Материалдар / Оқушылардың спортқа деген қызығушылғын ояту.
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Оқушылардың спортқа деген қызығушылғын ояту.

Материал туралы қысқаша түсінік
оқушыларға спорт тақырыбы бойынша жаңа лексикамен таныстыру оларды сөйлемде дұрыс қолдануын үйрету.
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Сатылымнан түскен қаражат авторға автоматты түрде аударылады. Толығырақ
03 Желтоқсан 2020
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Тегін турнир Мұғалімдер мен Тәрбиешілерге
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Бұл бетте материалдың қысқаша нұсқасы ұсынылған. Материалдың толық нұсқасын жүктеп алып, көруге болады

Материалдың толық нұсқасын
жүктеп алып көруге болады

Is sport exciting or dangerous?

Grade XI

Aims of the lesson: The students will be able to speak about sport in Britain and Kazakhstan.

To activate grammatical and lexical skills.

Educational objectives:

To develop the ability of unprepared speech.

To train students’ ability of asking questions.

Developing objectives:

To develop students’ attention and memory.

To develop the students’ speaking skills.

Up – bringing obectives:

To bring up love and interest to the subject,respect to each other.

To bring up students to keep fit ant take care of their health.

The Procedure of the lesson

I.Организационный момент.

Good afternoon dear children and guests.

Nice to see you. How are you today?

II.Интерактивный тренинг «Комплименты»

T:- I see that you are bit excited today and I want you to greet each other. Will you go to the blackboard please, and say some kind and pleasant words to each other. (I am glad to see you. Nice to meet you too. I am happy to work with you. You are so kind. You are so beautiful today. You look great today. I am glad that you are my friend. Your smile is attractive. I wish you success. Good luck to you).

Now I see that you are ready to start working.

III. Целеполагание.

I would like to start our lesson with your prediction about the topic of our lesson today. I’d like you to watch a video and guess what the theme of our lesson is. (Pupils are watching video).

T: - So what is the theme of our lesson?

P: - I think that the theme of our lesson is sport.

T: Yes, you are quite right. We are going to discuss the topic: “Is sport exciting or dangerous?”. What do you expect from our lesson?

P1: - I want to speak about different kinds of sports.

P2: - I want to know more about sport in Great Britain.

P3: - I want to develop speaking skills.

P4: - I want to revise the words on theme.

IV.T. Now tell me please what your associations with sport are.

extreme excitement participant competition

victory SPORT prize

championship contest awards

T: - But what does it mean sport? What is the definition of the word sport?

P 1: - Sport is an activity needing physical afford and skill.

P 2: - Sport is all types of physical activity that people do to keep healthy or for


V. Речевая разминка. «True-False chairs».

Let’s speak about the role of sport in your life with the help of «True-False chairs».I shall tell you some statements and you must say if they are true or false.

Sport plays a great role in your life.

Sport helps people to stay in good shape.

It is very important to be healthy.

Sport is an important part in your life.

You like to take part in sports competitions.

Sport is very popular all over the world.

VI. Интервью.

Now I want you to interview your classmates, collect all information about their attitude towards sport and report the results.

Find someone, who:

  1. Goes in for sports

  2. Can play chess well

  3. Takes part in any sport competitions

  4. Does his / her morning exercises

  5. Is good at sport

  6. Goes jogging

  7. Likes physical training lesson

  8. Doesn’t like sport.

(everybody likes, two of us, Denis is the only who….)

VII. Работа с флипчартом.

T: - Let see the results of the survey made by you. Complete the table (flipchart)

Who goes in for sports?

Who can play chess well?

Who takes part in any sport competitions?

Who does morning exercises?

Who is good at sport?

Who goes jogging?

Who likes physical training lesson?

Who doesn’t like sport.

VIII. Работа в группах.

T: - Many people like sport, but a great number don’t go in for sports.

Are you for sport or against it? Let’s divide in two groups according to the interview. One group will think and tell us about good sides of sports and the other one – about bad sides of sports. Will you write down all pros and cons. Now it’s time to speak.

Good sides.

Sport is good, because:

  1. It makes us strong and fast.

  2. It helps to keep fit.

  3. It builds character.

  4. It teaches us to loose and to win.

  5. Sport helps to meet people.

  6. It teaches you to be disciplined.

  7. Sport helps you to overcome difficulties.

  8. Sport gives you a chance to acquire self – confidence.

  9. Sport allows even disabled people to make friends with a number of people.

  10. Sport helps people to stay in good shape.

  11. Sport helps to support health and prevents from illness.

Bad sides.

Sport bad, because:

  1. It’s not very useful.

  2. It takes a lot of energy and time.

  3. We have no time to walk with friends.

  4. It needs to work very hard.

  5. Sport is dangerous.

  6. It causes lot injuries. We can break legs and arms.

  7. Sport can be unfair.

  8. It makes you unhappy, when you lose.

  9. You have no friends, only rivals.

T: - So we see that good sides more, that bad sides.

No matter what pluses and minuses sport has, its wonderful, because it unites people of all the nationalities and religions.

IX. Динамическая пауза.

Х. Strategy: “The Cube”.

Now you will have to do some tasks, which are given on the Cube.

  1. Make up a dialogue “What does it mean to you to be healthy”.

  2. Tell about your favourite sport.

  3. Tell some proverbs about sport. (A sound mind in a sound body. Good health is above wealth. An apple a day keeps a doctor away. Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.

  4. Name some extreme kinds of sports. (skydiving, scuba diving, car racing, surfing, snowboarding. Are they dangerous? Why are they dangerous?)

P: - Because by engaging in these sports people may be injured or even die.

  1. a) What should people do to keep fit? Get up early and go to bed early.

  • Take regular exercises.

  • Eat healthy food.

  • Having regular check-ups.

  • Eat a lot of fresh fruit and vegetables.

  • To get fresh air.

  • Sleep enough.

  • To go in for sports.

b) What shouldn’t people do to keep fit?

- People shouldn’t go to bed late.

- Eat fat food.

- Sit too much in front of television.

- Shouldn’t smoke.

- Take drugs, drinking alcohol.

  1. Tell about your physical training lesson.

(Physical training lesson is an important subject at school. We have physical education twice a week. At the beginning of the lesson, we usually do gymnastic exercises, then we pull up, jump, climb the rope. We play sports games, volleyball, basketball, in winter we ski and skate, the boys play hockey.)

XI. Контроль навыков аудирования.

And what do you know about popular sports in Great Britain.

I suggest you to watch a short film about sport in GB, then you will do some tasks. Let’s see if these sentences true or false.

  • Swimming isn’t popular in GB.

  • There are twenty thousand public swimming pools in Britain.

  • Lots of people go cycling.

  • The least popular sport in Britain is walking.

  • About 40 percent of British people go walking.

  • The British don’t love watching sport on TV.

  • Horse racing, moto racing, rugby, cricket, croquet, are very popular.

  • Curling is an American game.

XII. Venn diagram

T: - What kinds of sports are popular in Kazakhstan?

P: - Among the sports popular in our country, are: basketball, volleyball, ice hocking, gymnastics, figure skating, skiing, weightlifting, restling, boxing.

Let’s some up and complete the diagram.

Sport in Britain Both countries like Sport in Kazakhstan

Cricket Swimming Basketball

Squash Football Volleyball

Rugby Tennis Boxing

Netball Horse racing Gumnastics

Curling Cycling Figure skating

Croquet Yachting Skiing

Moto racing Weightlifting

Badminton Restling

XIII. Формирование лексико – грамматических навыков.

Look at the screen and mind about different collocations to talk about sports.

Verbs play, go and do

We use different verbs with different types of sports.

to play basketball/football/volleyball

to go jogging/skiing/swimming

to do aerobics/gymnastics

Play is often used with sports that are team games, or where we play with another person.

Go is often used for things done outside, and which we can do alone. These sports often end in -ing.

XIV. Complete the text using do, play or go.

My family is very keen on sport. We watch a lot of sport on TV and most mornings I go jogging. On Saturday mornings my brothers ... football and I ... gymnastics. My mother and I ... aerobics every week and my mother and father ... golf at the weekend. In winter we ... skiing and in the summer holidays we ... tennis, and ... swimming and waterskiing.

XV. Cinquain.


Exciting, thrilling

Win, ride, jump

Sport is great

I’m fond of sport

XVI. Reflection.

What have you learnt during today’s lesson? What have you found out? What have you remembered?

Well, our lesson is almost over. Thank you for being active at the lesson. It was interesting to listen to your point of view. You get good and excellent marks.

XVII. Homework

Choose any extreme sport and make a project.

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