Материалдар / Менің сүйікті мамандығым және инновациялық
2023-2024 оқу жылына арналған

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ҚР Білім және Ғылым министірлігінің стандартымен 2022-2023 оқу жылына арналған 472-бұйрыққа сай жасалған

Менің сүйікті мамандығым және инновациялық

Материал туралы қысқаша түсінік
Of course, it was the masters of this profession who made me a teacher. More precisely, for us from the moment we cross the school threshold There was a large group of teachers who worked. They seemed to me to open the door to a new world. That's why teachers have become one of the most important people in my life. As I got older, I realized that one of the real people in this profession was "I". What does it mean for me to be a teacher? This profession is not only an opportunity to teach students something, but also with them a profession that opens the way to learning while teaching, interacting on a daily basis. Students change and grow at the level of consciousness, and with them I expand my field in the world of knowledge. In fact, I feel the joy of approaching the whole world with the words and thoughts of students, as well as looking into their eyes.
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Материалдың толық нұсқасын
жүктеп алып көруге болады

My favorite profession and innovative methods

My profession is a teacher. In my opinion, this is not just a profession - it is the most amazing profession that guides everyone in the right direction. As a child, I dreamed of becoming a teacher. Even all my childhood games were connected with this profession.

Of course, it was the masters of this profession who made me a teacher. More precisely, for us from the moment we cross the school threshold

There was a large group of teachers who worked. They seemed to me to open the door to a new world. That's why teachers have become one of the most important people in my life. As I got older, I realized that one of the real people in this profession was "I". What does it mean for me to be a teacher? This profession is not only an opportunity to teach students something, but also with them

a profession that opens the way to learning while teaching, interacting on a daily basis. Students change and grow at the level of consciousness, and with them I expand my field in the world of knowledge. In fact, I feel the joy of approaching the whole world with the words and thoughts of students, as well as looking into their eyes.

Yes, for me "teacher" is not a profession, not a social position, not even a job ... For me, being a teacher means living as a teacher. Currently I am a biology teacher. I love my subject, it's fun for me to prepare for class, and it's even more fun to tell students about a great science like biology. Isn't the diversity of plants and animals, environmental problems, human structure, genetics interesting? Today, biological science faces great challenges: overcoming deadly viruses and diseases, developing effective vaccines, providing humans with the right food, overcoming premature aging, and taking decisive steps to live longer. I am convinced that decoding the human genome will help to correct genetic defects and treat people with hereditary diseases. But I think Maintaining clean air, water transparency, deforestation and soil erosion protection are of paramount importance. I want my students to understand that. I want my current and future students to understand all these situations and feed them for the future. I believe that biological education is an integral part of human culture, the basis for the formation of a scientific image of the world. Of course, not all of my students can be experts in biological sciences, but every growing generation should be involved in solving environmental problems, and not to neglect their own and others' health. want to feed the future. I believe that biological education is an integral part of human culture, the basis for the formation of a scientific image of the world. Of course, not all of my students can be experts in biological sciences, but every growing generation should be involved in solving environmental problems, and not to neglect their own health and the health of others. I want to feed the future. I believe that biological education is an integral part of human culture, the basis for the formation of a scientific image of the world. Of course, not all of my students can be experts in biological sciences, but every growing generation should be involved in solving environmental problems, and not to neglect their own health and the health of others.

Being a teacher is not easy. On the one hand, it is a great responsibility, on the other hand, it is like a "sea of ​​creative potential". The teacher is the strongest creator. The door to the main treasure is open for the teacher - to work with young people who are waiting for warmth, kind words, new knowledge and are always ready to answer.

Today, I believe that a teacher should be very creative, kind, careful, attentive to children and competent in their profession. We need to be very good psychologists, because today children require special attention from adults. It seems to me that the teaching profession is only for creative people. Not everyone is able to see and hear the joys and sorrows of everyday life and participate in the lives of thousands of children, not just one. Childhood is the most amazing and interesting period in life. And the teacher is happy to have the opportunity to witness these miracles. It does not matter that what is put in the mind and heart of each student does not grow at once and that everything is successful. Our main task is to see these sprouts in time, not to just pass by them, not to accidentally break them, and only then we will feel deep satisfaction with our work. My task is to help the child to discover himself. 
I have certain professional achievements. But I will not stop there, I will set new goals to improve the educational process.

Today, I know that a teacher can be not only a bearer of knowledge, but also a leader and guide of the student's own creative work. In this regard, I use the modern interactive teaching model of teaching innovative methods. One of the most innovative methods is the "interactive teaching method". The main principle is the formation and development of the individual through pedagogical communication and communication dialogue. Interactive methods include: problem-solving methods; presentations, discussions; group work; brainstorming method; method of critical thinking; quizzes; research; business games; role play; insert method, etc.

In order to make biology lessons interesting and time-saving, I teach different methods in one lesson, for example; time circle, rainbow groups, snowflakes, pair talk, hot seat, three-step conversation, dialogue on stickers, stop-frame, etc.
Interactive technology in education (interactive word-inter (joint) act (action)) organized training process. Using the interactive whiteboard feature, my lessons help to provide students with a lot of information, saving me time in the learning process. The wonderful features of the interactive whiteboard amaze, inspire and interest students. We think that students are playing, in fact, we think that they are learning with interest, amazement and inspiration.

So who is the modern teacher? What innovations does he have to make in school life? I think the answer is simple. If a teacher loves his profession, if he loves children, if he can pass on the knowledge he has acquired for the happy future of our generation, if his team is suitable for his work, then all the news for him is another stage of education. He and his students overcome this step. Master is a miraculous power who discovers the ore as deep as the depths of Karatau, tastes the fruits of knowledge and science, inspires the dreamless and gives talent to the wingless. My profession is one of the most needed professions in the world. That's why I am proud of my profession.

Both the scientist and the miner obeyed,

Teacher, you have qualities.

Educated, thought, gave advice,

I will never forget the precious image…

I thought a lot after getting this topic. In fact, teachers are good people who educate and teach all professions. "The teaching profession is the mother of all professions," he said. There is no teacher who cannot be educated. Clearly, a teacher's education can be a beacon for everyone.

In my opinion, a teacher is a person with a pure spirit, a high field of thought, who works hard for the future of the nation and the Motherland, who sets an example of patience and perseverance, who uses his noble qualities and knowledge for the happiness and souvenirs of future generations. The mood is dark.

A person who has not been taught by a teacher is no longer on earth. This profession is sacred. The saying of Jean-Jacques Rousseau, "Being a teacher is not wasting your time, but caring for the happiness of others" is very close to my heart.

A teacher is not only a teacher of knowledge, but also a good-natured person who, like a good mother, seeks goodness in everyone. A teacher who surpasses his student is a deserving teacher. After all, the law of life is development, progress, overtaking. I think that a good teacher who educates his students should be in constant search, educated, creative, able to develop and improve themselves in accordance with the needs of society. I chose to carry the heavy burden of teaching with my heart's desire. My main principle as a teacher is to recognize the child as a person, to take into account his opinion, to appreciate the small joy and success of the student.

In order for the teaching profession to become one of the most prestigious and highly paid professions in the future, it is necessary to love and work hard.

"Teacher" is an honorable word. He is a person who forms people's outlook on life, respect for each other, sows the seeds of knowledge and upbringing, shines the light of morality. A person brought up by a great teacher grows up to be a good public figure, a great person, adapts and beautifies his life in the right direction.

The saying "a good teacher has a good attitude" is also true. A child's true knowledge, skills, attitudes, and virtues must be inherited from a good teacher.

Tireless teacher,

I am proud of my teachers! They do their work with great love. I thought that being a teacher was an easy job. But thanks to practical lessons, I am learning the ins and outs of this "easy" job. I realized that being a teacher is not something that everyone can do, and it is a difficult job. It is necessary to find a way to increase the motivation of each student to study. The main task is to make the lesson more interesting every day to increase children's interest in reading. For some people, daily lessons seem boring and monotonous. And I find it very interesting and captivating.

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