Материалдар / Sport for all

Sport for all

Материал туралы қысқаша түсінік
Sport for all
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Unit 8 Sport

Шығыс Қазақстан облысы білім басқармaсы Өскемен қаласы бойынша білім бөлімінің "Ахмер орта мектебі" KMM

Teacher name:

Nurgazina Zh



Grade: 5

Number present:



Sport for all

Learning objectives:

Lesson objectives:

Tell about their own favorite sport;

Link kinds of sports with their places where they do;

Discuss about sports they like/they don’t like;




Planned activities





Beginning the lesson

8 min

Organization moment

  • Greeting

Greets students. Specifies learners’ readiness for the lesson

  • Hello, boys and girls?

  • How are you today?

  • Who is on duty today?

  • Who is absent today?

  • What date is it today?

  • What day is it today?

  • Lead in (Odd one out): Learners are shown pictures of sports games. They should explain which one does not connect with other pictures and give a reason why.

Teacher prepares cards with different kind of sports. According them teacher divide class into three groups:

Now I want to ask you about your favourite sport. What is your favourite sport? Do you like summer or winter sports? What kind of summer sports do you like?



and dangerous sports.

  • Introducing the lesson objectives

Determines together with learners the learning objectives, the assessment criteria

-At first, in our lesson you will talk about sport and where we do it. In second place, you will discuss about what sport you like and you don’t like. Also in third place, you must use comparative and superlative adjectives.

Teacher writes numbers from 1 to 3. And ask learners to recall the objectives.

Who wants to remind me how we form comparative and superlative adjectives?

Students should read the tongue twisters

2 points


30 min

Vocabulary (W) TPR: listen, watch, imitate.

Teacher introduces new words. Learners listen to teacher and repeat after the teacher.










Ice – skating


Horse – riding

Listen and watch

After, teacher says with sentence

I like football. I like volleyball. I like swimming. I like biking... Teacher does the actions. I like football – teacher runs like football players.

Listen and do

Teacher says sentences. Learners do the actions.

At the beginning of each stage it is important to keep order. At the end you may use jumbled order.

Listening (G)

Pre – listening

Name me please, kinds of winter sport! What kinds of winter sport do you like? We are going to watch a video where Wiki tell us about winter sport. Listen carefully!

While – listening

Listen and remember: While listening teacher stops the video at the main point and let learners to remember the information.

Post – listening

Learners watch a video about winter sport and answer to questions.

What is Wiki’s favourite winter sport?

When did skiing become an actual sport?

When have started ice – skating?

Who did create the figure skating?

Check their answer by watching the video secondly.

Differentiation: Weak learners recognize basic words. More confident learners answer 1-2 questions. Strong learners answer all questions.

Assessment: Teacher’s oral feedback

Descriptor: A learner

  • Works in group

  • Answers questions

(G) Learners brainstorm places where they do sport. They look at the numbered images of a range of courts, pitches, slopes, gyms etc. projected on IWB and in groups, identify which sport is played on or in each place e.g.

We play ice hockey on that one and hockey on this one. We play football on those. We go biking in there. We can ski down that

Differentiation: weak and more confident learners identify the places of sports. Strong learners identify and answer the question fully.

Assessment: teacher prepares figures of stars and gives to the group whose answer is right . Which group has more stars is winner and other groups applause to the winner group.

Descriptor: A learner

  • Link kinds of sports with their places where they do

Speaking (P) Learners discuss about sports they like/they don’t like using adjectives relaxing, funny, dangerous, exciting, fast, difficult, boring

Now, it’s time to talk with our neighbour about his/her favourite sport. Do you know what kind of sport likes your partner? Now discuss about it. You discuss why you like this sport and why don’t like.

So, what is your task? Who wants to answer?

What kind of sports is dangerous in your opinion? What kind of sports is relaxing? What kind of sport is boring? Tell me!

Differentiation: Weak learner discuss in pair with strong learner. More confident learner discuss with more confident learner.

Assessment: with smiles

Descriptor: A learner

-Use the vocabulary of sport to answer personal questions;

-Discuss about sports they like/they don’t like;

Physical minute:

The Favorite Sport Song

We know about our favorite sports. We talked well. Now let’s sing a song about our favorite sports and dance. All of you stand up! Listen to the song carefully and sing along!

(f,I) Learners Look at the pictures from the Rio Olympic Games and write the sentences using adjectives in the correct form, either in the comparative or superlative form.

Do you know these athletes? Who is Dmitri Balandin? Who is Olga Rypakova? Were they champions in Rio Olympic Games? Who are other athletes? Where are they from?

You should compare their results. Use the table given below

Fast – slow




Dmitriy Balandin


Gold medal

Josh Prenot


Silver medal

Anton Chupakov


Bronze medal


Kazakhstan track-and-field athlete Olga Rypakova jumped in London Olympics demonstrating 14, 79 meter result. In Rio Olympics she jumped demonstrating the 14.39 meter result.

Assessment: Traffic light – partners exchange their works and count correct sentences(with teacher’s support), shows his/her opponent

green card if

there are 6- 7 correct sentences

orange card if

There are 4-5 correct sentences

red card if

1-3 correct sentences

Descriptor A learner

analyses provided information and writes correct forms of adjectives in the sentence;

completes sentences using information from the boxes.

Feedback (W) There is a picture of ball on the board. Learners should write their opinion about lesson on stickers and stick it on the picture.

2 points

3 points

3 points




Ending the lesson

7 min

Feedback. At the end of the lesson, learners reflect on their learning:

3 new words they learnt

2 activities helped the most

1 challenge (difficulty) they experienced




Learn new words

relaxing, funny, dangerous, exciting, fast, difficult, boring

расслабляющий, веселый, опасный, захватывающий, быстрый, сложный, скучный

  1. Football

  2. Volleyball

  3. Basketball

  4. Hockey

  5. Swimming

  6. Biking

  7. Skiing

  8. Snowboarding

  9. Ice – skating

  10. Snowboarding

  11. Horse – riding

  1. Футбол

  2. Волейбол

  3. Баскетбол

  4. Хоккей

  5. Плавание

  6. Езда на велосипеде

  7. Катание на лыжах

  8. Сноубординг

  9. Катание на коньках

  10. Сноубординг

  11. Верховая езда

Материал жариялап, аттестацияға 100% жарамды сертификатты тегін алыңыз!
Ustaz tilegi журналы министірліктің тізіміне енген. Qr коды мен тіркеу номері беріледі. Материал жариялаған соң сертификат тегін бірден беріледі.
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Сайтқа 5 материал жариялап, тегін АЛҒЫС ХАТ алыңыз!
Қазақстан Республикасының білім беру жүйесін дамытуға қосқан жеке үлесі үшін және де Республика деңгейінде «Ustaz tilegi» Республикалық ғылыми – әдістемелік журналының желілік басылымына өз авторлық материалыңызбен бөлісіп, белсенді болғаныңыз үшін алғыс білдіреміз!
Сайтқа 25 материал жариялап, тегін ҚҰРМЕТ ГРОМАТАСЫН алыңыз!
Тәуелсіз Қазақстанның білім беру жүйесін дамытуға және білім беру сапасын арттыру мақсатында Республика деңгейінде «Ustaz tilegi» Республикалық ғылыми – әдістемелік журналының желілік басылымына өз авторлық жұмысын жариялағаны үшін марапатталасыз!
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