Материалдар / "Қазақтың ырымдары мен тыйым сөздері"

"Қазақтың ырымдары мен тыйым сөздері"

Материал туралы қысқаша түсінік
Ашык сабак
Автор материалды ақылы түрде жариялады. Сатылымнан түскен қаражат авторға автоматты түрде аударылады. Толығырақ
09 Желтоқсан 2020
0 рет жүктелген
770 ₸
Бүгін алсаңыз
+39 бонус
Бұл не?
Бүгін алсаңыз +39 бонус беріледі Бұл не?
Тегін турнир Мұғалімдер мен Тәрбиешілерге
Дипломдар мен сертификаттарды алып үлгеріңіз!
Бұл бетте материалдың қысқаша нұсқасы ұсынылған. Материалдың толық нұсқасын жүктеп алып, көруге болады

Материалдың толық нұсқасын
жүктеп алып көруге болады

Trains and Carriages

While touring about the Russian Federation one can choose between three classes of sleepers: first-class sleepers, second-class sleepers and third-class sleepers.

No doubt first and second class sleepers are the most convenient ones. First-class sleepers are offered for international service. There are two versions of this sleeping carriage: with two-berth and four-berth compartments. Sleeping accommodation is provided for 22/44 passengers respectively.

An “SV” carriage resembles a comfortable hotel with cushioned easy-chairs and berths in the compartments. Two adjoining compartments share a toilet and there is shower room at the end of the passage.

All passengers prefer traveling in fast through trains. But some routes provide for changes to be made.

Foreign tourists are offered a double-decker air-conditioned carriage. A lower deck provides 28 sleeping berths and an upper deck offers 28 seats.

Besides, Russia run day coaches and combined soft and hard carriages with four-berth compartments. The carriage is air conditioned.

Going on a journey you needn’t worry about your meals en-route. A dining car will be attached to your train. The dining car will cater for all tastes. A wide choice of Russian and European cuisine will be available there. While en-route from Moscow to Vladivostok the passenger may enjoy his three hot meals a day.

Both luggage-vans and dining cars are available on all overnight and long-distance trains.

The luggage-van (baggage-car) relieves a passenger of the trouble of taking care of trunks, suitcases and heavy luggage.

Luggage can be registered through to one’s destination. Then only thing you have to carry about is the luggage receipt. Light (hand) luggage is usually taken by the passenger to the sleeper so that he could travel light.

A porter will place your luggage on special luggage rack in the compartment.

There are no restrictions on total luggage weight. The weight of each piece, however should be not more than75 kg and not less than 5 kg. Luggage should be packed in trunks, baskets, traveling bags, handbags or boxes.

The following goods are transported unpacked: perambulators, musical instruments, bicycles, scooters, motorcycles, and sports gear up 4 m in length.

Words and word combination to memorize

one can


to choose


first-class sleepers

международный вагон

second-class sleepers

мягкий спальный вагон

third-class sleepers

жесткий спальный вагон

no doubt

без сомнения

to offer



спальное место, полка



sleeping accommodation

спальные места

to provide




to share

пользоваться совместно

shower room

душевая комната



to prefer


fast through train

скорый поезд

double-decker carriage

двухъярусный вагон

air-conditioned carriage

вагон, оснащенный воздушным кондиционированием

day coaches

вагоны с нумерованными местами для сидения

soft carriage

сидячий вагон с мягкими местами для сидения

hard carriage

сидячий вагон с жесткими местами для сидения

to attach


to cater for all tastes

удовлетворять любой вкус





to be available

быть в наличии


багажный вагон

overnight train

поезд, идущий ночью и днем

to relieve of the trouble of taking care of

освобождать от беспокойства за

to have luggage registered

сдавать вещи в багаж



luggage receipt

багажная квитанция

light (hand) luggage

ручной багаж

travel light

путешествовать налегке



luggage rack

багажная полка







traveling bag

дорожная сумка




детская коляска

sports gear

спортивный инвентарь

Dialogue 1

  • I want two first-class sleepers on the Irkutsk express on Saturday.

  • I’m sorry, but we’re all booked up for Saturday. I can let you have a separate compartment in a first-class sleeper on Sunday, if you wish.

  • No, that won’t do. What have you on the eleven-twenty-three on Saturday? It is a fast train, isn’t it?

  • Yes, it is. Let me see, I have two second-class sleepers in different compartments –one upper and one lower berth.

  • No, thank you. It would be most inconvenient. Well, I’ll take two first-class sleepers for Sunday then.

  • If you happen to change your mind, you can cancel bookings.

  • Thank you. By the way, could me make reservation for return-tickets for the end of the month?

  • Certainly. We have a return-ticket service on long-distance trains. You can order a return-ticket for any date within 45 days.

  • I see. But we are not sure when we’ll be returning anyway.

  • That’s all right. Shall I have your tickets on the Irkutsk express delivered?

  • Do, please. You’ve been most helpful.

Words and word combination to memorize

to be booked up

все билеты проданы



that won’t do

это не подойдет, не устроит

upper (lower) berth

верхняя (нижняя) полка

to change your mind

изменять свое мнение

to cancel bookings

аннулировать предварительный заказ

to make reservation

сделать предварительный заказ билета


билет «туда» и «обратно»

return-ticket service

продажа билета «туда» и «обратно»

to order


to deliver

доставлять (на дом)

Dialogue 2

  • Will you show me your tickets?

  • Here they are.

  • How many pieces of luggage do you take?

  • This is all we’ve got with us.

  • Did you have any of your heavy luggage registered?

  • No, I didn’t, why should I have my luggage registered?

  • Sorry, but you are permitted to carry thirty five kilograms of hand luggage per ticket.

  • I see. What shall I do?

  • Let the porter have your trunks labeled and put in the luggage-van.

  • I’m afraid we have very little time left.

  • Take your time. You’ll make it.

  • Thanks.

  • Mind you take the luggage receipt with you.

  • I shall, thank you.

Words and word combination to memorize

piece of luggage

to permit


Take your time.

You’ll make it

mind you

место (о багаже)

позволять, разрешать


Не спешите.

Вы успеете.

не забудьте

Dialogue 3

  • Could you tell me where my compartment is?

  • Yours is the third compartment from the end.

  • Thanks. Excuse my disturbing you, will you tell me where the dining-car is?

  • That’s all right. The dining-car is next to ours.

  • Thank you. Could I have dinner right away?

  • Sorry, but you can’t at the moment. The train hasn’t left yet.

  • I see… . May I get a cup of tea or coffee?

  • You are welcome. You needn’t go to the dining-car to get a cup of tea or coffee.

  • I didn’t quite get you.

  • I mean to say that light refreshments will be served right here in the carriage.

  • That’s all right. Thank you.

  • Not at all.

Words and word combination to memorize

Excuse my disturbing you

You are welcome

I didn’t quite get you

I mean to say that

light refreshments

Простите, что отрываю вас от дела…


Я вас не совсем понял

Я хочу сказать, что…

освежающие напитки

Материал жариялап тегін
сертификат алыңыз!
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