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Статья: Особенности общения младших школьников
Дипломдар мен сертификаттарды алып үлгеріңіз!
Материалдың толық нұсқасын
жүктеп алып көруге болады
Ахметов А.Ж.
e-mail: aikermakhmetova@mail.ru
Аңдатпа. Бұл мақалада кіші жастағы оқушылардың мұғалімдермен, құрдастарымен, ата-аналарымен қарым-қатынас ерекшеліктері қарастырылады.
Тірек сөздер: кіші мектеп оқушысы, қарым-қатынас, құрдастар, мұғалім.толеранттылық,проблемалық ситуациялар, толеранттылықты қалыптастыру, колледждің көпмәдениетті білім беру аясы, студент.
Ахметова А.Ж.
e-mail: aikermakhmetova@mail.ru
Аннотация. В данной статье рассматриваются особенности общения младших школьников с учителями, сверстниками, родителями. Ключевые слова: младший школьник , общение , сверстники, учитель.
Akhmetova A.Z.
e-mail: aikermakhmetova@mail.ru
Abstract. This article discusses the features of communication of younger students with teachers, peers, parents.
Key words: junior schoolchild, communication, peers, teacher.
Today, the introduction of modern methods and technologies to improve the quality of education is a guarantee of the development of Kazakhstan. In the Address of the first President N. Nazarbayev to the people of Kazakhstan “New Development Opportunities in the Conditions of the Fourth Industrial Revolution” dated January 10, 2018, it is emphasized that today the world is entering the era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, an era of deep and rapid changes: technological, economic and social. Therefore, the Kazakhstani education system is tasked with mastering modern methods and training programs, teaching in-demand knowledge and skills, developing functional literacy, logical and critical thinking, etc. Thus, I believe that the modern educational process should be aimed at developing the functional literacy of students, which is today a necessary condition for the formation of a creative, active, competitive personality. Our society needs a person who is functionally literate, able to work for a result, capable of certain, socially significant achievements. The formation of functional literacy is a condition for the formation of a dynamic and creative, responsible and competitive personality.
Functional literacy is understood as the level of education, which is characterized by the ability to solve standard life tasks in various spheres of life on the basis of predominantly applied knowledge, the ability to be fluent in all types of speech activity. Only a functionally literate person is capable of self-realization, that is, is able to apply all the practical skills and abilities received and acquired throughout life to solve the widest possible coverage of life tasks in various fields of activity.
Thus, there is a contradiction between the objective need to form the skills and abilities of logical thinking and functional competencies in elementary school students, on the one hand, and the insufficient development of the theoretical foundations for the development of these skills and competencies in the process of working on the text in Russian speech lessons, on the other hand. The need to master the skills of functional literacy: reading, writing, listening and speaking involves constant work with texts, work with information (oral or written) in accordance with the age characteristics of students. Primary school students usually already have a fairly good command of the basics of the Russian language, they can read, understand, retell the text, ask questions and answer them. But often they do not know how to apply these skills in ordinary life situations, in social scenarios that occur every day, namely, these skills are necessary, in demand, and relevant in the lives of students.
The success of the child's educational activity depends on the competent staging of speech. But how to open the magical world of words to a child? How to instill a love of reading? How to teach children to think, think creatively, figuratively, independently? How to make a student fall in love with the Russian language? How to teach him to play with the word? After all, the word begins to excite the child early, because it is one of the most accessible and interesting means of self-expression, and at the same time, the basis of common interests with peers. But many teachers and parents note that modern children are not very good at interacting with each other. There are many reasons for this: most children are the only ones in the family and are accustomed to leadership, if they communicate with each other, then only in their native language. If in the middle and the end of the 20th century, courtyards, where children spent a lot of time playing and communicating, played an important role in the formation of communication skills, now schoolchildren and preschoolers spend most of their time at the computer and TV.
Modern schoolchildren have stopped reading, they are more interested in the virtual world behind the blue screen than fiction. High employment of parents also does not contribute to communication with the child. Therefore, we, teachers, face one of the important tasks - to introduce our junior schoolchildren into the world of beauty, to introduce them to samples of domestic and world artistic culture, to cultivate the need for reading, interest in literature, to teach them to understand the artistic word. These and many other questions are of concern to many teachers, since recently the decline in literacy among children, the limitation of vocabulary, and the inability to logically express their thoughts have become more noticeable.
Working with students in their class, in the lessons of literary reading, many faced a problem - the children do not want and do not know how to speak Russian. The answers to the questions posed are monosyllabic, and their written work, with the exception of a few students, leaves much to be desired. Most students, when working with text, do not know how to highlight the main idea of the work and secondary information. When performing various types of written work, there are students who make elementary spelling mistakes, both they hear and write. What does it say? This means that de they read very little, or do not read fiction at all, and they hear Russian speech, basically, only at school, and only from teachers, since children also often speak their native language among themselves. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that children not only receive the necessary amount of material in 45 minutes, but also freely operate with Russian speech, “extract” information on their own from additional sources, and it would only be necessary to direct them correctly.
I pay serious attention in my lessons to the development of speech. To teach a younger student clearly and grammatically correctly, to speak, to have a wellplaced voice, to express his own thoughts in a free creative interpretation, to be able to express his emotions by various intonational means, to observe speech culture and develop his ability to communicate is a difficult and painstaking task that requires a teacher hard work, and most importantly, an effective approach to the development of speech.
In the course of didactic games, students are invited to recreate a specific situation, "live" it and gain some experience of actions in certain conditions. The use of this method involves the presence of gaming equipment, the distribution of roles and the performance of gaming actions. The game method forms creative thinking, develops imagination, helps the child learn to behave at ease, relieve psychological stress. For example:
Situational and plot-role-playing techniques. The plot-role-playing and situational methods are activities in which students take on the labor or social functions of adults and, in specially created gaming, imaginary conditions, reproduce (or model) the life of adults and the relationship between them. Consider the following example:
Methods of independent search activity. It is used when the teacher sets the goal of teaching students the individual elements of independent problem solving, organizing and conducting a partial search for new knowledge by the students. The search for a solution to the problem is carried out either in the form of certain practical actions, or through visual-effective or abstract thinking - based on personal observations or information received from the teacher, from written sources, etc. As with other methods of problem-based learning, the teacher at the beginning the lesson poses a problem for students in verbal form or in the form of a task, which consists in making independent conclusions based on the information received about facts, events, establishing causal relationships and patterns, significant differences and fundamental similarities. For example:
Thus, the use of these techniques will allow students in the classroom to acquire independent, practical skills in learning the wonderful world of words, which helps to improve the quality of students' knowledge through the formation of skills to work with text. Students will acquire the skills to extract primary information from the text, and learn to be tolerant of the opinions of others. They will become interested in the subject, the motivation to study the Russian language will increase. Also, special tasks bring up attention to that side of speech, which is associated with a kind, respectful attitude towards a person.
To teach good speech, oral and written, is the main task of the lessons of the
Russian language and literature. To do this, you need to discover that “amazingness” of the Russian language, which will help you learn how to best express your thoughts in oral and written form, to convey them to others. And to discover the “art” of a language is to understand how it works, what opportunities it provides us for full use in the process of communication.
List of used literature
Guide for the teacher: Second (main) level / Bakirov K. A., Nasymova G. A., Ausheva I. U., Sharimova A. G., Gabdolakyz Y. B., Baikenova B. A. 2014
Sokolova T. N. "School of speech development" Methodological guide for grade 1; M: Publishing house ROST, 2011
Ivanova V.A., Potikha Z.A., Rozental D.E. "Interestingly about the Russian language." - L .: Education, 1990.