Сертификат Аттестацияға 100% жарамды

Star hour

Материал туралы қысқаша түсінік
Бұл материал ағылшын тілінен10-11 сыныптарға сыныптан тыс жұмыстар жүргізуге арналған материал
Автор материалды ақылы түрде жариялады. Сатылымнан түскен қаражат авторға автоматты түрде аударылады. Толығырақ
28 Ақпан 2018
1 рет жүктелген
770 ₸
Бүгін алсаңыз
+39 бонус
Бұл не?
Бүгін алсаңыз +39 бонус беріледі Бұл не?
Тегін турнир Мұғалімдер мен Тәрбиешілерге
Дипломдар мен сертификаттарды алып үлгеріңіз!
Бұл бетте материалдың қысқаша нұсқасы ұсынылған. Материалдың толық нұсқасын жүктеп алып, көруге болады

Материалдың толық нұсқасын
жүктеп алып көруге болады

Theme of the lesson: Star hour “Language is power”

( 10 forms pupils)


- to teach students to express their own points of view and work in competition;

- to develop skills of reading, listening, speaking and unprepared speech;

- to enlarge country studying knowledge and educate the feeling of love towards our motherland.

- to learn the language of other country and to respect it.

Lesson type: an intellectual competition lesson.

P: Dear teacher and spectators! Welcome to our competition that calls “Language is power”.

The most popular language is English. It’s the language of progressive science and technology, trade and cultural relation, commerce and business. Learning a foreign language is not an easy thing. But nowadays every educated man is to learn any foreign language.

P: Let me introduce to you our players.

P: I wish you good luck! We want you to introduce themselves and you may tell us about yourselves, your hobbies and etc. (The participants themselves )

P: Our competition consists of 5 stages:

1. The first stage is “Baiga”

2. The second stage is “Polyglot”

3. The third stage is “Magic seven”

4. The forth stage is “Quick test”

5. The fifth stage is “Jorga”

P: And we have dear jury staff that will mark our players. Let me introduce them to you.

Players, are you ready for this competition? let’s begin.

The first round is “Baiga”

P: There are the questions. Pay attention, please. Who will be first?

1. Who gave his name to America? (Amerigo Vespucci)

2. Who discovered America? ( Ch.Columbus)

3. The oldest university in Great Britain is……? (Oxford)

4. Shaken Niyazbekov is the author of Kazakhstan’s national (flag)

5. Where and when was William Shakespeare born? (In Stratford on Avon in 1564)

6. How many stars and stripes on the American flag? (50 stars and 13 stripes)

7. Where is Disneyland? (in California)

8. What is the name given to the official residence of the President of the USA? (In the White House)

9. When do Americans celebrate Independence Day? ( 4 July)

10. Who lived in Sherwood Forest? (Robin Hood)

The second round, which calls “Polyglot”.

P: We will complete some proverbs, you must find the missed words and translate into Russian and Kazakh languages. Complete the proverb in three languages.

1. Actions speak louder than … (words, слова, сөздер).

2. First think, then … (speak, говорить, сөйлеу).

3. Bad news travels … (fast, быстро, жылдам).

4. All is well that ends … (well, хорошо, жақсы).

5. Live and … (learn, учись, оқы)

6. Business before … (pleasure, удовольствие, құштарлық).

7. There is no place like … (home, дом, үй).

8. Never put till tomorrow what you can do … (today, сегодня, бүгін).

9. East or west home is … (best, лучший, ең жақсы).

10. Rome was not built in a … (day, день, күн).

The third round is called “Magic numbers”

P: You will choose the numbers on the tables. There you will answer the questions.

20 to the right Great days:

This holiday honors our mothers, grandmothers, women in the world?

20 to the left The places to visit:

The place for skating in Almaty?

20 to the right about partnership.

What is UNDP? (united nation development programme) 2 March 1992

30 to the left Great days:

The Kazakhs celebrate this holiday on16th of December.

30 in the middle The places to visit:

The old mausoleum in Turkestan. It is more than 1500 years old.

30 to the right Sports and Games:

This is an indoor game for two players. You need a special table, a racket for each player and a small ball.

40 to the left Great days:

We celebrate this day as Victory Day in the Patriotic War. (the 9th of may)

40 in the middle The places to visit:

The entertainment center in Astana which has a great aquarium.

40 to the right Sports and Games:

An outdoor game for two teams of eleven players. The object of the game is to score a goal.

20 in the middle Great days:

The Independence Day of the USA (the 4th of July)

40 in the middle The places to visit:

Where is Hollywood? ( Los Angeles)

10 to the left Sports and Games

What is soccer? (American football)

The next round is called “Quick test”.

P: There are 5 questions for each of you and you must answer them quickly.

Let’s begin!

Participant 1:

1. How many parts have the UK? (4 Parts)

2. What is the best river in Great Britain?( The Thames)

3. Who is officially head of the UK (the Queen )

4. What it the capital of Scotland? (Edinburgh)

5. What it the highest mountain in Scotland? (Ben Nevis)

Participant 2:

6. How many states are there in the USA? (50 states)

7. What’s the colour of double - deckers in London? (red)

8. Where is the Statue of Liberty situated? (New York)

9. Name the castle, which now is a prison. (The Tower).

10. How many regions are there in Kazakhstan? (14)

Participant 3:

11. What holiday do people of Great Britain celebrate on the 25th of December? (Christmas Day)

12. What is the state language of the UK? (English).

13. What are the national symbols of Kazakhstan? (flag, emblem, anthem)

14. Who is the first president of the USA? (J. Washington)

15. Is Washington D.C a state? (No).

Participant 4:

16 What is the nickname of British flag? (Union Jack)

17. What is the national Scottish costume called? (kilt)

18. What was Kurmangazy? (a composer).

19. What river is Astana situated on? ( The Ishim).

20. When do we celebrate the Independence Day? (on the 16th of December)

Participant 5:

21 What is the longest river in England? (The Severn).

22 What’s the colour of London taxies? (black)

23 When is Nauryz celebrated? (on The 22nd of March)

24. What’s the capital of Great Britain? (London)

25. What is the nickname of the American flag? (Stars and Stripes)

Participant 6:

26. The international language (English)

27. Where does the President оf the USA live and work? (in the White House)

28. What is the national emblem оf England? (rose,)

29. Who built the first car?(H.Ford)

30. Eating in the morning is called what?(breakfast)

The next round is “Jorga”.

P: The next task for you is to choose the right answers. Are you ready, players? Let’s begin.

1. What is the official language in Great Britain?

a) English      b) French         c) Russian       d) Chinese

2. Big Ben is ___.

a) a horse      b) an animal in the zoo   c) a clock    d) a famous name

3. The changing of the guard happens  every day at ___.

a) 12.30p.m.    b) 12 o’clock    c) 11.30 a.m.      d) 9 o’clock

4. The UK is divided into ___.

a) three parts   b) five parts   c) four parts   d) two parts

5. What is the Tower of London now?

a) a prison    b) a house    c) a fortress   d) a museum

6. The name of the Palace where the Queen lives is ___.

a) the Tower of London     b) the White House     c) the Buckingham Palace   d) the Winsor palace

7. The capital of Great Britain is ___.

a) Paris     b) Moscow     c) London    d) Cardiff

8. What can you see in Trafalgar Square?

a) Nelson statue   b) King memorial    c) Queen memorial    d) Queen Victoria memorial

9. Sir Christopher Wren built ___.

a) St. Paul’s Cathedral   b) the Tower of London    c) Westminster Abbey   d) the Parliament

10. The name of the river in London is ___.

a) the Volga    b) The Thames   c) the Nile    d) the Mississippi

11. Westminster Abbey is ___.

a) the house     b) the monastery    c) the hotel    d) the church

12. London is more than ___.

a) one thousand years old     b) two thousand years old      c) three thousand years old     d) four thousand years old

13. The British Parliament is in ___.

a) the Buckingham Palace    b) the Houses of Parliament   c) Backer Street    d) Westminster Abbey

14. Great Britain  consists of ___.

a) England       b) England, Scotland and Wales    c) England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland

15. The symbol of England is ___.

a) a thistle        b) a daffodil          c) a rose

16. Trafalgar Square is in ___.

a) England        b) Wales       c) Scotland

17. A Loch Ness Monster is from ___.

a) Scotland      b) Wales       c) England

Key: 1) a; 2) c; 3) c; 4) c; 5) d; 6) c; 7) c; 8) a; 9) a; 10) b; 11) d; 12) b; 13) b; 14) b; 15) c; 16) a; 17) a;

P: Dear participants! Our rounds are over. While the jury staff gets the results let’s listen to the pupils’ songs and dances.

P: Dear participants! It’s time to know our results. You will come to the stage, please! Please, words for our jury staff!

Our competition was over! Thank you for the attention! Good bye!

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