Материалдар / Teenager problems
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Teenager problems

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Статья описывает проблемы детей подростков.И сравнение Британских детей с русскими.Материал может быть использован в разработке уроков.
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05 Қараша 2022
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Employment of teenagers in Russia

Teenagers nowadays need to have some pocket money for their small current costs. Parents encourage teens by giving them pocket money for successful studying at school or for household chores. Basically, teenagers spend their money on sweets, computer games, clothes, accessories, alcohol and sigarettes. Some of them save up money for something substantial and expensive.

Russian teens in comparison with British

Relations between parents and teenagers in Russia and the UK are different. This can be explained to customs and traditions of education. Russian teenager is under the constant care of his parents, but in Britain teenager is more independent and separate.

Another serious problem in Russia is reluctance of teenagers to learn, while in the UK student is interested in obtaining sound knowledge and further education.

Teenagers in the UK don't face with such a problem of lack of pocket money, because they can easily apply for a job. But in Russia teenagers are mostly dependent on their parents.

How Russian teenagers deal with their problems

The Russian teenagers are largely dependent on their parents and can always rely on their support. At school students are mostly more friendly then British because there is no social division into losers and machos, so its easily to make new friends in Russia. Because of this support from so many loving people, teenager can share his problems and get some helpful advice.

What do we really know about teenage problems

While doing the research on the Internet, I suddenly came up with an idea to ask my Russian schoolmates and teachers about what they think about teens' problems in the UK. 37 people in my school were asked (5 teachers, 30 students, 2 parents). I also attracted to my research some people from social network “Vkontakte”.

I asked them about in what country the indicatir of bad behaviour is higher; the UK or Russia, what are the reasons of teen loneliness, how to stop feeling lonely, why is it important to have good relationships with classmates. The majority of my classmates think that the indicator of bad behaviour is higher in Russia. 20 out of 30 people in Russia can call the right reasons of teen loneliness and say how to stop feeling lonely. Most of Russian students cannot give the right answer on a question why is it important to have good relationship with classmates. There is a many small percent of students who already have work in Russia.

According to my internet research, 91.7% of respondents already know what does the generation gap mean and 92% can say the reasons of taking drugs among teenagers. 70% know the most popular jobs for teens in the UK, but 30% are wrong. 19.4% of teenagers are going to go into politics. 

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