Материалдар / My review and impressions of the novel “Daddy long-legs” by Jean Webster
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My review and impressions of the novel “Daddy long-legs” by Jean Webster

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This article is based on the novel «Daddy Long Legs» by Jean Webster. It tells about the adventures of Judy Abbott, a pupil of an orphanage. She did not have a loving family, an interesting childhood, a various hobbies and life in the orphanage was so terrible! But on the day when a mysterious guardian appears who wants a gifted student to have a better life, everything changes and his choice falls on Judy. That is, it speaks of special letters that she wrote to her long-legged daddy.
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My review and impressions of the novel “Daddy long-legs” by Jean Webster

Karagayeva Nurly Gilymgalikyzy

Scientific adviser: Nasimullina Aigul Bisembayevna

M.Utemisov West Kazakhstan state University, Oral, Kazakhstan


Abstract. This article is based on the novel «Daddy Long Legs» by Jean Webster. It tells about the adventures of Judy Abbott, a pupil of an orphanage. She did not have a loving family, an interesting childhood, a various hobbies and life in the orphanage was so terrible! But on the day when a mysterious guardian appears who wants a gifted student to have a better life, everything changes and his choice falls on Judy. That is, it speaks of special letters that she wrote to her long-legged daddy.

Key words: orphanage, guardian, trustee, letter, mysterious, daddy, college, lesson, friends, freshman, mistakes, knowledge.

The world is full of happiness, and plenty to go round, if you are only willing to take the kind that comes your way. The whole secret is in being  pliable.”
Jean Webster, Daddy-Long-Legs

Jean Webster, original name Alice Jane Chandler Webster, (born July 24, 1876, Fredonia, N.Y., U.S.—died June 11, 1916, New York, N.Y.), American writer who is best remembered for her fiction best-seller Daddy-Long-Legs, which was also successful in stage and motion picture adaptations.

Webster adopted the name Jean while attending the Lady Jane Grey School in Binghamton, New York. Webster, who was a grandniece of Mark Twain, showed an early interest in writing. While in college she contributed a weekly column to the Poughkeepsie Sunday Courier and at the same time started writing the stories that were collected in her first book, When Patty Went to College (1903). Webster soon followed with The Wheat Princess (1905) and Jerry, Junior (1907), both inspired by her extended visit to Italy; The Four Pools Mystery (1908), published anonymously; Much Ado About Peter (1909); Just Patty (1911), more stories about her first character, who was perhaps modeled on Crapsey; and Daddy-Long-Legs (1912), her most popular work. 

Daddy-Long-Legs, first serialized in the Ladies’ Home Journal, became a best-seller when published in book form. It was a successful stage play (1914) in Webster’s own adaptation, and a popular Mary Pickford silent film (1919). Daddy-Long-Legs was not only a successful piece of fiction but also a stimulus to reform the institutional treatment of orphans. In 1914 Webster published Dear Enemy, a sequel to Daddy-Long-Legs and also a best-seller.

The story tackles the life of Jerusha Abbott or Judy, a name she picked out herself. Jerusha lives in the John Grier Home, an old-fashioned orphanage. She has no memory of her parents and no experience of life outside the orphanage. Being the oldest of the pupils, she has to work hard for her pension , helping to take care of the other kids. They were badly fed and had to wear other people's discarded clothes. Despite the sad and boring life she leads, she is a cheerful and creative person and has a talent for writing.

The letter “Blue Wednesday” explains why Daddy long legs chose her. After Perfectly Awful Day, a trustee of the John Grier orphanage Mrs Lippet has invited the oldest orphan-- Jerusha Abbott. As she came downstairs, she saw only shadow of tallness man. As it turned out, this gentleman have an immoderate sense of humor. He read one of the essays she has written for school talking about her life as an orphan child, and it impresses him so much that he decides to pay for her to go to college, believing that she has potential to become a writer. But he sets a strange condition: Jerusha must write a letter to him every month, telling him about her life and her studies, and she must never expect any letters from him in return.

Jerusha has only had the chance to see this mysterious man once from the back, and the only thing she knows for sure about him is that he is very tall. With just that fact, she creates her own image of her benefactor, as well as an affectionate nickname to address him: Daddy-Long-Legs.

This "Daddy-Long-Legs" becomes the confidant of Jerusha's joys and sorrows, and an implicit help to fight against "the petty hazards of the day," as she calls them. Daddy-Long-Legs is never seen by his protegee, he never writes her back, but he finds a way to be present every time she needs him.

Jerusha chronicled her life as a college student, noting her transition as a senseless orphan to a well-rounded, successful woman. Her friends, Sallie McBride and Julia Pendleton played important roles in her growth as a person. Sallie is Jerusha's best friend, whereas Julia is her snooty and filthy rich roommate. While reading the novel, we can see the change in Jerusha in different aspects; may it be social, learning, and personal. Through Daddy Long Legs' help, Jerusha acquired self-confidence. Before she was afraid to be noticed since she is ashamed of her identity being an orphan. She is still traumatized since before she has been laughed at and mocked. But in college she was able to reveal her true self since none of the people there knew that she came from an orphanage. 

Jervis Pendleton is also an important character in the novel. He is the uncle of the rich and snobby Julia Pendleton, but his attitude is a total opposite of what her niece is. When they first met, their personalities clicked and complimented each other's. It is later revealed that Daddy Long Legs is Jervis, and is the trustee who is sending her to college. Jerusha also has actually fallen in love with Jervis.

The book ends with Judy’s letter to her benefactor after she goes to meet him at his home and he tells her the truth. Initially, before it, she turns down the offer of marriage he makes to her in person, but as she reveals in her letters to Daddy-Long-Legs, the reason is that she thinks that he knows nothing about her past, and she doubts that a wealthy man like him would marry a poor orphan if he knew. When she realizes that he does know all about her past and has loved her all along for the person she really is through her letters and his periodic visits, she agrees to marry him.

I think, the main idea of the book is to show social problem. This book reflects upon Webster's interests in social work and women's suffrage.

After reading this book, first I think Jean Webster is a brilliant writer. Because I really love this story, it’s quite dramatic. She through Judy’s letters to tell the readers about Judy’s school life. It’s not same as the other books, just write out the story, and not attractive. And my favorite character : is the most secret people in this book, Daddy-Long-Legs. Although he is quite strange, but he helped Judy to college. When Judy felt sad or unhappy, he still made Judy smile again. When Judy got something happy, she could also share her happiness with her Daddy-Long-Legs.

Аннотация. Эта статья основана на романе Джейна Вебстера «Длинноногий папочка». В нем рассказывается о приключениях юной Джуди Эбботт, воспитанницы приюта. У неё не было ни любящей и заботливой семьи и жизнь в приюте была такой тусклой! Но всё меняется в тот день, когда на пороге приюта появляется таинственный попечитель, желающий предоставить лучшую жизнь талантливой ученице. Его выбор падает на Джуди, и она становится студенткой колледжа, которую ждёт множество радостных и увлекательных событий. И это статья о необычных письмах, которые она пишет своему длинноногому дядюшке, который отправляет ее в колледж.

Ключевые слова: приют, опекун, попечитель, письмо, таинственный дядюшка, колледж, урок, друзья, первокурсник, ошибки, знание.


  1. Daddy long-legs” by Jean Webster [1968]

  2. Webster, D. Long-legged: [textbook] Eksmo, 2011. – 319 + 1 audio CD.

  3. Internet network

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