Материалдар / Opem lesson: Attachments. My most precious possessions, Grade: 8

Opem lesson: Attachments. My most precious possessions, Grade: 8

Материал туралы қысқаша түсінік
General aims To introduce with the precious possessions. To teach the grammar. Present Perfect with superlative adjectives + ever; To learn to speak about possessions and to make sentences in present perfect; To develop speaking and writing skills. Results of educating Students will develop their speaking and writing skills, will enlarge vocabulary. Main ideas Assessment for and of learning. Learning to think critically. Responding to age-related differences in teaching and learning. Methods Level questions. Answer and question. Resources English book, assessment papers, poster, a picture of banana’s tree, slide
Автор материалды ақылы түрде жариялады. Сатылымнан түскен қаражат авторға автоматты түрде аударылады. Толығырақ
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Тегін турнир Мұғалімдер мен Тәрбиешілерге
Дипломдар мен сертификаттарды алып үлгеріңіз!
Бұл бетте материалдың қысқаша нұсқасы ұсынылған. Материалдың толық нұсқасын жүктеп алып, көруге болады

Материалдың толық нұсқасын
жүктеп алып көруге болады

Object: EnglishDate: 21.12.2017y.Grade: 8Lesson 30
Theme of the lessonUnit 6. Attachments. My most precious possessions
General aimsTo introduce with the precious possessions. To teach the grammar. Present Perfect with superlative adjectives + ever;To learn to speak about possessions and to make sentences in present perfect;To develop speaking and writing skills.
Results of educatingStudents will develop their speaking and writing skills, will enlarge vocabulary.
Main ideasAssessment for and of learning. Learning to think critically. Responding to age-related differences in teaching and learning.
Methods Level questions. Answer and question.
ResourcesEnglish book, assessment papers, poster, a picture of banana’s tree, slide
The coursesTeachers actionsPupils actionsTime
Organizational moment

A) Greeting! Good afternoon, pupils! How are you today? How are filling today? B) Check-up homework. C) Divide into 2 groups with pictures:1 group: “My precious”2 group: “Possessions”Good afternoon, teacher!Will answer the questions.3
Warm-up " Thoughtful thinking" - What is personal possession? Good. Today the theme of our lesson is “My most precious possessions” and grammar: Present Perfect with superlative adjectives+ever

To my mind personal possession is person's things
New lesson

A) Vocabulary (Slide 3)B) Matchingp.60 ex.1. Match the words with the pictures. You’ve got 2 minutes!

C) Listening. Key pronunciation.p.60 ex.2a. Listen and repeat the words. Find the odd one out in each group.p.60 ex.2b. Listen to some more words and repeat. Is the sound 1 or 2?D) Reading. Presentation. p.60 ex.3a. Work in pairs. Read the text about Winston, Clare, Karim and Beth. Make a poster.

E) Grammar. Explain the Present Perfect with superlative adjectives+ever (Slide 5)

F) Practice. p.61 ex.5a. Make questions using the superlative + you’ve ever … .

p.61 ex.5b. What about you? Work with a friend. Choose at least 2 questions from 5a. Ask and answer.
Will open their books.

1 brush, 2 watch, 3 wallet, 4 earrings, 5 photo album, 6 key ring, 7 purse, 8 comb, 9 MP 3 player

1 bed, 2 watch

1 – worse, first, surf2 – born, more, horse

Will work in pairs. Will read and make a poster.

1. What’s the worst film you’ve ever seen?2. Who’s the nicest person you’ve ever met?3. Who’s the best actor you’ve ever seen?4. What’s the most interesting book you’ve ever read?5. What’s the funniest TV programme you’ve ever watched?6. What’s the most amazing thing you’ve ever done?








ReflectionFeedback. “Unfinished sentences” “Banana tree”1. My most precious possession is … 2. We often use the present perfect+ … after the superlative.3. We also use … in questions. Will answer this questions.3

Home taskGiving homework.Open your diary and write down: p.61 ex.7, 8.

Review all words and grammar. Will write home task to their diary.1
Consolidation. Assessmentp.61 Try this!

Evaluation. Today you’ve worked very hard, thank you for your participate. Your marks for today….. The lesson is over. Good bye children
Calculator, bag, camera, ring, dictionary, mobile

Will take their suitable marks.

Good bye teacher!


“Unfinished sentences”1. My most precious possession is … 2. We often use the present perfect+ … after the superlative.3. We also use … in questions.

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