Материалдар / Сыныптан тыс шара “Who knows about Abai very well?”

Сыныптан тыс шара “Who knows about Abai very well?”

Материал туралы қысқаша түсінік
Бұл материал мұғалімдерге әдістемелік көмек, оқушыларға Абай Құнанбаев туралы білімдерін тексеруге көмегі болады деп ойлаймын
Автор материалды ақылы түрде жариялады. Сатылымнан түскен қаражат авторға автоматты түрде аударылады. Толығырақ
12 Желтоқсан 2020
0 рет жүктелген
693 ₸ 770 ₸
Бүгін алсаңыз 10% жеңілдік
Тегін турнир Мұғалімдер мен Тәрбиешілерге
Дипломдар мен сертификаттарды алып үлгеріңіз!
Бұл бетте материалдың қысқаша нұсқасы ұсынылған. Материалдың толық нұсқасын жүктеп алып, көруге болады

Материалдың толық нұсқасын
жүктеп алып көруге болады

Ескалиева Мақуза Аманжолқызы

Махамбет Өтемісұлы атындағы облыстық сауықтыру мектеп-интернаты

Ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі

Батыс Қазақстан болысы

Орал қаласы

Who knows about Abai very well?”– Абай туралы кім өте жақсы біледі?

/extracurricular event -сыныптан тыс шара/

Date: 18.02.2020

Grade: 7-10th

Intellectual game objective:
• Абай Құнанбаев туралы ағылшын тілінде түсінуді үйрету;
• Алған білімдерін, дағдыларын нақты ситуацияда қолдана білу; ой-өрісін кеңейту; логикалық ойлауды дамыту; тілдік, зияткерлік, танымдық қабілеттерін дамыту;
• Топта жұмыс істеуді білу; ағылшын тіліне қызығушылығын арттыру; қарым-қатынас мәдениетін қалыптастыру.

І. Organization moment.
1st leading: Good afternoon, dear teachers, dear pupils! You know that our mother tongue is Kazakh and we learn English at school, because it is the language of science, politics and computers.

2nd leading: Knowledge is a great power. It opens doors. Knowledge of English has many advantages nowadays.

1st leading: On May 30, 2019, President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Kasym-JomartTokayev adopted a Decree on the celebration of the 175th anniversary of the great Kazakh poet and educator AbayKunanbayuly in 2020. We cannot stay away from this important event for our country.

2nd leading: Abai Kunanbaev (1845-1904). Abay was born in 1845 at the bottom of the Chingiz Mountain in the today's Abai district (former Karkaraly) located in Eastern Kazakhstan region (formerly, the Semipalatinsk region).

1st leading: He was a well-known Kazakh poet, a great thinker, composer, philosopher, the founder of written Kazakh literature, and its first classic.

2nd leading: The poems written by Abay Kunanbaev are very popular among young people nowadays. We want the knowledge event to be start with some of the poem and some of Books of Words written by Abay Kunanbaev.

2nd leading: So, today's extracurricular event dedicated to the great poet Abay!

Welcome to our knowlege event!

1st leading: It is clear to us that you know Abay Kunanbayev very well. Let's try to compete with each other knowledge about Abay in English.

2nd leading: Now, let’s start our competition “Who’s the best know Abay?”

1st leading: Let’s invite the participants of our game. You are welcome. Let’s divide into two groups by choosing pictures /The music/ Суреттерді таңдау арқылы топқа бөліну.

2nd leading: Let's creat the puzzle and Each team must declare the name of its group

- What’s your group’s name?

- Our group’s name is“Star” / Our group’s name is “Brilliant”

The game has 6 contents,they are :

I.Baiga – Бәйге

II. Zhorga-Жорға

III. Polyglot – Полиглот

IV. Kokpar – Көкпар

2nd leading:

I . We wish you good luck and success. Let’s begin our competition. The first round is “Baiga”. The task is to answer the questions as quickly as possible. Answer the questions in a chain. Each correct answer 1 points.
1.How many seasons in a year? (four)
2. What’s the capital of America? (Washington)
3. What colours are on Kazakhstan flag? (blue and yellow)
4. The great Kazakh poet? (Abai)

5. What month is it now? (September)
6. What’s capital of Kazakhstan? (Nur-Astana)
7. What’s capital of England? (London)
8. What’s the official language of the UK? (English)
9. What is the national symbol of England? (rose)
10. What is the Big Ben? (a clock)

11. How many letters are there in English alphabet? (26)

12. Who was the first American President? (George Washington)

13. How many Book of Words written by Abay? (45)

14. Name the day of the week 7 (Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, etc.)

1st leading: IInd round called is “Zhorga

Task Read the statements, choose 5 necessary sentences to tell about Abai Kunanbaev, put them in the correct order: Highest points 5

He died in 1961, his stories and novels became very popular among young people.

Abai was born on 10th August, 1845 in Karauyl village in Chingiz volost of Semipalatinsk uyezd of the Russian Empire (this is now in Abay District of East Kazakhstan).

The boy first studied at a local madrasah under Mullah Ahmet Ryza. His father send Abai to a Russian secondary school in Semipalatinsk. He studied at Russian school and started writing poems there.

His first work “Enlik-Kebek” was written in 1917, it was the beginning of the great creative way.

Abay’s major work is The Book of Words a philosophic treatise

Translations made by him include poems by Mikhail Lermontov, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Lord Byron, Ivan Krylov's Fables and Alexander Pushkin's

He was a well-known Kazakh poet, a great thinker, composer, philosopher, the founder of written Kazakh literature, and its first classic.

He was also a cultural reformer toward European and Russian cultures

He died on July 6, 1904

Some time later he was moved to the administrative department of Orynbor region as a translator.

In 1928 he graduated from Leningrad University, where he studied at the faculty of History and Philology.

Abai Kunanbaev
Date / place of birth
The most famous creative works
Public activity
Date of death

Date / place of birth

  • Abai was born on 10th August, 1845 in Karauyl village in Chingiz volost of Semipalatinsk uyezd of the Russian Empire (this is now in Abay District of East Kazakhstan).


  • The boy first studied at a local madrasah under Mullah Ahmet Ryza. His father send Abai to a Russian secondary school in Semipalatinsk. He studied at Russian school and started writing poems there.

Most popular creative works

  • Abay’s major work is The Book of Words a philosophic treatise

  • Translations made by him include poems by Mikhail Lermontov, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Lord Byron, Ivan Krylov's Fables and Alexander Pushkin's

Public activity

  • He was a well-known Kazakh poet, a great thinker, composer, philosopher, the founder of written Kazakh literature, and its first classic.

  • He was also a cultural reformer toward European and Russian cultures

Date of death

He died on July 6, 1904

A game with the spectators

2nd leading:

- And now let's play the game with the audience as long as the groups were working on the task

- Who can say these tongue twisters without any mistakes?
Келесі кезекте көрермендермен ойын. Кім берілген жаңылтпаштарды жаңылмай айта алады? Сол оқушыға сыйлық беріледі. «The best speaker by tongue twister значок
I. She sells sea shells on the sea shore.
II. A proper copper coffee pot.
III. Swan swam over the pond, swim swan swim, swan swam back again- well swum swan!
IV. Peter piper picked a peck of pickled pepper.
V. Did Peter Piper pick a peck of pickled pepper?

III. The next round is “Polyglot”.

Let’s revise the most useful words according to the theme Abay in English. Working on the vocabulary. Translate the words from Kazakh into English and Russian:









Illuminator, educator




негізін қалаушы

















the science














традиции и обычаи

traditions and customs

шетел тілі

иностранный язык

foreign language

ана тілі

родной язык

native language



ыignificant, famous

IV.The forth round Kokpar”. The great words of Abay


- order the pieces words and make-up the sentence.

- translate the sentence and find Kazakh equivalent.

Three-white qualities of a person: strong strength, bright mind, hot heart.

Man is ahead of each other intelligence, science, conscience, and character.

Үш-ақ нәрсе адамның қасиеті: ыстық қайрат, нұрлы ақыл, жылы жүрек.

Адам баласы адам баласынан ақыл, ғылым, ар, мінез деген нәрселермен озады.

X. Conclusion. Awarding the winners.
Our game comes to the end. I think that you’ll see it’s very important to study English. I wish you success in studying English. Thank you for your attention. Good-bye!

Abay's words of edification Абайдың қара сөздері

Үш-ақ нәрсе адамның қасиеті: Ыстық қайрат, Нұрлы ақыл, Жылы жүрек.

Three-white qualities of a person: strong strength, bright mind, hot heart.

Адам баласы адам баласынан ақыл, ғылым, ар, мінез деген нәрселермен озады.

Man is ahead of each other in terms of intelligence, science, conscience, and character.

Он Бес Сөз. Еге

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