
Материал туралы қысқаша түсінік
Лондон тақырыбын қайталай отырып, оқушылардың білімін толықтыратындай Лондон турасында қосымша мағлұмат беру, сонымен қоса Астана қаласы туралы қосымша материал беру.
Автор материалды ақылы түрде жариялады. Сатылымнан түскен қаражат авторға автоматты түрде аударылады. Толығырақ
10 Қаңтар 2019
0 рет жүктелген
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Тегін турнир Мұғалімдер мен Тәрбиешілерге
Дипломдар мен сертификаттарды алып үлгеріңіз!
Бұл бетте материалдың қысқаша нұсқасы ұсынылған. Материалдың толық нұсқасын жүктеп алып, көруге болады

Материалдың толық нұсқасын
жүктеп алып көруге болады

Тақырыбы: London. 9 form


Білімділік:Лондон тақырыбын қайталай отырып, оқушылардың білімін толықтыратындай Лондон турасында қосымша мағлұмат беру, сонымен қоса Астана қаласы туралы қосымша материал беру.

Дамытушылық: Оқушылардың пәнге деген қызығушылығын арттыру, сөздік қорын молайту, ойлау, көру, қабылдау қабілетін дамыту, оқушыларды өз пікірін, өз түсінігін айтуға төселдіру.

Тәрбиелік: Оқушылардың сөйлеу мәдениетін қалыптастыру яғни өзге елдің жақсы қасиеттерін өздеріне жинап, жауапкершілікті сезіне білуге тәрбиелеу.

Сабақтың типі: жаңа ұғым

Сабақтың түрі: топпен жұмыс

Әдіс-тәсілдері: СТО түртіп алу жүйесі, венн диаграмма,

Пәнаралық байланыс: география, тарих.

Plan of the lesson:

І. Organization moment.

II. Correct homework.

III. New theme.

a) New words;

b) Work with text;

c) Complete the chart;

IV. Venn’s diagram

V.. Home work

VI. Marks

Procedure of the lesson:

  1. Organization moment.

Speak duty:

  • What is the weather like today?

  • What season is it now?

What is the date today?

Today we’ll continue speaking about London, its history, transport and sights. So we’ll spoke about our country Astana too. Do you remember in 8th form we spoke enough about London and Astana. Let’s see. But first of all warm up.

warm up:

British Museum Oxford Street Tower of London Natural History Museum London Bridge

Khan Shatyry Akh Orda Central Concert Hall Big-Ben Baiterek Hyde Park London Eye

  1. Now let’s remember what we know about London and Astana.

  2. Answer the questions.

        1. What is the capital of GB?

2. Where is London situated?

3. Which cities of GB do you know?

4. Who is the head of government in GB?

10. What’s the capital of Kazakhstan?

11. Where is Astana situated?

12. What is the symbol of Astana?

13. What was called Astana until 1998?

14. What is the population of Astana?

what do you think what will be about our lesson today? London.

What do you know about London? (Answers)

b) New words:

brick – кірпіш;

wood-ағаштан жасалған;

amazingly –ғажайып; plague [pleig] - апат; stone – тастаң жасалған; fire – от; neighbor -көрші; wide – кең; destroy – бұзу;

-«Түртіп алу жүйесі» мәтін оқу, кестені толтыру

London’s fire

In the 17th century London was a city of narrow crooked streets. The streets were so that it was possible for a person at a window on one side of the street to shake hands with a neighbor on the other side.

It was a dirty city too.

In 1665 75.000 Londoner’s died from the plague.

On September 2nd 1666 a bakery near London Bridge caught fire. The streets were narrow, the wooden houses were dry after a hot summer. That’s why the fire spread quickly. A strong wind from the river blew the flames from house to house, the fire burned from September 2nd to September 6th.

It destroyed 80% of the city. Amazingly no one died in the fire. The Londoners rebuilt the city. The new houses were made of brick or stone. The streets in the city were wider and cleaner that in the old city.


Narrow –лық толы; burn – жану;

Blew- жел соғу; possible –мүмкіндік;

Flame – флейм; side – жақ;

Spread – тарату; shake – қозғау;

I know it

New information

I want to know

I don’t agree

2. Now you should match the text and the picture.

Text 1.

It is the place where British kings and queens live. Important visitors often go to this place to meet the Royal family.

Text 2.

It is more than nine hundred years old. It is one of the most famous and beautiful churches in London. This church has two tall towers. In 1952 Queen Elizabeth was crowned there.

Text 3.

It is one of the most famous clocks in the world. Its tower is the symbol of London and Britain.

Text 4.

It is the largest and richest museum in the world. It was founded in 1753. It has mountains of books.

1 2 3 4

3. Several lessons ago I asked you to find out some information about the following sights of Astana. Your task was to prepare short monologues about these sights. Let’s listen to some of you.

Baiterek The Concert Hall

Khan Shatyry Akh Orda

4. Match the sentences.

1. The houses of Parliament is

2. Baiterek

3. Big-Ben is

4. Buckingham Palace

5. Astana is

6. Duman Entertainment centre


7. The tower of London

8. Akh Orda

a) the second coldest capital in the world.

b) a big aquarium with over 2000 sea animals.

c) the building which British Parliament sits.

d) is a Tower, Astana’s most famous landmark.

e) one of the famous clocks in the world,

symbol of London.

f) is the official residence of the Queen.

g) is the official workplace of the President of


h) is a very old building, now it is a museum.

Today we’ll continue to speak about London. At first let’s introduce with the new


double-decker bus – екі этажды автовус

single-decker bus- бір қабатты автовус

queue - кезек

coach - автобус

plague - оба

crooked – қисық

straight- тура

spread- таралу

5. Reading the text.

If it has two floors it’s called a double-decker and you can get a good view from the top level. If it has only one floor it’s called a single-decker.

Buses have a two person crew it’s a driver who drives, of course, and the conductor (or conductress if it’s a woman) who takes your money. Keep your ticket as the inspector might want to check it. You catch a bus waiting at a bus stop.

For longer distances take a long distance bus called a coach which is slower but cheaper. A double-decker bus has an upstairs (top) and downstairs (inside).

single-decker a double-decker a coach

The use of the word “inside” for the lower deck dates from the early days when the top deck was open, so that only passengers on the lower deck were inside. People queue for buses in Britain.

But you shouldn’t jump the queue: people don’t like it.

Only a limited number is allowed to stand inside.

And no one may stand on top. Smoking in allowed on top but you cannot smoke


6.What is the difrence between ....

a. conductor and conductress,

b. inspector and bus driver,

c. single-decker and double-decker,

d. bus and coach.

7. Decide which is correct: a, b, or c.

1. How many parts is London divided into?

a)two parts; b)four parts; c)three parts

2. А bus with two floors?

a)double-decker b)a single-decker c)a coach

3. What place is the official home of the Queen?

a)the Tower; b)Buckingham Palace; c)St. Paul's Cathedral

4. What is the capital of England?

a) Astana b) London c) Cardiff d) Belfast

5. How many people live in London?

a) 8 million b) 6 million c) a million d) 4 million

6. What is the heart of London?

a) the City b) Westminster c) the West End d) the East End

To compare the system of public transport in London and Astana.


Things in




V. Marks. Homework. Write an essay “ My town”

The lesson is over. Thank you very much. Good bye.

9. Marks and home task: Thank you very much. You have worked well today.

Your homework will be: ex.12.

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