Материалдар / Shops 5 grade
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Shops 5 grade

Материал туралы қысқаша түсінік
Автор материалды ақылы түрде жариялады. Сатылымнан түскен қаражат авторға автоматты түрде аударылады. Толығырақ
23 Ақпан 2023
10 рет жүктелген
770 ₸
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Тегін турнир Мұғалімдер мен Тәрбиешілерге
Дипломдар мен сертификаттарды алып үлгеріңіз!
Бұл бетте материалдың қысқаша нұсқасы ұсынылған. Материалдың толық нұсқасын жүктеп алып, көруге болады

Материалдың толық нұсқасын
жүктеп алып көруге болады

Lesson plan

Long-term planUnit 3

Fantasy world

School 42

Date: 22.02.2023

Teacher: Nurieva A.Zh.

Grade: 5

Number present 12

Absent 12



Teacher’s activities

Student’s activities

Assessment criteria


Beginning of the lesson


Team work

2 min

3 min


Hug your Teddy”

Catch question”

Learners stand in a circle and answer the questions

Dividing into two groups by puzzles

Teacher divides the learners into two groups by puzzles. The learners, who solve the puzzle “COMPUTER”, will be the first group. The learners, who solve the puzzle “BOOK”, will be the second group.

Introducing learning objectives

Checking up the hometask

The method of “Foodprints”

To learn new words and there is, there are

Leаrners revise vocаbulаry from the previous lesson.

The aim: To develop Ss speaking skills and create friendly atmosphere

Efficiency: By telling the wishes they show their appreciations

Learners divide into two group

1 group “COMPUTER”

2 group “BOOK”

Learners are jumping in the class

At the organization moment T tries to award active.

The method of “Time watch” is used to award active Ss.

Previous knowledge


Team work

2 min

7 min

Middle of the lesson

Group work

4 min

4 min

Work in pairs

5 min

Individual work

5 min

Give ten words related to ….

  • I’ll give you words. You should tell me what the words about.

For example:- cheese

  • ice-cream

Where can you buy these things?

T:Ok, so todays our new theme is ‘Shops’

Using vocabulary flashcards teacher models the vocabulary and learners repeat


Chemist’s [[ˈkemɪst]]  химик, аптекарь

Shoe shop  [ʃuː]  [ʃɒp] магазин обуви

Games shop  [ɡeɪm] [ʃɒp] магазин игр

Pet shop  [pet] [ʃɒp] зоомагазины

Computer shop  [kəmˈpjuːtə(r)] [ʃɒp] компьютерный магазин

Supermarket  [ˈsuːpəmɑːkɪt] супермаркет

Clothes shop  [kləʊðz] магазин одежды

Sports shop [spɔːts спортивный магазин

Book shop [bʊk] книжный магазин

Task 1Odd one out. Find the word that doesn’t match. Learners either words

1.supermarket carrot pet shop bookshop

2.chemist’s medicineshoe shop newsagent’s

3.computer shop games shop bookshop computer

4.clothes shop supermarket chemist’s house

5. sports shop pet shop football newsagent’s

Who is faster?”

Task 3 “Cards speak ”

1.In this shop there are a lot of tulips, roses, lilies. All women like this shop. What is the shop? 2.When I was a little boy, girl I could not go past this shop. I wanted that all toys were mine. What is it?

3.My grandma is ill and I need to buy some aspirin. What is it?

4.It will be brother’s birthday tomorrow. I want to buy him a computer.

5.     I like reading books. Where did I go to buy books?

6.     My shoes were torn. I want to buy new ones. Where should I go?

At the Shops, supermarkets.

Learners writing the new words in their vocabulary.

Identify true and false statements with support

Correct the false statements


-learners can tell about things that where is buying.

-write down new words in your vocabulary.

- use the vocabulary in the speech

Descriptor: remove unnecessary words

Formative assessment: in each correct sentences you have one point


Using names of things in shops.

Make a role-play according to the task


-Correct the statement materials correctly



Picture 1

Picture 3 Picture 2

Picture 1



End of the lesson

7 min

2 min

Bingo. Learners have different key words related to the topic. If teacher read out the definitions learners will mark of the corresponding key word.

What shops are the things from? Complete the crossword.


1.a football and tennis racked

4.milk, eggs and rice

5.a laptop


8.a book



3. a games console

6. a dog and a rabbit


- What was discussed today in the classroom?

- What types of shops have you learned?

- Why do we need shops?

Giving hometask

Learn to the new words page number 30 and Ex 3

Learners will be answering to teacher.

770 ₸ - Сатып алу

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