Материалдар / Modeling communication in a foreign language

Modeling communication in a foreign language

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Modeling communication in a foreign language тақырыбына мәлімет
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05 Ақпан 2021
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693 ₸ 770 ₸
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Modeling communication in a foreign language

Bozdan Dinara

Sarsenbay Bifatima

Scientific Adviser: Albina Bakhitovna


One of the aspects of the theory of language acquisition and the theory of linguistic personality is the problem of teaching an adult personality a foreign language. In the development of this aspect, the research data on the biand multilingualism are taken into account. The article proposes a technique for describing the process of acquisition of a foreign language based on a communicative-cognitive model and the technology for foreign language teaching in the context of its functioning. The communicative-cognitive activity of a secondary linguistic personality is aimed at linguistic communication. A verbal conversation that occurs in the process of linguistic communication carries the activity, which is performed by speaking personalities – a subject of the communicative-cognitive activity and a subject of the teaching activity. This type of activity or speech activity of a speaking personality is considered in the context of a dialogue. The authors propose the typology of dialogues and the principles of modeling a linguistic communication for educational purposes. The communicative-cognitive activity of a secondary linguistic personality needs constant research and description as the study of this aspect helps to optimize and improve the process of foreign language acquisition.

Keywords: Foreign language; Secondary linguistic personality; Linguistic activity; Communicative-cognitive activity; Dialog; Co-operative dialogue; Cognitive monologue


In today's world, the development of cultural, scientific, economic, and simply human contacts requires knowledge of not one or two, but more languages. The continued interest in the study of languages in Kazakhstan is a guarantee that the biand multilingualism were and remain the relevant aspects of the study of language acquisition theory and the theory of linguistic personality. In the context of these studies, the works aimed at studying the cognitive potential of a linguistic personality, the activity of a secondary linguistic personality acquiring a foreign language are of particular importance. The scope of these interests includes the development of new teaching technologies integrating a variety of techniques, methods of formation of linguistic knowledge, and abundant practice for the subject of cognition.

The research related to the study of the cognitive aspects of the formation of linguistic knowledge, their conscious acquisition by a secondary linguistic personality allow a certain degree of understanding of the mechanism of acquisition of a foreign language and expanding the research paradigm of biand multilingualism, making the data direction integrative. The desire to understand the processes of gaining foreign speech by adults gave impetus to research on the most effective approaches to teaching this age group. Following the authors of the traditional and intensive directions in language teaching, we attempt to resolve the issue of how to help an adult to acquire a linguistic speech at almost the same degree of freedom as if it were his own. We try to consider the process of language acquisition from the viewpoint of the parties directly involved into the process. In this respect, the description of the process of acquiring a foreign language from the point of view of its users and those who directly generate a secondary linguistic personality acquires not only a supersubjective character, but also allows modeling the cognitive and teaching activity with the purpose of explication of these processes for the improvement of teaching methods and their creative use.

To this end, we have developed an integrative theory of acquisition of a foreign language- a theoretical and methodological base of communicative-cognitive model of acquisition of a foreign language and the foreign language learning technology in terms of its functioning. The awareness of the importance and necessity of the Kazakh language, the Russian language, as well as one or more foreign languages in Kazakhstan becomes the basis for the creation of educational technology that would contribute to maintaining interest and motivation to learn languages. The relevance of this study is confirmed by an analysis of the applied aspects of integrative theory of acquisition of a foreign language, description of technology of teaching a foreign language in the conditions of its functioning based on the communicative-cognitive model of acquisition of a foreign language To this end, we have developed an integrative theory of acquisition of a foreign language- a theoretical and methodological base of communicative-cognitive model of acquisition of a foreign language and the foreign language learning technology in terms of its functioning. The awareness of the importance and necessity of the Kazakh language, the Russian language, as well as one or more foreign languages in Kazakhstan becomes the basis for the creation of educational technology that would contribute to maintaining interest and motivation to learn languages. The relevance of this study is confirmed by an analysis of the applied aspects of integrative theory of acquisition of a foreign language, description of technology of teaching a foreign language in the conditions of its functioning based on the communicative-cognitive model of acquisition of a foreign language


Thus, we have determined that for the implementation of the communicative-cognitive activity focused on the acquisition of a foreign language and its subsequent use, the following activity items are required:

The subject of communicative-cognitive activity, which in turn plays a role/performs functions of the agent and the recipient- a secondary linguistic personality;

The subject of teaching activity - a native speaker (a teacher) also acting as the agent and the recipient;

The linguistic communication of the subjects of communicative-cognitive and teaching activities as a basis for the exchange of knowledge.

When modeling the academic linguistic communication, one must take into account the personal characteristics of the subjects of communicative-cognitive and teaching activities. Dialogue serves as a form of the knowledge exchange, the basic and compulsory components of which are the discourses of the dialogue participants. We state that a compulsory component is a cognitive monologue of the subject of communicative-cognitive activity. The typology of dialogues, the implementation of which contributes to the modeling of linguistic communication for the purposes of implementing the communicative-cognitive activity of a secondary linguistic personality, allows distinguishing the best type of dialogue for solving the applied problems of the integrative theory of acquiring a foreign language. The co-operative dialogue, in our view, is the most effective form of knowledge exchange between the subjects of the communicative-cognitive and teaching activities, which stimulates the activity of a secondary linguistic personality as of the agent and the recipient, allowing it to make the most of its knowledge by means of a foreign language when achieving its cognitive and communicative goals.


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