Материалдар / Мақала. BIOGRAPHY of Kanysh Imantayuly Satbaev
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Мақала. BIOGRAPHY of Kanysh Imantayuly Satbaev

Материал туралы қысқаша түсінік
Kanysh Imantayuly Satbaev was born on March 30 (April 12), 1899 in the exemplary village of Satbaevs, one of the most beautiful people of Arka (in the 4th village of Akkelin boly, Pavlodar district of the former Semey province) in the state farm named after KI.Satbaev, Bayanaul district of the present Pavlodar region.
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BIOGRAPHY of Kanysh Imantayuly Satbaev

Kanysh Imantayuly Satbaev was born on March 30 (April 12), 1899 in the exemplary village of Satbaevs, one of the most beautiful people of Arka (in the 4th village of Akkelin boly, Pavlodar district of the former Semey province) in the state farm named after KI.Satbaev, Bayanaul district of the present Pavlodar region.

According to Kanysh's compatriot and friend Alkei Khakanuly, before the revolution (1917), there was no village among the Kyrgyz Kazakhs who studied more than Satbayev. "Kanish's father, Imantay, was a smart, gentle, deep-thinking person who solved everything with intelligence and patience..."

As they say, "What you see in the nest, you will follow when you fly." Kanysh, who is clever by nature, studied at the Russian-Kazakh school in his native village in 1909-1911 and graduated from the teachers' seminary in Semey in 1918. After that, he worked as a teacher in his village in Semipalatinsk for several years, and in 1920-1921 he was the people's court of the 10th precinct of Bayanaul district.

In the summer of 1921, Kanysh Imantayuly, who came to Bayanaul for treatment, met Mikhail Antonovich Usov, a professor (later an academician) of the Tomsk Institute of Technology, a large cultural center of the Siberian region at that time. Kanyshka M.A. Usov tells many interesting stories about the geology and mineral wealth of Kazakhstan.

In 1921, under the influence of professor M.A. Usov, who was considered a teacher until his death, Kanysh Imantayuly entered the geological exploration department of the Mining Faculty of the Tomsk Institute of Technology.

During the years when Kanysh Imantayuly was a student, V.A. Khokhlov (later doctor of science, professor), who was a teacher of the department of paleontology and historical geology headed by professor M.A. Usov, wrote in his memoirs "Student Kanysh": "This is a student who devoted himself to his studies. was. In classes on general geology, he eagerly listened to the excellent lectures of M.A. Usov... After the second year, he participated in M.A. Usov's fieldwork..."

After graduating from the institute, K. I. Satbayev returned to his native country, devoted most of his life to the study of its geology and the creation of the mineral raw material base of his native land, made a great contribution to the production of the results of exploration and scientific research, and to the construction of industrial giants in our republic.

In the 1920s and 1930s, he directed large-scale exploration works and wrote fundamental scientific works on Zhezkazgan-Ulytau, Karsakpai, and Karatau polymetallic deposits.

In 1926-1941, Kanysh Imantay, who was the head of the geological department and chief geologist in the Atbasar and Karsakpai trusts, proved that Zhezkazgan is one of the regions rich in large copper ores, and paid special attention to regions rich in mineral raw materials, such as Saryarka and Kendy Altai.

Academician K.I.Satbayev's multifaceted talent is a bright manifestation - he was a great organizer of scientific works. His legacy to his people is the National Academy of Sciences of Kazakhstan, the center of science, founded by him.

Kanysh Imantayuly was invited to this scientific and organizational work in 1941. This year he was elected deputy of the Kazakh branch of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR.

Since 1943, he served as the chairman of the branch. In the same year, K. I. Satbayev was elected a corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR for his outstanding achievements in geological science, and a full member (academician) since 1946. He was the first academician from the representatives of the peoples of the eastern republics that joined the USSR at that time.

On June 1, 1946, the opening of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR (now the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan) on the basis of the Kazakh branch of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR was a significant event in the life of the republic. The first full members of the Academy were 14 people - K. I. Satbaev; M. O. Auezov; AB Bekturov; N.T. Sauranbaev, etc. approved.

Kanysh Imantayuly Satbaev, as the president of the academy, attached great importance to the connection of science and industry, and the introduction of scientific achievements into production.

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