Материалдар / Lesson short plan for 5 grade "Fantasy World"

Lesson short plan for 5 grade "Fantasy World"

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Lesson short plan for 5 grade "Fantasy World" for updated Programme
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22 Желтоқсан 2017
8 рет жүктелген
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Lesson plan
Unit of a long term plan: Fantasy world School: #20
Date: Teacher name:
CLASS: 5Number present: absent:
Lesson titleWorld 2
Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to (link to the Subject programme)5. L7 recognize the opinion of the speaker(s) in basic, supported talk on an increasing range of general and curricular topics5. W6 link, with some support, sentences into coherent paragraphs using basic connectors on a limited range of familiar general topics.5.S6 communicate meaning clearly at sentences level during pair, group and whole class exchanges5. UE7 use simple perfect forms of common verbs to express what has happened [indefinite time] on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics
Level of thinking skillsKnowledge, Understanding, application
Lesson objectivesAll learners will be able to-read the text, identify the meanings of the words and match them with their definitions- underline the simple perfect form sentences from the given textMost learners will be able to - say their opinions on a short video on the theme "The World around us" and talk about it- make up the sentence s in the simple perfect forms using information about environment and recycling - summarize their ideas/ opinion on the theme ''The World around us"Some learners will be able to
  • Compose a short story about environment and talk about healthy and unhealthy lifestyle
  • Assessment criteriaIdentify the speaker's point of view in a simple conversation Connect sentences into paragraphs with some support
    Values links not to be a litterbug and be attentively to litters
    Cross-curricular LinksGeography
    Previous learningEnvironment problems and suggesting solutions
    Planned timingsPlanned activitiesResources

    5 - 7 min
    Greeting: Org momentTeacher greets the learners. Learners greet the teacher and take their places.Warm-up. "Video prompt"Teacher shows learners the video about the world around them. - What was the video about?- What words have you heard?- What do you think about this videos?- What are these words related to?

    Teacher divides the students into 2 groups using the method of puzzles. Students take a piece of paper and should collect the words and create a picture. And compose a little story according to the picture. (5- 6 sent)

    Interactive boardhttp://www.youtube.com>watch"The World around us"


    Middle5 min

    5 min

    10 min

    10 min

    5 min
    I. Task 1 "Find the definition" Activity. Match the words with the definitions, use your dictionaries if you need. Differentiation by outcome: make up your own sentences with these words if you are able to. 1) Waste a) birds, animals, plants that live in a natural environment2) Pollution b) connected with chemistry3) Wildlife c) something that is not needed and is therefore thrown away 4) Chemical d) action of making air, water, land AFL: Laminated paper

    I. Task 2. "Find the right" Activity.Complete the sentences choosing the necessary word. 1) Atmosphere is polluted with (wildlife, toxins, waste)2) It’s difficult to (live, breathe, work) in big cities.3) (Pollution, chemistry, wildlife) is in danger.4) Busses and cars pollute (water, air, land). Differentiation for more able students : Here are the results of an Internet survey of teenagers. Write a short story about global environment according to the survey. Compared to 30 years ago, the global environment today is Much worse 47% Worse 27% A bit better 11% I really don't know! 5% About the same 4% Much better 3%Descriptors: a learner
  • completes the sentences with necessary words
  • writes a short story
  • AFL: "True " or "False" - Whole class

    I. Task 3 Listen to the song and complete the missing words. Differentiation by support. For less able students. (p_ _ _ e, p_ _ _ _ t, a _ _ _ _ ls, p_ _ _ ts, p_ _ _e, w_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _e, w_ __d, p_ _ _ _t, g_ _ _t p_ _ _ e)Song: Mother Earth Environmental Song Mother Earth, Mother EarthIt's a great ....... to be (place )Mother Earth, Mother EarthHome .......... for you and me, (planet )Look after our earth with careCos it's a planet we all shareHumans, .............. , ......... and trees (animals , plants)Let's live together in harmonyMother Earth, Mother EarthIt's a great place to beMother Earth, Mother EarthHome planet for you and me,In ourselves we must take ...... (pride)For our future we need to striveBe kind it's .......... (worthwhile)Light the ...........up with your smile (world)Mother Earth, Mother EarthIt's a great place to be Mother Earth, Mother EarthHome .......... for you and me (planet)It's a .......... to be (great place)In peace and harmonyAnswer the questions 1) What is the song about ?2) What does the author of the song want to inform us?3) What comes to your mind after listening to this song? Descriptor: a learner - listens to the song very carefully- Fills in with appropriate words and writes them - answers the questions AFL: Peer assessment

    G. Task 4 "Think and share" activityYou can use words form the box and other words and make a poster with the title "The Earth needs you" (air, rock and soil, climate, weather, plant, tree, water, river, sea).

    Descriptor: a learner- gives main information- use more new words- makes good presentation.

    Criterias for the poster: 1) Brief and improve information2) Use images and pictures3) Good presentation of the poster

    AFL: Auction

    I. Task 5 Listen to the text. How many words can you remember for things in the environment? And make up sentences using the Present Perfect Tense.

    AFL: Oral feedback.

    Home task: Learn the song. "Mother Earth".

    All of you stand up!You are free!Good - bye!So long!

    Diana Goodey,Noel Gooday "Messagess"P: 124

    A, B Worksheethttps://www.youtube.com>watch" Mother Earth Environmental Song "



    End3 min Apple treeRed apple - I totally understand Yellow - I understand the lesson but I need some helpsGreen apple - I don't understandColored paper (green, red, yellow)
    Additional information
    Differentiation – how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners?Assessment – how are you planning to check learners’ learning?Health and safety check
    1) Differentiation by outcome: make up your own sentences with these words if you are able to.2) Differentiation for more able students : Here are the results of an Internet survey of teenagers. Write a short story about global environment according to the survey.Laminated paper"True" or "False"Peer assessmentAuctionOral feedback

    ReflectionWere the lesson objectives/learning objectives realistic? Did all the learners achieve the lesson objectives/ learning objectives? If not, why?Did my planned differentiation work well? Did I stick to timings?What changes did I make from my plan and why?Use the space below to reflect on your lesson. Answer the most relevant questions from the box on the left about your lesson.

    Summary evaluation

    What two things went really well (consider both teaching and learning)?



    What two things would have improved the lesson (consider both teaching and learning)?



    What have I learned from this lesson about the class or individuals that will inform my next lesson?

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