Материалдар / "Status of teachers in modern society"
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"Status of teachers in modern society"

Материал туралы қысқаша түсінік
《Status of teachers in modern society》
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11 Қараша 2020
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Status of teachers in modern society

In the modern world, there is a huge variety of professions. Some of them have appeared recently, while others - very many years ago. One of the oldest professions is that of a teacher.
A teacher is a person who is needed by everyone and everyone.
Being a teacher is very hard work. In the Russian language, it arose about two centuries ago and took root a century ago. The concept of a teacher stood out among the earlier arisen concepts of educator, sensei, mentor, preacher, holy father. The teacher comes from teaching that a century and a half ago and earlier did the holy fathers, teaching Faith and hope.
The teaching profession is very ancient. And very difficult. Not everyone can cope with this and fully understand from head to toe and with all his heart.

The role of the teacher in the progressive development of society is significant, if only because he educates young people, forms a generation that will continue the work of the elders, but at a higher level of development of society. Therefore, to some extent, we can say that the teacher shapes the future of society, the future of its science and culture.
At the same time, with the development of science and the transition of society to a new stage of development, it is very important to realize that the requirements of modern society to the teacher are growing. At the same time, his contribution to the development of this society is also growing. The personality of the teacher, his position, attitude and boundless love - this is what is especially significant today, although it takes time, effort, full
I do not agree precisely with those who prioritize this profession, and think that it is very easy to teach a lesson, or just time and quietly leave. But no. Any teacher not only teaches his subject, but also carries out pedagogical activity in general. This means that as a teacher, he is constantly in interaction with children, parents, colleagues, other people and performs certain necessary functions. I like the legend very much - The position of the teacher is one of the unsurpassed under the sun.
In conclusion, I can say that without a teacher there will be no doctor or engineer. All professions are important for a normal existence in a civilized world. But if there are no teachers, the end of civilization will come. And we must appreciate and respect their work, help and be close. Is always.


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