Материалдар / Tasks for the Summative Assessment for the term 2 8th form

Tasks for the Summative Assessment for the term 2 8th form

Материал туралы қысқаша түсінік
Listening. Task. Listening to the recording twice. Complete the sentences 1. All of us are interested ___________________________________. [1] 2. We turn the TV on just ___________________________________. [1] 3. The journalists do _______________________________________. [1] 4. The journalists to bring us the news from _____________________. [1] 5. The media make us feel ________________________________. [1] 6. The media show us ___________________________________. [1] Total: [6]_____
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Name _______________________ Date _________________ 8 th ___ grade

Tasks for the Summative Assessment for the term 2


Task. Listening to the recording twice. Complete the sentences

  1. All of us are interested ___________________________________. [1]

  2. We turn the TV on just ___________________________________. [1]

  3. The journalists do _______________________________________. [1]

  4. The journalists to bring us the news from _____________________. [1]

  5. The media make us feel ________________________________. [1]

  6. The media show us ___________________________________. [1]

Total: [6]_____

Reading task. Films and entertainment exercises

1. Check your understanding: ordering

Write a number (1–7) to put these sentences about Jennifer Lawrence’s life in the correct order.


She moved to Los Angeles.


She moved to New York.


She appeared on TV for the first time.


At school she played basketball for a boys’ team.


She was nominated for an Oscar.


Jennifer was born in Kentucky.

Total [6]


Task. Choose ONE of the topics to write. Write an opinion essay.

Topic 1 Nowadays there is a wide range of useful TV programs. But instead of watching educational programs, news or documentary films more people prefer to watch TV shows, soap operas and etc. Write how to make possible educational TV programs more popular. Use reasons and examples to support your answer.

Topic 2.

Some people say that sport facilities are important and they contribute healthy lifestyle. Others believe everything depends on the wishes of the individual. Write your own opinion. Use reasons and examples to support your answer.

Write your opinion essay according to the structure

  1. Introduction

  • Introduce the topic/problem

  • Give your opinion about it

  1. The body of an essay (2 paragraphs)

  • Give reasons for your opinion with facts and examples (2-3 sentences)

  • Include a new idea in each paragraph. (2-3 sentences)

  1. Conclusion

  • Summarize your opinion

Total [6]______


Name _______________________ Date _________________ 8 th ___ grade

Tasks for the Summative Assessment for the term 2


Task. Listening to the recording twice. Complete the sentences

  1. All of us are interested ___________________________________. [1]

  2. We turn the TV on just ___________________________________. [1]

  3. The journalists do _______________________________________. [1]

  4. The journalists to bring us the news from _____________________. [1]

  5. The media make us feel ________________________________. [1]

  6. The media show us ___________________________________. [1]

Total: [6]_____

Reading task. Films and entertainment exercises

2. Check your understanding: true or false

Circle True or False for these sentences.


Jennifer is American.




Jennifer was born in July.




Jennifer took acting classes at school.




Jennifer has done some modelling.




Jennifer was nominated for an Oscar in 2010.




She likes playing the piano.



Total [6] ___


Task. Choose ONE of the topics to write. Write an opinion essay.

Topic 1 Nowadays there is a wide range of useful TV programs. But instead of watching educational programs, news or documentary films more people prefer to watch TV shows, soap operas and etc. Write how to make possible educational TV programs more popular. Use reasons and examples to support your answer.

Topic 2.

Some people say that sport facilities are important and they contribute healthy lifestyle. Others believe everything depends on the wishes of the individual. Write your own opinion. Use reasons and examples to support your answer.

Write your opinion essay according to the structure

  1. Introduction

  • Introduce the topic/problem

  • Give your opinion about it

  1. The body of an essay (2 paragraphs)

  • Give reasons for your opinion with facts and examples (2-3 sentences)

  • Include a new idea in each paragraph. (2-3 sentences)

  1. Conclusion

  • Summarize your opinion

Total [6]______


Name _______________________ Date _________________ 8 th ___ grade

Tasks for the Summative Assessment for the term 2


Task. Listening to the recording twice. Complete the sentences

  1. All of us are interested ___________________________________. [1]

  2. We turn the TV on just ___________________________________. [1]

  3. The journalists do _______________________________________. [1]

  4. The journalists to bring us the news from _____________________. [1]

  5. The media make us feel ________________________________. [1]

  6. The media show us ___________________________________. [1]

Total: [6]_____

Reading task. Films and entertainment exercises

3. Check your understanding: multiple choice

Circle all the answers to these questions.


What sports did Jennifer play at school?

basketball / surfing / hockey / tennis


What films has Jennifer Lawrence starred in?

Titanic /Transformers /Winter’s Bone /

The Hunger Games


What cities has she lived in?

London / Los Angeles / Miami / New York


What jobs has she done?

actress / model / fashion designer / waitress


What does Jennifer do in her free time?

play hockey / painting / surfing / play the guitar


What are her two brothers called?

Karen / Ben / Gary / Blaine

Total [6] ___


Task. Choose ONE of the topics to write. Write an opinion essay.

Topic 1 Nowadays there is a wide range of useful TV programs. But instead of watching educational programs, news or documentary films more people prefer to watch TV shows, soap operas and etc. Write how to make possible educational TV programs more popular. Use reasons and examples to support your answer.

Topic 2.

Some people say that sport facilities are important and they contribute healthy lifestyle. Others believe everything depends on the wishes of the individual. Write your own opinion. Use reasons and examples to support your answer.

Write your opinion essay according to the structure

  1. Introduction

  • Introduce the topic/problem

  • Give your opinion about it

  1. The body of an essay (2 paragraphs)

  • Give reasons for your opinion with facts and examples (2-3 sentences)

  • Include a new idea in each paragraph. (2-3 sentences)

  1. Conclusion

  • Summarize your opinion

Total [6]______



Task. Choose one card and answer the questions. You have 1 minute to prepare and 3 minutes to speak. While speaking don’t forget to use topic related vocabulary. Speak individually

Card 1.

  1. What do you prefer to watch: a football game or a hockey game?

  2. Can you name sports which have a high risk of being injured?

  3. What kind of sport games do you know which are related to water? Name them

  4. What kind of sports do you do? Do you practice sport professionally?

Card 2.

  1. What sport programmes on TV do you watch?

  2. What is your favourite sport channel and team?

  3. What famous sportsmen from our country do you know? Name them.

  4. Do you prefer summer sports or winter sports? Write reason.

Card 3.

  1. Do you like to go to the cinema? Why?

  2. Do your parents go with you to the cinema?

  3. Do you go to the cinema with friends or alone?

  4. What kind of film do you prefer to watch?

Card 4.

  1. How often do you watch news on TV?

  2. Does the TV news concentrate too much on “bad news” and not enough on “good news”?

  3. What do you prefer to watch films or to play computer games?

  4. What kind entertainment programme do you like to watch?

Total [6]

Total marks _/24


Answers to Films and entertainment – exercises Preparation 1. b 2. a 3. f 4. c 5. d 6. h 7. e 8. g 1. Check your understanding: ordering 1. Jennifer was born in Kentucky. 2. At school she played basketball for a boys’ team. 3. She moved to New York. 4. She appeared on TV for the first time. 5. She moved to Los Angeles. 6. She was nominated for an Oscar. 7. She played Katniss Everdeen in The Hunger Games. 2. Check your understanding: true or false 1. True 2. False 3. True 4. False 5. True 6. True 7. False 8. True 3. Check your understanding: multiple choice 1. basketball and hockey 2. Winter’s Bone and The Hunger Games 3. Los Angeles and New York 4. actress and model 5. painting, surfing and play the guitar 6. Ben and Blaine

1. Check your understanding: ordering 1. Jennifer was born in Kentucky. 2. At school she played basketball for a boys’ team. 3. She moved to New York. 4. She appeared on TV for the first time. 5. She moved to Los Angeles. 6. She was nominated for an Oscar. 7. She played Katniss Everdeen in The Hunger Games. 2. Check your understanding: true or false 1. True 2. False 3. True 4. False 5. True 6. True 7. False 8. True 3. Check your understanding: multiple choice 1. basketball and hockey 2. Winter’s Bone and The Hunger Games 3. Los Angeles and New York 4. actress and model 5. painting, surfing and play the guitar 6. Ben and Blaine

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