Материалдар / “My favorite profession is a teacher”
2023-2024 оқу жылына арналған

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ҚР Білім және Ғылым министірлігінің стандартымен 2022-2023 оқу жылына арналған 472-бұйрыққа сай жасалған

“My favorite profession is a teacher”

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My favorite profession is a teacher”

There is such a profession in the world – to teach children… This profession is a teacher. This is one of the oldest professions. It was, is and will be one of the most important. Who, if not a teacher, will teach you to write, read and correctly express your thoughts? It is he who helps you to obtain new knowledge, without which life on earth is not possible. We live and learn all our lives, and the teacher devotes his life to children, to give them this knowledge and to teach this knowledge to receive. Each person, receiving new knowledge, passes them on to the next generation of people. Thanks to this, new discoveries are taking place in the world, the world opens new opportunities.
Is it easy to be a teacher? Of course not. Teacher – should be an “encyclopedia”. In his specialty, he uses both creativity and ingenuity, he invests his soul. Childhood is a wonderful time, carefree, joyful, free. Soon I will get the right to teach children. How to become a teacher? For me, this issue began to be solved from a young age. When I went to the first grade, I was already interested in the profession of a teacher. I tried to be like my teacher, she repeated, the movements, the phrases she was making. With friends we played “in school” – trying on the role of a teacher. It was then that I began to take steps towards my poor profession. Time passed. Hobbies changed. And interest in the pedagogical profession only increased.

By the end of the school, naturally, there were questions “who to be?”, “Where to study,” “what to devote your whole life?”. To answer these questions, I did not have to think for a long time. And I, of course, chose my favorite profession – a teacher. How not to love your own. Future profession? After going through several practices, the love of the profession, children and classes with them only increases. How nice to see how children do not go, but run to class; how nice it is to see how with a great desire receive new knowledge; how pleasant it is to realize that they are making their own progress, thanks to our professional work. How pleasant it is when, many years later, people who have already formed their life, thank the teacher with sincere gratitude, talk about themselves and recall the past.
Today, and always on the threshold of the class of students meets their teacher – an example of behavior, the unity of words and deeds, the embodiment of the inviolability of moral guidelines. It is his words that are repeated at home to parents and friends in the courtyard… This he has no right to make a mistake, because he is looked at – testily, demandingly, seriously – growing people. From time immemorial this word was used to refer to people who transmit to students knowledge, views and beliefs that indicate to them the path in life. Teacher – it sounds PRIEST!

The profession of the teacher is one of the most respected, honorable and responsible professions. It can be said that the teacher creates the future of the country, since the versatility of the development of knowledge of the younger generation, his beliefs, worldview, moral qualities largely depends on his work. Pedagogical activity requires a special vocation. Education and training can engage people with a penchant and love for this cause. The teacher should love and pass on his knowledge to others, get carried away by the process of teaching and educating a person. The success of pedagogical activity largely depends on the communicative abilities of the teacher, on his ability to establish the right relationship with children. The work of the teacher makes great demands on his attention. The teacher works with the whole class, and he needs to keep a lot of students in sight. He must be able to notice all the changes in their behavior.

Most of the specialists who received a pedagogical education work in the secondary school as primary school teachers, teachers of individual disciplines. The teacher’s work is also used in boarding schools, in working youth schools, vocational schools, technical schools, in pre-school institutions. In addition to the above-listed professional qualities, the subject teacher must have abilities in a particular field of science (mathematics, physics, literature, etc.).

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