Материалдар / Online shopping, ашық сабақ, 8-сынып

Online shopping, ашық сабақ, 8-сынып

Материал туралы қысқаша түсінік
Online shopping, ашық сабақ, 8-сынып
Автор материалды ақылы түрде жариялады. Сатылымнан түскен қаражат авторға автоматты түрде аударылады. Толығырақ
04 Қырқүйек 2024
0 рет жүктелген
1350 ₸ 1500 ₸
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Тегін турнир Мұғалімдер мен Тәрбиешілерге
Дипломдар мен сертификаттарды алып үлгеріңіз!
Бұл бетте материалдың қысқаша нұсқасы ұсынылған. Материалдың толық нұсқасын жүктеп алып, көруге болады

Материалдың толық нұсқасын
жүктеп алып көруге болады

Short term plan

Unit: Daily Life and Shopping



Teacher name:

Grade: 8

Number present:


Lesson title

Online shopping

Learning objectives respect differing points of view; understand specific information and detail in texts on a growing range of familiar general and curricular topics, including some extended texts; use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a range of general topics, and some curricular topics;

Lesson objectives

Students will be able to:

  • identify key details and specific information in a text about shopping

  • talk about online shopping demonstrating respect to each other’s point of view

Stages / Time

Teacher’s actions

Student’s actions




2 minutes

Organization moment:


Good afternoon!

How are you?

Students respond to greeting


2 minutes

T shows the picture and asks questions

  • What comes to your mind when you think about shopping?

  • Have you ever bought anything online? What was it?

  • What do you like about shopping online?

Students answer questions about shopping

Appendix 1

Survey and presentation.

5 minutes

Ss move around the classroom, and find a classmate to talk to and ask question. Then they share their findings to the class

Students explore their existing knowledge and opinions about online shopping by asking and answering questions

Verbal assessment

Appendix 2

Pre-teaching vocabulary 5 minutes

T pre-teaches blocking vocabulary.

Match words with their definitions.

scratchy - feels rough or itchy against your skin

huge crowds- a lot of people gathered in one place

busy schedule - having many things to do and little free time

bustling world - a lively and active environment where many things are happening

charge - the amount of money you have to pay for something

Teacher pronounces the words correctly and asks students to repeat them

Concept checking questions:

  1. scratchy

  • Would you feel comfortable wearing something scratchy?

  1. huge crowds

  • Are there many or few people in huge crowds?

  • Would you find huge crowds in a small room or at a big concert?

  1. busy schedule

  • If you have a busy schedule, do you have a lot or a little free time?

  1. bustling world

  • In a bustling world, are people moving around a lot or staying still?

  1. charge

  • Does "charge" mean you are receiving money or giving money?

Students match words with their definitions using their mobile phones, then check their answers

Ss answer for the CCQ

Possible answers:

  1. no

  2. many,

at a big concert

  1. a little free time

  2. moving around

  3. giving money

Appendix 3 https://wordwall.net/resource/75087768

Reading for gist

5 minutes

Work individually.

Read the topic sentences of each paragraph and guess what’s the text about.

Students guess the topic of the lesson



Appendix 4

Reading for specific information 10 minutes

Task 1


Fill in the blanks. Complete the sentences using information from the text.

  1. People can find almost everything on the internet, including news articles, __________, and yoga tutorials.

  2. Online shopping is ideal for someone with a __________ lifestyle.

  3. One advantage of online shopping is that you can order anything and have it __________ directly to your front door.

  4. A disadvantage of online shopping is that you can't __________ before you buy.

Task 2.

Work individually.

True/False activity.

Read each statement and decide whether it is true or false based on the information in the text.

  1. Many people prefer online shopping because it allows them to avoid crowds and long queues.

2.Online shopping is only available during regular store hours.

3.One advantage of online shopping is that you can try on clothes before buying them.

4. The author finds online shopping less convenient due to high return charges

Students complete the sentences with necessary information

Students do True/False activity using the information from the text



Assessment criteria

Appendix 5

Appendix 6

Reading for detail

5 minutes

Differentiated task.

Read the text and complete the table writing advantages and disadvantages of online shopping using the information from the text.

Students fill in the chart with advantages and disadvantages of online shopping

Assessment criteria

Appendix 7


6 minutes

Task 1


T asks a question to think individually, then they compare their answers in pairs, after that they share different opinions according to questions:

  1. You have a specific item in your mind that you want to purchase. How would you decide between buying it online or going to a store?

  2. You are planning to buy a new laptop for your studies. Would you prefer to research and purchase it online or visit several stores to compare options?

Ss participate in group discussion by sharing their opinions

Assessment criteria

Appendix 8


5 minutes


Teacher asks students to write down what they learned from the lesson

I learned…


At the end of the lesson teacher gives language feedback for students’ work.

Ss write down the things they learned from the lesson about online shopping


Appendix 9

These days, it seems like everything is going digital. From news articles and recipes to yoga tutorials, you can find almost everything on the internet.

Many people find this way of life more convenient, because they can complete their daily chores from the comfort of their own home. I think that’s why some people like to shop for their clothes online. With the click of a button, you can order anything you want, and have it delivered directly to your front door. For someone with a busy lifestyle, this seems ideal.

Firstly, online shopping can be far less stressful than hitting the high street shops. There are no huge crowds of people or tediously long queues. With online shopping, it’s just you and your computer. It’s like you have the whole shop to yourself! Secondly, online stores don’t have opening and closing times. This is perfect for anyone with a busy schedule – like office workers who work long hours, or teenagers with several hobbies to squeeze into the weekend. If you want to, you can even place an online shopping order at three o’clock in the morning!

In the bustling modern world, there are clearly many advantages to online shopping. However, in my experience, there are also several cons … With online shopping, you can’t try before you buy, and that’s a definite disadvantage for me. Often, when my new clothes arrive, I find they don’t fit very well. It’s always annoying when a dress is a little too big, or when sleeves are awkwardly short … Sometimes, the clothes are not what I was expecting. A piece of clothing might look great in photos online, but quite different in real life. A blue jumper might turn out to be green, whilst other times the material of a blouse will feel cheap and scratchy.

In these scenarios, you want to return the item, but here lies the biggest problem with online shopping. You have to pay for your order’s delivery, and for an item to be returned to the warehouse! These charges are often very expensive, which suddenly makes online shopping seem a little less convenient…That’s why I don’t choose to shop online very frequently. For now, I will continue to find the time for a trip to a real shop, where I know exactly what I’m buying!

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