Материалдар / ҚМЖ 9 сынып 1 тоқсан English Plus кітабы бойынша

ҚМЖ 9 сынып 1 тоқсан English Plus кітабы бойынша

Материал туралы қысқаша түсінік
ҚМЖ 9 сынып 1 тоқсан English Plus кітабы бойынша
Автор материалды ақылы түрде жариялады. Сатылымнан түскен қаражат авторға автоматты түрде аударылады. Толығырақ
31 Тамыз 2024
13 рет жүктелген
225 ₸ 250 ₸
Бүгін алсаңыз 10% жеңілдік
Тегін турнир Мұғалімдер мен Тәрбиешілерге
Дипломдар мен сертификаттарды алып үлгеріңіз!
Бұл бетте материалдың қысқаша нұсқасы ұсынылған. Материалдың толық нұсқасын жүктеп алып, көруге болады

Материалдың толық нұсқасын
жүктеп алып көруге болады

Short term plan

Term 1

Unit 1 "Hobbies and qualities"

School: ___


Teacher name: ___

Grade: 9

Number present:


Lesson title

Vocabulary and language focus: Attributes and personality.

Learning objectives explain and justify their own point of view on a range of general and curricular topics use a variety of compound adjectives and adjectives as participles and a variety of comparative structures to indicate degree on a range of familiar general and curricular topics use an increased variety of comparative degree adverb structures with regular and irregular adverbs use a variety of pre-verbal, post-verbal and end-position adverbs on a range of familiar general and curricular topics

Lesson objectives

Learners will be able to:

  • Recognize and use nouns and adjectives of attributes and personality.

  • Make adverbs from adjectives.

  • Construct the sentences using comparative and superlative adjectives and adverbs with some support

  • Comprehend comparisons to compare and contrast people and the things they do.

  • Produce a clear, coherent description of a person they know.


Stages / Time

Teachers’ actions

Students actions

Assessment criteria



Organization moment

Good afternoon, dear students and guests! Welcome to our English lesson

The teacher sets the lesson objectives, letting students know what to anticipate from the lesson.

Warm-up 3-4 minutes

Describe the (imaginary) Picture\

With books closed, ask: How would you describe your personality? Elicit a few ideas from individual students.

Put students into pairs to write down as many words they can think of associated with personality.

Write attributes on the board and ask students if they think people with certain attributes are suited to particular hobbies.

Ask: What kind of people are suited to playing chess? Accept all answers.

Lead - In

1 What are you passionate about?

2 What are attributes?

3 Who was famous in the 1960s?

Students respond to greetings.

Describe your personality

Students express their ideas

The aim:

To develop Ss speaking skills and create friendly atmosphere


1 Students’ own answers.

2 An attribute is a quality or characteristic of someone.

3 Students’ own answers.

At the organization moment T tries to award active Ss.

«The praise» method is used to evaluate Ss with phrases like:

Good job!

Well done!”

Formative Assessment

Good job!



Main part

Pre-text discussion (pairwork!):

consider letting the students share previous experiences in similar situation.

Exercise 1

In a weaker class, ask for translations. In a stronger class, encourage students to put the words into sentences to show understanding.

ANSWERS 1 generous 2 passion 3 moody 4 anxious 5 pessimistic 6 optimism 7 responsibility 8 respect 9 enthusiasm 10 confidence 11 frustrated


«Verbal support» method is used to help Students use new words in the text.

Exercise 2

In a weaker class, you could help students to prepare for the task by deciding together whether the missing words are adjectives or nouns.

In a stronger class, ask students to give reasons and justify their opinion.

Ask some students to compare their answers and report back to the class on how similar or different they and their partner are

Differentiation:Support; learners are arranged to interact in mixed groups. Topic vocabulary is used while responding to the given questions

Students express their ideas

Students complete the table. Which adjectives are negative?

Negative adjectives: moody, anxious, pessimistic, frustrated

Students complete the sentences with your own ideas using words in exercise 1.


Students’ own answers

Assessment criteria

- Recognize and use nouns and adjectives of attributes and personality.


- recognize the nouns

- Can use an adjectives

Total: 1 point

Assessment criteria:

- Make adverbs from adjectives.

-Make CCQ questions


- can use adverbs from adjectives


Student’s book


Student’s book


Home task:

Ex: 2 P:6

Complete the definitions with the words in the box.

The Ladder method was used as a reflection.

Teacher asks students to stick their stickers to the Success Ladder.

Students use their stickers to show their knowledge according to the lesson.

Poster Success Ladder.

Short term plan

Term 1

Unit 1 "Hobbies and qualities"

School: _____


Teacher name: _____

Grade: 9

Number present:


Lesson title

Comparing adjectives and adverbs

Learning objectives recognise inconsistencies in argument in extended texts on a range of general and curricular topics use an increased variety of prepositions before nouns and adjectives use a growing number of dependent prepositions following nouns and adjectives and an increased variety of dependent prepositions following verbs on a range of familiar general and curricular topics

Lesson objectives

Learners will be able to:

  • Construct the sentences using comparative and superlative adjectives and adverbs with some support

  • Comprehend comparisons to compare and contrast people and the things they do.

  • Produce a clear, coherent description of a person they know.


Stages / Time

Teachers’ actions

Students actions

Assessment criteria




Ask about the weather.


Pantomime: 'What do you like?

Play the game in 2 groups. One pupil from each group comes to the board and mimes a hobby. The other group tries to guess the hobby. If they guess correctly, they win one point. At the end of the game, the group with the most points is the winner.

Lead - In

Write on the board: In life, it’s best not to act too … Elicit possible endings for the sentence (quickly, carefully, etc.).

In differentiation part«Think and share» method was used to check up student’s vocabulary knowledge.

After that T introduces the aim and theme of the lesson.

The aim: To develop Ss speaking skills and create friendly atmosphere

Efficiency: By telling the wishes they show their appreciations .

At the organization moment T tries to award active Ss.

«The praise» method is used to evaluate Ss with phrases like:

Good job!

Well done!”

Good job!



Main part

Exercise 4


«Verbal support» method is used to help Students use new words.

Exercise 5

In a weaker class, allow students to work in pairs to write their sentences.

Ask some students to write some of their sentences on the board. Discuss if they are logical and correctly formed.

Differentiation:Support; learners are arranged to interact in mixed groups. Topic vocabulary is used while responding to the given questions

Exercise 6

Focus on the example and elicit one or two more examples from the class. Check answers. Make sure students understand we use less, the least, more, the most to form comparative and superlative forms of adverbs.

Students complete the examples and the rules in the table

Students write six sentences describing how you do different things. Use the verbs in the first box and adverbs formed from the adjectives in the second box.

Students complete the table with the words in blue

Assessment criteria

- Recognize and use nouns and adjectives of attributes and personality.


- recognize the nouns

- Can use an adjectives

Assessment criteria:

- Make adverbs from adjectives.

-Make CCQ questions


- can use adverbs from adjectives


Student’s book


Student’s book


Home task:

WB p.6, ex.1-3 p.7

Peer-assessment. Two stars and a wish.

  • You did a really good job on ...

  • I really like how you ...

Maybe you could ...

Students use their stickers to show their knowledge according to the lesson.

Poster Success

Short term plan

Term 1

Unit 1 "Hobbies and qualities"

School: _____


Teacher name: _____

Grade: 9

Number present:


Lesson title

Reading: Comparing generations.

Learning objectives understand specific information and detail in texts on a range of familiar general and curricular topics, including some extended texts use an increased variety of prepositions before nouns and adjectives use a growing number of dependent prepositions following nouns and adjectives and an increased variety of dependent prepositions following verbs on a range of familiar general and curricular topics

9.W3 write with moderate grammatical accuracy on a wide range of familiar general and curricular topics

Lesson objectives

Learners will be able to:

  • Synthesize information from the reading passage about life in the 1950s.

  • Demonstrate the correct use of adjectives + prepositions.

  • Interpret a text comparing past and present generations.

Express their opinions about different generations building

extended sentences.


Stages / Time

Teachers’ actions

Students actions

Assessment criteria




Ask about the weather.

Pre-teaching vocabulary


1/ Describe the given picture.

2/ What is the message conveyed by it?

With books closed, ask students if they have seen photographs of their parents and grandparents when they were young.

Lead – In

What do you think life was like in the 1950s?

Which of these things do you think were common in the 1950s?

Which are common now?

In differentiation part«Think and share» method was used to check up student’s vocabulary knowledge. .

The aim: To develop Ss speaking skills and create friendly atmosphere

Efficiency: By telling the wishes they show their appreciations .

At the organization moment T tries to award active Ss.

«The praise» method is used to evaluate Ss with phrases like:

Good job!

Well done!”

Good job!



Main part

Pre- Reading Activity. Predictions. Elicitation

Predicting and guessing.

Students skimming the text "My generation" quickly

Students express their ideas


«Verbal support» method is used to help Students ue new words in the text.


Exercise 1

Read through the items in the list with the class and check that students understand them.

In a weaker class, allow students to use dictionaries

In a stronger class, elicit suggestions and guesses for unfamiliar vocabulary, and then discuss again after the first reading, encouraging students to use context to work out the meaning.

Exercise 2

-In a weaker class, encourage students to underline the parts of the text where they found the answers. In a stronger class, encourage students to identify the false sentences and correct them from memory. Then they should read again and confirm

Exercise 3

Ask students to complete the sentences with the correct prepositions

Peer testing.

Students work in pairs or groups

They have to prepare questions about the text they have just read.

The members of each pair or each group will have to answer.

Students express their ideas

Students read, listen and compare their answers with the text.


More common in the 1950s ballrooms, big bands, black-and-white TV More common now mobile phones, computers, jobs for women, discos, bad language

Students read the text again. Write true or false. Correct the false sentences


1 False. The cinema was popular in the fifties. 2 False. A family in her street bought a TV.

3 True.

4 False. She really likes the fashions.

5 True.

6 True

Assessment criteria

- understand specific information and detail in texts


-finds necessary information in the text and completes the task.

Assessment criteria:

-Identify particular information and details in reading passage.

-Make CCQ questions


- analyses the information in the text and gives the right answers.


Student’s book


Student’s book


Giving the hometask. WB p.10


Peer-assessment. Two stars and a wish.

  • You did a really good job on ...

  • I really like how you ...

Maybe you could ...

Students use their stickers to show their knowledge according to the lesson.

Poster Success

Short term plan

Term 1

Unit 1 "Hobbies and qualities"

School: ___


Teacher name: _____

Grade: 9

Number present:


Lesson title

Past perfect and past simple

Learning objectives write with moderate grammatical accuracy on a wide range of familiar general and curricular topics use appropriately an increased variety of active and passive simple present and past forms and past perfect simple forms in narrative and reported speech on a range of familiar general and curricular topics

Lesson objectives

Learners will be able to:

  • Identify the difference between the past perfect and past simple.

  • Construct the sentences using past perfect and past simple with support.

  • Construct the sentences using past perfect and past simple with minimal support.

  • Apply past perfect and past simple to talk about events at different times in the past without support.


Stages / Time

Teachers’ actions

Students actions

Assessment criteria




Ask about the weather.


With books close, ask the SS what they remember about the reading text from last lesson. Write on the board the example I visited my gran last weekend and she'd found some of her old photos.

Underline she'd found. Ask: When did I visit my gran? (last weekend). When did she find the photos, before or after I visited? (before I visited).

Tell SS that this tense is called the past perfect.

Lead – In

The aim: To develop Ss speaking skills and create friendly atmosphere

Efficiency: By telling the wishes they show their appreciations .

Students write down the rules

At the organization moment T tries to award active Ss.

«The praise» method is used to evaluate Ss with phrases like:

Good job!

Well done!”

Good job!



Main part

Exercise 1

Ask students to open their books and look at the timeline. Tell them to read the sentence again and match the events to the diagram.

Ask students to translate the examples into their own language. Discuss how the equivalent tense is formed in the students’ own language, and whether this is similar to English


«Verbal support» method is used to help Students use new words in the text.

Exercise 2

Read the example with the class and ask: Which action happened first? (I saw the film)

Focus on the next sentence and ask Which action happened first? (Alice didn’t have many hobbies when she was a child). Elicit which verb should be in the past perfect (have) and which in the past simple (tell).

Exercise 3

Ask students to complete the sentences with the correct prepositions

explain that prepositions are words like in, from, to, in front of, at and on, which are usually used before a noun or pronoun to show place

Students write the events in the correct place on the timeline


Recent past: I visited my gran Earlier past: she’d found some of her old photos Rules: a before b past simple c had

Students complete the sentences. Use the past perfect and the past simple in each sentence


1 told, hadn’t had

2 got, went, hadn’t seen

3 hadn’t invented, was

4 was, had left, had found

5 hadn’t started, arrived

6 wanted, had had

Assessment criteria

- Apply correctly active and passive simple present and past forms and past perfect simple forms in the context.


- uses tense forms correctly;

Assessment criteria:

-Demonstrate the ability to write grammatically correct sentences on familiar topics.

-Make CCQ questions


-fills in the sentences according to the grammar rule.


Student’s book


Student’s book


Giving the hometask. WB ex.4-5 p.7

Self-assessment. How well do I understand?

4 - I can do this and explain it to someone else.

3 - I understand and can do this by myself.

2 - I need more practice.

1 - I don't understand this yet.

Students use their stickers to show their knowledge according to the lesson.

Poster Success

Short term plan

Term 1

Unit 1 "Hobbies and qualities"

School: ___


Teacher name: ___

Grade: 9

Number present:


Lesson title

Past perfect and past simple

Diagnostic test

Learning objectives write with moderate grammatical accuracy on a wide range of familiar general and curricular topics use appropriately an increased variety of active and passive simple present and past forms and past perfect simple forms in narrative and reported speech on a range of familiar general and curricular topics

Lesson objectives

Learners will be able to:

  • Identify the difference between the past perfect and past simple.

  • Construct the sentences using past perfect and past simple with support.

  • Construct the sentences using past perfect and past simple with minimal support.

  • Apply past perfect and past simple to talk about events at different times in the past without support.


Stages / Time

Teachers’ actions

Students actions

Assessment criteria




Ask about the weather.


With books close, ask the SS what they remember about the reading text from last lesson. Write on the board the example I visited my gran last weekend and she'd found some of her old photos.

Lead – In

The aim: To develop Ss speaking skills and create friendly atmosphere

Efficiency: By telling the wishes they show their appreciations .

Students write down the rules

At the organization moment T tries to award active Ss.

«The praise» method is used to evaluate Ss with phrases like:

Good job!

Well done!”

Good job!



Main part

Exercise 4

Remind students to use the both the positive and the negative – to talk about things they had and had not done.

In a weaker class, allow students time to prepare some notes and questions individually, then ask and answer their questions in pairs. In a stronger class, encourage students to ask and answer spontaneously.


«Verbal support» method is used to help Students use new words in the text.

Students work in pairs. Find out what your partner had or hadn’t done before arriving at school today


Students’ own answers

Students complete the sentences. Use the past perfect and the past simple in each sentence


1 told, hadn’t had

2 got, went, hadn’t seen

3 hadn’t invented, was

4 was, had left, had found

5 hadn’t started, arrived

6 wanted, had had

Assessment criteria

- Apply correctly active and passive simple present and past forms and past perfect simple forms in the context.


- uses tense forms correctly;

Assessment criteria:

-Demonstrate the ability to write grammatically correct sentences on familiar topics.

-Make CCQ questions


-fills in the sentences according to the grammar rule.


Student’s book


Student’s book


Giving the hometask. WB ex.4-5 p.7

Self-assessment. How well do I understand?

4 - I can do this and explain it to someone else.

3 - I understand and can do this by myself.

2 - I need more practice.

1 - I don't understand this yet.

Students use their stickers to show their knowledge according to the lesson.

Poster Success

Short term plan

Тексерілді: Қ. Байсеитов

Term 1

Unit 1 "Hobbies and qualities"

School: ___


Teacher name: ___

Grade: 9

Number present:


Lesson title

Uses of get

Learning objectives understand most specific information in unsupported extended talk on a wide range of general and curricular topics interact with peers to negotiate, agree and organise priorities and plans for completing classroom tasks use a growing variety of abstract compound nouns and complex noun phrases on a range of familiar general and curricular topics

Lesson objectives

Learners will be able to:

  • Ask and answer the questions using collocations with make, do, collect and write.

  • Identify the meaning of the dialogues "People talking about the past".

  • Synthesize information from the dialogues and use it as the basis for discussion.

  • Produce a clear, coherent description of their memories.


Stages / Time

Teachers’ actions

Students actions

Assessment criteria




Ask about the weather.


Write make, do, collect and write on the board as headings. With books closed, students work in pairs and brainstorm words you use with each

Lead – In

The aim: To develop Ss speaking skills and create friendly atmosphere

Efficiency: By telling the wishes they show their appreciations .

Students write down the rules

At the organization moment T tries to award active Ss.

«The praise» method is used to evaluate Ss with phrases like:

Good job!

Well done!”

Good job!



Main part

Exercise 1

In a weaker class, elicit translations of the collocations and make example sentences as a class. In a stronger class, encourage students to record the new phrases in their own example sentences.

Point out that students can use diagrams like these to record other collocations. They could also turn the diagrams into spidergrams if they prefer


«Verbal support» method is used to help Students use new words in the text.

Exercise 2

Students complete the questions individually

In differentiation part

«Discussion» method was used to check up student’s vocabulary knowledge.

Exercise 3

Students listen and match the words with the people.


«Verbal support» method is used to help Ss use new words in the sentences.

Exercise 4

Allow students time to read the questions. Encourage them to make notes from the first listening, which they can confirm when listening again.

Students complete the diagram with the words in the box


1 model planes

2 clothes

3 music

4 puzzles

5 woodwork

6 sports

7 badges

8 stamps

9 football cards

10 blogs

11 poetry

12 short stories

Students choose the correct words to complete the questions. Then ask and answer in pairs


1 collect 2 write 3 make 4 make 5 written 6 do 7 do, make Students’ own answers.

Students listen to the dialogues. Match two words with each of the people in the photos 1–4


1 Michael: money, test 2 Maxine: uniform, upset 3 Clare: party, married 4 Joey: uncle, tickets

Students listen again and choose the correct answers


1 c 2 a 3 b 4 c 5 a

Assessment criteria

-Identify facts and details in extended talkswith little support.


- can make collocations

-can classifying words

Assessment criteria:

- Demonstrate the ability to participate in a conversation.

-Make CCQ questions


- asks complex questions to get information


Student’s book


Student’s book


Giving the hometask. WB p.8.

Self-assessment. How well do I understand?

4 - I can do this and explain it to someone else.

3 - I understand and can do this by myself.

2 - I need more practice.

1 - I don't understand this yet.

Students use their stickers to show their knowledge according to the lesson.

Poster Success

Short term plan

Term 1

Unit 1 "Hobbies and qualities"

School: ___


Teacher name: ___

Grade: 9

Number present:


Lesson title

Past simple and continuous

Learning objectives interact with peers to negotiate, agree and organise priorities and plans for completing classroom tasks write independently about factual and imaginary past events, activities and experiences on a range of familiar general and curricular topics use appropriately an increased variety of active and passive simple present and past forms and past perfect simple forms in narrative and reported speech on a range of familiar general and curricular topics

Lesson objectives

Learners will be able to:

  • Identify the difference between past simple and continuous.

  • Construct the sentences using past simple and continuous with support.

  • Construct the sentences using past simple and continuous with minimal support.

  • Apply past simple and continuous to talk about past events and memories without support.


Stages / Time

Teachers’ actions

Students actions

Assessment criteria




Ask about the weather.


Refer students back to the photos on page 12. Ask What was Clare doing when she first heard the music?

Elicit the answer (she was dancing) and write the sentence on the board: She was dancing when she heard the music.

Underline the verbs and elicit that they are in the past continuous and past simple.

Ask: Which action happened first? (she was dancing); Did she continue dancing when she heard it? (yes)

Lead – In

Ask questions

The aim: To develop Ss speaking skills and create friendly atmosphere

Efficiency: By telling the wishes they show their appreciations .

Students write down the rules

At the organization moment T tries to award active Ss.

«The praise» method is used to evaluate Ss with phrases like:

Good job!

Well done!”

Good job!



Main part

Exercise 1

Students work in pairs to study the sentences and match them to the descriptions.

Check answers with the class. Elicit which tenses are used


«Verbal support» method is used to help Students use new words in the text.

Exercise 3

Students continue writing their questions individually. Check answers as a class


«Verbal support» method is used to help Ss use new words in the sentences.

Exercise 4

Students complete the questions individually or in pairs

Students match sentences 1–3 from the listening on page 12 with descriptions a–c. Which tenses do we use in each sentence?


b (past continuous)

2 c (past continuous and past simple)

3 a (past simple)

Students complete the questions in the History quiz with a past simple and a past continuous form


What new invention was Alexander Bell using when he said, ‘Mr Watson, come here. I want to see you’? (the telephone)

Students complete the questions using the correct form of the verbs in the box.


1 did, do 4 were, thinking, got 2 did, meet 5 were, doing 3 did, use 6 did, do

Assessment criteria

- Demonstrate the ability to participate in a conversation.


-discusses questions and answers the questions -can classifying words

Assessment criteria:

-Write sentences about real and imaginary past events connecting them into paragraphs.


-Make CCQ questions


- writes about past activities


Student’s book


Student’s book


Giving the hometask. WB p.9

Self-assessment. How well do I understand?

4 - I can do this and explain it to someone else.

3 - I understand and can do this by myself.

2 - I need more practice.

1 - I don't understand this yet.

Students use their stickers to show their knowledge according to the lesson.

Poster Success

Short term plan

Term 1

Unit 1 "Hobbies and qualities"

School: _____


Teacher name: ___

Grade: 9

Number present:


Lesson title

Talking about past events

Learning objectives understand with little or no support the main points in extended talk on a wide range of general and curricular topics use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a wide increased range of general and curricular topics deduce meaning from context in extended texts on a range of familiar general and curricular topics

Lesson objectives

Learners will be able to:

  • Develop their listening skills for gist and specific information in the context of talking about past events.

  • Recognize and use key phrases for talking about events in the past..

  • Perform situations talking about events in the past without support


Stages / Time

Teachers’ actions

Students actions

Assessment criteria




Ask about the weather.


With books closed, ask students what important days they can remember from the past.

Elicit some answers, e.g. the first day at a new school, a holiday, Christmas day, etc. Ask students to describe what they remember and how they felt

Lead – In

Look at the photo. What do you think the relationship between Colin and Dean is? What are they looking at?

In differentiation part«Think and share» method was used to check up student’s vocabulary knowledge.

After that T introduces the aim and theme of the lesson.

The aim: To develop Ss speaking skills and create friendly atmosphere

Efficiency: By telling the wishes they show their appreciations .

At the organization moment T tries to award active Ss.

«The praise» method is used to evaluate Ss with phrases like:

Good job!

Well done!”

Good job!



Main part


«Verbal support» method is used to help Students ue new words in the text.

Exercise 2

Tell students they are going to hear parts of a dialogue, and they must choose the most appropriate responses. Students listen and answer individually.

Play the CD again and elicit the answers

Exercise 4

In a weaker class, encourage students to underline the parts of the text where they found the answers. In a stronger class, encourage students to identify the false sentences and correct them from memory. Then they should read again and confirm

Exercise 3

Ask students to complete the sentences with the correct prepositions

explain that prepositions are words like in, from, to, in front of, at and on, which are usually used before a noun or pronoun to show place

Students express their ideas

Students listen to the dialogue. Which part of the festival did Colin enjoy most?


The end of the last day

Students listen and choose the correct answers.


1 b 2 b 3 a 4 b

Assessment criteria

- Identify the main idea in extended talk.


  • gives an appropriate answer.

Assessment criteria:

- Demonstrate the ability to participate in a conversation.

-Make CCQ questions


  • - discusses questions and answers the questions.


Student’s book


Student’s book


Giving the hometask. WB p.10


Peer-assessment. Two stars and a wish.

  • You did a really good job on ...

  • I really like how you ...

Maybe you could ...

Students use their stickers to show their knowledge according to the lesson.

Poster Success

Short term plan

Term 1

Unit 1 "Hobbies and qualities"

School: _____


Teacher name: _____

Grade: 9

Number present:


Lesson title

Describing a decade p.15

Learning objectives use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a wide increased range of general and curricular topics write independently about factual and imaginary past events, activities and experiences on a range of familiar general and curricular topics

Lesson objectives

Learners will be able to:

Study a model account of a decade.

Learn key phrases for writing about a decade.

Learn about giving examples.

Write an account of a decade.


Stages / Time

Teachers’ actions

Students actions

Assessment criteria




Ask about the weather.


Ask students what they think all these events have in common. If necessary, tell them that they all happened in the same decade and invite students to guess which one. Confirm that it is the 1960s

Lead – In

Answer the questions

Why do people remember the seventies?

What were the memorable events?

What music, films and fashions were popular

Do you like or dislike anything from the seventies?

In differentiation part«Think and share» method was used to check up student’s vocabulary knowledge.

After that T introduces the aim and theme of the lesson.

The aim: To develop Ss speaking skills and create friendly atmosphere

Efficiency: By telling the wishes they show their appreciations .

Students express their ideas

At the organization moment T tries to award active Ss.

«The praise» method is used to evaluate Ss with phrases like:

Good job!

Well done!”

Good job!




Main part

Exercise 1

Read through the questions and make sure everyone understands.

In a weaker class, students can compare answers in pairs before checking as a class.

In a stronger class, set a short time limit and tell students to skim read the text for the information in the questions


«Verbal support» method is used to help Students ue new words in the text.

Exercise 2

Read through the key phrases with the class. • Ask students to find the key phrases in the model text and translate them into their own language

Exercise 3

Look at the words in blue in the model text. Elicit what their role is (to introduce examples)..

Point out the use of commas with for instance and for example

Students rad the model text and answer the questions.


1 a

2 Paragraph 2

3 Paragraph 4

Students study the key phrases. Which phrases introduce the paragraphs in the text?


Paragraph 1: The … was a decade which … Paragraph 2: In the world of fashion … Paragraph 3: One of the most memorable … Paragraph 5: By the end of the decade

Students study the words in blue in the model text.


Students’ own answers

Assessment criteria

-. Study a model account of a decade.


-read the model text

Assessment criteria:

- Learn key phrases for writing about a decade.

-Make CCQ questions


-find the key phrases in the model text


Student’s book


Student’s book


Giving the hometask. WB p.10


Peer-assessment. Two stars and a wish.

  • You did a really good job on ...

  • I really like how you ...

Maybe you could ...

Students use their stickers to show their knowledge according to the lesson.

Poster Success

Short term plan

Term 1

Unit 1 "Hobbies and qualities"

School: _____


Teacher name:

Grade: 9

Number present:


Lesson title

My country: Comparing generations p.16

Learning objectives organise and present information clearly to others

9..3.7.1 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a wide increased range of general and curricular topics

Lesson objectives

Learners will be able to:

  • Study a text written by a grandfather and his granddaughter about their different experiences and hobbies as teenagers.

  • Learn compound adjectives connected with people’s attributes

  • Review talking about the past using used to.

  • Talk about hobbies and interests students used to have


Stages / Time

Teachers’ actions

Students actions

Assessment criteria




Ask about the weather.


Ask students to work in pairs and talk about what they know about their grandparents as young people. What jobs did they do and what did they do in their free time?

Lead – In

Look at the photo and describe.

How old are the people in the photo?

How old are the people in the photo?

The aim: To develop Ss speaking skills and create friendly atmosphere

Efficiency: By telling the wishes they show their appreciations .

Students express their ideas

At the organization moment T tries to award active Ss.

«The praise» method is used to evaluate Ss with phrases like:

Good job!

Well done!”

Good job!



Main part

Exercise 1

Draw students’ attention to the photos and ask them what they know about the people’s hobbies from the photos. Encourage students to describe the photos using the present continuous


«Verbal support» method is used to help Students ue new words in the text.

Exercise 2

Before reading and listening students look at the true / false questions and guess the answers. Ask them to discuss the reason for their decisions in pairs

Exercise 3

Students look through the text and complete the exercise.

Exercise 4

Allow students time to think about the adjectives in relation to the people listed

Students look at the photos. What are the people doing? What do you think their hobbies are?

Students read and listen to the text. Are the sentences true or false?

Students match the words to make compound adjectives

Assessment criteria

- Form ideas effectively and demonstrate the ability to express them clearly.


  • know about the people’s hobbies from the photos

Assessment criteria:

- Apply topic related vocabulary in speech appropriately arranging words and phrases into well-formed sentences

-Make CCQ questions


- Match the words to make compound adjectives


Student’s book


Student’s book


Giving the hometask. WB p.10


Peer-assessment. Two stars and a wish.

  • You did a really good job on ...

  • I really like how you ...

Maybe you could ...

Students use their stickers to show their knowledge according to the lesson.

Poster Success

Short term plan

Term 1

Unit 1 "Hobbies and qualities"

School: _____


Teacher name: _____

Grade: 9

Number present:


Lesson title

CLIL. The British sense of humour p.17

Learning objectives recognize the opinion of the speaker(s) in unsupported extended talk on a wide range of general and curricular topics use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a wide increased range of general and curricular topics

Lesson objectives

Learners will be able to:

  • Recognize and use vocabulary to do with humour.

  • Identify the meaning of the text about the British sense of humour.

  • Talk about the sense of humour in your country.


Stages / Time

Teachers’ actions

Students actions

Assessment criteria




Ask about the weather.

Pre – teach vocabulary


With books closed, ask students what makes them laugh. Elicit ideas about films, books, TV programmes, etc. and encourage students to express their opinions.

Ask students if they know the character Mr Bean. Ask: Do you find him funny? Elicit a range of answers

Lead – In


Mr Bean, mentioned in the text, first appeared in a British TV comedy series in the early 1990s. The character was created by Rowan Atkinson, who has described Mr Bean as ‘a child in a grown man’s body’. Mr Bean has appeared in two feature films and also an animated cartoon

  1. Did you watch film about Mr Bean?

  2. What does Mr. Bean carry around with him?.

The aim: To develop Ss speaking skills and create friendly atmosphere

Efficiency: By telling the wishes they show their appreciations .

Yes, I do

No, I don’t

His teddy

At the organization moment T tries to award active Ss.

«The praise» method is used to evaluate Ss with phrases like:

Good job!

Well done!”

Good job!



Main part


In a weaker class, remind students to note the part of speech as well as the meaning for the words

In a stronger class, check understanding of the new words by eliciting example sentences


«Verbal support» method is used to help Students ue new words in the text.

Exercise 2

Students listen, read and check their answers to exercise 1

Exercise 3

Allow students time to compare their answers in pairs and discuss any differences before you check with the class. As usual, in a stronger class, encourage full, complete answers in the students’ own words.

Students check the meaning of the words and phrases

Students read and listen to the text.


1 good sense of humour 4 sarcasm

2 comedians

5 make fun of

3 laughter 6 bizarre

Students read the text again and answer the questions


Students’ own answers.

Assessment criteria

- Recognize and use vocabulary to do with humour


-uses appropriate subject-specific vocabulary while speaking.

Assessment criteria:

- Identify the meaning of the text about the British sense of humour.

-Make CCQ questions


-finds necessary information in the text and completes the task.


Student’s book


Student’s book


Giving the hometask.

Ex: 3 p:12 wb

Peer-assessment. Two stars and a wish.

  • You did a really good job on ...

  • I really like how you ...

Maybe you could ...

Students use their stickers to show their knowledge according to the lesson.

Poster Success

Short term plan

Term 1

Unit 1 "Hobbies and qualities"

School: _____


Teacher name: _____

Grade: 9

Number present:


Lesson title

Review. Unit 1.

Learning objectives use a variety of compound adjectives and adjectives as participles and a variety of comparative structures to indicate degree on a range of familiar general and curricular topics use appropriately an increased variety of active and passive simple present and past forms and past perfect simple forms in narrative and reported speech on a range of familiar general and curricular topics

Lesson objectives

Learners will be able to:

  • Make adverbs from adjectives.

  • Ask and answer the questions using collocations with make, do, collect and write.

  • Construct the sentences using past simple and continuous with support.


Stages / Time

Teachers’ actions

Students actions

Assessment criteria




Ask about the weather.


Ask students to work in pairs and talk about what they know about their grandparents as young people. What jobs did they do and what did they do in their free time?

Lead – In

I want to do a course in Math.

He may be able to do a good job, but I doubt it.

The aim: To develop Ss speaking skills and create friendly atmosphere

Efficiency: By telling the wishes they show their appreciations .

Students express their ideas

At the organization moment T tries to award active Ss.

«The praise» method is used to evaluate Ss with phrases like:

Good job!

Well done!”

Good job!



Main part

Exercise 1

Write the adverbs for these adjectives


«Verbal support» method is used to help Students ue new words in the text.

Exercise 2

Choose the correct words

Exercise 3

Complete the sentences with correct tense of the words in the box.

Exercise 4

Choose the correct words

Students write the adverbs for these adjectives


1 angrily

4 politely

2 well

5 optimistically

3 carefully

6 firmly

Students choose the correct words


1 beautifully

4 optimistic

2 the hardest, successful 5 well, best

3 noisily, happily

Students match the words to make compound adjectives

Assessment criteria

-Make adverbs from adjectives


-write the adverbs for these adjectives

Assessment criteria:



Student’s book


Student’s book


Giving the hometask.

Ex:6 p:18 st


Peer-assessment. Two stars and a wish.

  • You did a really good job on ...

  • I really like how you ...

Maybe you could ...

Students use their stickers to show their knowledge according to the lesson.

Poster Success

Short term plan

Term 1

Unit 1 "Hobbies and qualities"

School: _____


Teacher name: _____

Grade: 9

Number present:


Lesson title

Project. An interview summary: teenage years p.19

Learning objectives explain and justify their own point of view on a range of general and curricular topics deduce meaning from context in extended texts on a range of familiar general and curricular topics develop with support coherent arguments supported when necessary by examples and reasons for a range of written genres in familiar general and curricular topics

Lesson objectives

Learners will be able to:

Read a summary of an interview with a family member.

Interview an older person about their teenage years and their generation.

Write a summary of your interview about an older person’s youth.


Stages / Time

Teachers’ actions

Students actions

Assessment criteria




Ask about the weather.


With books closed, write My teenage years on the board and elicit or explain the meaning

If students are struggling, give them some categories and decades and brainstorm associations, for example, fashion and hair styles in the 1980s, music in the 1960s, exciting new technology in the 1990s

Lead – In

Background The word teenager to describe a person between the ages of 13–19 originated in the 1950s. Prior to that, this age group was not a clearly defined demographic grouping. In the 1950s adolescents began to stand out as a group of people for whom modern music, fashions and trends were very important. They had more freedom than previous generations, and more money to spend. They rebelled against the norms of their parents, creating what became recognized as the ‘generation gap’. Over the next couple of decades, the teenage years became a recognized life stag

The aim: To develop Ss speaking skills and create friendly atmosphere

Efficiency: By telling the wishes they show their appreciations .

Students express their ideas

At the organization moment T tries to award active Ss.

«The praise» method is used to evaluate Ss with phrases like:

Good job!

Well done!”

Good job!



Main part

Exercise 1

Look at the photographs and elicit what they show. Ask students to guess the decade, then read the text quickly and check their guesses


«Verbal support» method is used to help Students ue new words in the text.

Exercise 2

In a weaker class, brainstorm other questions or topics that students could ask about. Tell them to choose five questions and point out or elicit that this means their summary will have five paragraphs.

Exercise 3

Find out which generation was the most researched and whether people had the same experiences. Ask students whether they would rather be teenagers now, or in another decade. Have a vote for the most popular decade.

Students read the interview summary. Match paragraphs A–E with interview questions 1–5


1 E

2 A

3 D

4 B

5 C

Students write about an older person’s teenage years


Students’ own answers

Students share your interview summary with the rest of the class. Did any other students find out similar information?

Assessment criteria

- Read a summary of an interview with a family member


read the interview

Assessment criteria:

-Interview an older person about their teenage years and their generation.

-Make CCQ questions


- write about an older person’s teenage years


Student’s book


Student’s book


Giving the hometask.

WB p.10


Peer-assessment. Two stars and a wish.

  • You did a really good job on ...

  • I really like how you ...

Maybe you could ...

Students use their stickers to show their knowledge according to the lesson.

Poster Success

Short term plan

Term 1

Unit 2 " Exercise and sport "



Teacher name: _____

Grade: 9

Number present:


Lesson title

Medical science

Learning objectives begin to recognise inconsistencies in argument in extended talk on a growing range of general and curricular subjects use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a wide increased range of general and curricular topics use a variety of modal forms for different functions and a limited number of past modal forms including should/ shouldn’t have to express regret and criticism on range of familiar general and curricular topics

Lesson objectives

Learners will be able to:

Learn nouns and verbs related to the health benefits of exercise.

Do a health and exercise quiz.

Talk about the benefits of doing sport and exercise.


Stages / Time

Teachers’ actions

Students actions

Assessment criteria




Ask about the weather.


With books closed, write health and exercise on the board and elicit the connection between the two.

Ask: Can you be healthy without doing exercise?

Lead – In

1 Why are team sports good for you? 2 What are the health benefits of sport and exercise?

3 What are the secrets of a long life?

The aim: To develop Ss speaking skills and create friendly atmosphere

Efficiency: By telling the wishes they show their appreciations .

Students express their ideas

At the organization moment T tries to award active Ss.

«The praise» method is used to evaluate Ss with phrases like:

Good job!

Well done!”

Good job!



Main part

Ex: 1 P:20

Students use their dictionaries to check the meaning of the nouns in the quiz. If you want to speed this up, put them in pairs and ask each student to find half the words


«Verbal support» method is used to help Students ue new words in the text.

Ex:2 P:20

Tell students to look at the text and find the verbs that are used with the nouns in the text and write the nouns and the related verb phrase


«Verbal support» method is used to help Students use new words in the text

Ex:3 P:20

Put students into pairs to read the sentences in the Health and exercise quiz and decide whether they are true or false

Find out who got the most answers right. Were there any answers that really surprised students?

Students check the meaning of the nouns in blue in the Health and exercise quiz. Which words are about mental attitude, and which are about physical health?


Mental attitude: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9 Physical health: 6, 10, 11, 12

Students read the text again and complete the table with nouns 1–12 from exercise 1 and the verbs used with them.


1 have commitment

2 build self-esteem

3 have determination

4 develop self-reliance 5 have discipline

6 improve stamina

7 involve team work

8 improve concentration 9 boost (your) mood

10 increase endorphins 11 increase (your) energy

12 raise (your) blood pressure

Students do the Health and exercise quiz. Decide if the sentences are true or false. Then listen and check


1 True. 2 True 3 False

4 False. 5 True. 6 True

7 False 8 False. 9 False

Assessment criteria

- Learn nouns and verbs related to the health benefits of exercise.


check the meaning of the nouns in blue in the Health and exercise quiz.

Assessment criteria:

- Talk about the benefits of doing sport and exercise

-Make CCQ questions


- write the nouns and the related verb phrase

CD 1


Student’s book


Student’s book


Giving the hometask.

Ex:3 P:14 wb


Peer-assessment. Two stars and a wish.

  • You did a really good job on ...

  • I really like how you ...

Maybe you could ...

Students use their stickers to show their knowledge according to the lesson.

Poster Success

Short term plan

Term 1

Unit 2 " Exercise and sport "

School: _____


Teacher name: _____

Grade: 9

Number present:


Lesson title

Сould, can , will be able to

Learning objectives explain and justify their own point of view on a range of general and curricular topics understand specific information and detail in texts on a range of familiar general and curricular topics, including some extended texts use a growing variety of abstract compound nouns and complex noun phrases on a range of familiar general and curricular topics

Lesson objectives

Learners will be able to:

Learn the use of could, can and will be able to.

Practise using could, can and will be able to to talk about ability in the past, present and future


Stages / Time

Teachers’ actions

Students actions

Assessment criteria




Ask about the weather.


• • With books closed, write health and exercise on the board and elicit the connection between the two.

Ask: Can you be healthy without doing exercise?

Lead – In

We sometimes use be able to instead of "can" or "could" for ability. Be able to is possible in all tenses - but "can" is possible only in the present and "could" is possible only in the past for ability. In addition, "can" and "could" have no infinitive form

The aim: To develop Ss speaking skills and create friendly atmosphere

Efficiency: By telling the wishes they show their appreciations .

Students express their ideas

At the organization moment T tries to award active Ss.

«The praise» method is used to evaluate Ss with phrases like:

Good job!

Well done!”

Good job!



Main part

Ex:5 P:21

Ask students to look at the quiz again and find an example of can and will be able to. Ask what are they used to express (ability). Play the audio again and ask students to listen for examples of can, could and will be able to in the affirmative and negative


«Verbal support» method is used to help Students ue new words in the text.

Ex: 6 P:21

Ask students to read the text through quickly, ignoring the gaps. Ask: What problem did Jed have? (He fell down a hole and damaged his feet and knees.)


«Verbal support» method is used to help Students ue new words in the text.

Ex: 7 P:21

Make sure students understand what they have to do. If necessary, do the first sentence as an example

Students look at the sentences from the quiz and the listening. Complete them with can / can’t or will / won’t be able to


1 will be able to

2 can’t

3 won’t be able to

4 will be able to

5 won’t be able to

Students complete the text with the affirmative and negative forms of can, could and will be able to.


1 can’t

5 will be able to

2 couldn’t

6 will be able to

3 couldn’t

7 won’t be able to

4 can

Assessment criteria

- Learn the use of could, can and will be able to.


Complete them with can / can’t or will / won’t be able to

Assessment criteria:

- Practise using could, can and will be able to to talk about ability in the past, present and future

-Make CCQ questions


- read the text through quickly, ignoring the gaps.


Student’s book


Student’s book


Giving the hometask.

Ex:3 P:15 wb


Peer-assessment. Two stars and a wish.

  • You did a really good job on ...

  • I really like how you ...

Maybe you could ...

Students use their stickers to show their knowledge according to the lesson.

Poster Success

Short term plan

Term 1

Unit 2 " Exercise and sport "

School: _____


Teacher name: _____

Grade: 9

Number present:


Lesson title

Alternative therapy

Learning objectives understand specific information and detail in texts on a range of familiar general and curricular topics, including some extended texts use a growing variety of abstract compound nouns and complex noun phrases on a range of familiar general and curricular topics

Lesson objectives

Learners will be able to:

Read about exercise as a cure.

Read for general meaning and specific information.

Express your own opinions on exercise as an alternative medical treatment.

Learn about and practise noun suffixes


Stages / Time

Teachers’ actions

Students actions

Assessment criteria




Ask about the weather.


With books closed, write the quote from Hippocrates Walking is man’s best medicine on the board and ask students what they think it means. Elicit or explain that it probably means that keeping active improves your health

Lead – In


Hippocrates lived between 460–370 BCE and was possibly the first person to think disease and illness was the result of natural causes and not a punishment from the gods. He believed lifestyle, diet and environment all had a part in people’ s health and that health could be improved by improving these factors

The aim: To develop Ss speaking skills and create friendly atmosphere

Efficiency: By telling the wishes they show their appreciations .

Students express their ideas

At the organization moment T tries to award active Ss.

«The praise» method is used to evaluate Ss with phrases like:

Good job!

Well done!”

Good job!



Main part

Ex:1 P:22

Draw students’ attention to the photos and elicit a description. In a weaker class, encourage students to participate by accepting factual descriptions. In a stronger class, ask students to speculate about and explain their answers


«Verbal support» method is used to help Students ue new words in the text.

Ex: 2 P:22

Read the instructions and make sure students understand what they have to do. Tell them to use context and meaning, but also to look at structural elements like tenses or words such as however


«Verbal support» method is used to help Students ue new words in the text.

Ex: 3 P:22

In a stronger class, ask students to predict or guess the noun form and share ideas as a class

Students look at the photos and the title of the text, and answer the questions. Then read the text and check your answers


Exercise reduces pain, helps people with depression and reduces loneliness

Students complete the text with sentences a–e. Listen and check your answers.


1 b

2 d

3 c

4 e

5 c

Students complete the table with words from the text. What suffixes are used to form the nouns?


1 medication

2 treatment

3 infection

4 illness

5 reduction

6 depression

7 loneliness

Assessment criteria

- Read about exercise as a cure


to participate by accepting factual descriptions

Assessment criteria:

- Read for general meaning and specific information

-Make CCQ questions


- use context and meaning,


Student’s book


Student’s book


Giving the hometask.

Ex: 4 P:15 wb


Peer-assessment. Two stars and a wish.

  • You did a really good job on ...

  • I really like how you ...

Maybe you could ...

Students use their stickers to show their knowledge according to the lesson.

Poster Success

Short term plan

Term 1

Unit 2 " Exercise and sport "

School: _____


Teacher name: _____

Grade: 9

Number present:


Lesson title

May, might, could, must, can't

Learning objectives organise and present information clearly to others use imagination to express thoughts, ideas, experiences and feelings write with moderate grammatical accuracy on a wide range of familiar general and curricular topics use a variety of modal forms for different functions and a limited number of past modal forms including should/ shouldn’t have to express regret and criticism on range of familiar general and curricular topics

Lesson objectives

Learners will be able to:

Learn the use of may, might, could, must and can’t for possibility and certainty.

Practise using may, might, could, must and can’t to express possibility and certainty in opinions.


Stages / Time

Teachers’ actions

Students actions

Assessment criteria




Ask about the weather.


Refer students back to the text on pages 22–23 and ask: Do you think that swimming in cold water helps depression? Elicit a range of ideas, including the idea that it is possible it works

Lead – In

The aim: To develop Ss speaking skills and create friendly atmosphere

Efficiency: By telling the wishes they show their appreciations .

Students express their ideas

At the organization moment T tries to award active Ss.

«The praise» method is used to evaluate Ss with phrases like:

Good job!

Well done!”

Good job!



Main part

Ex:1 P:23

Students study the examples in pairs and complete the rules

Point out that we don’t usually use can to express possibility


«Verbal support» method is used to help Students ue new words in the text.

Ex: 2 P:23

Allow students time to compare their answers in pairs before you check with the class. Discuss what helped students make their choices


«Verbal support» method is used to help Students use new words in the text.

Ex: 3 P:23

In a weaker class, do a few examples and discuss them before students continue in pairs. In a stronger class, ask students to provide not just one sentence for each item, but all the possible sentences for each item.

Students study the modal forms in blue in sentences 1–5. Then choose the correct options in the rules.


a possibility

b are

c don’t

Students сhoose the correct words


1 might

4 must

2 can’t

5 might

3 may

6 might

Students make sentences using the modal verbs in exercise 1 and the words in brackets


1 He / She may / might / could have flu.

2 He must be tired.

3 They may / might / could be Mexican.

4 He / She can’t be angry.

5 She must be ill.

6 He may / might / could be a surgeon

Assessment criteria

- Learn the use of may, might, could, must and can’t for possibility and certainty.


study the modal forms in blue

Assessment criteria:

- Practise using may, might, could, must and can’t to express possibility and certainty in opinions.

-Make CCQ questions


- make sentences using the modal verbs


Student’s book


Student’s book


Giving the hometask.

Ex: 41 P:17 wb


Peer-assessment. Two stars and a wish.

  • You did a really good job on ...

  • I really like how you ...

Maybe you could ...

Students use their stickers to show their knowledge according to the lesson.

Poster Success

Short term plan

Term 1

Unit 2 " Exercise and sport "

School: _____


Teacher name: _____

Grade: 9

Number present:


Lesson title

Phrasal verbs

Learning objectives deduce meaning from context in unsupported extended talk on a wide range of general and curricular topics explain and justify their own point of view on a range of general and curricular topics use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a wide increased range of general and curricular topics

Lesson objectives

Learners will be able to:

Learn phrasal verbs about health and lifestyle.

Read an eight-point health plan.

Listen to a conversation about living longer. .

Learn how to prepare for listening tasks


Stages / Time

Teachers’ actions

Students actions

Assessment criteria




Ask about the weather.


With books closed, write health and lifestyle on the board and elicit or teach the meaning.

Ask: How can your lifestyle affect your health? Elicit some ideas.

Ask: How can you change your lifestyle to make you healthier? Elicit a range of ideas

Lead – In

The aim: To develop Ss speaking skills and create friendly atmosphere

Efficiency: By telling the wishes they show their appreciations .

Students express their ideas

At the organization moment T tries to award active Ss.

«The praise» method is used to evaluate Ss with phrases like:

Good job!

Well done!”

Good job!



Main part

Ex:1 P:24

Read the eight-point health plan together and see if any of the students’ ideas from the warm-up are mentioned.

Students match the phrasal verbs with their synonyms.


«Verbal support» method is used to help Students ue new words in the text.

Ex: 3 P:24

Focus on the photos and the title Live longer, live better. Ask How old do you think the people are? What are they doing?


«Verbal support» method is used to help Students ue new words in the text.

Ex: 4 P:24

Look at the statements and tell students they should prepare to listen by following the advice in the study strategy. Give them some time to read the statements and underline key words.

Students match the phrasal verbs in blue in The eight-point health plan with synonyms


1 h

2 c

3 g

4 a

5 d


7 b

8 e

Students read the introduction to the Live longer, live better article. Then listen. What is a centenarian?


A centenarian is a person who is over a hundred years old

Students Listen again and write true or false


1 True.

2 False.

3 False.

4 False.

5 True.

6 True.

Assessment criteria

- Learn phrasal verbs about health and lifestyle.


match the phrasal verbs in blue in

Assessment criteria:

- Read an eight-point health plan.

-Make CCQ questions


- read the introduction to the Live longer


Student’s book


Student’s book


Giving the hometask.

Ex: 3 P:16 wb


Peer-assessment. Two stars and a wish.

  • You did a really good job on ...

  • I really like how you ...

Maybe you could ...

Students use their stickers to show their knowledge according to the lesson.

Poster Success

Short term plan

Term 1

Unit 2 " Exercise and sport "

School: _____


Teacher name: _____

Grade: 9

Number present:


Lesson title

Past modals

Learning objectives understand most of the implied meaning in unsupported extended talk on a wide range of general and curricular topics write independently about factual and imaginary past events, activities and experiences on a range of familiar general and curricular topics use a variety of modal forms for different functions and a limited number of past modal forms including should/ shouldn’t have to express regret and criticism on range of familiar general and curricular topics

Lesson objectives

Learners will be able to:

Learn the use of must have, can’t have, could have and might have to speculate about the past.

Practise speculating about the past using past modals.


Stages / Time

Teachers’ actions

Students actions

Assessment criteria




Ask about the weather.


With books closed, ask students to remember how we express possibility in the present. Give them some scenarios and elicit sentences using may, might, could and must, can’t. For example, say: Joe’s doing his driving test after only three lessons. (He can’t be ready / must be very confident.) Look, it’s getting cloudy. (It may / might rain this afternoon.), etc

Lead – In

The aim: To develop Ss speaking skills and create friendly atmosphere

Efficiency: By telling the wishes they show their appreciations .

Students express their ideas

At the organization moment T tries to award active Ss.

«The praise» method is used to evaluate Ss with phrases like:

Good job!

Well done!”

Good job!



Main part

Ex:1 P:25

Students read the sentences and answer the questions.

Check answers and remind students what past participles are


«Verbal support» method is used to help Students ue new words in the text.

Ex: 2 P:25

Remind students that some verbs have irregular past participles. Tell them to look up any they are not sure of in the irregular verbs list on page 126 of the Student’s Book


«Verbal support» method is used to help Students ue new words in the text.

Ex: 3 P:25

Students complete the sentences with the correct modals.

Check answers by asking some students to read out their sentences and asking the class to say whether they are correct or not.

Students sudy the modal forms in blue i


a must,


could /

might b have


Students rewrite the sentences in the past form


1 They could have been seventy years old.

2 He can’t have been a hundred years old. He was still working.

3 She might have cut down on chocolate.

4 He must have worked out a lot.

5 She could have gone without dessert.

6 They might have taken up basketball

Students choose the correct words


1 might

2 must

3 could

4 can’t

5 must

6 can’t

Assessment criteria

- Learn the use of must have, can’t have, could have and might have to speculate about the past.


rewrite the sentences in the past form

Assessment criteria:

-Practise speculating about the past using past modals.

-Make CCQ questions


- complete the sentences with the correct modals


Student’s book


Student’s book


Giving the hometask.

Ex: 1 P:17 wb


Peer-assessment. Two stars and a wish.

  • You did a really good job on ...

  • I really like how you ...

Maybe you could ...

Students use their stickers to show their knowledge according to the lesson.

Poster Success

Short term plan

Term 1

Unit 2 " Exercise and sport "

School: _____


Teacher name: _____

Grade: 9

Number present:


Lesson title

Exchanging opinions p.26

Learning objectives recognize the opinion of the speaker(s) in unsupported extended talk on a wide range of general and curricular topics interact with peers to negotiate, agree and organize priorities and plans for completing classroom tasks use a variety of modal forms for different functions and a limited number of past modal forms including should/ shouldn’t have to express regret and criticism on range of familiar general and curricular topics

Lesson objectives

Learners will be able to:

Listen to a conversation in which people exchange opinions.

Learn key phrases for exchanging opinions.

Learn how to use should, must, have to

Practise exchanging opinions.


Stages / Time

Teachers’ actions

Students actions

Assessment criteria




Ask about the weather.


Ask where students come across advice about health. Elicit suggestions for how the government and schools can communicate with young people about health issues

Lead – In

Using drugs in sport undermines values like fair play and teamwork. When sportspeople use drugs, they not only might damage their own health, they also give sport a bad reputation and set a poor example to others.

So-called 'performance-enhancing drugs' or 'performance and image-enhancing drugs' are banned in sports because they could give a sportsperson an unfair advantage over other competitors.

The wish flower” method helps to start the lesson with good wishes to each other.

The aim: To develop Ss speaking skills and create friendly atmosphere

Efficiency: By telling the wishes they show their appreciations .

At the organization moment T tries to award active Ss.

«The praise» method is used to evaluate Ss with phrases like:

Good job!

Well done!”



Main part

Ex:1 P:26

Focus on the photo. Ask: What are Marie and Dean looking at? What do the posters show? Elicit ideas and then ask: Which poster do you prefer? Why? Elicit a range of opinions


«Verbal support» method is used to help Students ue new words inthe text.

Ex: 2 P:26

n a stronger class, tell students to cover the dialogue and just listen. Play the CD once and ask whether Marie and Dean agree about the posters.


«Verbal support» method is used to help Students ue new words inthe text.

Ex: 3 P:26

Ask students to find the key phrases in the dialogue and translate them into their own language.

Students practise the dialogue in pairs

Students look at the posters. What are they campaigning against?


They are campaigning against drugs.

Students listen to the dialogue. Which poster has got the clearest message?


Marie thinks the poster with the photo has a clearer message, but Dean prefers the poster with a more positive message

Students listen to the key phrases. Which phrase expresses a strong opinion? Practise the dialogue


It should definitely … expresses a strong opinion.

Assessment criteria

- Listen to a conversation in which people exchange opinions


-look at the posters. What are they campaigning against?

Assessment criteria:

- Learn key phrases for exchanging opinions.

-Make CCQ questions


- listen to the key phrases.


Student’s book


Student’s book


Giving the hometask.

Ex: 1 P:19 wb


Peer-assessment. Two stars and a wish.

  • You did a really good job on ...

  • I really like how you ...

Maybe you could ...

Students use their stickers to show their knowledge according to the lesson.

Poster Success

Short term plan

Term 1

Unit 2 " Exercise and sport "

School: _____


Teacher name: _____

Grade: 9

Number present:


Lesson title

Reading. Health advice / A discussion essay

Learning objectives

9..3.7. 1 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a wide increased range of general and curricular topics recognise the attitude or opinion of the writer in extended texts on a range of familiar general and curricular topics develop with support coherent arguments supported when necessary by examples and reasons for a range of written genres in familiar general and curricular topics

Lesson objectives

Learners will be able to:

Learn vocabulary to do with nutrition and healthy eating.

Read a text about healthy eating.

Talk about diet and ways it could be improved.


Stages / Time

Teachers’ actions

Students actions

Assessment criteria




Ask about the weather.


With books closed, write An apple a day keeps the doctor away on the board. Explain that this is an old proverb and ask students what it means.

Lead – In

Picture 5

When it comes to overall health and weight loss, there’s an excess of advice out there. Unfortunately, most of it is terrible, misguided, outdated and scientifically disproven.

The wish flower” method helps to start the lesson with good wishes to each other.

The aim: To develop Ss speaking skills and create friendly atmosphere

Efficiency: By telling the wishes they show their appreciations .

Students express their ideas

Students share with their opinions how to keep healthy life.

At the organization moment T tries to award active Ss.

«The praise» method is used to evaluate Ss with phrases like:

Good job!

Well done!”


Good job!



Main part

Ex:1 P:29

Students match the definitions with the blue words. Allow students to use their dictionaries if necessary. • Check answers with the class


«Verbal support» method is used to help Students use new words in the text.

Ex: 2 P:29

Students listen and read. Ask the question to the whole clas


«Verbal support» method is used to help Students ue new words in the text.

Ex: 3 P:29

Remind students to look carefully at the whole question, and watch out for little words or negatives that change the meaning of the sentences, e.g. question 5 (Which fats are not good for us?).

Students read the text again and answer the questions.

Students match definitions 1–5 with the words in blue in the text.


1 dairy

2 processed

3 tissues

4 evidence

5 fibre

Students read and listen to the text. How does healthy eating affect our lives?


Healthy eating affects our physical and mental health. It can reduce the risk of serious illnesses such as heart disease, diabetes and possibly also mental illness, like depression. Eating regular meals can help with energy, as well as mood and memory

Students read the text again and choose the correct answers


1 a

2 c

3 b

4 b

5 a

6 b

Assessment criteria

- Learn vocabulary to do with nutrition and healthy eating.


-match definitions with the words in blue in the text

Assessment criteria:

- Read a text about healthy eating.

-Make CCQ questions


- read and listen to the text. How does healthy eating affect our lives?


Student’s book


Student’s book


Giving the hometask.

Ex: 1 P:17 wb


Peer-assessment. Two stars and a wish.

  • You did a really good job on ...

  • I really like how you ...

Maybe you could ...

Students use their stickers to show their knowledge according to the lesson.

Poster Success

Short term plan

Term 1

Unit 2 " Exercise and sport "

School: _____


Teacher name: _____

Grade: 9

Number present:


Lesson title

Summative assessment for the 1st unit.

Learning objectives Understand the main points in unsupported extended talk on a wide range of general and curricular topics Understand the main points in extended texts on a range of unfamiliar general and curricular topics Write independently about factual and imaginary past events, activities and experiences on a range of familiar general and curricular topics Use formal and informal registers in their talk on a range of general and curricular topics

Lesson objectives

Learners will be able to:

- Recognise the main points in unsupported extended talk;

-Identify specific information and detail in texts;

-Write with moderate grammatical accuracy;

-Use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax in a talk;


Stages / Time

Teachers’ actions

Students actions

Assessment criteria




Ask about the weather.


Task. Listen to the dialogues. Six people talk about sport they like. Match each speaker with his or her reason, A-F.

CD3 Tapescript1.

1. Speaker 1______

A) There are friendly people who go there, so it’s a good place to meet people. [1]

2. Speaker 2______

B) It’s a great way to keep fit. It’s better than going to a health club. [1]

3. Speaker 3______

C) There’s hardly anyone there and you can listen to the ocean as you do it. [1]

4. Speaker 4______

D) It’s a good exercise because you have to walk a lot. [1] 5. Speaker


E) It’s really fun! But, it’s not as easy as it looks. [1]

The aim: To develop Ss speaking skills and create friendly atmosphere

Efficiency: By telling the wishes they show their appreciations .

Students listen to the dialogues and match each speaker with his or her reason


1 A

2 C

3 F

4 E

5 B

6 D

At the organization moment T tries to award active Ss.

«The praise» method is used to evaluate Ss with phrases like:

Good job!

Well done!”


Good job!



Main part

6. Speaker 6______

F) I have no trouble to finding somewhere to play. [1]


Task. Read the text and identify in which paragraph (A-D) the writer does these things.

1. Establishes the emotional importance of baseball for fans. Paragraph ________[1]

2. The origins of baseball. Paragraph ________[1]

Task. Match the headings 3-6 with the paragraphs A-D

3. The rules of playing the game ______ [1]

4. The facilities ______ [1]

5. The changes happening to baseball ______ [1]

6. Part of people’s life ______ [1]


Choose ONE of the topics and write

Topic 1. Write an article to a newspaper describing the most popular hobby in Kazakhstan nowadays using appropriate grammar. Try to mention these questions:

Topic 2. Write an article to a newspaper describing the recent Sport Olympiad where Kazakhstan sportsmen participated (in country or abroad) using appropriate grammar. Try to mention these questions:


Task. You are given quetsions to speak about for 2-3 minutes. Before you speak you have one minute to think about what you are going to say and you can make notes if you wish.

Students . Read the text and identify in which paragraph (A-D) the writer does these things.


1 B

2 C

3 D

4 C

5 A

6 B

Students Choose ONE of the topics and write


Students own answers

Students answer the questions


Students own answers

Assessment criteria

- Study a model discussion essay.


read the model text and answer the questions.

Assessment criteria:

- Learn key phrases for a discussion essay.

-Make CCQ questions


- complete the key phrases. Then read the model text and check


Student’s book


Student’s book


Giving the hometask.

Ex: 3 P:19 wb


Peer-assessment. Two stars and a wish.

  • You did a really good job on ...

  • I really like how you ...

Maybe you could ...

Students use their stickers to show their knowledge according to the lesson.

Poster Success

Short term plan

Term 1

Unit 2 " Exercise and sport "

School: _____


Teacher name: _____

Grade: 9

Number present:


Lesson title

My country. Exercise and sport

Learning objectives explain and justify their own point of view on a range of general and curricular topics recognise inconsistencies in argument in extended texts on a range of general and curricular topics develop with support coherent arguments supported when necessary by examples and reasons for a range of written genres in familiar general and curricular topics.S3 explain and justify their own point of view on a range of general and curricular topics

Lesson objectives

Learners will be able to:

Read a text about Kazakh sports stars.

Learn vocabulary connected to success in sports.

Learn the difference between could, was / were able to and managed to.

Write sentences about famous sportspeople in Kazakhstan.


Stages / Time

Teachers’ actions

Students actions

Assessment criteria




Ask about the weather.


Have a race to find which group can list the most Kazakh sportspeople in two minutes.

After two minutes, find out which group had the longest list and declare them the winner

Lead – In

The aim: To develop Ss speaking skills and create friendly atmosphere

Efficiency: By telling the wishes they show their appreciations .

Students express their ideas

At the organization moment T tries to award active Ss.

«The praise» method is used to evaluate Ss with phrases like:

Good job!

Well done!”


Good job!



Main part

Ex:1 P:28

Draw students’ attention to the photos. Ask them if they can identify who they are.

In pairs, students discuss what they know about the sportspeople


«Verbal support» method is used to help Students ue new words in the text.

Ex: 2 P:28

Tell students to listen to and read the text and see if it contains the information they talked about.

In a stronger class, play the recording with books closed to see how much they understand and for them to check whether the information they talked about is mentioned


«Verbal support» method is used to help Students ue new words in the text.

Ex: 3 P:28

Focus students’ attention on the verbs.

Ask students to note down what they think the nouns are.

Then tell them to check their answers in the text and correct any they have got wrong.

Students underline the suffixes.

Check answers as a class.

Students look at the photos. Who are these people? What do you know about them?


Kazhymukan Munaitpasov Denis Ten Zarina Diyas Students’ own answers

Students read and listen to the text. Complete the sentences with the names of the people


1 Zarina Diyas (Czech Republic) 2 Kazhymukan Munaitpasov 3 Denis Ten (shopping mall) 4 Kazhymukan Munaitpasov 5 Denis Ten 6 Zarina Diyas

Students complete the table with nouns from the text. What suffixes are used to form the nouns?


1 wrestling

2 performance

3 failure

4 achievement

5 competition

6 injury

Assessment criteria

- Read a text about Kazakh sports stars.


discuss what they know about the sportspeople

Assessment criteria:

-Learn vocabulary connected to success in sports

-Make CCQ questions


- read and listen to the text


Student’s book


Student’s book


Giving the hometask.

Ex: 5 P:21 wb


Peer-assessment. Two stars and a wish.

  • You did a really good job on ...

  • I really like how you ...

Maybe you could ...

Students use their stickers to show their knowledge according to the lesson.

Poster Success


Short term plan

Term 1

Unit 2 " Exercise and sport "

School: _____


Teacher name: _____

Grade: 9

Number present:


Lesson title

CLIL. Healthy eating

Learning objectives recognise the attitude or opinion of the writer in extended texts on a range of familiar general and curricular topics develop with support coherent arguments supported when necessary by examples and reasons for a range of written genres in familiar general and curricular topics

Lesson objectives

Learners will be able to:

Learn vocabulary to do with nutrition and healthy eating.

Read a text about healthy eating.

Talk about diet and ways it could be improved


Stages / Time

Teachers’ actions

Students actions

Assessment criteria




Ask about the weather.


With books closed, write An apple a day keeps the doctor away on the board. Explain that this is an old proverb and ask students what it means.

Elicit that the proverb is not meant literally, but suggests that if we eat healthy foods, like fruit, we will not get ill.

Lead – In

There is one thing that we all have in common….. no matter where you live….. and that is the basic human need for good health and well-being. The links below will focus on eating healthy, maintaining fitness, proper diet, natural energy, and health safety issues.  New content is added from time to time so keep checking back. Many of the posts below have had steady stream of daily visitors over the last several months.

The aim: To develop Ss speaking skills and create friendly atmosphere

Efficiency: By telling the wishes they show their appreciations .

Students express their ideas

Students discuss then write an essay

At the organization moment T tries to award active Ss.

«The praise» method is used to evaluate Ss with phrases like:

Good job!

Well done!”


Good job!



Main part

Ex:1 P:29

Students match the definitions with the blue words. Allow students to use their dictionaries if necessary.

Check answers with the class.


«Verbal support» method is used to help Students ue new words in the text.

Ex: 2 P:29

Students listen and read. Ask the question to the whole class


«Verbal support» method is used to help Students ue new words in the text.

Ex: 3 P:29

Remind students to look carefully at the whole question, and watch out for little words or negatives that change the meaning of the sentences, e.g. question 5 (Which fats are not good for us?)

Students match definitions 1–5 with the words in blue in the text.


1 dairy

2 processed

3 tissues

4 evidence

5 fibre

Students read and listen to the text. How does healthy eating affect our lives?


Healthy eating affects our physical and mental health. It can reduce the risk of serious illnesses such as heart disease, diabetes and possibly also mental illness, like depression. Eating regular meals can help with energy, as well as mood and memory

Students read the text again and choose the correct answers


1 a 2 c 3 b 4 b 5 a 6 b

Assessment criteria

- Study a model discussion essay.


read the model text and answer the questions.

Assessment criteria:

- Learn key phrases for a discussion essay.

-Make CCQ questions


- complete the key phrases. Then read the model text and check


Student’s book


Student’s book


Giving the hometask.

Ex: 3 P:22 wb


Peer-assessment. Two stars and a wish.

  • You did a really good job on ...

  • I really like how you ...

Maybe you could ...

Students use their stickers to show their knowledge according to the lesson.

Poster Success

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Бұл сертификат «Ustaz tilegi» Республикалық ғылыми – әдістемелік журналының желілік басылымына өз авторлық жұмысын жарияланғанын растайды. Журнал Қазақстан Республикасы Ақпарат және Қоғамдық даму министрлігінің №KZ09VPY00029937 куәлігін алған. Сондықтан аттестацияға жарамды
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