Материалдар / Modern English.
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Modern English.

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Статья описывает проблемы детей в изучении английского языка .И сравнение Британских детей с русскими.Материал может быть использован в разработке уроков.
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05 Қараша 2022
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The story of modern English began in a long 8th century BC. During this period, the territory of modern Britain was inhabited by Celtic who spoke in Celtic. This is the word " "Petrociscis171; Britain came from the Celtic brith painted.

After Britain was won by the great Caesar, and in the 1st century BC, it was considered part of the Roman Empire. Some of the Romans who had to communicate closely with the local population, which was the case with the Celtic, which was reflected in the language. For example, in modern English, there are words with Latin roots. That's how the Romans and Celtic interact with each other, forming new English words until the 5th century BC until the German tribes were invaded, and a new period began in the history of the development of English.

The ancient English period in the history of English spans the period from 449 to 1066, in 449 AD, the English-language practians and the Romans were invaded by German tribes of Angles, Saxons, fries and yutes, which by their numbers far exceeded the local population. That's how the Anglo-Saxon conversation gradually began to oust Celtic's adverts, destroying or transforming the words available.

It was only in the hard-to-reach and remote areas of Britain that the German were unable to reach, and there were Celtic languages to this day. It's Wells, Mountain Scotland, Cornwall and Ireland. So if you want to touch the great-parents of modern English, then then recover that's where you want to make it.

Thanks to German tribes, there are many words in English with common roots from German ones that were also borrowed in their time from Latin. In 597, the Roman Church began to Christise pagan Britain, and by the early 8th century, most of the British islands had already professed new religion.

The theirs of these cultures have been naturally reflected in the language. By capturing the word from Latin and assimilting them with German cuisies, there were plenty of new lexes. It was during this period that more than 600 words with Latin and German roots came to English.

Then in the second half of the 9th century, the Anglo-Saxon lands began to win over the Danes. The Scandinavian Vikings married Anglosers, mixing their ancient Islaman language with the kind of adversary that local people communicated. As a result, the English group came from the Scandinavian group. The average English period of the development of English is spanning the period from 1066 to 1500 AD in the middle of the 11th century, with the French won in the age of the Middle Ages, England was won by the French. That's how the era of three languages began in the history of the development of English:

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