2023-2024 оқу жылына арналған

қысқа мерзімді сабақ жоспарларын

жүктеп алғыңыз келеді ма?
ҚР Білім және Ғылым министірлігінің стандартымен 2022-2023 оқу жылына арналған 472-бұйрыққа сай жасалған


Материал туралы қысқаша түсінік
New requirements for university graduates are imposed by the increasingly active participation of Kazakhstani enterprises and organizations in the international division of labor. The expansion of professional international communication, business negotiations with foreign partners, work with technical documentation in a foreign language, the possibility of an internship abroad make it necessary to make more complete use of the possibilities of a foreign language in the professional training of future engineers and presuppose the formation of foreign-language competence of students studying in economic specialties.
04 Сәуір 2024
3 рет жүктелген
Материал тегін
Тегін турнир Мұғалімдер мен Тәрбиешілерге
Дипломдар мен сертификаттарды алып үлгеріңіз!
Бұл бетте материалдың қысқаша нұсқасы ұсынылған. Материалдың толық нұсқасын жүктеп алып, көруге болады

Материалдың толық нұсқасын
жүктеп алып көруге болады


(на примере английского языка в неязыковом ВУЗе)

Д.Т. Мусин


Аннотация: Қазақстандық кәсіпорындар мен ұйымдардың Халықаралық еңбек бөлінісіне белсенді қатысуы жоғары оқу орындарының түлектеріне жаңа талаптар қояды. Кәсіби халықаралық қарым-қатынасты кеңейту, шетелдік серіктестермен іскерлік келіссөздер, шет тіліндегі техникалық құжаттамамен жұмыс істеу, шетелде өндірістік машықтану мүмкіндігі болашақ инженерлерді кәсіби даярлауда шет тілінің мүмкіндіктерін неғұрлым толық пайдалану қажеттілігін негіздейді және экономикалық мамандықтарда оқитын студенттердің шет тіліндегі құзыретін қалыптастыруды көздейді.

Жоғары кәсіптік білім берудің мемлекеттік білім беру стандарттарында көрсетілгендей, кез келген қызмет саласындағы маман "ауызша және жазбаша түрде шет тілдік қарым-қатынасты жүзеге асыра алуы"[1], яғни шетелдік әріптестермен шет тілінде тиімді қарым-қатынас жасауға әзірліктің жоғары деңгейіне ие болуы тиіс.

Болашақ маман ғылым мен техниканың жетістіктерін, өндірісті, еңбекті және басқаруды ұйымдастыру саласындағы озық отандық және шетелдік тәжірибені білуі керек. Алайда, болашақ маман үшін мұндай мәселелерді шешу шетелдік жарияланымдарды талдаусыз және шет тілінде ақпарат алмасусыз мүмкін емес. Осыған байланысты білім беру стандарттары ситуациялық тапсырмаларды қолдана отырып, шет тілін үйренуде кәсіби ерекшеліктерді ескеруді талап етеді.

Түйін сөдер: ситуациялық жағдайлар, ситуациялық тәсіл, коммуникативтік құзіреттілік, тілдік емес мамандық, кәсіби қызмет, білім беру процесі.

Аннотация: Новые требования к выпускникам вузов предъявляет все более активное участие казахстанских предприятий и организаций в международном разделении труда. Расширение профессионального международного общения, деловые переговоры с зарубежными партнерами, работа с технической документацией на иностранном языке, возможность производственной стажировки за границей обусловливают необходимость более полного использования возможностей иностранного языка в профессиональной подготовке будущих инженеров и предполагают формирование иноязычной компетенции студентов, обучающихся на экономических специальностях.

Как указывается в государственных образовательных стандартах высшего профессионального образования, специалист в любой сфере деятельности должен уметь «осуществлять иноязычное общение в устной и письменной форме»[1], т.е. обладать высоким уровнем готовности к эффективному общению с зарубежными партнерами на иностранном языке.

Будущий специалист должен знать достижения науки и техники, передовой отечественный и зарубежный опыт в сфере организации производства, труда и управления. Однако решение подобных задач для будущего специалиста невозможно без анализа зарубежных публикаций и обмена информацией на иностранном языке. В связи с этим образовательные стандарты требуют учета профессиональной специфики при изучении иностранного языка при помощи ситуационных задач.

Ключевые слова: ситуационные задачи, ситуационный подход, коммуникативная компетентность, неязыковая профессия, профессиональная деятельность, образовательный процесс.

Abstract: New requirements for university graduates are imposed by the increasingly active participation of Kazakhstani enterprises and organizations in the international division of labor. The expansion of professional international communication, business negotiations with foreign partners, work with technical documentation in a foreign language, the possibility of an internship abroad make it necessary to make more complete use of the possibilities of a foreign language in the professional training of future engineers and presuppose the formation of foreign-language competence of students studying in economic specialties.

As indicated in the state educational standards of higher professional education, a specialist in any field of activity should be able to "carry out foreign language communication in oral and written form"[1], i.e. have a high level of readiness for effective communication with foreign partners in a foreign language.

The future specialist should know the achievements of science and technology, advanced domestic and foreign experience in the field of production organization, labor and management. However, the solution of such problems for a future specialist is impossible without analyzing foreign publications and exchanging information in a foreign language. In this regard, educational standards require taking into account professional specifics when learning a foreign language with the help of situational tasks.

Key words: situational tasks, situational approach, communicative competence, non-linguistic specialty, professional activity, educational process.

Students ' communicative competence is a complex personality property characterized by the degree of involvement in communicative activity and determining the quality of this activity. Since we had the goal of forming communicative competence among students of a non-linguistic university, we had in mind not only the technique of speech, but psychotechnics – situational exercises related to thought, feeling and imagination, because they subordinate the technique of pronouncing the creative thought of the speaker. The experiment involved the implementation of a system of training communicative exercises by students, in the process of working on which theoretical knowledge (psychological and pedagogical, subject, knowledge of the language of communication) is activated and communicative skills are developed.

When performing situational tasks, students are required to build their activities in accordance with the specific conditions of the communicative situation and develop appropriate skills.

Considering a communicative situation as a form of functioning of the communication process, when creating it, it is necessary to take into account the main essential characteristics of business communication, namely: the transmission of a message by both verbal and non-verbal means, adequate perception and interaction of communication subjects, functional purpose (business conversation, business negotiations, consultations, presentations), the level nature of communication, types of contact (direct, indirect communication) [2].

The content basis of the topics of situational tasks of students of a non-linguistic university was the following topics:

Organizational structure and types of organizations.

Job search and hiring of personnel.

Business communication by phone.

Holding a meeting.

Business trips abroad.

Reception of guests from abroad.

Advertising and marketing; organization and participation in exhibitions.

International trade.

Finance and banks.

The essence of situational tasks is the free, concrete communicative reaction of students to a complex of imaginary or conditionally real circumstances. The communicative situations used by us were fragments of negotiations, conversations, and consultations typical for business interaction. Negotiations and conversations are characterized by three stages:

1. creating a positive atmosphere of interaction;

2. application of the technique of asking questions and conducting interviews;

3. the use of the technique of completing conversations, negotiations.

The creation of a positive atmosphere of interaction is considered as a basic prerequisite for satisfactory and pleasant conversations, negotiations and consultations for all participants. A stimulating tool for working in this direction was a brainstorming session, when students suggested possible ways to create a positive atmosphere of interaction. As such, three groups of factors were identified: psychological, speech, and non-verbal.

The psychological factors included the ability to listen to the partner, create a positive atmosphere of communication, maintain communication, show empathy, psychologically stimulate the activity of the partner. The category of speech factors included greeting and introduction adequate to the communication situation, expressing compliments, praises, addressing partners by name, using positive statements, the need to start business negotiations with neutral topics (weather, impressions of what they saw again, etc.) [3].

A group of non-verbal factors was formed: the use of positive gestures, maintaining distance between the participants of communication, the need to emphasize the positive, friendly meaning of what was said with the appropriate intonation, stress, pause, the use of medium volume and medium pace of communication.

For students, these factors are intertwined with each other. To create a positive atmosphere of communication, students will be offered the following communicative situations. First, each student must conduct a presentation, reporting data about himself, including: name, age, place of birth, two or three episodes from the biography. Next, the students will express what they liked most about the presentation of the group members. Such a discussion will affect not only the biographical facts presented, but also the manner of behavior (constrained, familiar, official, friendly), hand movements, ways to attract attention, etc.

Then students will receive cards with information about the persons they will have to submit on their behalf. Offering this communicative situational exercise, we proceed from the fact that representatives of different cultures participate in the negotiation processes concerning trade and business issues, but at the same time, a very important point in creating a positive atmosphere is to address the participants of the negotiations by name. The task consists in the fact that students will take turns to call the names that appeared in the received cards, speaking at a normal pace. In the second round , the "negotiators" will be able to remember each other's names. This is followed by the third round, again at the usual pace. In the future, each student will reproduce the names of" colleagues", if there were difficulties, you could ask them to repeat the names, spell them out and, if absolutely necessary, write them down [4].

To fulfill this situational task, students will be organized into small groups of 6-7 people, which seem very successful, since such groups are a model of the reality that surrounds people in their professional activities.

To establish contact and its successful development, it is necessary to find out what unites strangers. To do this, it was proposed to perform tasks of the following nature. Find out what five aspects unite you and your partner by asking each other about family, home, classes, work, taste preferences, etc.

It is established that when conducting business conversations, negotiations, it is much easier to achieve the partner's location and the desired result, if from the very beginning you rely on a commonality of views, tastes, assessments, perception of facts. The task stimulated an active role in establishing contacts – the ability to put questions in a form acceptable to the other participant, and encouraging him to answer. As part of the task, a mini-discussion was initiated and held on the topic: What questions should be considered inappropriate at the first meeting? In order to teach students to talk about positive moments, to tune in to a major mood, a special exercise was performed: students told about the events that happened to them last week and are both positive and new for them at the same time.

Each student had to start with his presentation to the group. Later, this exercise was somewhat modified: students were given cards with the names of people they represented in the first person, and some facts of their biographies. Based on the little information, the students had to tell about several of the most important episodes in the life of their characters.

In addition to targeting positive emotions, performing this exercise made it possible to learn the education and use of a group of past tenses of the English language, developed the skills of monologue speech [5].

In the course of our experimental work, the students came to the realization that the success of business communication largely depends not only on the ability to speak, but also on the ability to listen. To develop the ability of active listening, students, firstly, were given a brief theoretical material on the topic under consideration, the rules of listening were given. And secondly, they got the opportunity to consolidate the theory with the help of practical exercises.

We will describe the procedure for performing one of the exercises to develop the ability of active listening. Students are divided into pairs (at their own request or at the direction of the teacher). One of the members of each pair becomes the narrator, the other-the listener. The task of the narrator is to speak on a given topic.

The task of the listener is to listen and occasionally ask leading questions or stimulate the continuation of the conversation in other ways when the narrator has difficulties. After ten minutes, the members of the couple change roles. Then a group discussion of the exercise is held, namely, the process of its implementation (positive moments, listening mistakes made or noticed by communication partners) and the content (what the students talked about while performing the exercise). This exercise was carried out repeatedly when studying various topics. Listening skills in the context of the work of small groups were developed as follows. The teacher or one of the students initiated a discussion of the topic. The main rule was that any student got the right to express his opinion only after he successfully summed up what the previous student said [6].

Thus, the student who started the discussion had absolute freedom, but then each subsequent speaker, in accordance with the rules, must summarize the words uttered by the previous participant in the discussion.

Performing these exercises and creating such communicative situations is necessary to equip students of a non-linguistic university with practical ways to create and maintain a positive atmosphere of communication. The following considerations speak in favor of the use of educational and communicative situations. Situations put students in conditions similar to natural ones, force them to formalize their thoughts by foreign language means, allow them to activate conversational formulas, business vocabulary and grammatical structures, not fixing their attention on them as such, but focusing on the communication process.

The experimental work led to the need to focus on communication tasks.

The formation of the communicative competence of students of a non-linguistic university required the inclusion of exercises and situations combining dialogic and monological, productive and reproductive speech [7].

The fulfillment of the described tasks contributed to the formation and development of the skills to use all the techniques to create a positive atmosphere of interaction, to directly conduct and complete negotiations, namely: to greet partners and introduce themselves to each other; to ask open questions; to ask closed questions; to use empathic statements; to check the correctness of what was understood; to make assumptions; to summarize what was said; to make and modify the proposal, and was a means of forming the communicative competence of students of a non-linguistic university in the process of teaching foreign-language business communication.

The high quality of learning a foreign language contributes to the competitiveness and professional mobility in the field of professional activity and communication of the future specialist. The acquisition of foreign language competence by students consists in mastering a foreign language at a level that will allow them to use it to meet professional needs, implement business contacts and further professional self-education and self-improvement.

The list of the used literature:

1. Address of the President of Kazakhstan of the Republic of Kazakhstan-Leader of the Nation N. A. Nazarbayev Strategy "Kazakhstan-2050". The new political course / / https: // www.akorda.kz /en/official_documents/strategies_and_programs.

2. Makhametova, D. B. The formation of communicative competence during the learning process of the English language / D. B. Makhametova. - Text : direct / / Young scientist. — 2017. — № 11 (145). — Pp. 326-328. - URL: https://moluch.ru/archive/145/40794/ (accessed: 13.07.2021).

3. Bryleva V. A. Development of intercultural competence of students-linguists by means of a virtual educational environment of a special faculty: abstract. dis.... candidate of pedagogical sciences. Pyatigorsk, 2017

4. Muratov A. Yu. The use of the project method for the formation of intercultural competence / / Eidos: Online journal. 2015. May 23.

5. Chomsky, Noam (2015). Aspects of the theory of syntax. Cambridge: M.I. T. Press.

6. Hymes, Dell H. (2016). “Two types of linguistic relativity”. In Bright, W. Sociolinguistics. The Hague: Mouton. pp. 114–158.

7. Hymes, Dell H. (2012). “On communicative competence”. In Pride, J.B.; Holmes, J. Sociolinguistics: selected readings. Harmondsworth: Penguin. pp. 269–293.


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