Материалдар / National games Excel 9
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National games Excel 9

Материал туралы қысқаша түсінік
472 бұйрықпен жасалған ашық сабақ жоспары
Автор материалды ақылы түрде жариялады. Сатылымнан түскен қаражат авторға автоматты түрде аударылады. Толығырақ
07 Ақпан 2023
14 рет жүктелген
770 ₸
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Дипломдар мен сертификаттарды алып үлгеріңіз!
Бұл бетте материалдың қысқаша нұсқасы ұсынылған. Материалдың толық нұсқасын жүктеп алып, көруге болады

Материалдың толық нұсқасын
жүктеп алып көруге болады

19 school-gymnasium

Short term plan

Unit of a long term plan:

Exercise and sport

Teacher name:


Date :



Number present: 12


Lesson title

National games

Learning objectives that this lesson is contributing to respect differing points of view use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about an increased range of general and curricular topics

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:

use subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about national games with support

Most learners will be able to:

use subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about national games and explain their own point of view with little support

Some learners will be able to:

use subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about national games and explain their own point of view without support

Assessment criteria

use subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about national games explain their own point of view


Part of the lesson/Time

Teacher’s activity

Student’s activity








1.Greeting . Organization moment

Teacher presents the lesson objectives


Wordwall matching

Pupils match the sports to the pictures.

-What can you see in these pictures? (Games)

- Have you ever done these games?

- How do you think what is the theme of the lesson?

Suggested answers: The lesson is about games. etc.

-Right. The lesson theme is National games

Open your copybooks. Write down today’s date and the theme.

Divide pupils into 2 groups.by taking favourite app’s pictures with numbers behind them.

There is a mobile phone in front of you. I give you stickers which means like in each app. If you answer the question or do the task you must stick your like sticker to phone board. Each sticker gives you a point.

At the end of lesson we will count your points

which is equal to your likes. It is for self-assessment.

Sts warm/greet the teacher

Tap the matching answer to eliminate it

Divide into 2 groups

At the organization moment T tries to award active Ss. «The praise» method is used to evaluate Ss with phrases like:

Good job!

Well done!”


match sport names - Match up (wordwall.net)





Watch the video

Students watch it and understand the meaning. Then answer the CCQ s to check the understanding.

We are going to watch a video. And also I’d like to give the text of the video with some highlighted words. They are new words of the lesson. Pay attention to them while watching and reading simultaneously.

Drill the vocabulary

Before doing the task according to the video we will drill new words. Repeat after me.

  • Prestigious Беделді

Bat ағаш ұрғыш

Egg-shaped жұмыртқа пішіндес

  • Amateur Әуесқой

  • Spectator Көрермені көп

  • Horse-racing Ат жарысы

  • Risk money Ақшаны тәуекел етіп тігу

  • Lessen Азайту

What was the video about?

Suggested answer:

The video is about British national games.

CCQ-concept checking questions

Information-based questions.

Individual work

  • Wordwall by rolling the dice

  • There are numbers in each side of dice. Which number appears while rolling, that box with questions will be answered by the student.

  • 3 are surprise

What sports are invented in Great Britain?

What is the object of cricket?

Which game is played with an egg-shaped ball?

What can you say about British people regarding the games?

What kind of game is golf?

What are other spectator sports popular in England?

How many percent of the population plays a sport?

Who is keen on playing rugby?

What is the chief spectator game in Britain?

Watches the video

practises new words

Rolls the dice and answers the question according to the video


Understands the meaning-1 p

Answers the question -1p

Uses subject- specific vocabulary- 1 p


Interactive board

ssq questions roll the dice - Open the box (wordwall.net)



Rugby balloon pass

In rugby you have to pass the ball backwards, so we are going to play a game passing a balloon backwards. Get each team to line up, each student behind the other. Give the player at the front of each team’s line a balloon. He must pass the balloon backwards to his team-mate over the head. The next player passes between the legs. Each team must race against each other. The team that gets the balloon to the last player and pops it up wins a point.

There are questions in each balloon. Students must discuss it.

Think- pair -share method

Picture narrating

  • Tell them to explain their opinion by given questions and pictures. Allow time in class. Then ask various groups to present the story to the class. Display the pictures around the classroom.

  • Group 1Are there similar sporting events in Kazakhstan?

  • Group 2What kind of unique Kazakh national games you know?

Plays the rugby balloon pass game.

Pops the balloon up. Explains his point of view about given question showing the pictures to the class


Winner in the rugby balloon pass game-1p

Explains his point of view-3 p

Names of games in pictures are found correctly-1p

Uses subject- specific vocabulary- 1 p



Team work

Method Tug o’war

Teams will compete with each other pulling the rope. The team which wins will get 1 point, the team which loses will act out and show 1 game without words. The rest team must find the game’s name

Pull the rope

Act out the game without words

Find the game’s name


Win while pulling the rope- 1p

Act out 1 game without words-1p

Find the game’s name-1p


Quizizz digital method

Now pupils let’s analyze what we have learnt today. Take your mobile phones. I will send you a link. Open it and tap the start button. Who answers with less mistakes will take points.

Taps a link and does the Quizziz by mobile phone


-9-10 answers are correct- 3 points

-7-8 answers are correct- 2 points

-4-6 answers are correct- 1 point

national games | English - Quizizz

End of the lesson.


5 min.

OK, and tell me please…Did you like the lesson? Have you worked hard/ with pleasure or were you lazy/inactive?  And now I`m going to give you marks….


Now my dears, count your likes.



You must write your opinion about lesson to stickers. Run to the wall and stick the stickers. Who sticks the highest will get chocolate


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