Материалдар / “Psychological and pedagogical conditions for the upbringing of moral relationships of primary schoolchildren in inclusive educati
2023-2024 оқу жылына арналған

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“Psychological and pedagogical conditions for the upbringing of moral relationships of primary schoolchildren in inclusive educati

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Мақала: Инклюзивті білім беруде бастауыш мектеп оқушыларының адамгершілік қарым-қатынастарын тәрбиелеудің психологиялық-педагогикалық шарттары
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08 Желтоқсан 2021
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Psychological and pedagogical conditions for the upbringing of moral relationships of primary schoolchildren in inclusive education”

Aliakbar Dulyga

Shnaliyeva Saida

Shokhanova Tokzhan

Supervisor: PhD, Tileubaeva M.S.

Abstract. The article examines pedagogical and psychological conditions of educating moral relationships of younger schoolchildren in inclusive education.

Key words: inclusive education, upbringing, psychology, moral relationships, primary school.


Inclusive education is actively gaining momentum in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Traditionally, a widespread form of education for children with disabilities is special education. At the same time, in practice, the process of including children with disabilities in educational organizations is being activated, various models and forms of interaction between special and mass education are being tested. It is important to note that the values of inclusive education are being actualized in the Kazakhstani education system, which is aimed not only at traditional educational achievements, but also at ensuring a full-fledged social life, the most active participation in the team of all its members, including children with disabilities.

Note that, the question of the relations of younger students in inclusive education has been considered by only in the context of creating a special psycho-pedagogical conditions for children with disabilities, without regard to the nature and psychological mechanisms of perception of healthy children of peers with disabilities.

In the context of our article, the main thing in various interpretations of the concept of inclusive education is the organization of interaction between ordinary children and children with disabilities in the space of a general education institution, the formation of an inclusive culture, the most important component of which, in our opinion, is the moral relationship of the subjects of inclusive education.

The most common form of inclusion is a combined, in which children with disabilities are in the class of ordinary children, but, in addition, attend special correctional and developmental classes. An important area of ​​work in this form of inclusion is the creation of a friendly atmosphere in student collectives.

Partial (fragmentary) inclusion is carried out in cases when children with disabilities with disorders of the musculoskeletal system, metabolic diseases, etc. attend some classes in a mass school, the rest of the time they are homeschooled.

In this regard, the urgent task of class teachers, social teachers, school psychologists is to work to maintain an inclusive approach to children who study at home. Students with disabilities who are homeschooled should be actively involved in school-wide activities, invited to holidays, and organized meetings of the child with classmates at his home. Parents need to be convinced of the need to bring, bring the child to at least some lessons (music, fine arts, technology, and rhythm) and events (matinees, holidays, competitions, etc.). The partial form of inclusion can be the beginning of the transition to full inclusion, for this it is important to systematically maintain the child's connection with the peer group.

Full inclusion means the inclusion of a child with disabilities in a regular classroom of a mainstream school for the entire period of study.

Of course, the process of including an atypical child in the environment of healthy peers must be carried out in the form most suitable for a particular child, which is determined by the medical-psychological-pedagogical commission.

An important problem of inclusive education, affecting the relationship of younger schoolchildren with peers with disabilities, is the attitude of teachers, parents and students of general education schools to this form of education.

The moral potential of inclusive education is defined by us as a combination of factors that determine the successful upbringing of moral relationships among younger students. We believe that the moral potential of inclusive education implicitly includes the following conditions that affect the upbringing of moral relationships:

- a place, an educational institution that allows organizing the interaction and communication of primary schoolchildren with peers with disabilities in collective educational and extra-curricular activities;

- a long time of interpersonal contacts, communication of primary schoolchildren, ensuring mutual knowledge and understanding of the subjects of inclusive education;

- natural situations, contributing to the acquisition of vitagenic (life) experience of moral relationships by younger schoolchildren.

Note that personality characteristics, the nature of interaction and communication of children, caused by various types of violations, can significantly complicate the process of upbringing the moral relationships of primary schoolchildren in inclusive education. Taking these features into account will require the teacher to have specific professional competencies in building the educational process in an inclusive class.

It should be said that the very fact of a specific social situation in which the subjects of inclusive education find themselves does not guarantee the manifestation of the moral potential of inclusive education in fostering moral relationships. In other words, there is a whole range of risks that can have a negative impact on the process of moral education.

So, with a spontaneous form of inclusion, pseudo-inclusion, a child with disabilities may find himself in a situation of isolation. It is possible that many healthy children will not be able to overcome the psychological barrier associated with the unattractive appearance of a classmate with disabilities, and will avoid communicating, playing, and making friends.

The psychological and professional unpreparedness of the teacher to work in an inclusive classroom, the inability to build personality-oriented relationships with students can adversely affect the process of upbringing moral relationships among younger students in inclusive education.

Consequently, the mere fact of the presence of a child with disabilities in the classroom is not sufficient for the manifestation of the potential of inclusive education. The educational situation can develop both positively and negatively. Therefore, in order to minimize possible risks, it is necessary to create special pedagogical conditions and select the most effective pedagogical tools that could ensure the manifestation of the potential of inclusive education in the upbringing of moral relationships among younger students.

The emergence of mental contacts of younger schoolchildren with peers with disabilities is mediated by the action of psychological mechanisms: empathy, sympathy, attraction. Let us give a brief description of these concepts.

Empathy is the ability to understand the feelings and emotions of another person, delve into them and experience them as your own. Sympathy - a sense of location, a benevolent attitude towards someone. At the heart of sympathy is the phenomenon of attraction.

Attraction is the phenomenon of attraction for an individual of any other individual. Attraction in interpersonal relationships is characteristic of those cases where someone can reward an individual or help satisfy his needs.

In conclusion, the moral potential of inclusive education can be considered as a set of factors that determine the successful upbringing of moral relationships among younger schoolchildren and include: place - general educational institution , allowing to organize interaction and communication of subjects of collective educational and extracurricular activities, involving the manifestation of mutual responsibility and support; for a long time, providing mutual understanding and understanding of the subjects of inclusive education, which allows the consistent development of interpersonal relationships to the level of moral; natural situations contributing to the acquisition by younger schoolchildren of the experience of moral relationships in inclusive education.

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