their presentations.

Alternatively, assign the task as HW. Ask various groups of Ss to make their presentations in the next lesson.

Learners collect information about the Industrial Revolution in the USA.


The Industrial Revolution in the USA greatly transformed the economy and society. Robert Fulton invented the first steam powered engine in America in the 1780s and they used it for the paddle steamboats on the rivers. We still use many inventions from this period, such as the sewing machine invented by Elias Howe, and vulcanised rubber invented by Charles Goodyear.

Teacher’s comment


- work in groups

- collect information

Total: 2 point


5 min

The Ladder method was used as a reflection. T asks Ss to stick their stickers to the Success Ladder.

Green- I understood

Yellow-I have some questions

Red-I need a help.

Ex: P:

Home task

Ss use their stickers to show their knowledge according to the lesson

Poster Success Ladder

Short term plan

Unit 2 Communication and Technology lesson 22



Teacher name:

Grade: 7

Number present:


Lesson title

Writing: A for and against essay

Summative Assessment for the unit Communication & Technology

Learning objectives

(assessment criteria)

Learners will be able to:

- read for specific information

- identify topic sentences

- write a for-and-against essay

Levels of thinking skills

Knowledge and comprehension



Teachers actions

Students actions




5 min

Greeting. (Whale class, Individually)

T tells the class to make groups of 2.

Warm up:

Ask students if they are members of any clubs, particularly any sporting clubs. Find out if they have been in these clubs for long and whether they had to fill in forms when they joined.

T: What do you think about today’s theme?

Learners read the given sentences on the board and guess the topic and share with their ideas.

Remember and recognize the main vocabulary.

Teacher controles the process, gives feedback and asks additional questions if it’s nessasery.

Teacher evaluate pupils with phrases like:

Good job!

Well done!”

Formative Assessment

Sheets of peppers

Pictures of to be



30 min

Task. I (Wh, I) (pair dicsussion)

Ex: 1 P: 27

Explain the task and allow Ss some time to read the text and answer the questions, then check Ss' answers.

Direct Ss to the Word List to look up the meanings of the words in the Check these words box.

Learners read the essay and answer the question.


1 Advantages: useful tool-can find information on any

topic, helps communication - can chat or send emails

2 Disadvantages: can be harmful-damage eyes,

distracts you from real life may avoid friends or - neglect homework

3 Teens must use the Internet sensibly.


Thumbs up, thumbs down”

After correct answer teacher shows thumbs up, if there are some mistakes thumbs down with comments


- read the essay

- answer the question

Total: 2 point

Student’s book

Task. II (Wh, I) (Task for location)

Ex: 2 P: 27

Read the Study Skills box aloud and explain which sentences are topic sentences and which are supporting.

Elicit the topic sentences in the article and ask various Ss around the class to suggest alternatives.


Learners will be supported by teacher and by helpers from his class.

Learners find the topic sentences in the main body paragraph.


Para 2: The Internet is a useful tool.

Para 3: On the other hand, the Internet can be harmful.

T’s ffedback


- find the topic sentences

Total: 2 point

Student’s book

Task. III (Task for understanding)

Ex: 3 P: 27

Explain the task. Ss match the items.

Play the recording. Ss listen and check their answers.

Point out that Ss may use ideas from the listening task for the following writing task.

Summative Assessment for the unit Communication & Technology

Learners match the arguments to the examples


1 c

2 d

4 b

Teacher’s comment


- match the arguments

- use ideas from the listening

Total: 2 point


5 min

The Ladder method was used as a reflection. T asks Ss to stick their stickers to the Success Ladder.

Green- I understood

Yellow-I have some questions

Red-I need a help.

Ex: P:

Home task

Ss use their stickers to show their knowledge according to the lesson

Poster Success Ladder

Short term plan

Unit 2 Communication and Technology lesson 23



Teacher name:

Grade: 7

Number present:


Lesson title

Summative control work for the 1st term

Learning objectives Understand with little support most specific information in extended talk on a limited range of general and curricular topics. Give an opinion at discourse level on a growing range of general and curricular topics Understand the main points in texts on a limited range of unfamiliar general and curricular topics. Write with moderate grammatical accuracy on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics.

Learning objectives

(assessment criteria)

Learners will be able to:

-understand more complex supported questions on a growing range of general and curricular topics;

-recognise typical features at word, sentence and text level in a range of written genres;

-write with some support topics with some paragraphs to give basic personal information;

Levels of thinking skills

Knowledge and comprehension



Teachers actions

Students actions




5 min

Greeting. (Whale class, Individually)

T tells the class to make groups of 2.

Warm up:


Task. Listen to the conversation of two friends and choose the correct answer A, B, or C.

Go to this link:

Learners read the given sentences on the board and guess the topic and share with their ideas.

Students listen to the conversation of two friends

1 c

2 a

3 b

4 b

5 a

6 false

Teacher controles the process, gives feedback and asks additional questions if it’s nessasery.

Teacher evaluate pupils with phrases like:

Good job!

Well done!”

Formative Assessment

Sheets of peppers

Pictures of to be


30 min

Task. II


Task. 1Read the text and choose the best answer to the question

Task 2 Read the definition and write the word from the text.

Learners read the definition and write the word from the text


1 c

2 c

3 d

4 weeds

5 carrots

Pair assessment


- read the text

- write the word from the text

Total: 5 point

Student’s book

Task. III


Task. Write the words in proper places in the box. Picture 1 is done for you.

(parachuting, horse riding, drawing, skateboarding, diving, snowboarding, sledging, hiking).

Learners write the words in proper places


1 sidewalk

2 diving

3 drawing

4 skateboarding

5 snowboarding

6 horse riding

7 sledging

8 hiking

T’s ffedback


- write the words

Total: 5 point

Student’s book

Task. IV


Task. Work in pairs. Choose one of the cards and make a dialogue with a partner. Give own opinion on topic, ask questions, explain your position and answer your partners’ questions.

You have 1 minute to prepare and 2 minutes to talk

Learners choose one of the pictures and describe it.


Student’s own answer.

Teacher’s comment


- choose one of the pictures

Total: 2 point


5 min

The Ladder method was used as a reflection. T asks Ss to stick their stickers to the Success Ladder.

Green- I understood

Yellow-I have some questions

Red-I need a help.

Ex: P:

Home task

Ss use their stickers to show their knowledge according to the lesson

Poster Success Ladder

Short term plan

Unit 2 Communication and Technology lesson 24



Teacher name:

Grade: 7

Number present:


Lesson title

Edutainment: Mobile manners

Learning objectives Understand with little support most specific information in extended talk on a limited range of general and curricular topics. Write with moderate grammatical accuracy on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics.

Learning objectives

(assessment criteria)

Learners will be able to:

- personalise the topic and talk about mobile phone manners

- consolidate information from the module

- consolidate information from the module

Levels of thinking skills

Knowledge and comprehension



Teachers actions

Students actions




5 min

Greeting. (Whale class, Individually)

T tells the class to make groups of 2.

Warm up:

With books closed, ask students what their favourite advert is on TV. Elicit some ideas and ask students why they like those particular adverts. Ask if they think adverts influence them and encourage them to buy things.

T: What do you think about today’s theme?

Learners read the given sentences on the board and guess the topic and share with their ideas.

Remember and recognize the main vocabulary.

Teacher controles the process, gives feedback and asks additional questions if it’s nessasery.

Teacher evaluate pupils with phrases like:

Good job!

Well done!”

Formative Assessment

Sheets of peppers

Pictures of to be



30 min

Task. I (Wh, I) (pair dicsussion)

Ex: 1 P: 28

Explain the task. Ss read and choose which they agree/disagree with.

Elicit answers from the list around the class.

Learners read the sentences about smartphone etiquette and mark the sentences.


I use headphones when I listen to music in public, because I know it is rude to disturb other people who don't want to hear my music.

I ask people before I put photos of them online because they have a right to privacy.

I never give someone's phone number without asking them first, because they should know who has their number. Etc.

Pair assessment


- read the sentences

- mark the sentences.

Total: 2 point

Student’s book

Task. II (Wh, I) (Task for location)

Ex: 2 P: 28

Explain the task. Allow Ss some time to read the statements and decide whether each one is true or false.

Alternatively, you may allow Ss to review the module and find the relevant information to mark the statements correctly. Check Ss' answers

Learners do the quiz. Mark the sentences T (true) or F (false)


1 T 2 T

3 F (They will use nanotechnology.)

4 F (with a webcam)

5 T

6 F (It is different.)

7 F (James Hargreaves invented it-Watt invented the steam engine)

T’s ffedback


- do the quiz

- write true or false

Total: 2 point

Student’s book

Task. III (Task for understanding)

Ex: 3 P: 28

Explain the task and allow Ss time to look through

Module 2 and think of questions for their quiz.

Tell Ss they can use the quiz in the previous task as a model. Offer an example (e.g. James Hargreaves invented the steam engine. A)

Ss swap their quizzes, do them and then report back to the class


Learners will be supported by teacher and by helpers from his class.

Learners look at Module 2 and write a T/F quiz of your own.


1 In 1850, half of the English population lived in cities. T

2 Flowers are given as gifts if you go to dinner in Egypt.

F (only at weddings and for the sick)

3 In Japan, you shouldn't offer your host white flowers. T

4 In a smart home a fridge can't buy milk. F (it can)

5 Carl Sagan worked on the time capsule for the

Voyager missions. T

6 Helen Sharman was the first Briton in space T


Thumbs up, thumbs down”

After correct answer teacher shows thumbs up, if there are some mistakes thumbs down with comments


- look at Module 2

- write true or false

Total: 2 point

Task. IV (Task for understanding)

Ex: 4 P: 28

Explain the task. Allow Ss time to fill in the gaps.

Play the recording. Ss listen and check answers.

Learners read the song. Complete the gaps.


1 phone 2 text

3 online 4 away

5 know 6 too

7 diary 8 play


- read the song.

- complete the gaps

Total: 2 point


5 min

The Ladder method was used as a reflection. T asks Ss to stick their stickers to the Success Ladder.

Green- I understood

Yellow-I have some questions

Red-I need a help.

Ex: P:

Home task

Ss use their stickers to show their knowledge according to the lesson

Poster Success Ladder

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