Материалдар / Открытый урок с использованием технологии развития критического мышления Тема: "We love the world"
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Открытый урок с использованием технологии развития критического мышления Тема: "We love the world"

Материал туралы қысқаша түсінік
конспект урока английского языка для учителей 5-6 классов
Автор материалды ақылы түрде жариялады.
Сатылымнан түскен қаражат авторға автоматты түрде аударылады. Толығырақ
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6 А класс 09.02.2017

Открытый урок с использованием технологии развития критического мышления

Тема: "We love the world"


1. Обсудить проблему с использованием монологической и диалогической речи.

2. Усовершенствовать навыки чтения с полным пониманием прочитанного.

Обучающие задачи:

1. Развивать умения работать с текстом.

2. Научить логически строить высказывания на основе прочитанной информации.

Развивающие задачи:

1. Развивать навыки общения на английском языке.

2. Развивать умения работать с новой информацией.

3. Развивать навыки систематизации полученных знаний.

4. Стимулировать навыки критического мышления и самостоятельного осмысления текста.

Воспитательные задачи:

1. Воспитывать активную гражданскую позицию по отношению к окружающей среде.

2. Воспитывать желание осмысливать и решать экологические проблемы.

Оснащение урока: тексты, листы А-3, фломастеры.

  1. Presentation.

Warm - up

The 1 - st letter of water

The 2 - nd letter of south

The 3 - rd letter of card

The 4 - th letter of hill

The 5 - th letter of holiday


Today the theme of our lesson is "We love the world". Our world is a very beautiful place. There are mountains, rivers and large forests. But some people destroy the environment. Today we are going to discuss the problem of environment protection.

I divide our class into three groups.

1. Water

2. Forest

3. Mountain

Children, I’ll give you marks after each parts of this lesson. It’ll be the colours of traffic light. It means red is excellent, green is good, yellow is sad.

  1. Vocabulary

beautiful [‘bju:tiful] красивый

mountain – [‘mauntin] гора

forest – [‘forist] лес

destroy – [di’stroi] разрушать

environment – [in’vairəmənt]окружающая среда

rubbish – [‘rᴧbiʃ] мусор

dump – [‘dᴧmp] разбрасывать

pollute – [pə’lu:t] загрязнять

caviar – [,kævi’a:] икра

nuclear - [‘nju:kliə] атомная энергия

bomb – [bomb] бомба

grass – [gra:s] трава

red herring –[red heriη] красная рыба

2. Realization.

You will read and translate it

The world is a very beautiful place. There are beautiful mountains, wonderful rivers and large forests. But some people are destroying the environment.

In the Amazon rain forest they are cutting the large trees. They are burning the small ones. They are killing birds and the animals. They are destroying the forest because they want to change the forest into farm land.

On Mount Everest too many people are walking on the mountains. They are destroying the grass. They are killing the plants. They are dumping their rubbish on the mountain because they do not want to carry it.

On the Zhaiykh River in Kazakhstan the factories are polluting the river with dirty water and it costs money to clean the water. People are killing the red herring in the river because they want the caviar. They take the caviar and they throw away the fish. They throw away the fish because they get more money from caviar.

In some places things are getting better. The British are cleaning the rivers. The fish are coming back. The Americans are protecting the Redwood Forest. They are not cutting the big, old trees. Everyone pollutes in some way. If you drop litter, you pol­lute. Each one of us must try to pollute as little as possible. In Kazakhstan we help the environment a lot. In Kazakhstan we do not test nuclear bombs.

3. Discussing: One pupil from each group will go to other groups and explain his part of the text.

4.Checking up the understanding of the text:

Put a «+», if the sentence is true and Put a «-», if the sentence is false:


True/ false


The world is beautiful.



Some people destroy the environment.



People walk on the mountains



They destroy the grass.



. They dump their rubbish on the mountains every year.



In Kazakhstan on the Zhaiyk River the factories pollute the river with dirty water.



We help the environment a lot.


5 Relaxing

6. In your groups draw a poster on the theme: “Our beautiful world”

Scheme: Our beautiful world has…..

We plant ….

We water..

We don’t…..

We help….


Now, every group counts your coloured cards.

The group water is …

The group forest is…

The group mountain is…

Home task: ex 10p167

Our short discussion is over. I’m sure that you are the real friends of our planet we all must do what can to keep the air, water, land clean. You worked hard. Thank you. The lesson is over!

Средняя общеобразовательная школа имени М.Маметовой

Урок на тему:

We love the world”

Провела: Лукпанова А.Б.

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