Материалдар / Summative assessment for the unit “Holidays”
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Summative assessment for the unit “Holidays”

Материал туралы қысқаша түсінік
5 сынып ұстаздарына
Автор материалды ақылы түрде жариялады. Сатылымнан түскен қаражат авторға автоматты түрде аударылады. Толығырақ
25 Мамыр 2020
2 рет жүктелген
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Бұл бетте материалдың қысқаша нұсқасы ұсынылған. Материалдың толық нұсқасын жүктеп алып, көруге болады

Материалдың толық нұсқасын
жүктеп алып көруге болады

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Grade 5
Term IV

Summative assessment for the unit “Holidays”

Learning objectives:R5.4.2.1 understand with little support specific information
and detail in short, simple texts on a limited range of
general and curricular topics;

W5.5.3.1 write with support factual descriptions at text level
which describe people, places and objects;

Assessment criteria:
* Identify specific information and detail in a short simple text
about holidays.
*Write a paragraph with grammar accuracy to
describe holidays in Kazakhstan.
* Answer the given questions about holidays

Level of thinking skills: Knowledge and Comprehension

Duration: 20 minutes

Reading (8 min.)

Task 1 Read the text. Choose the right variant. Put a tick.

Tom’s Easter Basket

One of Tom’s favourite things about Easter is the Easter morning egg hunt. Every
year Tom and his friends play ‘egg hunt’ during the Easter. Tom is sad because last
year his old Easter basket was broken. This basket was special for him, because his
mum made it for him as a present. He wanted to pick up many eggs. Suddenly he
found hidden eggs and he ran to take them to be the first one until no one saw them.
However, he bummed his basket and broke it, so his mother wanted to do something
to support him up. She went home after the egg hunt and started to repair his basket.
She took a piece of silk fabric to repair the basket. She covered the bowl with silk
fabric and tied a bow on the front. Then she made the handle from a branch. Next day
he woke up and found a new basket near his bed. It was a brilliant day for him!
Read the text once more. Choose the right answer. Put a tick.
0. Why was Tom sad?
a. He was lost

Page 2

 b. His basket was broken
c. He was ill

1. Who made Tom’s Easter basket?
a. his dad
b. his grandma
c. his mother

2. How did Tom break his basket?
a. When he pick up eggs
b. He bummed it while he was running
c. His friend pushed him

3. What does ‘eggs hunt’ mean?
a. The name of the game
b. Fried egg
c. the name of the cartoon

4. What did Tom’s mother use to do basket?
a. plastic bowl
b. a branch
c. silk fabric

5. What did Tom’s mother use to make the handle?
a. a branch
b. fuzzy wire
c. carton

Writing (12 min.)

Task 2. Write a paragraph about holidays in your country answering the
following questions

1. What holidays are there in your country?
2. What holiday do you like best?
3. When do you celebrate this holiday?
4. Why do you like this holiday?
5. What people wear and do in this holiday?

Task Descriptor
information A learner

Page 3

Identify specific
information and
detail in a short
simple text
about holidays.
1 chooses 1 C “his mother” 1
chooses 2 B He bummed it while he was


writes 3 A the name of the game 1
writes 4 C silk fabric 1
writes 5 A a brunch 1

-Write a
paragraph with
accuracy to
holidays in
- Answer the
given questions
about holidays

2 writes with grammar accuracy;
It is allowed
to make 1-2
uses topic related vocabulary.

writes a paragraph in a logical way answering
all the questions;

gives examples of holidays in our country

uses specific words

gives full answers

Total marks 11

Rubrics for providing information to parents on the results of Summative Assessment for the
unit “Holidays”

Learner’s name _____________________________________

Assessment criteria Level of learning achievements

Page 4

Low Middle High
Identify specific
information and detail
in a short simple text
about holidays.

Has a difficulty in
identifying the
sentences on the

Makes mistakes in
recognizing the
main information of
the text.

identifies the
sentences on the
main points.

Write a paragraph with
grammar accuracy to
describe holidays
in Kazakhstan.

Answer the given
questions about

Some attempts to
address the task but
response is very
unclear. Makes a
lot of grammar and
spelling mistakes.

Some errors in
spelling and
grammar. The
errors in expression
may require
patience and
interpretation by the
reader and impede

Only minor
spelling and
errors. Fully
addresses the

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