Материалдар / Тарихи және географиялық тест сұрақтары
2023-2024 оқу жылына арналған

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ҚР Білім және Ғылым министірлігінің стандартымен 2022-2023 оқу жылына арналған 472-бұйрыққа сай жасалған

Тарихи және географиялық тест сұрақтары

Материал туралы қысқаша түсінік
материал барлық білім алушыларға және білім берушілерге тиімді.
Автор материалды ақылы түрде жариялады.
Сатылымнан түскен қаражат авторға автоматты түрде аударылады. Толығырақ
08 Маусым 2019
1 рет жүктелген
Бүгін алсаңыз 25% жеңілдік
770 тг 578 тг
Тегін турнир Мұғалімдер мен Тәрбиешілерге
Дипломдар мен сертификаттарды алып үлгеріңіз!
Бұл бетте материалдың қысқаша нұсқасы ұсынылған. Материалдың толық нұсқасын жүктеп алып, көруге болады

Материалдың толық нұсқасын
жүктеп алып көруге болады

Test №1

  1. What’s the capital of Hungary?

  1. Havana

  2. Brussels

  3. Warsaw

  4. Prague

  5. Budapest

  1. Finland – the Finns

Denmark – the Danes

Spain - …

  1. The Dutch

  2. A Spaniard

  3. The Spanish

  4. A Hungarian

  5. The English

  1. What’s the capital of Sweden?

  1. Amsterdam

  2. Helsinki

  3. Hanoi

  4. Stockholm

  5. Washington

  1. Who built the first Westminster Palace?

  1. The King

  2. The Queen

  3. Edward the Confessor

  4. Prime Minister

  5. Sir Christopher Wren

  1. The Tower of London was Founded by …

  1. William the Conqueror

  2. Julius Caesar

  3. Queen Elizabeth

  4. Tennyson

  5. Admiral Nelson

  1. Who rebuilt the Tower of London

  1. William the Conqueror

  2. Julius Caesar

  3. Queen Elizabeth

  4. Tennyson

  5. Admiral Nelson

  1. Where was Admiral Nelson buried?

  1. In the Tower of London

  2. In the British museum

  3. In the National Gallery

  4. In the St. Paul’s Cathedral

  5. In the Westminster Abbey

  1. Where are many English sovereigns, outstanding statesmen, painters and poets buried?

  1. In Westminster Abbey

  2. In the Tower of London

  3. In the British Museum

  4. In the National Gallery

  5. In the Hyde Park

  1. In the middle of Trafalgar Square stands …

  1. Westminster Abbey

  2. Nelson’s monument

  3. Big Ben

  4. Tower of London

  5. St. Paul’s Cathedral

  1. Nelson’s column is guarded by four bronze …

  1. Dogs

  2. Monkeys

  3. Giraffes

  4. Tigers

  5. Lions

  1. What’s the biggest museum in London?

  1. The Tate

  2. The British

  3. The London

  4. The Trafalgar

  5. The French

  1. When was Thomas Cook born?

  1. In 1909

  2. In 1800

  3. In 1870

  4. In 1908

  5. In 1809

  1. Who developed mass tourism?

  1. Christopher Columbus

  2. Thomas Cook

  3. Marco Polo

  4. Francis Drake

  5. Shokan Ualikhanov

  1. When did Thomas Cook die?

  1. In 1800

  2. In 1870

  3. In 1873

  4. In 1809

  5. In 1892

  1. Ben Nevis is in the central highlands of …

  1. England

  2. Ireland

  3. London

  4. Scotland

  5. Wales

  1. What is the retirement age for men and women in Britain?

  1. 55,60

  2. 65,58

  3. 63,60

  4. 60,65

  5. 65,60

  1. How is the chairman of the Commons called?

  1. MPs

  2. Lord Chancellor

  3. The Speaker

  4. King

  5. Cabinet

  1. Who is the Head of the State in Great Britain?

  1. The Speaker

  2. The lord

  3. The Cabinet

  4. The Prime Minster

  5. The Queen

  1. How often are General Elections held in the UK?

  1. Every two years

  2. Every six years

  3. Every three years

  4. Every four years

  5. Every five years

  1. Who is the Head of the Government in the UK?

  1. The Queen

  2. The Prime Minister

  3. The Lord Chancellor

  4. The speaker

  5. The President

  1. When did Princess Elizabeth come to throne?

  1. On 12 April, 1964

  2. On 30 May, 1975

  3. On 15 July, 1950

  4. On 7 March, 1962

  5. On 6 February, 1952

  1. When was Prince Charles born?

  1. In 1948

  2. In 1950

  3. In 1947

  4. In 1944

  5. In 1940

  1. Who is the Duke of York now?

  1. Princess Anne

  2. Prince Charles

  3. Prince Edward

  4. Prince Philip

  5. Prince Andrew

  1. When was Prince Philip born?

  1. On 21 November, 1947

  2. On 10 June, 1921

  3. On 28 July, 1952

  4. On 6 February, 1952

  5. On 7 March, 1964

  1. Lady Diana Spencer is Prince Charles’s …?

  1. mother

  2. sister

  3. wife

  4. aunt

  5. grandmother



















































Test №2

  1. Windsor Castle is …

  1. A theatre

  2. A museum

  3. An official residence

  4. A street

  5. A college

  1. Balmoral Castle is the Queen’s …

  1. Official residence

  2. Street

  3. Palace

  4. Theatre

  5. Private home

  1. Who built Buckingham Palace?

  1. Arthur I

  2. George III

  3. Philip IV

  4. Edward V

  5. Charles VI

  1. When was Buckingham Palace built?

  1. In 1952

  2. In1820

  3. In1761

  4. In 1809

  5. In 1377

  1. Normally the primary school in Britain is divided into … and … .

  1. Juniors, secondary

  2. Compulsory, infants

  3. Infants, juniors

  4. Private, grammar

  5. Ordinary, public

  1. Students working for their first degree at university are called …

  1. Bachelor

  2. Future students

  3. Students

  4. Pupils

  5. Undergraduates

  1. E Hemingway is a prominent …

  1. English

  2. Scottish

  3. American

  4. British

  5. Kazakh

  1. Who wrote << The Sun Also Rises>>

  1. T. Cook

  2. R. Burns

  3. S. Maugham

  4. M. Polo

  5. E. Hemingway

  1. <<A Fare wall to Arms>> was written by…

  1. W. Shakespeare

  2. E. Hemingway

  3. R. Burns

  4. C. Dickens

  5. M. Polo

  1. The old Man and the Sea is the … work

  1. W. Shakespeare

  2. R. Burns

  3. C. Dickens

  4. E. Hemingway

  5. M. Polo

  1. Three Men in a boat” is written by …

  1. Jerome K. Jerome

  2. Dickens

  3. E. Hemingway

  4. R. Burns

  5. T. Cook

  1. William Somerset is an … writer”

  1. Japanese

  2. American

  3. English

  4. Spanish

  5. German

  1. Who wrote the story “A friend in Need “?

  1. E. Hemingway

  2. W. Shakespeare

  3. J. London

  4. R. Burns

  5. S. Maugham

  1. Jerome K. Jerome is a well-known … writer.

  1. Scottish

  2. Welsh

  3. Dutch

  4. American

  5. English

  1. Where was Bernard Shaw born?

  1. In California

  2. In Chicago

  3. In London

  4. In Dublin

  5. In Liverpool

  1. When did the Great Fire of London take place?

  1. 1566

  2. 1768

  3. 1516

  4. 1666

  5. 1856

  1. Who are Prince William and Prince Henry’s parents?

  1. Prince Charles and Lady Diana Spencer are

  2. Queen Victoria and Prince Albert are

  3. Prince Anne and Captain mark Phillips are

  4. Prince Andrew and Sarah Ferguson are

  5. Queen Elizabeth and Prince Phillips are

  1. Nelson's Column is situated in … in London.

A). Fleet Street

B). Downing Street

C). Trafalgar Square

D). Piccadilly Circus

E). Harley Street

  1. In which city is Hollywood?

A). Los Angeles

B). San Francisco

C). Florida

D). New York

E). Atlanta

  1. Lake loch Ness is situated in …

A). Ireland

B). England

C). Wales

D). Australia

E). Scotland

  1. London stands on the …

A). Nile

B). Mississippi

C). Missouri

D). Thames

E). Avon

  1. The Mississippi River is the … waterway in the

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Бұл сертификат «Ustaz tilegi» Республикалық ғылыми – әдістемелік журналының желілік басылымына өз авторлық жұмысын жарияланғанын растайды. Журнал Қазақстан Республикасы Ақпарат және Қоғамдық даму министрлігінің №KZ09VPY00029937 куәлігін алған. Сондықтан аттестацияға жарамды
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