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04 Маусым 2022
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Актюбинский региональный государственный университет им.К.Жубанова,

г.Актөбе, Казахстан

Abstract. The article reflects the contradictory nature of the trends observed in the development of higher education, it should be noted that the language faculty of the pedagogical university has a complex set of problems: how to bring the theory and practice of teaching in line with the needs and capabilities of today, how to preserve the unconditionally positive traditions in the field of professional training of future teachers and implement the ideas of pluralism and humanization of education, how to provide society with specialists in the conditions of the market element, etc.

Keywords: pedagogical practice, institution, innovative activity, methodological documentation.

A modern school is impossible without teachers reflecting on their own work, promoting it and making this occupation a priority factor in the education of pupils. The society is interested in a professionally competent teacher who has great creative potential, a high level of spiritual and moral qualities, a new pedagogical thinking and a new vision of the school, the student and the whole surrounding world. Today, the issue of upbringing and education of a free, humane, spiritual and practical person is put forward in the first place. In order to possess all these qualities, a person must have a need for self-education and self-development. Another great Russian teacher K.D. Ushinsky said: "A teacher should be kind, but without weakness, demanding, but without pickiness, allow a joke, but not turn a serious matter into a joke." These words make you think, urge you to recognize that parenting is a very serious and responsible job that can make a person happy.

Pedagogical practice is exactly the kind of work that stimulates self-education and professional training of a future teacher. It is the practice that helps the student to master design, communicative, gnostic, research, integrative competencies. Pedagogical practice makes it possible to transfer from the role of a student to an unusual and unusual role of a teacher. Anyone who has been in the role of a student can realize how difficult or, on the contrary, accessible and easy it will be for him in a new professional field only when he tries himself in it. It is the pedagogical practice that helps the student to understand the general theoretical base with which he got acquainted in the learning process and gives him the opportunity to apply his knowledge in practice.

The process of professional formation of students - future teachers in pedagogical educational institutions is unthinkable without educational pedagogical practice. Emphasizing its importance, the famous Russian teacher P.P. Blonsky wrote that "pedagogy cannot be taught by books and books. Practice is also necessary, but not copying (such practice is murderous), but creative and conscious."

Pedagogical practice for a student is a very difficult and responsible stage on the way to the teaching profession. In practice, the student's position is characterized by a dual character: he is a participant in two types of activity simultaneously - educational and professional, acts as an object (in educational) and a subject (in professional), reproducing (in educational) and creative (in professional), leading (educational) and auxiliary (professional). The problem of the student's professional development in the course of pedagogical practice is complicated by the fact that the still incomplete educational activity is superimposed on the pedagogical one, which has fundamentally different means of implementation (goal, motive, means, control, evaluation). During the practice period, when students enter a new social role and get directly acquainted with professional and pedagogical activity, it is very important to inspire them with the idea that "creativity is not some separate side of pedagogical work, but its most essential and necessary characteristic", to form their attitude in each case of school It is necessary to go beyond the scope of normative activities and search for non-traditional ways to solve educational problems.

Professional pedagogical activity requires deep knowledge in various fields of science. The content of higher pedagogical education consists of such blocks as cultural, psychological and pedagogical, subject and methodological. Their unity and interaction provide a high pedagogical culture and pedagogical skills of the future teacher, is the basis for the formation of pedagogical abilities. The transition from one social group - students to another - teaching, mastering a new social role, working in an unfamiliar team, of which they did not become members, changing the usual rhythm of life are accompanied by certain difficulties of the socio-psychological and pedagogical plan. In real pedagogical practice, teachers, and especially students, face two difficulties of a fundamental nature. The first is connected with the integration of knowledge from various subject blocks (cultural, psychological, pedagogical, subject) in solving a specific pedagogical task. For example, it is impossible to develop pedagogical measures to overcome the difficulty of educating a student without knowing its physiological, psychological and pedagogical reasons. Therefore, when solving this problem, students should be able to integrate knowledge from these areas of scientific knowledge into practical activities. As a rule, such integration is associated with great difficulties for them, which are a consequence of the imperfection of pedagogical education. The traditional subject system of pedagogical education, as it were, breaks the unified educational process into parts, which prevents the formation of a holistic view of the process of forming a child's personality. To this is added the fact that the same subject is taught at different faculties in different courses and with different amounts of study time.

The second difficulty is connected with the translation of theoretical knowledge into the practice of solving emerging problems. It is unlikely that students, having mastered theoretical knowledge in lectures and practical classes, will come to school and translate them into the language of practical actions. In order to form the ability to apply theoretical knowledge in solving practical problems, it is necessary to provide in the content of training the main activities that will be needed to work with this knowledge.

Therefore, the process of professional formation of a student-future teacher should model the structure of pedagogical activity as much as possible. Therefore, while studying at the university, it is necessary to give the learning process a practice-oriented character, linking the necessary knowledge with real school problems, so that in practice students perceive theoretical knowledge through the prism of practical problems. In practice, such an approach is little practiced, students, having generally good theoretical knowledge in the field of pedagogy, psychology, teaching methods, experience serious difficulties when applying them in the educational process.

The transition from theoretical to practical training in the process of pedagogical activity, a look at the work of the teacher and the school, as they say, "from the inside", can make certain adjustments to the initial ideas about the teacher's profession. Pedagogical practice is of great importance in the professional training of a future teacher and traditionally solves the following tasks:

develops the professional qualities of the personality of the future teacher;

develops pedagogical and methodological thinking of students as the ability to apply theoretical knowledge to solve educational and educational tasks in the conditions of various types of schools;

summarizes the professional skills necessary for the successful implementation of educational activities;

develops the ability to independently observe and analyze the educational process at school, as well as forms ways of self-planning lessons based on the requirements of methodology, pedagogy and psychology;

fosters a steady interest and love for the teaching profession;

promotes the development of educational values through practical activities;

performing the functions of a class teacher;

develops a creative approach to pedagogical activity;

introduces to innovative activity through the teacher's work experience, through his creative workshop.

Pedagogical practice is a factor of personality development. In activity, a person, one way or another, forms and manifests his inner content, determines his special place in the world and asserts himself in it. In pedagogical practice, it is possible to identify factors that hinder the creative activity of the future teacher. These factors include:

the student's weak self-confidence,

strong attachment to certain schemes,

installation on a given way of organizing the educational process,

fear of control by the methodologist of the department, subject teacher, classmates,

fear of making a mistake and therefore being misunderstood,

state of increased anxiety,

excessive concentration of attention on oneself, one's experiences, interests, etc. It is

necessary to teach students to neutralize these factors. Pedagogical practice should be of a personality-oriented, creative nature and contribute to the development of an individual style of pedagogical activity.

The correct organization of practice is one of the most important ways to prepare students for professional activity in the conditions of constantly and rapidly changing realities of our life, contributes to the deepening and expansion of theoretical knowledge, the formation of skills to use normative, psychological, pedagogical and methodological documentation. There is a formation and development of independent activity of students, creative initiative, responsibility and organization. Therefore, the main result of the practice should be the firm conviction of students in the correctness of their choice - to become a teacher, to devote themselves to the most humane profession - the education of the younger generation.


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  2. Slastenin V.A., Tamarin V.E. Methodological culture of the teacher // Soviet pedagogy. - 1990.-No. 7.-pp. 82-88.

  3. Melekesov G.A. Axiological function of pedagogical practice of university students. http://vestnik.osu.ru/201 l2 Z 38.pdf

  4. Aksakalova A.A. Methodological recommendations for pedagogical practice. - - M., 2007.

  5. Drakina I.K. Professional self-assessment of a future teacher: structure, features of formation: An educational and methodological guide for students. - Omsk: Publishing house of OmSPU, 2002. - 90 p.

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