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Олимпиада тапсырмасы 10 сынып

Материал туралы қысқаша түсінік
Оқушылардың 10 сыныпқа арналған олимпиада тест тапсырмалары берілген. 10 сынып оқушыларына арналған. Тест тапсырмалары. Олимпиада тапсырмалары
Автор материалды ақылы түрде жариялады.
Сатылымнан түскен қаражат авторға автоматты түрде аударылады. Толығырақ
31 Қазан 2022
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Бұл бетте материалдың қысқаша нұсқасы ұсынылған. Материалдың толық нұсқасын жүктеп алып, көруге болады

Материалдың толық нұсқасын
жүктеп алып көруге болады

Ағылшын тілі пәнi бойынша Республикалық олимпиаданың 2-шi кезеңi 2021-2022_10 сынып, _____Ақпан_2022,,
Ұзақтығы: _90 минут

10 Grade
Maximum score – 100 points / Total time - 90 minutes
I. Listening
Maximum score – 20 points / Time – 15 minutes
Task 1. Listen and decide if the statements are True, False or Not Given in the audio. E.g. 0 - T
0. There is a boy who behaves badly.
1. The kid ran into a waitress and dropped her tray.
2. The couple that is complaining has children.
3. Woman works as a teacher.
4. The man doesn't think children should be taken to restaurants.
5. Parents are aware of the kid’s behavior.
6. The couple wanted to eat out in peace
7. Man would not allow his kids behave badly in public.
8. It took a long time for the food to arrive.
9. The waitress hates her job.
10. The manager is going to ask the couple with the kid to leave.
Task 2. Listen, fill in the blanks with the expressions that you hear. E.g. 0 - What’s wrong
Eric: 0…, Andrea?
Andrea: Now 11… our class. The teacher said we 12… do a lot of homework.
Eric: 13… ! I can help you. I think the class will be good, and we're going to 14… there.
Andrea: Eric, you're funny. 15…, you 16… , and now you're fine . What happened?
Eric: I don't know. I enjoyed talking to the students, and I want to 17… them. Maybe I won't 18… talking
in this class. I wasn't very nervous after the first five minutes.
Andrea: That's great. I can see you're happy that you 19… this class. I think your English 20… very
Eric: I hope you're right.
1 point for each correct answer
Total maximum score for this section - 20

II. Use of English
Maximum score – 20 points / Time – 25 minutes
Task 1. Find the errors and make corrections. Every item has one mistake. E.g. 0 – at
0. Mike’s wife had a flight to Rome on 6 o’clock in the morning.
1. Mike wake up after his wife went to the airport.
2. Mike took shower and got dressed before he had breakfast alone.
3. He put warm clothes because it's cold winter day.
4. Every day he goes to work at 12,00. So he always has time read the newspaper in the morning.
5. When he gets home from work, he take off his work clothes and puts on blue jeans.
Task 2. Read the conversation. Choose the correct answers. E.g. 0 - are you doing
Dave: What 0 … this weekend?
Lois: I 6… my cousins. They live in Bloomington.
Dave: Where's Bloomington?

Ағылшын тілі пәнi бойынша Республикалық олимпиаданың 2-шi кезеңi 2021-2022_10 сынып, _____Ақпан_2022,,
Ұзақтығы: _90 минут

Lois: It's near the airport.
Dave: I never go there. What's it like?
Lois: It's more modern 7… here. But it's 8… too, because of the planes. What about you? Do you have
Dave: I'm not doing 9… on Saturday. But we're 10… a cookout on Sunday. Are you staying at your
cousins' all weekend?
Lois: No, 11… I'm getting 12… on Saturday night
Dave: Great. Come to our cookout on Sunday!
0. a. do you do
b. are you doing
c. are you do
6. a. see
b. saw
c. 'm seeing
7. a. that
b. than
c. of
8. a. noisier
b. more crowded
c. quieter
9 a something
b. everything
c. anything
10. a. doing
b. having
c. making
11. a. aren't
b. don’t
c. ‘m not
12. a. on
b. back
c. up
Task 3. Write complete sentences in the correct form. E.g. 0 - While I was studying, my brother
took my mobile phone.
0. While / I / my brother / study / my / take / mobile / phone.
13. They / the window / tennis / they / when / break / play.
14. What / Monday / you / do / you / up / wake / late / if?
15. I / go / on / holiday / afraid / flying / tomorrow / but / I.
16. The jacket / expensive / so / I / not / buy / it / last / week.
17. My mum / work / the post office / 16 years /already.
18. 1973/ phone / call / mobile / make / first
19. We / very / exciting / your visit / our country.
20. anybody / eyes / have / green / your class ?
1 point for each correct answer
Total maximum score for this section - 20

III. Reading
Maximum score -20 points / Time – 20 minutes
Task 1. Read the text and match the questions below with paragraphs A-C. E.g. 0 - B
A. In 2008, Alex Lenkei had a problem with the bone in his arm and he needed a serious operation.
Normally, with an operation likes that, the doctor gives the patient an anaesthetic so that he or she doesn't
feel any pain. But Lenkei refused the anaesthetic. Instead, he hypnotized himself and simply told himself
that he could not feel any pain. That took about thirty seconds. Then the operation started. According to
Mr Lenkei, pain signals do not reach his brain when he is hypnotised.
B. The doctor, David Llewellyn-Clerk, was a bit worried. He had to take some bone from Lenkei's arm.
He watched Lenkei carefully during the operation, as he wasn't sure that Lenkei could feel no pain. 'I
didn't think Mr Lenkei could hear us, ' said Dr Llewellyn -Clerk, 'but half way through the operation, he
said "How's it going?''' That's when the doctor realised that Lenkei was not in pain. The operation lasted
83 minutes.

Ағылшын тілі пәнi бойынша Республикалық олимпиаданың 2-шi кезеңi 2021-2022_10 сынып, _____Ақпан_2022,,
Ұзақтығы: _90 минут

C. Mr Lenkei started hypnotizing people when he was sixteen and is now an expert. It wasn't his first
operation without anaesthetic. In 1996, a friend hypnotised him before a thirty-minute operation on his
stomach. Both operations were successful, so Lenkei had a third operation without anaesthetic in 2013,
this time on his ankle, which also went well.

In which paragraph does the writer tell us ...
0. which operation lasted for 83 minutes?
1. when the first operation happened?
2. why Lenkei needed an operation on his arm?
3. what Lenkei did just before the operation on
his arm?
4. on what part of his body the third operation
5. when Doctor Llewelly n-Clerk realised that
Lenkei was not in pain?

6. when Lenkei first hypnotised someone?
7. what happens to pain signals in his body while
he is hypnotized?
8. when Lenkei had his second operation?
9. how long the operation on his arm took?
10. what the doctor did to Lenkei's arm during
the operation?

Task 2. Read the sentences in Column A. Choose the best response from Column B. E.g. 0 - h
Column A.
Column B.
0. English is a crazy language.
a. So did I. That's the problem with studying at the
last minute.
11. Uh-oh! I forgot to pick her up from the airport.
b. Sorry, I didn't know.
12. I slept only three hours last night.
c. Because you turned this assignment in late.
13. I'd like you to take out the handout I gave you
d. Well, you're going to be in hot water when she
sees you.
14. If you don't hit the books a little more, you'll be e. I can't find it. Can I have another one please?
15. I ran all the way. Am I late?
f. Why don't you take a nap?
16. I crammed for a test, but I forgot everything I
g. You're right. I'll try to work harder.
17. How did he do on the test?
h. You can say that again!
18. Ssh! The baby's taking a nap.
i. I think he did pretty well.
19. Can I ask you a question? Why did you take
j. I know, and that really surprises me because he
five points off my homework?
didn't do well in school.
20 His business is really successful
k. No. You're lucky. You got here in the nick of
1 point for each correct answer
Total maximum score for this section - 20
IV. Writing
Maximum score – 40 points / Time - 30 minutes

Write an answer to ONE of questions A-E. Write your answer in 100-120 words in an appropriate
A. Last week your English friend, Jack, lent you his dictionary. You promised to return it by yesterday but
you didn't.

Ағылшын тілі пәнi бойынша Республикалық олимпиаданың 2-шi кезеңi 2021-2022_10 сынып, _____Ақпан_2022,,
Ұзақтығы: _90 минут

Write an email to Jack. In your email, you should
• apologize for not returning the dictionary
• explain why you couldn't see him yesterday
• offer to bring it to his house today.
B. This is part of a letter you receive from an English online friend.
“We have homework during our winter holiday. It is only one week long, so we don’t have much time to
relax! Do you have homework in the holidays? What else do you do?”
Now write a letter to your online friend, answering the questions.
C. Your English teacher has asked you to write a story.
• Your story must begin with this sentence:
I had a very exciting day on my winter holiday.
• Write your story on your answer sheet.
D. You want to ask your English friend, Alex, to go shopping with you on Saturday.
Write an email to Alex. In your email, you should
• invite Alex to go shopping
• suggest a time and place to meet
• say what you want to buy.
E. This is part of a letter you receive from an English online friend.
“My family and I have just moved to a new house. It’s quite small but it has a garden. What is your house
or flat like? Is it similar to your dream house? What would you like to change? ”
• Now write a letter to your online friend, answering the questions
Total maximum score for this section – 40 points

Материал жариялап тегін сертификат алыңыз!
Бұл сертификат «Ustaz tilegi» Республикалық ғылыми – әдістемелік журналының желілік басылымына өз авторлық жұмысын жарияланғанын растайды. Журнал Қазақстан Республикасы Ақпарат және Қоғамдық даму министрлігінің №KZ09VPY00029937 куәлігін алған. Сондықтан аттестацияға жарамды
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Республикалық байқауларға қатысып жарамды дипломдар алып санатыңызды көтеріңіз!