Материалдар / Reading: At the right time

Reading: At the right time

Материал туралы қысқаша түсінік
3 сынып үшін At the right time тақырыбында сабақ жоспары. Оқылым және айтылым тапсырмалары
Материал тегін
Тегін турнир Мұғалімдер мен Тәрбиешілерге
Дипломдар мен сертификаттарды алып үлгеріңіз!
Бұл бетте материалдың қысқаша нұсқасы ұсынылған. Материалдың толық нұсқасын жүктеп алып, көруге болады

Материалдың толық нұсқасын
жүктеп алып көруге болады

Approved by: _____________

Unit 3: Time

School: Specialized gymnasium 21 named after Al-Farabi


Teacher’s name: Nurgaliyeva Gulzhan


Number present:

Number absent:

Theme of the lesson:

At the right time

Learning objectives understand short, narratives on a limited range of general and some curricular topics; begin to read with rereading and usual support very short simple fiction and non-fiction texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics; use cardinal numbers 1 -100 to count and ordinal numbers 1 – 10

Lesson objectives

  • Identify the main point of short text

  • Ask questions and answer questions with basic words, phrases and short sentences using visuals with no support.

  • Name cardinal numbers 1-100 and ordinal numbers 1-10


Demand value: - Critical and creative thinking; - Ability to work individually and in a team; - To be eager to learn and learn new things; - Being physically active; - Adopting a healthy lifestyle; - Promotion of technological and digital skills; - Ability to establish the right relationship;


Planned timings

Teacher’s activities

Learners’ activities




5 min


Checking the home task.

The topic and Students are presented.

Warm-up Tongue Twister

Tick-tock, tick-tock”, Ticks Tommy’s clock. “Tick-tock, tick-a-tock”, Ticks and ticks his clock.

Ss repeat tongue twister. And pay attention to the word clock. Say we use clock for time.


Whiteboard slide


25 min

Presentation of a new vocabulary

1.Break the code activity

5 3 3 6

11 3 12 13 4 15 11

7 9 4 8 10 3 11

14 13 8 16

Works with pronunciation of new words and present

1hour=60 minutes

1 minute=60 seconds

1 week=7 days

2.Pre-reading Think -Pair- Share

Pair work

Teacher shows pictures according to the text

What do they do?

While -reading. “Light activity”

Give short texts according pictures. Say that they should read them with the help of Lights and find Questions in the text and rewrite them on their copy book

Post -Reading.

Answer the questions

Group work

Make a Math Poster

  • How many minutes does he have a shower in a week?

  • How many hours is he fishing?

  • How many minutes does her favourite song last?

  • How many hours does he play in a week?

  • How many minutes does he ride his bike?

Ss break the code according numbers and letters and find new words

Week, seconds, hour,minute

Ss stick the notes on copy book

Ss answer

1 He plays guitar

2 He rides his bike

3 He has shower

  1. He goes fishing

  2. She sings a song

Sanzhar has a shower for 5 minutes every morning. How many minutes does he have a shower in a week?

Damir goes fishing with his dad on Sundays. Today he is fishing for 90 minutes. How many hours is he fishing?

Dana loves singing! Her favourite song lasts 100 seconds. How many minutes does her favourite song last?

Berik plays the guitar for 2 hours every day. How many hours does he play in a week?

Kanat rides his bike for 1 hour every day. How many minutes does he ride his bike?

Ss answers to question as Math task

5 minutes *7days = 35 minutes

90 minutes = 1,5 hours

100 seconds = 1,5 minutes

2hours * 7days = 14 hours

1 hour = 60 minutes

Verbal evaluation

Individual evaluation

Изображение 1

Stickers for every group



Math poster


5 min

REFLECTION Roll the dice

  • How many minutes do you have a shower in a week?

  • How many hours do you do your home task?

  • How many minutes do you have breakfast ?

  • How many hours do you play in a week?

  • How many minutes do you ride your bike?

  • How many days in a week?

Learners roll the dice and ask questions appropriate number on dice



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сертификат алыңыз!
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