Материалдар / Reading rules of English words - Ағылшын тіліндегі сөздерді оқу ережелері

Reading rules of English words - Ағылшын тіліндегі сөздерді оқу ережелері

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Материал ағылшын тіліндегі сөздерді оқуды үйренуге арналған қарапайым ереже мен мысалдардан құралған.
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07 Қараша 2022
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Материалдың толық нұсқасын
жүктеп алып көруге болады

ee [i:] Bee, eel, seem, meet, keen, seed, seek, tree, need, queen, heel, feed, fee, feel, deed, week

ea [i:] Eat, beat, seat, tea, team, meat, steal, leave, jeans, mean, peace, read, weak, sea, meal, speak

ea [e] steady, ready, bread, head, breast, jealous, breakfast, health, wealth, threat, meant

-ear [eǝ] pear, bear, tear, wear

ear- [3:] earn, early, learn

oo [u:] School, tool, pool, moon, spoon, zoo, fool, goose, google, noon, soon, too, stood, room

oo [u] Book, took, hook, cook, tooth, look, Rook, crook, shook, nook

oo [ᴧ] Blood - қан, flood – су тасқыны

th [ð] The , this, that, these, those, there, than, further, thus, they, their, father, mother, brother,

th [Ɵ] thin, thick, thank you, three, think, tooth, thought, healthy, wealth, path, oath, death, bath,

sh [ ʃ ] Shop, ship, sheep, shut, shoot, shot, she, push, brush, shade, shame, shape, shampoo

Ch [ ʧ ] Chair, cheese, chocolate, cheap, chat, chin, chimney, champion, chest, chunk, chop, touch [tᴧʧ]

Ph [ f ] Phone, telephone, photo, photograph, geography, phantom, phrase, phobia, phonetic

ce/ci/cy “c” - [s]

ce – cell, century, cent, cement, cease, celebrate, celerity, celery, cellar, center, ceremony, certain

ci – city, circle, cigarette, circumstance, circus, civil, civic, civilization, pencil

cy – cycle, bicycle, mercy, policy, cytology, cystic, Lucy, spicy, juicy encyclopedia, Cyrillic

ck [k] clock, cock, block, black, attack, locked, rock, knock, duck, sack, back, backbone, neck

ng [ŋ] wing, king, kingdom, wring, ring, reading, writing, speaking, listening, wrong, strong, long

kn [n] – know, knee, knelt, knife

wh [w] what, when, where, why, what for, which, white, wheat, wheel, whale, whistle, whisper

wh [h] who, whom, whose, whole

wr [r] write, wrote, written, writing wrong, wrap, wrack, wreak, wretch, wring

qu [kw] Quarter, queen, quack, earthquake, quality, quarrel, question, queue, quick, quiet

igh [ai] high, thigh, right, bright, might, sight, tight, fight, light, slight

all [ɔ:] 1 syllable ball, fall, all, mall, small, hall, tall, call, pall on, wall, allow, ally

ai [ei] - train, gain, pain, main, rain, aid, vain, brain, tailor

ay [ei] - day, say, pay, bay, may, lay, ray, prayer

ey [ei] – grey, hey!, they, (eye [ai] - көз, key [ki:] - кілт)

ow [au, ǝʊ] – own, town, brown, grow, bow, bowl, towel, How, however, low, now

oi [ɔi] – coin, join, point, spoil, oil, boiler, soil

oy [ɔi] – joy, toy, soy, boy, enjoy

ou [au] – out, doubt, mountain, house, noun, around, south

ew [ju:] – new, few, nephew, chew, view sew [sǝu] – тігу

aw [ɔ:] – awful, raw, dawn, draw, paw, straw, hawk, caw, law, lawyer, saw, jaw, bawl, maw, away

ar+consonant [a:] – car, carpet, far, star, farmer, army, harmful

ar+vowel [ǝr] – parallel, paralyze, paraphrase

er+cons [ǝ:] – term, her, germ, certain, vertical, nervous, mercy, certificate, sermon

er+vowel [] – ceremony, therapy, hereditary

-er [ә] – former, worker, powder, manager, cooler, promoter, corner, loader

-or [ә] – doctor, sailor, tailor, donor

ir+cons [3:] – girl, firm, first, dirty, thirsty, circle, bird

ir+vowel [] – giraffe, miracle, mirror

or+cons [ɔ:] – form, storm, dormitory, short, portion, born, sort, horse

or+v. []- oral, morality, porridge

ur+cons [3:] – burn, murder, further, burger, burglar, turn, hurt, nurse, curtain

ur+vowel [] – plural, uranium, pure, cure, jurisprudence, urine

-are[eǝ] – mare, stare, glare, bare, barefooted, bareheaded, fare, farewell, share, care, careful

are [ǝri] - area, arena

-ore [ɔ:] – more, bore, store, boredom, explore, before, tore, wore, sore, core (boreal, borer)

-ere [iǝ] – here, mere, merely (ceremony, cereal, were [wǝ:])

-ire [aiǝ] – fire, tire, hire, wireless, dire, inspire, retire

-ure [ju:ǝ] – pure, cure, secure

-sure [ʃǝ] – pressure, composure

-ture [ʧǝ] departure, creature, conjecture, gesture manufacture, temperature

-tion [ʃn]- motion, pollution, promotion, translation, administration, tradition, nation, donation

-sion [ʒn] - television, fusion

-gue[g] – Prague, vague, plague

-que [k]- technique, grotesque

wa [wɔ] – want, was, water, war, warranty, wasp

au[ɔ:] – autumn, audio, Paul, auditory, auction, august, autonomy, aunt [a:nt]

oa [ǝu]- coal, boat, goal, loan, loading

ie [i:] – field, shield, achieve, abilities, cities, berries, cherries

ie [ai ] tie, lie, modifier, alien, client

ya (я) – yard, yak

yo (ё) – Toyota

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