Материалдар / Past continuous grade 7

Past continuous grade 7

Материал туралы қысқаша түсінік
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31 Тамыз 2024
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Материал тегін
Тегін турнир Мұғалімдер мен Тәрбиешілерге
Дипломдар мен сертификаттарды алып үлгеріңіз!
Бұл бетте материалдың қысқаша нұсқасы ұсынылған. Материалдың толық нұсқасын жүктеп алып, көруге болады

Материалдың толық нұсқасын
жүктеп алып көруге болады

Term 2

Unit 4. Space and Earth

School: D.Konaev secondary school

Қаралды: Қожаберген Н.


Teacher’s name: Smat Meyir

Grade 7 A,B,V,G

Number present:

Number absent:

Theme of the lesson:

Past Continuous: questions p.55

Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to use present continuous forms with present and future meaning and past continuous forms for background and interrupted past actions on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics organize and present information clearly to others

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:

recognize the past continuous question form.

Most learners will be able to:

apply the past continuous form

Some learners will be able to:

use the past continuous question form with special questions fluently


Planned timings

Teacher’s activities

Pupil’s activities




the lesson

5 min

The lesson greeting.

The teacher sets the lesson objectives, letting students know what to anticipate from the lesson. To divide into 2 groups.

Checking the home task.

Students respond to greeting.

Choose 1 letter .

Ss check the home task as a class

Formative Assessment


Picture pigeon


Main Activities

Grammar structure

Past continuous tense question form

The Past continuous question form

Question form:
Was I/he/she/it/ Ving

Were You/ we/ they Ving


Task 1.

Complete the given test.

Use right form of past continuous question.

Task 2.

Ex.1 p 55. Students book Match questions 1-6 with answers a-f. Then complete the rule.

1 Were you skiing? A in Quito

2 Was she cycling? B They were travelling

3 Were they sailing? C No, they weren’t

4 What were they doing D My dad

5 Who was waiting E Yes, I was

6 Where were you waiting? F No, she wasn’t

Task 3.

Game: “Bowling quiz”

  • Ask Ss follow the link

  • Encourage your Ss do the interactive task.

Task 4. Game: Dodecahedron”

  • Ask Ss to stand in a circle

  • Encourage your Ss to read the questions and answer them using the given words in brackets

Task 5. Interactive game: “Quiz show”

  • Ask Ss follow the link

  • Encourage your Ss do the interactive task.

Task 6. Ex: 5

  • Ask ss complete the sentences.

  • Use the past continuous in each sentences

Ss put the words in order and find the rule by yourself and learn the rules.

Ss choose right answers from laptop one by one.

In group Ss complete sentences, then match them with a or b.



2- f

3- c

4- b

5- d

6- a

Ss follow the link and do the interactive task

Ss stand in a circle, throw the ball, when a student catches the ball he/she reads the questions and answers it using the given word in brackets

Ss follow the link and do the interactive task

Students complete the sentences.



A learner

-Choose right answer,

take for right answer 1 point


A learner

-works in groups

- completes the sentences

- matches them with a or b

2 points


A learner

-follows the link

- reads the questions and choose the right answer

1 point


A learner

-works in groups

- throws and catches the ball, answers the questions

2 points


A learner

-follows the link

- reads the questions and choose the right answer

2 point


A learner

-works in groups

- completes the sentences

- use past continuous form

2 point


Past continuous tense

words on the board


Handouts with task


Dodecahedron” template


Ss book


Ending the lesson

Giving the home task. SB ex.4. p.55.


Giving feedback: “Exit ticket”

Ss give feedback by answering the questions on the exit tickets

Total 10 points


Материал жариялап тегін
сертификат алыңыз!
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