Материалдар / Oxygen, production, properties and application.

Oxygen, production, properties and application.

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24 Желтоқсан 2018
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Long-term plan section: 8.2.D.School: 4SG
Date: FULL NAME. teachers: Kozhantaeva Akmaral
Class: 8Approved:

Lesson topicOxygen, production, properties and application.Demonstration number 4"Getting oxygen and studying its properties"
Learning objectives that are achieved in this lesson8.4.2.2 - to know the percentage of oxygen in the composition of air and the earth's crust
Lesson objectives- Know the percentage of oxygen in the air;- Know the percentage of oxygen in the earth's crust;- Know the methods of obtaining oxygen;- Know and understand the properties of oxygen;- Understand the importance of oxygen and explain the industry of its use.
Критерии оценивания- Knows the percentage of oxygen in the composition of the air and the earth's crust;- Knows and explains the production, properties and use of oxygen.
Language goals

Subject vocabulary and terminologyElements, gases, crust, oxygen, atmosphere, percentage, component,
Instilling values

Lifelong learning (the foundation of this lesson was laid in the 7th grade, however, the skills of today's lesson will be accompanied before graduation).
Interdisciplinary communicationPhysics. Biology in explaining the importance of oxygen.Maths. When performing tasks.

PresentationWork with Internet resourceshttp://su0.ru/DE6l
Preliminary knowledge7.2V Air. Burning reactions
During the classes
Scheduled Lesson StagesScheduled Lesson ActivitiesResources
The beginning of the lesson0-2 min

3-7 min

Organization.І. Creating a classroom atmosphere of cooperation and mutual learning

Repetition of the last lesson:1) Name at least two physical properties of hydrogen;2) What is the relative density of hydrogen in the air?3) Give one example of hydrogen production in the laboratory;4) High-quality reaction to hydrogen.5) Draw a picture of the installation for the production of hydrogen in laboratories.

(f) Formative Assessment ProcessTo acquaint students with the topic of the lesson and learning objectives:Know the percentage of oxygen in the composition of the air and the earth's crustAfter reviewing the objectives of the training, assessment criteria are developed together with the students.Possible evaluation criteria:- knows the percentage of oxygen in the composition of the air and the earth's crust;- knows and explains the production, properties and use of oxygen.Theme of the lesson:Oxygen, production, properties and application.
Middle of the lesson8-15 min

16-20 min

20-30 min

31-35 min
Getting oxygen from potassium permanganate by heating

2 KMnO4 = K2MnO4 + MnO2 + O2Methane + oxygen → .... + ....Propane + oxygen →....+....Game "60 SECONDS" Sodium – натрий Water – су sodium hydroxide - NaOH hydrogen gas – сутек газыZinc - мырыш, hydrochloric acid - тұз қышқылы HCl, Sodium - натрийcolorless- түссіз, odouless – иіссіз, tasteless – дәмсіз.Universe- әлем, ғалам, космосAmmonia - аммиакMetals – металдар, nonmetals – бейметалдар.Nitrogen – азот, copper – мыс, aluminium – алюминий, iron – темір, phosphorus - фосфорPotassium калий

35-38 min

Ask students to write the equations for the following reactions:• hydrogen + oxygen• hydrogen + chlorine• hydrogen + sulfur• zinc oxide + hydrogen• potassium + hydrogen• sodium + oxygen• calcium + oxygen• hydrogen sulfide + oxygen• methane (СН4) + oxygen

Differentiation - how do you plan to provide more support? What tasks do you plan to set for more capable students?Grading - how do you plan to check students' level of learning?Health & Safety
Differentiation will be used when dividing into groups for working with text.Mutual evaluation, formative evaluation by criteria. The teacher checks the written work by the success criteria.Students will work in pairs, move around the class and will be active.The assignments in the evaluation sheet are made out in an accessible font that does not harm the eyes.
Lesson reflexionWere the objectives of the lesson / learning objectives realistic?Have all students reached the DH?If not, why not?Is the differentiation correct in the lesson?Have the lesson temporal stages been sustained?What were the deviations from the lesson plan and why?Use this section to reflect on the lesson. Answer the most important questions about your lesson from the left column.

Overall ratingWhat are two aspects of the lesson that went well (think about both teaching and learning)?one:2:

What could contribute to improving the lesson (think about both teaching and learning)?one:2:What did I discover during the lesson about the class or the achievements / difficulties of individual students, what should I look for in subsequent lessons?

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