Материалдар / Seasons/ Months

Seasons/ Months

Материал туралы қысқаша түсінік
understand an increasing range of unsupported basic questions which ask for personal information
11 Желтоқсан 2020
0 рет жүктелген
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Бұл бетте материалдың қысқаша нұсқасы ұсынылған. Материалдың толық нұсқасын жүктеп алып, көруге болады

Lesson plan

Unit of a long term plan Unit 9

The theme of the lesson: Seasons/ Months

School: 148

Date: 29.05.2020 y

Teacher name: Abduzhalilova Rakhila

Grade : 5

Number present: 10

absent: 0

Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to (link to the Subject programme)

5.L2 understand an increasing range of unsupported basic questions which ask for personal information

5.S6 communicate meaning clearly at sentence level during, pair, group and whole class exchanges

5.R4 read with some support a limited range of short fiction and non-fiction texts

5.W3 write with support factual descriptions at text level which describe people, places and objects

5.UE16 use conjunctions so , if, when , where, before, after to link parts of sentences on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics

Level of thinking skills

Knowledge Understanding Application

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:

  • Listen and repeat the words according to the topic

  • mаkе up short sеntеncеs usіng аdjеctіvеs аbоut the wеаthеr

Most learners will be able to:

  • Identify and name most of the words according to the topic

  • Ask and answer questions about weather conditions and make up sentences using the adjectives about the weather

Some learners will be able to:

  • Discuss curricular topic about weather

  • demonstrate their opinion and evaluate others in giving feedback.

Assessment criteria

Learners will make up dialogue about the weather

Know how to use the adjectives, present simple and present continuous

Ask and answer questions about weather conditions

Values links

Strategy of “MangilikYel” lifelong learning, which unite all Kazakhstan citizens

Cross-curricular links

Kazakh and Russian

Previous learning

Learners have information about sport.

To tell about their hobby


Planned timings

Planned activities (replace the notes below with your planned activities)



5 min

Greetings. Teacher grееts and asks thе dаtе, the dаy.

Home work: Method “Magic box” with questions

Warm up. A poem about the weather

Spring is green

Summer is bright

Autumn is yellow

Winter is white

Teacher divides lеаrnеrs іntо twо grоups wіth stickers about the weather and months

1st grоup Weather

2nd grоup Months

Whiteboard pencil

Slide 2

Stickers with words


3 Min


3 min


4 min

2 min



10 min


3 min

Activity 1. Brainstorming. (Teacher asks by using the divergent and referential questions)

T: Can you tell me what can you see in your stickers?

L-s: We can see the words about the weather and months. Etc.

Activity 2. Teacher: Let me introduce with new words according to the theme “Seasons and months” and invite you to have a fun lesson. Please be active!

Cloudy- бұлтты

Cold- суық


Freezing- аяз

Hot- ыстық

It’s raining-жаңбыр жауып тұр

It’s snowing-қар жауып тұр

Sunny-күн ашық


Weather – күн райы


Activity 3. Pre-listening task. (Critical thinking) individual work

T: How do you think what season is it now?

L:It’s spring now.

T: What is the weather like today?

L: It is warm.

T: What month is it now?

L: It is April now.

T: What month is before April?

L: March is before April.

T: What month is after April?

L: May is after April.

T. So we are going to have a lesson about the seasons and months. All of you look at this pictures. What can you say about these pictures? Teacher shows the pictures of four seasons and weather using the “Spiral curricular” program

Activity 4. Listening. (Ex.1.p.109 Sb)

Teacher presents the seasons and months and plays the record.

Ss listen and repeat chorally or individually

Learners answer the questions about this task and say their birthday months

Activity 5. A game “Who is quicker?” “Word puzzles” about the seasons and weather. Find the words from this chain. (Teacher gives worksheets to the learners and they will do it in groups)



Activity 6. Listening. (Ex.2. p.109. Sb.) Matching the sentences (1-10) to the drawing (a-j).

Picture from the textbook

Teacher gives formative assessment: by shapes

Shape3 Shape2 Shape1

Assessment criteria


To make up correct and meaningful sentences;

To match the sentences

To complete the sentences

To describe the weather (answer the questions)


Makes up correct and meaningful sentences;

Matches the sentences and completes the sentences

describes the weather and answers the questions

Activity 7. Group work. Craft work. Learners do the “Seasons clock” craft. In the classroom teacher gives 4 circle paper, markers and etc. After that teacher tells what Ss do in this game, everybody draw 4 lines from the center of the circle to the outside, so that you create 4 different areas. Write the word for each season in each segment. If you have taught months, get everybody write the months in order around the edge of the clock, with 3 months in each segment (you can just use the first letters of each month), so that it looks like the image below:


Game “Funny worm” put the month in the right order.

Crossword. Complete the word puzzle.

Assessment criteria


To work in groups

To make the the seasonal clock

using the words about the seasons and months

Completes the words puzzles


Work in groups

Make the seasonal clock using the words about the seasons and months

Activity 8. Writing. Exercise.3 (Individual work).

Complete the sentences using the words according to the weather.

1.In my country it is cold in winter.

2.In spring it is ………. .

3.Summers are …….. .

4.In autumn it is usually……. .

After that teacher conclude the lesson. Ss check yourself given feedback each other. Then teacher play a game “Firework”. First group give firework to the second group and second group give firework to the first group.

AShape5 ctivity 9. Speaking. Exercise.4 Pair work. Interview game. S1 S2

-What’s the weather like today?

-It is sunny and warm.

Teacher assessing with formative assessment: 2 stars and one wish


Assessment criteria


To complete the sentences using the weather adjectives

To relate the topic to the real world


completes the sentences using the weather adjectives

Relates the topic to the real world.




Picture 31

CD1 L10

Worksheet 1.


Материал жариялап, аттестацияға 100% жарамды сертификатты тегін алыңыз!
Ustaz tilegi журналы министірліктің тізіміне енген. Qr коды мен тіркеу номері беріледі. Материал жариялаған соң сертификат тегін бірден беріледі.
Оқу-ағарту министірлігінің ресми жауабы
Сайтқа 5 материал жариялап, тегін АЛҒЫС ХАТ алыңыз!
Қазақстан Республикасының білім беру жүйесін дамытуға қосқан жеке үлесі үшін және де Республика деңгейінде «Ustaz tilegi» Республикалық ғылыми – әдістемелік журналының желілік басылымына өз авторлық материалыңызбен бөлісіп, белсенді болғаныңыз үшін алғыс білдіреміз!
Сайтқа 25 материал жариялап, тегін ҚҰРМЕТ ГРОМАТАСЫН алыңыз!
Тәуелсіз Қазақстанның білім беру жүйесін дамытуға және білім беру сапасын арттыру мақсатында Республика деңгейінде «Ustaz tilegi» Республикалық ғылыми – әдістемелік журналының желілік басылымына өз авторлық жұмысын жариялағаны үшін марапатталасыз!
Ресми байқаулар тізімі
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