Материалдар / М. Тынышбаев атындағы Қазақ көлік және коммуникация академиясы Шымкент көлік колледжі
Сертификат Аттестацияға 100% жарамды

М. Тынышбаев атындағы Қазақ көлік және коммуникация академиясы Шымкент көлік колледжі

Материал туралы қысқаша түсінік
Грамматикалық түсінік жаттығулар жинағы
Автор материалды ақылы түрде жариялады. Сатылымнан түскен қаражат авторға автоматты түрде аударылады. Толығырақ
18 Қаңтар 2021
0 рет жүктелген
770 ₸
Бүгін алсаңыз
+39 бонус
Бұл не?
Бүгін алсаңыз +39 бонус беріледі Бұл не?
Тегін турнир Мұғалімдер мен Тәрбиешілерге
Дипломдар мен сертификаттарды алып үлгеріңіз!
Бұл бетте материалдың қысқаша нұсқасы ұсынылған. Материалдың толық нұсқасын жүктеп алып, көруге болады

Материалдың толық нұсқасын
жүктеп алып көруге болады

Page 1




Оқу – әдістемелік құрал

Қарағанды 2012

Page 2

ӘОЖ 811.111
КБЖ 81.2 Англ
С 22

Пікір жазғандар:
Какжанова Ф. А – Е.А. Букетов атындағы ҚарМУ, ағылшын тілі теориясы
кафедрасының қауымдастырылған профессоры, ф.ғ.к.
Айкенова Р. А - Қарағанды мемлекеттік медицина университеті, орыс тілі
кафедрасының меңгерушісі, п.ғ.д., профессор м.а.
Елубаева К. И – Қарағанды мемлекеттік медицина университеті, шет тілдер
кафедрасының аға оқытушысы.

С 22 Ағылшын тілі бойынша жаттығулар жинағы – Оқу-әдістемелік құрал.
Сарыбаева А.О, Кенжебекова Р.С. – Қарағанды. – 2012ж. – 132 б.

ISBN 978 - 601 - 202 - 126 - 4
ӘОЖ 811.111
КБЖ 81.2 Англ

Оқу - әдістемелік құрал медицина жоғары оқу орнының студенттеріне арналады.
Оқу құралында ұсынылып отырған тақырыптар, оқу бағдарламасында кӛрсетілген
грамматикалық тақырыптарды толығымен қамтиды.

ҚММУ Әдістемелік кеңесінде талқыланып, мақұлданды.
Хаттама № 7 8.02.2012ж.

ҚММУ Ғылыми кеңесінде талқыланды және шығаруға ұсынылды.
Хаттама № 7 22.02.2012ж.

ISBN 978 - 601 - 202 - 126 - 4
© Сарыбаева А.О, Кенжебекова Р.С. 2012

Page 3

Алғы сӛз

«Ағылшын тілі бойынша жаттығулар жинағы» атты оқу - әдістемелік құралын
авторлар еліміздің тәуелсіздігінің жиырма жылдығына арнайды.
«Тіл - ӛлшеусіз қазына, ӛрісі кең әлем» демекші, шет тілдерін меңгеру қазіргі заманның
талабы болып отыр, соның ішінде ағылшын тілінің қоғамдағы рӛлі ӛте маңызды.
Еліміздегі үш тілділікті дамыту жаңа мәселе. Сол себептен осы тілдерді жеткілікті
дәрежеде меңгеру үшін оларды оқытудың тиімді әдістерін іздестіреміз. Білім саласында
үштілділікке қоғамдық құбылыс ретінде қараймыз.
Қазіргі таңдағы жаһандану үдерісі кезінде еліміздің ӛзіндік ерекшеліктерін сақтай
отырып, кӛп тілді мемлекет болуымыз аса биік мақсаттардың бірі.
Тіл – халықтың жаны, ділі, рухы, елдік қасиеті, ұлттық болмысы болып табылады. Ӛзге
тілдерді меңгеру ӛз тіліңде еркін сӛйлеп, оны құрметтеп, бағалаудан басталуы тиіс.
Халық үшін ӛзге тілде сӛйлеу қауіпті емес, ӛзге тілде ойлау қауіпті дегендей, аталмыш
оқу құралының студенттерге шет тілін меңгеруде септігін тигізеріне шын ниеттен
сеніп, оны оқушы қауымға ықыласпен ұсынып отырмыз.
Оқу - әдістемелік құрал шет тілі пәнінің типтік бағдарламасы негізінде
құрастырылған. Ұсынылып отырған оқу - әдістемелік құрал ағылшын тілінен
медициналық жоғары оқу орнының қазақ бӛлімі студенттеріне арналған.
Оқу - әдістемелік құрал 1 - 2 курстың тақырыптық жоспарларына сай құрастырылып,
берілген тапсырмалар жүйелі түрде берілген. Әр бір жаңа грамматикалық тақырыптың
қысқаша түсінігі қазақ тілінде немесе кесте түрінде беріліп, тақырыпты оңай түсіну
үшін қолайлы болуы ескерілген.
Жаттығулардың материалдары соңғы жылдары жарық кӛрген әдебиеттерден
алынған. Авторлар грамматикалық жаттығулардың тілін жеңіл, әрі жалпы ауызекі
тілде күнделікті қолданыста болатын ағылшын тілінің лексика қорын ескеріп
құрастырған. Жаттығулар қызықты әрі, грамматикалық тақырыптың есте қалуын
жеңілдету мақсаты да кӛзделгені байқалады.
Оқу - әдістемелік құрал студенттердің сабақта немесе ӛз бетінше оқуына, әрі
оқытушылардың күнделікті сабақта пайдалануына арналған.

Page 4

The Noun/ Зат есім
Plural Nouns
Зат есімнің кӛпше тҥрінің жасалуы/Кӛптік жалғау

1. Most nouns add –s in the plural.
book – books/кітап - кітаптар
student – students/студент - студенттер

2. If the noun ends in –s, -sh, or –ch, -ss, -x, -o add –es.
bus – buses/автобус - автобустар
church – churches/шіркеу - шіркеулер
watch – watches/сағат - сағаттар
brush – brushes/щетка - щеткалар
kiss - kisses
box – boxes/қорап - қораптар
tomato – tomatoes/қызанақ - қызанақтар

3. If the noun ends in a consonant +y, the y changes to –ies.
country – countries/ел - елдер
party – parties/партия - партиялар
But if the noun ends in a vowel +y, the y does not change.
boy – boys/ер бала – ер балалар
day – days/күн - күндер

4. Some nouns are irregular.
child – children/бала - балалар
person – people/адам - адамдар
woman – women/әйел - әйелдер
man – men/ер адам – ер адамдар

of – қосымшасы ілік септіктің мағынасын білдіреді
мысалы: a book of the student – студенттің кітабы

Зат есім тәуелдік септікте кімнің? кімдікі? деген сұрақтарға жауап береді.
Тәуелдік септік жалғауы арқылы жасалады:

-`s (жекеше түрде)
- ` (кӛпше түрде)
girl`s name – қыздың аты
girls` names – қыздардың аттары

Page 5

Noun suffixes/Зат есімнің жҧрнақтары

1. –er, -or – жұрнақтары етістікке жалғанады:
to buy – buyer/сату – сатып алушы
to sell – seller/сату – сатушы

2. – ist, - ism – орыс тіліндегі –ист жұрнағына сәйкес келеді, адамның ғылыми немесе
саяси бағытқа қатысы барын білдіреді:

3. –ee – іс-әрекет бағытталған кісіге қатысын білдіреді:
to address – addressee/мекен-жай – хатты алушы
to consign(жүкті жіберу) – consignee (жүкті алушы адам)

4. –ian – бұл жұрнақ ұлтты білдіреді:
Hungary – Hungarian/Венгрия – венгр

5. –age – бұл жұрнақ етістіктен зат есім тудырады:
to leak – leakage/ағу – ағыс
to pass – passage/ӛту - ӛтетін жер

6. – ance, - ence бұл жұрнақтар әдетте сын есімнен зат есім тудырады:
resistant – resistance/тұрақты – тұрақтылық, берік – беріктілік

7. – dom – зат есім мен сын есімнен зат есім тудырады:
free – freedom/еркін – еркіндік

8. – hood – зат есімге жалғанып, жаңа зат есім тудырады:
brother – brotherhood/аға – ағайындық,бауырластық
child – childhood/бала – балалық шақ

9. –ion (-ation,-tion,-sion,-ssion) етістіктерден зат есім тудырады. Кейде сӛздің жазылуы
мен айтылуы ӛзгереді:
to collect – collection/жинау – коллекция, жинақ
to dictate – dictation/оқу – диктант

10. –ment – етістіктен зат есім тудырады:
to agree – agreement/келісу – келісім, келісімшарт

11. – ness – сын есімнен зат есім тудырады:
bitter – bitterness/ащы – ащы дәм

12. – ship – зат есімнен зат есім тудырады:
friend – friendship/дос – достық

13. – ure – етістіктен зат есім тудырады:
to depart – departure/кету – кету
to seize – seizure/ұстау – ұстау

Page 6

Exercise 1. Тӛмендегі зат есімдерді қазақ тіліне аударыңыздар.

№ Singular/жекеше тҥрі Plural/кӛпше тҥрі Translation/аудармасы
1 analysis analyses
2 axis axes
3 basis bases
4 crisis crises
5 criterion criteria
6 honorarium honoraria
7 hypothesis hypotheses
8 medium media
9 nebula nebulae
10 nucleus nuclei
11 oasis oases
12 parenthesis parentheses
13 phenomenon phenomena
14 spectrum spectra
15 stimulus stimuli
16 stratum strata
17 synopsis synopses
18 synthesis syntheses
19 thesis theses
20 vertebra vertebrae

Exercise 2. Сӛйлемдерді ҥлгі бойынша ӛзгертіп жазыңыздар.
Model: The sheep are white. – The sheep is white.
1. The deer are eating the hay.
2. The analyses were proved correct.
3. The sopranos performed with the orchestra.
4. The scarves kept him warm.
5. The facilities are open to the public.
6. The bridges will soon be completed.
7. The shoes fit well.
8. The wolves howl every night.
9. The potatoes have been boiled.
10. The oases are visited by many travellers.
11. The phenomena surprised us.
12. The gentlemen would like to have breakfast early.
13. Your feet are size ten.
14. The stimuli have been found to be effective.
15. The archipelagoes lie off the coast of South America.

Exercise 3. Сӛйлемдерді to be (is/are) етістігімен толықтырыңыздар.
1. Billiards ___my uncle`s favourite game.
2. The watch ___ broken.
3. The scissors ____not sharp.
4. There ___money in the bag.
5. The gates ___open.
6. What time ___the news on TV?
7. How much ___the shorts?
8. The goods ____from Turkey.

Page 7

9. Mathematics ___my favourite subject.
10. These deer ___in danger.
11. How much ___the pair of jeans?
12. Two years ___a long time to look for a job.
13. My clothes ___wet.
14. The contents ___ not changed.
15. Measles ___ more dangerous for grown-ups than for babies.

Exercise 4. Берілген сӛз тіркестерін тәуелдік септікте жазыңыздар (of, -`s, - `).
1. the presents/the boys
2. the first floor/the building
3. the problems/the women
4. the bike/the Browns` daughter
5. the holidays/her brothers
6. the problems/environment
7. sons/Mary and Bob
8. the top/the cupboard
9. the horse/the Queen
10. the flat/his wife`s friend
11. the trunk/the tree
12. the house/the Greens
13. the result/the match

Exercise 5. Сӛйлемдерді жекешеден кӛпше тҥрге ӛзгертіп жазып, аударыңыздар.
Model: The gate is open. – The gates are open.
1. The street was being cleaned.
2. The branch is covered with ice.
3. The chimney has been repaired.
4. The proof is convincing.
5. The ratio has been favourable.
6. The parenthesis was omitted.
7. The policewoman was directing traffic.
8. The tooth needs to be filled.
9. The honorarium is being presented today.
10. The innuendo should be ignored.
11. The shelf is being used.
12. The dairy opens at nine o`clock.
13. The carpet has been cleaned.
14. The sheep has been sighted.
15. The studio is used by many artists.

Page 8

Exercise 6. Кестедегі сӛздерден ӛзара мағынасы бойынша сәйкес келетін сӛз
тіркестерін қҧрастырыңыздар. Сӛз тіркестерін қазақ тіліне аударыңыздар.

1 a bar of lightening
2 a jar of news
3 a piece of rice
4 a tube of gold
5 a grain of ice
6 a drop of garlic
7 a cube of paper
8 a sheet of honey
9 a loaf of pepper
10 a pinch of blood
11 a clove of bread
12 a stroke of toothpaste

Exercise 7. Зат есімнің кӛпше/жекеше тҥріне кӛңіл бӛле отырып, сӛйлемдерді
to be (is/are) етістігімен толықтырыңыздар.
1. Your luggage ___too heavy.
2. Your bags ___too big.
3. Your advice ___silly.
4. His progress ___considerable.
5. Fruit ___good diet.
6. Fruits ___expensive.
7. Your hair ___too short.
8. What time ___the news on?
9. It ___a beautiful view!
10. It __beautiful scenery!

Exercise 8. Тӛмендегі сӛздерден кҥрделі зат есім қҧраңыздар.
1 house a) way
2 rail b) brush
3 T- c) fall
4 water d) man
5 tooth e) rise
6 hand f) wife
7 snow g) stick
8 bed h) kerchief
9 sun i) shirt
10 lip j) clothes
11 finger k) ring
12 ear- l) board
13 key m) print

Page 9

Exercise 9. Берілген жҧрнақтарды пайдаланып, зат есім қҧраңыздар.
1. – ance, - ence
маңыздылық, қарсыластық, табандылық, айырмашылық;
2. - ness
әлсіздік, қараңғылық, салқындылық, мейірім;
3. - dom
даналық, патшылық, еркіндік;
4. - hood
балалық шақ, батылдық, кӛршілестік;
5. - ship
мүшелік, басқарма, достық, диктатура.

Exercise 10. Кестені толтырыңыздар.
Аудармасы/Translation Етістік/Verb Зат есім/Noun
1 болжау
2 produce
3 qualification
4 дамыту
5 mix
6 knowledge
7 fail
8 әсер қалдыру
9 equipment
10 басқа елге кӛшу
11 express
12 combination
13 treat
14 encouragement
15 converse
16 comprehension
17 дыбыстап айту/оқу
18 familiarize
19 invade
20 жаңарту/жаңалату

Exercise 11. Жақшадағы сӛзге зат есім жҧрнағын жалғап, сӛйлемдерді
толықтырып, аударыңыздар.
1. Some people need special ___to stop smoking. (to treat)
2. Nobody expected such ____. (to react)
3. The Tower of London is the most famous ___. (to attract)
4. The police received the ___ call early in the morning. (to warn)
5. Are there any ___ in the British Museum today? (to visit)
6. He expressed his ___about the accident. (angry)
7. The ____was of great power. (to explode)
8. You can choose among a ___ of leisure activities. (to vary)
9. He is a ___. He speaks some unknown languages. (foreign)
10. Our planet is in danger of global ___. (to pollute)

Page 10

The Article/Артикль.
The definite article / Белгілілік артикль.
The Indefinite article / Белгісіздік артикль.
The definite article/Белгілілік артикль
қолданылуы мысал
әлемде жалғыз ғана болатын зат
the Sun, the Moon, the Earth, the Sky,
the air, the world
теңіз, мұхит, ӛзен, шӛл, тау атауларымен The Pacific Ocean

реттік сан есімдермен Our class is on the first floor.

күшейтпелі шырайдағы сын есімдермен This is the biggest building in our town.

кӛпше түрдегі есептелетін зат есімдермен The apples are on the table.
кӛрікті жерлердің атауларымен бірге The Kremlin

кейбір географиялық атаулармен,
мұражай, газет-журнал, кеме, қонақ үй
атауларымен бірге
The United States of America,
The Crimea, the Caucasus,
the British museum, the `Life`.
дүниенің тӛрт бұрышының атауларымен The North, the South, the East, the West

кӛпше түрде белгілі бір отбасын атағанда The Petrovs

аты әңгімелесу барысында аталған
заттармен бірге (олар жекеше және кӛпше
түрдегі зат есімдер, есептелетін әрі
есептелмейтін з.е.)
The coat was large, the trousers too long.
белгілі бір, не нақты бір нәрсе туралы сӛз
болғанда мына сын есімдермен бірге:
previous, last, following, next, only, very,
same, right
the same story
есептелетін зат есімдермен бірге, және де
сӛз нақты бір заттардың жиынтығы туралы
She spoke about the duties of the doctor.

The Indefinite article/Белгісіздік артикль
a, an

мамандықты білдіретін зат есімнің
алдында қолданылады
My friend is a doctor.
there is, there was, there will be
орамдарынан кейін
There is a big pool in our garden.
лепті сӛйлемдерде What a nice evening!

such сӛзінен кейін It was such a wonderful day!
уақытты, жылдамдықты, салмақты,
қашықтықты білдіретін зат есмідердің
(a minute, a pound, a hundred, a million)
I`ll be in a minute.

Page 11

жекеше түрдегі есептелетін зат есімнің
Take a pencil, please.
жалпы есімнің алдында немесе белгілі
бір адамның тегінің алдында (біреу,
әлдекім, қандай да бір мағынасында)
A man wants to see you.
good deal, great deal, great many
сӛз тіркестерінің алдында
a good deal, a great deal, a great many

Белгілілік артикль (the)қолданылатын кейбір тҧрақты сӛз тіркестері.
1. to take the floor - сӛз кезегін алу
2. to tell the time – уақытты айту
3. to tell the truth – шындықты айту
4. to play the piano (the violin) – пианинода (скрипкада) ойнау
5. to take the trouble – ӛз жауапкершілігіне алу
6. to go to the theatre (the cinema) – театрға (киноға) бару
7. in the distance – қашықтықта, алыста
8. in the morning (the afternoon, the evening) – таңертең (түстен кейін, кешке)
9. in the street – кӛшеде
Белгісіздік артикль (a) қолданылатын кейбір тҧрақты сӛз тіркестері.
1. on a large scale - кең ауқымда
2. as a matter of fact – шындығында
3. to have a look – қарау, кӛз жүгірту
4. to have a mind to – ниеттену
5. to take a fancy to – бір іспен айналысу/қызығу
6. to have a headache (toothache) – бас (тіс) ауруымен ауыру
7. to go for a walk – қыдыру
8. to be in a hurry – асығу
9. to be at a loss – қобалжу
10. to be in a position to do smth – бір іспен айналысуға мүмкіндігі болу

Exercise 1. Ҥлгі бойынша сӛйлемдерді ӛзгертіп жазып, аударыңыздар.
Model: What greedy men! – What a greedy man!
1. What reliable teachers!
2. What hardworking students!
3. What elegant models!
4. What boring stories!
5. What unusual performances!
6. What sweet babies!
7. What silly questions!
8. What dangerous drivers!
9. What experienced dentists!
10. What funny hats!

Exercise 2. Қажетті жерлерге a, an артикльдерін қойып, сӛйлемдерді
1. There is ___interesting museum in the centre of Astana.
2. There is ___snow on the ground.
3. What are you reading? I am reading ___newspaper.
4. What are you drinking? I am drinking ___tea.
5. It is not a reasonable price for ___shoes.
6. June is ___winter month in Australia.
7. Have you got ___problems with Math?

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8. I am going to bed. I have got ___splitting backbone.
9. It is ___very hot soup!
10. What ___loud song!

Exercise 3. This/that/these/those, one, any есімдіктерін a/an/the артикльдеріне
ауыстырып жазыңыздар.
1. One apple a day keeps a doctor away.
2. Let`s put these books on that shelf.
3. Will you clean this carpet, please?
4. Look at that door! Look at this floor! They are dirty!
5. Any actor must have a good memory.
6. After dinner sit a while, after supper walk one mile.
7. There is one shopping centre near my house.
8. Look through these magazines and tell me the news.
9. Any plant needs water and sunshine.
10. From this window I can see one woman and one pony.

Exercise 4. Қажетті сӛйлемдерге the артиклін қойып, сӛйлемдерді аударыңыздар.
1. Paris is ___capital of France.
2. ____cows and horses are farm animals.
3. What ___ long legs!
4. My father never smokes ___ cigars.
5. I turned on ___ light and closed ___windows.
6. He wrote to me but ___ letter didn`t arrive.
7. Woman is weaker than ___ man.
8. What is ___ largest lake in Asia.
9. ____ Sun is a star.
10. I will never forget ___ time I spent in Italy.
11. These two pictures are ___same.
12. Lie down on ___ ground and look up in ___sky!
13. ___radio is on but nobody is listening to it.
14. ___mobile phones are not expensive nowadays.
15. Are you fond of ___classical music?

Exercise 5. Кестенің ішіндегі сӛздерді тӛмендегі сӛйлемдерге сәйкес келтіріп
the aristocracy
the workers
the poor
the wounded
the police
the fire brigade
the disabled
1. _____are the people who have little money to live on.
2. _____are the people whose job is to make sure that people obey the law, to catch criminals
and to protect property.
3. _____are the people of the highest social class.
4. _____are the people who have been injured, especially in a war.
5. _____are the people who cannot use a part of their body properly.
6. _____are the people whose job is to prevent fires and to stop them burning.
7. _____are the people who work for an organization and are below the level of a manager.
Exercise 6. Answer the questions.

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1. What is the oldest building in the place where you live?
2. Where do the British live?
3. Where do the Poles live?
4. What is the most important news you have heard today?
5. What was the happiest day in your life?
6. Where do the Swiss live?
7. What is on the tenth page of this book?
8. Who is the most interesting person you know?
9. Who is the most popular person in Kazakhstan?
10. Who is the best friend of yours?

Exercise 7. Complete the table.
Country One person The people
England an Englishman/an Englishwoman
Canada the Canadians
Germany the Germans
Brazil a Brazilian
a Frenchman/a Frenchwoman the French
a Chinese the Chinese
Russia the Russians
a Scot the Scots
Mexico a Mexican
a Swiss the Swiss
Denmark the Danes
a Dutchman/a Dutchwoman the Dutch
Poland a Pole
a Swede the Swede

Exercise 8. Тҧрақты сӛз тіркестердің аудармаларын табыңыздар

1 to have a good time a) үзіліс жасау
2 to have a break b) үлкен табысқа жету
3 to have fun c) қобалжу
4 to be a great success d) отыру
5 to be at a loss e) уақытты жақсы ӛткізу
6 to take to heart f) кӛңілге алу/ренжу
7 to take a sit g) кӛңіл кӛтеру

The Pronoun/Есімдік
Personal pronouns/Жіктеу есмдіктер
Атау септік/Бастауыш Жанама септік/Толықтауыш
I Мен Me Маған
You Сен You Саған
He Ол
(ер адам)
Him Оған (ер)
She Ол
(әйел адам)
Her Оған (әйел)
It Ол
(жануарлар, жансыз
It Оған (жансыз)
We Біз Us Бізге

Page 14

You Сендер/сіздер You Сендерге/сіздерге
They Олар Them Оларға

Possessive pronouns/Тәуелдік есімдіктер

Жекеше тҥрі Кӛпше тҥрі
my – mine our – ours
your – yours your – yours
his - his their – theirs
her – hers
its – its

Indefinite pronouns/Белгісіздік есімдіктер

жай кҥрделі
all, both, few, one, either, any, every, many,
some, neither, each, little, much, several
anybody, anything, everybody, everything,
somebody, something, anyone, everyone,


Much(кӛп), little(аз), a little(аздаған)
есімдіктері тек қана есептелмейтін зат
есімдермен қолданылады
Many(кӛп), few(аз), a few(бірнеше)
есімдіктері есептелетін зат есімдермен

Reflexive pronouns/Ӛздік есімдіктер

Жекеше тҥрі Кӛпше тҥрі
myself ourselves
yourself yourselves

Demonstrative pronouns/Сілтеу есімдіктер

this – these
бұл – бұлар (осы-осылар)
This is our house.
that – those
анау – аналар/сол - солар
That is our university.
I have never seen such beautiful roses.
сол әлгі/әлгіндегідей/нақ ӛзі/тура
Read the same sentence once more.

Page 15

Interrogative pronouns/Сҧрау есімдіктер

Who is here?
Whom did you see there?

Whose car do you prefer to go in?
What are those strange objects in the
Which bus must I take for the zoo?
How much
(есептелмейтін зат есіммен)
How much time do you need?
How many
(есептелетін зат есіммен)
How many boys took part in the concert?

Reciprocal pronouns

each other
(екі адамға қатысты қолданылады)
Kate and Nick see each other every week.
One another
(екі адамнан кӛп, бірнеше адамға қатысты
The five puppies liked one another very

Exercise 1. Сӛйлемдерді ҥлгі бойынша ӛзгертіп жазыңыздар.
Model: This is not my pen. I want my pen. I want mine.
1. This is my girlfriend and that`s his girlfriend.
2. Their street is not as busy as our street.
3. These are my children and those are her children.
4. My flat is smaller than their flat.
5. It is not your umbrella. It is my umbrella.
6. My telephone does not work. Can I use your telephone?

Exercise 2. Мағынасы бойынша сәйкес келетін етістіктерді және myself, yourself,
himself, herself, itself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves есімдіктерін жазып
сӛйлемдерді аяқтаңыздар.
Model: The dinner was perfect. Let me pay for myself.
buy, hurt, cut, enjoy, blame
1. Yesterday Nick and his friend went to the shop to ____ some ice cream.
2. My father ___while he was shaving in the morning.
3. Mary had a fantastic holiday. She__very much.
4. Don`t ____for the accident! I know that you did nothing wrong.
5. The cat fell from the roof but it didn`t ____.
make, cut, dry, introduce, burn
6. The iron is too hot. Don`t _____!
7. I fell ill because I hadn`t _____with the towel after the shower.
8. If children don`t have enough sleep they can _____ill.

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9. May I ____? My name is John Brown.
10. She looks ugly! What happened to her hair? She ___it___.
devote, wish, pinch, help, find
11. Before every exam I ____good luck.
12. We ___ to believe that we had won the lottery.
13. My uncle and my aunt ____to fine arts.
14. We ___alone in the strange world. We understood nobody.
15. Ann, Nora, ____! There are a lot of tasty things on the table!

Exercise 3. Сӛйлемдерге who/whom сҧраулы есімдіктерін қойыңыздар.
Model: Who is there? Whom are we expecting? For whom did you buy the flowers?
1. ____ has read the book?
2. To ___ did he give the letter?
3. ____ is at the door?
4. ____ was awarded the prize?
5. ____did he tell?
6. ____ answered the question correctly?
7. ____ does she like the best?
8. ____ would be the most suitable person for the job?
9. For ___ are they waiting?
10. ____ has been informed of the situation?
11. ____ can we speak?
12. ____ will be ready by eight o`clock?
13. ____ is watering the flowers?
14. ____ did you photograph?
15. ____ attended the meeting?
16. ____ was at the party?
17. ____ could be heard most easily?
18. ____ do you believe?
19. To ____ did you sell your car?
20. ____ will be waiting for us?

Exercise 4. Болымсыз сӛйлемдер жасаңыздар.
Model: I need to buy some shoes. I do not need to buy any shoes.
1. I will make some salad.
2. We need some onions.
3. I have met some of your friends.
4. He has photographed some of the most beautiful parts of the city.
5. She wants to take some courses in Archaeology.
6. I recognized some of the students.
7. We have visited some of the far away islands.
8. I have read some books by that author.
9. There is some danger involved.
10. I have some reservations about your plan.
11. They have interviewed some of the applicants.
12. She bought some of the books second-hand.

Exercise 5. Қарамен белгіленген сӛздердің орнына one/ones есімдіктерін қойып,
1. These trousers are too small. Please, get me some larger trousers.
2. She did not like that sofa. She bought a more comfortable sofa.
3. Do not use that milk. Use this fresh milk.

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4. Which bus should we take to the city centre? Take that bus.
5. I can see two attractive girls. Which girl would you like to invite for a dance?
6. Here are your envelopes. These are the envelopes you paid for.
7. The elder sister is a bit taller than the younger sister.
8. I have read all the books I borrowed last week. Can I take the new books?
9. Get away this dirty water and get some clean water.
10. They produce new cars but use the old cars.

Exercise 6. Жақшадағы есімдіктерді пайдаланып сӛйлемдерді аударыңыздар.
Model: Who else was at the party?
1. He does not have ____(ешқандай) relatives in the city.
2. I do not know ____(ешкімді) here.
3. ____ (ешқайсымыз) of us were surprised by the announcement.
4. I do not plan to go ____ (ешқайда) on my vacation.
5. ____ (ешқандай) tickets were sold this morning.
6. I did not hear ___ (ешкімнің) playing the bagpipes.
7. I did not give her ____ (ешқандай) advice.
8. ____ (ештеңе) is wrong.
9. We did not buy ____ (ештеңе) at the flea market.
10. They did not have ____ (ешқандай) exciting adventures.
11. ____ (ешкім) offered to help me.
12. She does not know ____ (ешкімді) working at the Library.
13. He does not live ____ (ешқайда) near here.
14. ____ (ешкім) left early.
15. I did not see ____ (ешкімнің) arriving by taxi.

Exercise 7. Сӛйлемдерді ағылшын тіліне аударыңыздар.
1. Мұны маған Стивтің ӛзі айтты.
2. Маған ӛзімді таныстыруға рұқсат етіңіздер.
3. Кеше уақытты жақсы ӛткіздіңіздер ме?
4. Ол бұл кітапты ӛзі үшін сатып алды.
5. Біз бұл жаттығуды ӛзіміз аудардық.
6. Президенттің ӛзі оларға алғыс айтты.
7. Оның ӛзіне де ол адам ұнамады.
8. Адам ӛзіне - ӛзі жауапты болуы тиіс.
9. Бұдан артық ешқандай кітап жоқ.
10. Кез келген уақытта келуіңізге болады.

Exercise 8. Exchange the bold typed words by pronouns.
e.g: Pete lives here. I saw Pete yesterday. He lives here. I saw him yesterday.
1. Alice is my girlfriend. I love Alice. ….
2. Jane and I saw Mark but Mark did not see Jane and me. …
3. I told Steve and Carol to come to me. …
4. My parents liked the cat and I bought the cat. …
5. Why are the books on the table? Put the books on the shelf. …
6. It is a nice bird. Listen how lovely the bird is singing. …
7. Your friend and you are late again. …
8. My sister and I are great friends. …
9. I haven`t seen Pete and Alex today. …
10. Steve and Mark have invited my friend and me to the cinema.

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Exercise 9. Fill in the gaps with pronouns.
1. How many times a day do you brush … teeth?
2. We want him to stay with … in summer.
3. Mr. Smart is rich. … car is very expensive.
4. Are … ready? – No, … am not.
6. Put down … telephone number and I will put down … .
7. Have … you read this book? Is … interesting?
8. Do … recognize the man? – Yes I recognize … . But he does not seem to recognize …
9. He put on … coat and left.
10. They asked me to help … fix … car.
11. We know it is … problem. But can … help … solve …?
12. Dana went to see … grandparents and Ainur went to see … .


- ful: useful, doubtful
- less: helpless, useless
- ous: famous, dangerous
- al: formal, central
- able, - ible: eatable, accessible
- ant, - ent: different, resistant
- ish: 1) Scott
2) red

- ive: active, talkative
- y: cloudy, dirty, foggy
1. big, short, large
2. useful, unhappy
3. dark-blue, snow-white

Comparative degrees of Adjectives and Adverbs
Part of Speech Positive Comparative Superlative
Adjective low lower the lowest
Adjective big bigger the biggest
Adjective fat fatter the fattest
Adverb highly more highly the most highly
Adverb widely more widely the most widely
Adverb easily more easily the most easily

Inconsiderate Adjectives and Adverbs
Positive Comparative Superlative
good better the best

Page 19

well better best
bad worse the worst
badly worse worst
far farther the farthest
far further furthest
late later later or latest
little (amount) less the least
many more the most
much more the most
some more the most


Adverbs of manner

well, quickly, slowly,
fast, badly, clearly,
deeply, sincerely,

Kate walked very slowly.
Adverbs of
often, never, always,
sometimes, ever,
constantly, twice,
three times, occasionally

They sometimes stay up all night.
Adverbs of time today, yesterday, before,
soon, now, late,
tomorrow, then,
sometimes, always,
lately, already, yet,
afterwards, immediately,
suddenly, at once

The child was lost in the forest yesterday.
Adverbs of place or
here, there, downstairs,
outside, where, far, back,
inside, backwards,
everywhere, below,
to and from, seawards

Where are you going to?
Adverbs of degree little, much, hardly, very,
just, almost, quite, rather,
enough, extremely,

You have come too late.

Exercise 1. Put the following into the correct order.
1) suede / Italian / new / red / soft / shoes
2) elderly / tall / Englishman
3) oval / Venetian / ancient / valuable / glass
4) shiny / large / expensive / brown / leather / case

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5) square / wooden / old / nice / table
6) modern / stone / large / beautiful / cottage
7) porcelain / tea / blue / thin / old / cup
8) young / blonde / handsome / tall / man
9) old / several / English / beautiful / castles
10) pretty / French / young / a lot of / girls
11) dark blue / best / silk / my / shirt
12) young / many / factory / German / workers

Exercise 2. Choose the right word.
1. I don't like horror films. I think they are (frightening/frightened) and (boring/bored).
2. Don't look so (surprising/surprised). Of course, it was a (surprising/surprised) decision but
we had no other out.
3. The football match was (disappointing/disappointed). Our team lost the game and we left
the stadium quite (disappointing/disappointed).
4. He can't remember his pupils' names. It seemed funny at first, but now it is rather
5. So far as Mrs. Brown was concerned she did not seem to be in the least
6. He did not come and she looked rather (worrying/worried).
7. The rise in crime is (depressing/depressed).
8. The pictures made a (depressing/depressed) impression on him.
9. She is not (satisfying/satisfied) with her position.

Exercise 3. Complete the sentences with the words given below using the proper degree.
Busy / few/ famous / convenient / well-read / kind-hearted / straight / hot
1. She is easy to deal with. I think she is ___than her sister.
2. I suppose the works of this artist are___ abroad than in his country.
3. This armchair is ___of all.
4. He knows a lot. He is ___than his groupmates.
5. Let's take this path. It's___.
6. The street you live in is ___than mine.
7. Days are getting ___in July.
8. He made ___mistakes in his class.

Exercise 4. Open the brackets and use the comparative form of the adjectives and
1. This exercise is (simple) than that one.
2. Why are you talking? Please be (quiet).
3. New districts of Astana are (beautiful) than the old ones.
4. He is (clever) than his brother.
5. My (old) sister is 4 years (old) than me.
6. There are (many) customers on Saturdays than on weekdays.
7. Are expensive things (good) than cheap ones?
8. Is English grammar (difficult) than Kazakh grammar?
9. He has made (few) mistakes than yesterday.
10. She had to give us (far) information though she didn't want to.
11. Students from Group 3 are (industrious) than those from Group 1.
12. Have you met our new colleagues Mr. Brown and Mr. Green? The former is an excellent
dentist, (late) is a good surgeon.
13. They have got down to business without any (far) delay.
14. This matter is (urgent) than that one.

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15. He plays tennis (bad) than she.
16. He's got a still (old) edition of this book.
17. Is there a (late) train passing here?
18. (far) details will be given tomorrow.

Exercise 5. Choose the right variant.
1. Martin was the (more talented/most talented) of the two brothers.
2. Of the three shirts I like the blue one (better/best).
3. My dog is the (prettier/prettiest) of the two.
4. This summary is the (better/best) of the two presented.
5. There are nine planets in our solar system and Pluto is the (farther/farthest).
6. Mary is the (tallest/ taller) of the two girls.
7. The boss likes my plan (better/ best) of the two.
8. This is the (less difficult/least difficult) of the four cases.
9. This knife is the (sharpest/ sharper) of the two.
10. Mother was the (more/most) beautiful of seven daughters.

Exercise 6. Make up sentences according to the example.
Example: life/becoming/hard — Life is becoming harder and harder.
life/becoming/difficult — Life is becoming more and more difficult.
1) people/living/long
2) going abroad/becoming/popular
3) crime/becoming/common
4) the light in the rooms/becoming/dim
5) computers/becoming/expensive
6) factories/employing/few/workers
7) his heart/beating/hard
8) Astana/becoming/beautiful
9) his voice/becoming/weak
10) nights in winter/becoming/long

Exercise 7. Give the superlative form of the adjectives in brackets.
1. The Pan-American Highway is (long) road in the world.
2. The Beatles were (successful) pop group.
3. Japan has (crowded) railways in the world.
4. This is our (old) national airline.
5. The Chrysler Building was once (tall) in the world.
6. Is English (useful) language to learn?
7. This is one of (expensive) stores in the city.
8. The Queen must be (rich) woman in the world.
9. Unfortunately, I haven't heard (late) news. I think it was very interesting.
10. Is the Mona Lisa (valuable) painting in the world?
11. His house is (far) in the street.
12. February is (snowy) and (cold) month of the year here.
13. (dangerous) spider is the black widow, whose bite can kill a man in a few minutes.
14. The world's (expensive) perfume costs $550 per bottle.
15. (deep) part of the Pacific Ocean is 11 km below the sea-level.
16. I wonder what his (near) step is going to be.
17. Who are (old) members of the club?
18. It was (late) thing I expected of him.
19. The diamond is (hard) mineral in the world.
20. His house is (far) in our street.

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Exercise 8. Open the brackets and give the comparative or superlative degree of the
following adjectives and adverbs.
1. That is (incredible) story I have ever heard.
2. It is not always (bright) students who do well in tests.
3. Ethylene shirts are (hard) wearing, but cotton shirts are much (comfortable).
4. Which is (deep), Lake Michigan or Lake Superior?
5. She is far (self-confident) than she used to be.
6. (tall) man among the guests is a basketball player.
7. I like both of them, but I think Kate is (easy) to talk to.
8. Most people are (well off) than their parents used to be.
9. She has a lot to be thankful for; but (sad) thing of all is that she does not realize it.
10. I want to buy a car (powerful) one you have.
11. You look a lot (sad) than you did last time I saw you.
12. There is nothing (irritating) than locking yourself out of your own house.
13. Both roads lead to the city centre, but the left-hand one is probably a bit (short) and
14. As I get (old), I notice the policemen seem to be getting (young).
15. The boys in our school are much (good-looking) and a lot (good) at football than the boys
of other schools in the town.

Exercise 9. Open the brackets and give the correct forms of the comparative
Example: (Much) you read, (well) you will know English.
The more you read, the better you will know English.
1. (Interesting) the book is, (fast) you read it.
2. (Early) you come, (quickly) we finish the work.
3. (Hot) the weather is, (bad) I feel.
4. (Soon) he takes the medicine, (well) he will feel.
5. (Little) she ate, (angry) she was.
6. (Long) the children saw the film, (frightened) they felt.
7. (Late) you come, (little) you will sleep.
8. (Much) you study, (clever) you will become.
9. (Cold) the winter is, (hot) the summer will be.
10. (Near) you come up, (well) you will see the picture.

Exercise 10. Choose the appropriate adverb.
1. He lives quite (nearly/near).
2. You've come too (lately/late).
3. The mechanic examined the damaged car (closely/close).
4. It is (prettily/pretty) difficult to speak to her.
5. We have seen very little of you (lately/late).
6. She is always (prettily/pretty) dressed.
7. I used to work (hardly/hard) to get everything I have got now.
8. His suggestion seemed (highly/high) improbable to us.
9. Her house stood (closely/close) to the river.
10. The wind was blowing so (hardly/hard) that I could (hardly/hard) walk.
11. The actress (justly/just) deserved the prize.
12. The plane flew (highly/high), we could (hardly/hard) see it.
13. (Shortly/ Short) after graduating I moved to the capital.
14. I could see the house door which was (widely/wide) open.

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Exercise 11. A: Four Adjective Suffixes
Directions: Study the four suffixes and the examples below. Change each word in column A
to an adjective by adding a suffix and write the new word in column B. You may have to
change, drop, or add letters before adding the suffix to some words.
Suffix From
Example -ful Old English wonderful, merciful
-less Old English hopeless, senseless
-able Latin readable, capable
-ese Latin Japanese, Siamese
1. Portugal Portuguese 11. child
2. misery miserable 12. Burma
3. awe 13. consider
4. move 14. count
5. China 15. Congo
6. remark 16. master
7. Canton 17. speech
8. service 18. wish
9. penny 19. end
10. grate 20. bounty

Exercise B: Four Adjective Suffixes Directions: Same as Exercise A
Suffix From Example
-ian Latin Christian, Jeffersonian
-ic Greek angelic, volcanic
-ive Latin corrective, active
-ous Latin riotous, poisonous
1. create 11. fame
2. communist 12. graph
3. religion 13. reptile
4. impress 14. defect
5. Freud 15. Brazil
6. construct 16. atom
7. hero 17. industry
8. mass 18. moment
9. Canada 19. enthusiast
10. Italy 20. disaster

Exercise 12. Form Comparative and Superlative degrees of the given Adjectives.

Nice, cheap, expensive, bad, bright, lucky, wonderful, shy, cruel, attractive, pleasant, low,
busy, little, quiet, interesting, light, good, surprising, few, convenient, large, neat, simple,
intelligent, many, bitter, small, boring, heavy.

Exercise 13. Compare two friends.
e.g: Sam is 30, Mark is 32. Sam is younger than Mark.
1. Sam is almost 2 meters tall. Mark is 1 meter 79 tall. Mark …
2. Sam has 3 children. Mark has 2 children. Mark …
3. Sam has a four-room flat. Mark has a three-room flat. Sam …
4. Sam earns $ 2000 a month. Mark earns $ 1500 a month. Mark …
5. Sam is very handsome. Mark is not very handsome. Sam …

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6. Sam speaks 3 foreign languages. Mark speaks 2 foreign languages. Sam …
7. Sam is very practical. Mark is not very practical. Mark …
8. Sam is a very good driver. Mark is not a very good driver. Sam …
9. Sam is not very experienced. Mark is very experienced. Mark …

Exercise 14. Complete the sentences with than.
e.g: He is not very intelligent. You are more intelligent than him (or than he is).
1. She does not know very much. You …
2. He is not very old. They …
3. I am not a very good singer. She …
4. We have not got so much spare time. He …
5. They do not read very interesting books. I …

Verb and Subject Agreement

Exercise 1. Open the brackets and write the correct form of the verb.
1. The driver as well as the passenger (be) hurt in the accident.
2. The salt and the pepper (be) put on the table.
3. Not only she, but also everybody (be) embarrassed by his rude manner.
4. Two hours` study (be) enough for him to prepare for a quiz.
5. Not only the teacher, but also the students themselves (be) tired.
6. He was at his wit's end. His last sixpence (be) spent.
7. She as well as we (be) highly satisfied with their work.
8. Not only the earth but also the planets (move) round the sun.
9. Two thousand dollars (be) wasted by him in the casino.
10. (Be) either of them ready to go there?
11. Three Comrades (be) a novel by Remark.
12. Bread and butter (be) his usual breakfast.
13. If either of them (take) a leave now, we won't be able to finish the project.
14. My aim and objective (be) to make English grammar clear to everyone.
15. I can wait, four weeks (be) not so long.
16. The grey and blue blanket (be) washed today.
17. A variety of questions (be) put to the lecturer.
18. The number of books which we have to read for the exams (be) considerable.
19. A great number of students (be) present at the conference.
20. The great majority of writers, Painters, and architects (be) talented people.
21. The pair (Ann and Nick) (be) so absorbed in their own conversation that their
surroundings were of little importance to them.
22. The majority (believe) that we are in danger of becoming extinct because of our
destructive policy.
23. The majority of people (believe) that he is guilty.
24. The number of young people entering higher institutions (be) increasing.
25. A great number of books (be) in bad condition because the building of the library needs

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The Verb to be
Exercise 2. Match the sentences on the left with their replies on the right. Pay attention
to the use of the verb to be.
1) What's wrong with your son? a) Don't be in a hurry, we've got enough time.
2) The Browns are nice people. b) I am not interested in politics.
3) There is nothing to be seen. c) I am through with it.
4) I don't think it's difficult. You shouldn't
give in.
d) I am sick and tired of his words.
5) Have you finished the book? e) I am against going there.
6) It is not anybody's fault. f) He is starting a cold.
7) I don't like watching the news. g) It is a pity you haven't made up your mind
8) Why haven't you finished the work in
h) I am for inviting them to dinner.
9) He comes to see me every
day and tries to persuade me.
i) The problem is worth solving.
10) I am trying to choose the topic j) Nobody is to blame, for my essay.
11) Why are you so rushing about? k) Who is responsible for it?

The Verb to have
Exercise 3. Give the interrogative and negative forms of the following sentences.
1. He has a lot of experience.
2. She has a bath every day.
3. She has got a lot of jewelry.
4. They have a lot of rare plants in their garden.
5. She usually has a rest after dinner.
6. They had late supper tonight.
7. We have got a lot of problems now.
8. They had a pleasant voyage last summer.
9. Her mother has a flat in the High Street.
10. The president has a bad cold.

The Verb to do
Exercise 4. Change the verbs in bold type by the appropriate form of the verb to do.
1. Peter speaks English as well as Ann speaks.
2. He spent as much money as you spent.
3. She reads as fast as you read.
4. They showed us more sights than our guide showed.
5. Mary sang much better than Emily usually sings.
6. He likes the same dishes as you like.
7. She uses the same perfume as I use.
8. He answered more questions than Pete answered.
9. The new teacher spoke much faster than our old teacher speaks.
10. She plays the piano as well as a professional plays.
11. We reached the camp earlier than our friends reached.
12. You know her as well as I know.
13. She likes to see the same films as he likes.

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Modal verbs/Модальді етістіктер
Модальді етістіктердің қолданылуы

Модальді етістіктің
Қолданылуы Мысал

Қабілеттілікті, мүмкіндікті

Can you skate?
Белгілі бір жағдайда іс-әрекеттің
орындалу мүмкіндігін білдіреді
You can see the forest
through the other window.
Рұқсат немесе ӛтініш Can I use your car?
Күмәндану немесе сенімсіздік Can it be true?
Бір нәрсенің рас болуының
мүмкін еместігін
It can`t be true.
MAY, MIGHT Рұқсат May I borrow your pen?
Сенімсіздік пен болжау,
He may be ill.
Мақұлдамау, жазғыру, реніш You might have helped
MUST Істің міндетті түрде орындалуын
талап ету
You must do your
Тыйым салу He must not leave his
room for a while.
Эмоционалды кеңес, ақыл беру You must not miss the
exhibition. It is very good.
Сенімді болжам жасау

Your father must be eighty
TO HAVE TO Міндеттілікті білдіреді He had to do it.
Істі орындаудың қажет емес
екендігін болымсыз сӛйлемде

You don`t have to go
TO BE TO Алдын ала жоспарланып не,
келісіліп қойылған істен
туындаған қажеттілік

We are to discuss it next
Бұйрықтар мен нұсқаулықтар

He says I am to leave you
Болуы тиіс істі білдіреді

He was to be my friend for
many years to come.
OUGHT TO Кеңес немесе қажеттілік

You ought to say a word
about yourself.
Қалаған істің орындалмағанын
(болымсыз сӛйлемде)
You ought to have called
on him yesterday.
Қаламаған істің орындалғанын

You ought not to have
married her. It was a great
SHOULD Міндет, кеңес, ақыл

It`s late. You should go to
WILL/WOULD Болымсыз сӛйлемдерде істі The doctor knows I won`t

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орындауға қарсы екендігін
білдіреді, жай инфинитифпен
be operated on.
Жансыз заттармен қолданылып,
олардың жарамсыздығын

My pen would not write.
Жиі қайталанылатын іс-әрекет She will sit for hours under
the old tree.
NEED Қажеттілік You need not be afraid of
Болған істің қажетсіздігін
You need not have

Модальді етістіктер және олардың эквиваленттері
Must – міндетті
To be to – міндетті (жоспарға, кестеге сай мағынасында және т.б.)
Have to – міндетті (мәжбүр)
Should – істеуге тиісті (тиіс) (кеңес, ұсыныс)
Ought to – істеуге тиіс (тиісті) (кеңес, ұсыныс)
Can (could) – қабілетті, істей алу
To be able – қабілетті, істей алу
May (might) – қабілетті, істей алу, рұқсат, істі орындауға мүмкіндігі болу

Модальді етістіктердің шақтары
Past/ӛткен шақ Present/осы шақ Future/келер шақ
could can
be able to do smth
had to do smth must
have to do smth
might may
be allowed to do smth

Exercise 1. Сӛйлемдерді қазақ тіліне аударыңыздар.
1. He could not go to work yesterday.
2. He was not allowed to cross the border.
3. She left before the end of the performance. She had to go home early.
4. People ought to be more tolerant.
5. She needn`t to wear such warm coat today.
6. When I came into the kitchen, I could smell the burning.
7. You will have to work hard at your English.
8. You cannot smoke here.
9. You do not have to break the law to become famous!
10. They were able to escape.

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Exercise 2. Кестеде берілген сӛз тіркестерін пайдалана отырып, can етістігін
қажетті жерге қойыңыздар.
Model: Can you show me the way? I am a stranger here.
park (your car), show me the way, ride a bicycle, understand, trust, wait for us, close the
window, swim, phone
1. … you …? I am cold.
2. You … here. Look for another place to park your car.
3. I … when I was three. My father taught me.
4. She … . She is afraid of water.
5. I … him yesterday. I did not remember his number.
6. We … him. He is a liar.
7. She … . She was in a hurry.
8. … you … him? I think he is speaking English.

Exercise 3. Сӛйлемдерді can, could, be able to модальді етістіктерімен
1. I ….. drive now but next year I …… drive.
2. Last year he …… speak English as well as he …… speak this year.
3. I …… remember his name.
4. I …… cook a month ago but I am taking a course and next month I …… to cook.
5. She ……be babysit but I am not sure of that.
6. …… I help you? Do you need help?
7. …… you do the shopping in the evening? The fridge is empty.
8. ……you skate when you were six?

Exercise 4. Сӛйлемдерде must, have to етістіктерін дҧрыс қолданыңыздар.
1. He says I …… tell him the truth.
2. He said I …… win the game.
3. I …… look for another job next month.
4. I …… wake up early yesterday.
5. …… I type this article now?
6. I was late because I …… type an article.
7. I`ll prove it and you …… admit I`m right.
8. The house was too small for them and they …… look for another house last year.
9. I …… leave in an hour.

Exercise 5. Сӛйлемдердегі ескертпе жазуларды дҧрыс ретімен жазыңыз.
Model: Children under 16 / to see the film. Children under 16 may not see the film.
1. You / to take dogs to the restaurant ……
2. Children under 7 /to enter unless they are with a grown-up ……
3. Alcoholic drinks / to be sold to people under 21 ……
4. Students / to smoke in the classrooms ……
5. You / to enter wearing a hat ……
6. Students / to enter without gowns …….

Exercise 6. Ҥлгі бойынша ӛтініш білдіріңіз.
Model: Mrs. Snow feels bad. She wants her boss to let her leave her office earlier. What does
she say? May I leave earlier?
1. Ted is tired and needs a day off. What does he say?
2. Mr. Newton is nervous and wants to speak to the pilot. He asks the stewardess …
3. You want to use the telephone but the line is busy. Mary has been talking for forty minutes.

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What do you say?
4. Your car has broken down and you must meet a friend at the airport. Ask your neighbour to
let you have his car.
5. You don`t like your room at the hotel. You want to have another room. What do you say?

Exercise 7. Сӛйлемдерді can/may етістіктерін пайдалана отырып, ӛзгертіп
Model: Perhaps he is joking. He may be joking.
Is it possible that he is angry? Can he be angry?
1. Perhaps she is angry. ……
2. Is it possible that he is washing his car? ……
3. Is it possible that he has returned? ……
4. Perhaps he is playing tennis. ……
5. Perhaps he has been working in the garden all this time. ……
6. Is it possible that she has been wearing these shoes for five years? ……
7. Perhaps he has misunderstood you. ……
8. Is it possible that he has lost his job? ……
9. Is it possible that she is badly ill? ……
10. Perhaps they have been discussing the plan since morning. ……

Exercise 8. Сӛйлемдерді ағылшын тіліне аударыңыздар.
1. Сізге сұрақ қоюға бола ма?
2. Ол он минуттан кейін келуге тиіс.
3. Менің ойымша, сен барлық жұмысты ӛзің орындауың керек.
4. Ол бізге қоңырау шалғандықтан, біз оны шақыруға мәжбүр болдық.
5. Мен дәл уақытында келе алмаймын.
6. Кім сұраққа жауап бере алады?
7. Радионы қалайша жӛндей алдыңыз?
8. Ол жерден керек заттың барлығын сатып ала аласың.
9. Бұл балалар жүзе алады.
10. Сағат неше болғанын айтасыз ба?

Exercise 9. Open the brackets and fill in the blanks with the appropriate forms of the
verbs must, have to or to be to.
1. You___(not tell) him about it. It's a secret.
2. It looks like rain. You___(take) your raincoats.
3. You ___(not talk) so loudly here.
4. In his youth he ___ (work) from morning till night to earn his living.
5. He ___(wait) at the station till it stopped raining.
6. The secretary informed us when the manager___(come).
7. They___(leave) on Saturday, but because of the delay with their visas they___(book)
tickets for Monday.
8. They___(not tell) him anything about it before they get further instructions.
9. He___(leave) for London that night.
10.___I (do) it all by myself?
11. It was too late to change their plans and they___(put up) with it.
12. You___(not prepare) all this work, I will help you.
13. Stay here till she is free. I think you___(not wait) long.
14. We___(conduct) a series of experiments this week.
15. Remember that we___(be) at this place not later than noon.

Exercise 10. Read the situations and write sentences with should (shouldn't) have or

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ought to (ought not to) have
Example: He had a test this morning. — He didn't do it well. He should have studied more
last night.
1. She didn't take a taxi. She was late for the wedding.
2. I didn't eat at home. Now I'm hungry.
3. She bought a TV set last month. Now she regrets doing that. Her children watch it day and
4. He signed a contract without reading it thoroughly. Now he has discovered that he has no
right to make any amendments there.
5. Mary sold her house. That was a mistake because now she spends a lot of money to rent an
6. I enjoyed the party last night a lot. Why didn't you come?
7. The driver in front of me stopped suddenly and I smashed into the back of his car. It was
not my fault.
8. The boy went out without the doctor's permission now he is much worse.
9. When we arrived at the hotel there were no free rooms. We hadn't reserved one.
10. It was not a good idea for Tom and Mary to get married. Now they quarrel all days long.

Exercise 11. Choose the right variant.
1. She looks bad. She should (be/have been) more careful about her health.
2. You shouldn't (miss/have missed) the chance. It was a brilliant opportunity for you.
3. I think the policeman was right. She shouldn't (exceed/have exceeded) the speed.
4. I ought to (bring/ have taken) the opera glasses. Now I see nothing.
5. It seems to me that he is a hot-temper person and often flies into a rage because of mere
trifles. He should (control/ have controlled) his temper.
6. They should (clear/have cleared) up the problem long time ago.
7. I ought not (to stay/have stayed) there long. The party was a failure.
8. You should (shave/have shaved) this beard of yours.
9. She should (be/have been) more attentive. Didn't she see a car on the right?
10. It's a secret. You ought not to (reveal/have revealed) it to anybody.

Exercise 12. Open the brackets and fill in the blanks with must, have to, be to, should,
need, ought to (in some cases you may have several variants)
1. He ___(not go) to court because the case was dismissed.
2. If I'm late, I'll ___(take) a taxi.
3. The young___(respect) the old age.
4. The conversation grew awkward. She felt that something ___ (do), or else the party would
break up.
5. They___(meet) tomorrow, so you___(not make) an appointment to see him.
6. You ___(have) a visa to enter a foreign country.
7. You___ (try) and be more punctual.
8. Why are you so late? — I ___(change) a tire.
9. You___(not shout), I am not deaf.
10. They___(cross) the English Channel now.

Exercise 13. Express your surprise and disbelief using can/could.
A in interrogative sentences.
Example: He is working now. — Can/Could he be working now?
1. He was at the party yesterday.
2. They are in Germany.
3. He has broken his leg.
4. They were sent to prison.

Ресми байқаулар тізімі
Республикалық байқауларға қатысып жарамды дипломдар алып санатыңызды көтеріңіз!