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Unit of a long term plan:Journey into Space

School: А. Navoi


Teacher name: Absimetov A

Grade: 4 b

Number present:


Lesson title

Planets 2

Learning objectives

4.3.5 understand the main points of short simple texts on a growing range general and some curricular topics by using contextual clues

4.4.2 begin to use joined-up handwriting in a limited range of written work

4.5.3 use adjectives, including possessive adjectives, on a growing range of general and some curricular topics to describe things; use simple one-syllable and some two-syllable adjectives [comparative and superlative] to make comparisons

Lesson objectives(A.C)

Students will be able to

  • identify the general idea of the text

  • distinguish relevant subheadings to the text paragraphs

  • create 4 sentences about planets implementing correct comparative / superlative forms of adjectives in written work

Level of thinking skills

LOTs and HOTs

Stages / Time

Teachers actions

Students actions




(10 min)

(W)Teacher greets the students and presents them questions for revising prior learning:

-How many planets are there in the solar system?

-What planet is the biggest in the Solar System?

What planet is the hottest in the Solar System?

-What theme are we going to discover today?


Teacher presents the objectives and outcomes of the lesson.

-We are going prolong speaking about planets of the solar system.

By the end of the lesson you will be able to:

  • identify the general idea of the text

  • distinguish relevant subheadings to the text paragraphs

  • create 4 sentences about planets implementing correct comparative / superlative forms of adjectives


To revise the vocabulary teacher divides students into 3 groups and asks one representative come to the blackboard and show words she tells them secretly. Students are not allowed to answer when other group representatives show the word with TPR. Only if there is no correct answer in a minute other group can give their answer.

Words: space, Venus, spacesuit, spaceship, Earth, rotate, telescope.

Teacher makes a conclusion of the activity by asking what words they recall and was it interesting for them.

D: 1)If there some problems with appropriate signs teacher will assist students with teaching them what signs will be clearer to others. – by teacher’s scaffolding

2)Groups are divided according to abilities, every team has advanced learners and weak learners – differentiation by environment

Students greet the teacher and answers her questions:

  • 8 planets

  • Jupiter

  • Venus

  • Solar System/ planets

Students listen to and watch lesson objectives presented on the slide.

Students are divided into three groups. One representative of each group shows the meaning of the secret words to their groups by body language. Learners try to guess words and revise previous theme vocabulary.

d: * identifies the meaning of the word

*applies clear signs to explain the word meaning

Assessment through observation

Assessment by group competition

Every team gets 1 point for every right word. At the end all points are added and the best team is declared.





(30 min)

Reading(20 min)

(W)Pre-reading activity- Discussion

Teacher spreads the sheets with text about Solar System and asks students to pay attention to the picture inside the text.

-Dear students, what do we know about Solar system. Let’s share our ideas

- Very well! Let’s write what we already know in our KWL tablein your exercise booksand think about “What do we want to learn today”. Teacher recallsthem lesson objectives.

(P)While-reading activity – Skimming

Teacher asks students to look through the text paying attention to the title, 1st paragraph, main sentences of every paragraph and the last paragraph(Locate information) and working in pars find the answers to the questions:

  1. What is this text about?

  2. What titles for every paragraph can we use(Subheadings are given on the sticking stripes)

3. Which paragraph is about Planets/ Dwarf planets/Moons/Rock planets /The sun/ Gas planets

-Please pay attention to the key words in subtitles.

After finishing the task pairs are invited to exchange their works with others and check them according to the presented by teacher keys on the interactive board.

D:By learning style students will be supported ( sheet with picture prompts.)

After finishing the task an advanced student will be asked to help them.

(W)Post-reading activity – KWL –chart

Teacher asks students to fulfil KWL Table using main information from the text

(W)TPR activity – Sing a song about planets

Teacher invites students to sing along a song learned on the previous lesson using not only voice but also a body language.

D: Teacher gives CCQ questions about signs we can use for adjectives: hottest, coldest, furthest, closest, largest, smallest, highest, strongest

Writing(10 min)

Pre-writing – Modelling

Teacher writes on the board several sentences from the song with superlatives. And asks students to remember the rules of changing adjectives according to degrees of comparison.

Well done! Let’s look at the table and remember what was missed in your answers.


Teacher asks students to write 2 sentences about planets using superlatives and 2 sentences using comparatives. Students are given 5 minutes to write. After 3 minutes teacher asks students to show where they are using 5fingers method for getting feedback and find students who need assistance. The students who show 5 fingers are checked at once and go to assist students showing 1 or 2 fingers.

D: 1. table is accessible while writing (D by resources)

2. Poster with names of planets is on the board (D by resources)

3. Less able students get the list of useful adjectives (D by resources)

4. Supported by HELPERS

Post-writing activity

When the majority of class have given their works teacher invites one student to write his sentence on the board and revise the rules.

Students try to tell everything they’ve learned about space in English and operate some additional information they found in other resources.

Students fill the KWL table with some support

Students listen to teachers instructions. Look attentively at stripes with subheadings to find key words to keep them in mind while skimming the text. They work in pairs and discuss their answers while doing the task.

d: 1. students identify key words in subheadings

2. they stick the subheadings in correct order: Planets /Rock planets / Gas planets/The sun /Dwarf planets /Moons

Students one by one go to the blackboard to write something new in L graph

Students sing the song along the song using TPR

Students say the rules of degrees of comparison. Students look at the table and add some details to their answers.

Students write 4 sentences in their exercise – books using some support (table) if needed.

Students show fingers when asked and some of them assist others

Assessment by observation

Peer- assessment

Students check other pair sheet according to keys. They count correct subheadings and write points on the sheet and exchange them back for revision.


1.Recall facts about solar system in ‘K’

2.Weigh what should be learnt according to LO in ‘W’

3.Locate new information in ‘L’

Assessment through observation

Formative Assessment / 5 fingers

Techer checks the Ss’ works

AC:1. Use covered vocabulary

2 use correct comparative form of adjectives

3. use correct superlative form of adjectives

4 write 4 sentences with superlatives/comparatives


Worksheets with sticking stripes with subheadings

Appendix 2

KWL chart



Appendix 4

End(5 min)

Thermometer of understanding

Teacher asks students to point their position on the Thermometer of understanding on individual sheets. If they feel sure about their knowledge, point +5, if not so sure but understood a lot choose “0”, if they have problems choose temperature lower 0 and write your problems on the sheet.

Teacher invites wishing students to share their opinion of the lesson in front of the class.

D: Teachers also give short feedback for very active students and give some motivated advice to passive students for future.

Students fill the cards “2 stars and a wish” for recalling everything was learnt during the lesson and give their opinion about lesson and some parts of it.


Students evaluate their knowledge and attitude to the lesson

Thermometer of understanding and stickers


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