Материалдар / Summative assessment for the unit «Entertainment and Media» Grade 8
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Summative assessment for the unit «Entertainment and Media» Grade 8

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Summative assessment for the unit «Entertainment and Media» Grade 8 reading, speaking skills
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Summative assessment for the unit «Entertainment and Media» Grade 8

Name:_______________________________ Grade:8____ Date:____________

I. Reading.

Task 1. Read the interview about theme parks and circle TRUE or FALSE for these sentences.

InterviewerGood morning. Today we’re going to talk about theme parks and we’re going to hear from Andy Wells who has written a guide to theme parks around the world. Welcome to the programme, Andy.
Andy: Hi, it’s good to be here.
Interviewer: You really have a dream job, don’t you, Andy? Flying round the world all the time, visiting adventure parks ...
Andy: Well, yes, it’s pretty exciting. But it’s really hard work too, you know.
Interviewer: I bet. So, what’s the number one theme park in the world?
Andy: That all depends what you’re looking for. In terms of numbers, it has to be Magic Kingdom at Disney World in Florida, the most famous theme park. But the most popular park for people who like adventure rides is Cedar Point in Ohio, USA. It has the biggest number of rollercoasters in one park, 17, and three water rides. There are lots of other attractions too. Last year they introduced 50 animatronic dinosaurs. You know, life-size models that move and look real.
Interviewer: Cool! Have they got anything lined up for this year?
Andy: Yeah, there’s a new rollercoaster called the Gatekeeper. Well, actually it’s not a rollercoaster, it’s a wingcoaster. It’ll be the biggest in the world.
Interviewer: What’s a wingcoaster?
Andy: With a normal rollercoaster you are sitting on a seat with the track under you. With a wingcoaster the seats kind of stick out at the side so the passengers have nothing below or above them. You feel as if you’re flying.
Interviewer: So it’s more frightening?
Andy: More exciting! Way more exciting.
Interviewer: What other attractions have you seen recently?
Andy: I’ve just been to The Wizarding World of Harry Potter at the Islands of Adventure in Orlando, Florida. It’s great! You know those shops that sell magic sweets and things in the Harry Potter books? Well, they have those, just like you’ve imagined. There’s a fantastic tour of Hogwarts School where you meet characters from the books. It’s so well done.
Interviewer: Right, sounds interesting. In your book you have a lot of theme parks in Asia too. Can you tell us about them?
Andy: Sure. Tokyo has had a Disneyland for quite a long time, which attracts a lot of people. Ocean Park in Hong Kong has also been going for a long time – that has a lot of marine animals as well as rides. Lotte World, a huge park in South Korea, has the world’s biggest indoor theme park. And then there’s Universal Studios in Singapore. That’s expanding with additions to its New York street section. There’s going to be a Sesame Street dark ride. A dark ride’s a ride inside a building.
Interviewer: I see. New York in Singapore?
Andy: Yeah, it’s weird, but it works. But the place to watch at the moment is China – they’re really expanding. Lots more parks will open in China in the next few years, including another one with dinosaurs in the north, and Ocean Kingdom in the south. That will have the world’s longest roller coaster and tallest Ferris wheel, as well as boat rides and a night-time zoo.
Interviewer: Wow, so that’s opening soon?
Andy: Yes, this year. I’ll be there!
Interviewer: Have a ride for me, then.

1. Andy Wells has written a guide to theme parks around the world.



2. Andy says his job doesn’t feel like hard work.



3.The most popular park for people who like adventure rides is Cedar Point in Ohio, USA.



4. Cedar Point in Ohio has life-sized moving dinosaurs.



5. On a wing coaster the track is next to you, not under you.



6. At the Islands of Adventure in Florida you can meet Harry Potter.



7. Ocean Park in Hong Kong has sea animals but no rides.



8. Lotte World in South Korea has the world’s biggest outdoor theme park.



9. A dark ride is a ride inside a building.



10. The “place to watch” for theme parks is Japan.



II. Speaking

Task 2. Choose the question from the card on the topic “Entertainment and Media” and answer.

You should

  • conveys ideas clearly;

  • use some persuasive techniques;

  • writes full sentences;

  • use basic conjunctions and linking words;

  • use appropriate topical vocabulary

Card 1

1. What is your favorite form of entertainment?

2. Why are movies such popular entertainment? Try to give specific reasons. ("Because they're interesting" is not good enough!)

Card 2

  1. What do you think of these forms of entertainment: music, comedy, live theater, TV, sports, traveling, going to bars (pubs), having parties at home, gambling and reading?

2. In your opinion, which kinds of TV programs are a waste of time? (love stories, adventure stories, mysteries, comedies, documentaries, game shows, horror) Explain your answer!

Card 3

  1. What kinds of TV programs are most popular in your country?

  2. Describe some popular games in your country. Why are they popular?

Card 4

  1. What is your favorite kind of TV program or movie? (love stories, adventure stories, mysteries, comedies, documentaries, game shows, horror)

  2. Who is the funniest comedian in your country? Can you describe his or her style? Why is he or she funny?

Card 5

  1. Do you have a favorite singer or movie star?

  2. Who is the most famous singer in your country? Can you describe one of his or her songs?

Card 6

  1. What do you most/least want to read in a paper?

  2. How regularly do you read a paper? How much of what you read do you believe?


Assessment criteria




A learner

Realize particular facts and parts in reading passage


writes ‘True’ for the 1st sentence;


writes ‘False’ for the 2nd sentence;


writes ‘True’ for the 3rd sentence;


writes ‘True’ for the 4th sentence;


writes ‘True’ for the 5th sentence;


writes ‘True’ for the 6th sentence;


writes ‘False’ for the 7th sentence;


writes ‘False’ for the 8th sentence;


writes ‘True’ for the 9th sentence;


writes ‘False’ for the 10th sentence.


Write sentences about real and imaginary past events connecting sentences into paragraphs

Evolve arguments, reasons, and evidence for a limited range of written genres


  • conveys ideas clearly;


  • use some persuasive techniques;


  • writes full sentences;


  • use basic conjunctions and linking words;


  • use appropriate topical vocabulary


Total marks


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