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Статья: Кіші мектеп жасындағы балалардың психофизиологиялық ерекшеліктері»
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« Кіші мектеп жасындағы балалардың психофизиологиялық ерекшеліктері»
Есенбаева Зейнура
«Жоғары Қазақ-Түрік Гуманитарлық-Технологиялық колледжі»
Мақалада әртүрлі үлгідегі кіші жастағы мектеп оқушылардың психологиялық әл-ауқатына әсер ететін факторларды зерттеу нәтижелері сипатталғаның көреміз соның ішінде : тәуекел тобындағы балалар және осы санатқа кірмейтін балалар жайлы зерттеліп жазылған. Осы көрсетілген топтардың балаларында психологиялық салауаттылық құрамдастарында айырмашылықтар бар деген гипотеза расталғаны баяндалады. Тәуекел тобындағы балалардың психологиялық әл-ауқатының факторларына өзін-өзі көрсетуден қорқу, жоғары алаңдаушылық, тұлғааралық қарым-қатынастағы қорқыныш, психосоматикалық бұзылулардың болуы және өзін-өзі адекватты бағалау жатады. Тәуекел тобына қосылмаған балалар өзіне деген сенімділікпен және олардың қабілеттерімен, алаңдаушылық пен психосоматика деңгейінің жоғарылауымен, тұлғааралық қарым-қатынастың маңыздылығымен және басқалардың үміттерін ақтамау қорқынышымен сипатталады. Зерттелетін топтардың өкілдерінің жеке және жеке ерекшеліктерінде де айырмашылықтары бар екені анықталды. Осылайша, тәуекел тобындағы балалар өздеріне сенімділіктің төмен деңгейін көрсетеді, олар екінші топтағы балаларға қарағанда қозғыш және тәуекелге бейім, жеке алаңдаушылық пен жүйке кернеуі басымырақ екендігіне тоқталдым.
Кілт сөздер: тәуекел тобындағы балалар, бастауыш мектеп жасы, өзін-өзі бағалау, жеке тұлғаның ерекшеліктері, психологиялық саулық.
«Психофизиологические особенности детей младшего школьного возраста»
Есенбаева Зейнура
«Высший Казахско-Турецкий Гуманитарно-Технологический колледж»
В статье описываются результаты исследования факторов, влияющих на психологическое благополучие младших школьников из разных выборок: детей группы риска и детей, не входящих в эту категорию. Подтверждена гипотеза, что дети из обозначенных групп имеют различия по компонентам психологического благополучия. К факторам психологического благополучия детей группы риска относятся страх самовыражения, высокая тревожность, страх в межличностных отношениях, присутствие психосоматических расстройств, адекватная самооценка. Для детей, которые не входят в группу риска, характерны уверенность в себе и своих возможностях, повышенный уровень тревожности и психосоматики, значимость межличностных связей, страх несоответствия ожиданиям окружающих. Установлено, что представители исследуемых групп также имеют различия по индивидуально-личностным особенностям. Так, дети из группы риска демонстрируют низкий уровень уверенности в себе, им в большей степени, чем детям из второй группы, свойственны возбудимость и склонность к риску, личностная тревожность и нервное напряжение.
Ключевые слова: дети группы риска, младший школьный возраст, самооценка, индивидуально-личностные особенности, психологическое благополучие.
Psychophysiological features of children of primary school age.
Yesenbayeva Zeinura
«Higher Kazakh-Turkish Humanitarian-Technological College»
Summary: The paper describes the results of a study on the factors influencing the psychological well-being of children at risk and children who do not refer to this category. It was assumed that the children of the abovementioned categories have differences in the components of psychological well-being. The factors of the psychological well-being of children at risk include the fear of self-expression, high anxiety, fear of interpersonal relationships, psychosomatic disorders, and reasonable self-esteem. Children not at risk are characterized by self-confidence and confidence in their capabilities, an increased anxiety and psychosomatics, the importance of interpersonal relationships and fear of inconsistency in others’ expectations. Besides, the study reveals that both groups under study differ in individual and personal characteristics. Thus, children at risk demonstrate a low self-confidence. They are more likely to show excitability, risk-taking behaviour, personal anxiety, and nervous tension.
Keywords: children at risk, primary school age, self-esteem, individual and personal characteristics, psychological wellbeing.
Constant changes in the life of society determine the need to study the reasons that ensure the internal balance of the personality of both an adult and a child. The problem of the psychological well-being of the individual began to occupy one of the important places not only in psychology, but also in sciences close to it (sociology, philosophy), in which they turn to the study of other problematic aspects of the personality, such as social adaptation, self-attitude, self-realization, individual psychological characteristics. personality and psychosomatic state of a person.Researchers began to study the concept of psychological well-being at the beginning of the 20th century. N. Bradburn made a significant contribution to the development of this phenomenon. He revealed psychological well-being in terms of feelings of subjective happiness or unhappiness – overall life satisfaction.If we talk about the relevance of the study, then it includes the study of factors that affect the well-being of the child's psyche. If earlier children at risk were from dysfunctional families, today this indicator is no longer the main one for classifying children in this category. Influencing factors can be the following: the personality characteristics of the child, the characteristics of children's perception of the environment, i.e.a child who is in a financially secure family may experience a feeling of loneliness due to a lack of parental attention or difficulties in acceptance or rejection by his peers due to parental overprotection and a number of other reasons. Identification of these factors will help in the work to eliminate adverse conditions and will reduce the number of children at risk.In our opinion, there are not enough applied studies on the prevention and correction of violations of the psychological well-being and psychological health of schoolchildren.
The practical significance of this study can be defined as helping to increase the methodological and methodological capabilities of psychologists in the framework of school activities to prevent and correct violations of the psychological well-being of younger students.The purpose of the work is to study the features of the psychological well-being of younger schoolchildren: children at risk and children not included in this category.
The object of the study are 120 junior schoolchildren aged 8 to 10 years: 60 children at risk and 60 children with a normal level of psychological well-being.Hypothesis: children at risk and children not included in this category have differences in the components of psychological well-being. (Further on, we will call children at risk the first group, children not included in this category - the second group).The following methods were used in the work: "Sociometry" by J. Moreno; Cattell Personality Questionnaire, adapted for children (adapted in Russia by E.M.Alexandrovskaya); Phillips method of diagnosing school anxiety; V.V. Novikov “Integral self-assessment of the personality “Who am I in this world””; technique for the detection of neuropsychic adaptation. Results processing methods: Mann-Whitney U-test, factor analysis. We have considered psychological well-being in the concept of A.V. Voronina. According to the author, the concepts of "mental health" and "psychological health" are levels that reflect the internal integrity of a person, his agreement with himself, and are the systemic qualities of a person that are acquired by him in the process of life. In her concept of the space of human existence, a biological space is considered, where a person acts as a natural being. The formation of the biological space is the preservation of the biological systems of the body, which is a barrier to mental adaptation. The level of psychological well-being is measured in this case by mental health, which reflects the process of the relationship between the psychological and somatic spheres.In the paper, the phenomenon of "psychological well-being" is considered in the following context. Psychological well-being includes psychosomatic health, social adaptation and psychological health, which also has certain criteria: activity, adequate perception of the environment, establishing close contacts and an adequate attitude towards oneself. Based on this concept, we distinguish the following components of psychological well-being: social adaptation - the level of activity in interpersonal relationships; psychosomatic health - the level of anxiety and psychosomatics. Psychological health is studied by us with the help of the level of self-esteem and personal characteristics of younger students.Primary school age is characterized by the formation of interpersonal relationships - the acquisition of skills of behavior strategies in society, the manner of communication, etc. The age limits of primary school age are from 6–7 to 9–11 years. The child's admission to the first grade is characterized by a change in the social situation of his development, which leads to the development of a new activity - educational [6]. Meanwhile, the emotional sphere of younger schoolchildren is characterized by high impressionability, but the child already knows how to restrain his sharp expressions of emotions to a certain extent. During the primary school age, a new type of relationship between the child and other people develops - more active communication with their peers.The psychological well-being of children of primary school age is largely associated with the styles of education and communication used in the relationship with them by adults (parents, teachers) and peers (classmates). In pedagogical communication, as well as in the family, there are styles of education - from authoritarian to liberal. Relationships with peers among younger students are formed according to the principle of gender identification. Communication between them retains a playful character: on the one hand - rivalry, on the other - the establishment of positive contact. By the end of primary school age, the importance of the authority of an adult decreases, and peers begin to play an important role for the child.The psychological well-being of younger schoolchildren as a whole is expressed in relationships with peers and adults, in the level of self-esteem, psychosomatic and psychological health, which follow from the favorableness of these relationships.The analysis of the psychological and pedagogical literature allows us to identify the reasons why children fall into the risk group category. This is antisocial behavior of one or both parents, child abuse in the family, material disadvantage of parents, etc.The paper deals with children at risk of primary school age. Information about children belonging to this category was provided by a social pedagogue and a school psychologist of an educational institution in order to identify the individual psychological characteristics of children in this category and improve psychological correctional work.The paper focuses on the study of psychological well-being in children at risk, in comparison with children who are not included in this category. To study the concept of "children at risk", a number of literary sources were also analyzed. It is concluded that this group includes children who are influenced by constant negative factors that affect the general psychological background of the child. These factors include the antisocial behavior of the child's parents, defective or large families, families with disabled children, etc. This group also includes children who are mentally, physiologically and mentally lagging behind their age group.
During the study, the following tasks were solved:
1) to study the components of psychological well-being,
2) to conduct a comparative analysis of groups on the components of psychological well-being, 3) to process and interpret the results.
After analyzing the results, we found that both studied groups differ in the components of psychological well-being. According to the level of psychosomatic health: in children at risk, an increased level of psychosomatics is more common than in children with a normal level of psychological well-being. This is confirmed by mathematical analysis using the Mann-Whitney U-test, where the asymptotic value is less than 0.05.
Children of the first group do not have indicators on the scales "health" and "optimal adaptation" (0%). A small percentage according to these scales is present in children of the second group: "health" - 11.6%, "optimal adaptation" - 10%. Non-pathological mental maladjustment is more common in children of the second group (78.3%) than the first (8.3%). Children of the first group are characterized by such scales as "pathological maladjustment" (41.6%) and "probably painful conditions" (50%).
A high level of self-esteem and high indicators of sociometric status are more common in children of the second group. The result is also confirmed using the Mann-Whitney U-test, where the asymptotic value is less than 0.05.The level of anxiety is equally high in the two groups studied, but there are still differences on the scales “frustration of the need to achieve success”, “fear of testing knowledge”, “low resistance to stress” and “fear of the teacher”, where children at risk have a higher level of anxiety than the other study group. There are no differences on the scales “general anxiety at school”, “experience of social stress”, “fear of self-expression” and “fear of not meeting the expectations of others”, the two studied groups have high levels of anxiety. The analysis was carried out using the Mann-Whitney U-test. It was also revealed that the studied groups have differences in individual and personal characteristics. The level of sociability and verbal intelligence is higher in children of the second group. Children of the first group demonstrate a low level of self-confidence. Excitability and propensity to take risks are higher in children of the first group. Children of the second group are more responsible. Personal anxiety and nervous tension are higher in children of the first group. Factors for which no differences were found between the groups were assertiveness, social courage, sensitivity, and self-control. These factors show the child's control over their behavior and feelings in interpersonal relationships. Both groups have the same scores. More often, the values for these factors are high, which may indicate that children have a pronounced tendency to self-affirmation, leadership, are bold in communication and easily start a conversation with an adult, have a rich imagination and high sensitivity, which is generally typical for primary school age.Factor analysis made it possible to identify 5 possible causes of psychological well-being in each group. In children of the first group, these include fear of self-expression, high anxiety, fear in interpersonal relationships, the presence of psychosomatic disorders, and adequate self-esteem. Children of the second group are characterized by self-confidence and their abilities, an increased level of anxiety, the importance of interpersonal relationships, an increased level of psychosomatics, and a fear of not meeting the expectations of others. Having considered the selected factors of the two studied groups, we can conclude that the components of psychological well-being are repeated in the factors, but there are still clear differences in the level of anxiety, psychosomatics, self-esteem and social fear. So, we can talk about the difference in the structure of psychological well-being among the representatives of the studied groups. Psychological well-being is considered by us as a systemic quality acquired by a person in the process of life on the basis of the preservation of psychophysiological functions, reflecting the specifics of the preventive and corrective work of psychologists in the field of education. The study showed that both groups studied - children at risk, and children who are not included in this category, have differences in individual and personal characteristics. Results processing methods - Mann-Whitney U-test and factor analysis - revealed these differences. Thus, the hypothesis of the study is confirmed: the groups studied by us have differences in the components of psychological well-being.
Пайдаланылған әдебиеттер тізімі:
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4. Voronina A.V. The problem of psychological health and well-being of a person: a review of concepts and experience of structural-level analysis // Siberian Journal of Psychology. 2005. No. 21. P. 142–145.
5. Ibid.
6. Kolominsky Ya.L. Psychology of the children's team. The system of personal relationships. 2nd ed., revised. and additional Minsk, 1984. 303 p.
7. Kon I.S. Child and society: textbook. allowance for university students. M., 2003. 336 p. (Higher professional education).
8. Kolominsky Ya.L. Decree. op.