Материалдар / Ойындар, Сергіту сәті, 7-сынып
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Ойындар, Сергіту сәті, 7-сынып

Материал туралы қысқаша түсінік
сергіту ойындары, логикалық ойындар мақсаттағы ойындар. Мұндай ойындар оқушыны жан-жақты дамытып, білімді толық игеруіне көмектеседі. Ойын арқылы ұйымдастырылған сабақ балаларға жеңіл әрі тартымды, әрі түсінікті болады. Ойын сабақтары оқушылардың өздігінен жұмыс істеуге, ойлау қабілетін дамытуға үйретеді. Ойын кезінде балалардың достық сезімін оятып, бір-біріне қамқорлығы, ұжымдық бірлігі нығаяды. Балаларды жақсылыққа, қайырымдылыққа, ізгілікке, әдептілікке тәрбиелеуге болады. 7-сынып
Автор материалды ақылы түрде жариялады. Сатылымнан түскен қаражат авторға автоматты түрде аударылады. Толығырақ
11 Қараша 2021
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Бұл бетте материалдың қысқаша нұсқасы ұсынылған. Материалдың толық нұсқасын жүктеп алып, көруге болады

Материалдың толық нұсқасын
жүктеп алып көруге болады

Activity: I love my…because…

Either in teams or individually get students to come up with a list of 10 reasons why they love a particular thing. For example, I love my mum because…., I love my bed because…, I love my pet because…, Discuss the various reasons.

Activity: Dictionary race

Split the class into teams and give each team a dictionary. They must race to be the first team to find a given word. Once they have found the word they must read the definition. First team to do so scores a point. Good way to practice basic dictionary use skills as well as thinking about how to spell a word based on the sound.

Activity: Super hero for a day

Ask students if they could be any superhero for a day who

would it be and why. Discuss.

Activity:English is important

Write the phrase “English is important because…” on the board, and in group ask students to brainstorm a minimum of six reasons why English is important.

Activity: Synonyms & antonyms

Pick a word. Brainstorm synonyms and antonyms. Create a sentence using the original word. Interchange words to see in context. Repeat for another word.

Activity:Where should I go?

The teacher tells the student to imagine that he/she is a tourist in town, and wants some suggestions as to where to take a trip. Ask students in groups to plan a day trip, including details of any transport needed to go there, or directions of how to walk, admission costs if relevant, where to have lunch, why they should go to the places suggested. Encourage students to use multiple attractions within the town.

Activity: Guess the year

Write some world events and the years that they occurred in jumbled order on the board. The students must match the event to the year and form a sentence, stating the year correctly.

Activity: How are you?

Brainstorm with students different ways to answer this question, to avoid constant use of the answer “I am fine”. Make sure that students understand that if asked by a stranger or a passing acquaintance, it is a polite question, or a means of breaking the ice, it doesn’t necessarily mean that they really want to know how you are. And, in such a circumstance, “I am fine” is the most appropriate answer. But, that if asked by family of close friends, there is a wide range of different answers that can be used, to really fit the question. (I am great, I am happy, I am okay, I am not well…etc.)

Activity:Define yourself

Individually, students must think of no more than 6 words to define themselves. They must then tell the class their 6 words and explain why they have chosen these particular words, if they are not obvious

Activity:Complete the features.

Ss must complete facial features by listening and verbal descriptions. They must draw a face. For example he has short straight black hair, brown eyes and big nose. She has long curly blonde hair and blue eyes. Features that are not mentioned can be drawn in any by Ss. At the end of the exercise (may be 5-6 descriptions) have Ss compare their images.

Activity:Spelling games

Ss are to work in a small groups. Read words out loud, Ss are to write down and spell correctly. At the end of the list, groups must switch papers to mark. Read out the correct spelling for each. Group with the most correct answers wins.

Activity:Basic role play.

Ss work in small groups. Give each group a different basic scenario. They must devise a role play to present the rest of the class.

Activity:Write a short newspaper article

Provide Ss with a regular occurrence. In groups, Ss must sensationalise the activity and create a short newspaper article.


Ss must think about key events in their own lives, and prepare a chronological list of what information they would use if they were to write a biography. Ss take it in turns to present their key events life story (in no more than three minutes) to the class.

Activity:Design a user guide.

In small groups, Ss are to design a step by step user guide for a common appliance. Ss must then swap the user guides and groups must provide peer feedback.Feedback must include use of language and accuracy, clarity, any missing information.

Activity: Action stories

Choose a short story that has many repetitive words within it. Group Ss and assign each group a word. They must devise an action to perform when they when they hear that word. Read the story to Ss, who must listen carefully in order to be able to jump up and perform their team action every time they hear the word in the story.

Activity:Matching the word to the image.

Have a selection of pictures on one set of cards and the corresponding words on another set of cards. Shuffle the sets together and put in a pile on the floor. Split the class in half , team one and team two. A person from each team comes to the pile. Shout two words. Ss must match the pictures to the words. Perhaps one student will match both, thus getting 2 points for their team. Perhaps both Ss will match one with each team gaining a point. Repeat with another Ss.


Go around Ss, each student is to add a sentence to create a tall tale. Teacher starts the story with a simple phrase, such as, " I went to eat lunch". The next sentence, and each subsequent sentence, must begin with the word "suddenly".

Activity:Feel the music

Let Ss to listen to a piece of music that either has no words , or where the words are in a foreign language not spoken by class members. Tell the Ss to describe how they felt when they listened to the music and what they think the music is about.

Activity:Fortunately& Unfortunately

In pairs, Ss must come up with scenarios where they can use both the words fortunately & unfortunately together. For example, unfortunately it was raining last night fortunately I had an umbrella.

Activity:I remember when

In groups, Ss must come up with a list of 10 things that are different today than they were in their childhood. Compare lists and create a master class list of how time have changed.

Activity: Create a story from images

Show Ss several images from the magazines , newspapers and personal photographs. Tape these images to the board where they are in clear view. In groups, Ss must write a short story, based on the images they that see. They can use the images in any order. Encourage Ss to be a as creative as possible. Have groups take it in turns to order the images according to their story and then read their story to the rest of the class.

Activity: Ways to cook an egg

In pairs, have Ss think of how many different ways they can cook an egg. They must describe how this is done, and what they would serve the cooked egg with.

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