Материал туралы қысқаша түсінік
The idea that it is important to use the most advanced technology in everyday learning, does not leave the minds not only of modern researchers, but also almost all of us. According to experts in linguistics and psychology, the most favorable conditions for learning new knowledge are in childhood and adolescence. But lack of interest, dispersion, and the inability to concentrate on difficult things does not allow us to get an effective education at any age. And today's education system competes with entertainment and needs perceptual mechanisms to engage students in the process of absorbing new knowledge. After all, effective learning is driven by interest, which must first be created and then maintained. But in the 21st century it is hardly possible to captivate students with drawings, watching old movies or reading rapidly outdated literature. That is why VR-enabled devices are becoming more and more popular in education today.
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22 Мамыр 2024
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The advantages of using additional teaching materials in foreign language teaching

Guldana Zhumazhanova


English Teacher at school #1 by M.Gorky

Zhetisay, Kazakhstan

1. Introduction

The idea that it is important to use the most advanced technology in everyday learning, does not leave the minds not only of modern researchers, but also almost all of us. According to experts in linguistics and psychology, the most favorable conditions for learning new knowledge are in childhood and adolescence. But lack of interest, dispersion, and the inability to concentrate on difficult things does not allow us to get an effective education at any age. And today's education system competes with entertainment and needs perceptual mechanisms to engage students in the process of absorbing new knowledge. After all, effective learning is driven by interest, which must first be created and then maintained. But in the 21st century it is hardly possible to captivate students with drawings, watching old movies or reading rapidly outdated literature. That is why VR-enabled devices are becoming more and more popular in education today.

2. Data

In many countries the path to new knowledge is still paved with books, pencils, and heavy backpacks. However, since high school not every child is ready to cope with the burden of knowledge, which is dumped on them by the typical school education. Think back to your school years, because the unsatisfactory grades of most of the class is just an evidence of this. To solve this problem, some foreign public and private schools have found a solution - the use of augmented and virtual reality. Imagine: school teachers no longer need to be monotonous or, on the contrary, overzealous to tell, for example, about the Egyptian pyramids and the peculiarities of their construction. With the help of virtual reality helmets, you can go on a hike through tunnels with sarcophagi, hear the rustling of labyrinths, and evaluate key historical events that unfolded thousands of years ago on your own, right at your desk. In such learning scenarios, it is possible to raise a whole generation of professions that remain less in demand in society today but are still essential to maintaining the multifaceted nature of modern science [1, 157p.].

Not only start-ups, but also large companies offer their virtual reality solutions for educational purposes. For example, the CLASSVR project is particularly well known in Europe. Its creators offer not just a complete set of virtual reality tools (device + software), but a comprehensive solution that allows for mass training. With the help of such a set, it is possible to teach not only in small groups, but also in real classrooms with many students. Teachers can create lesson plans, design programs, and create visual elements of the course by themselves with a customized and intuitive interface. Teachers do not need to have any programming skills whatsoever. Illustrations can be borrowed from the database of developed stories, including additional content downloads. Augmented reality is also gradually taking its special place in learning [1, 155p.]. The peculiarity of VR is that it allows expanding the understanding of the processes taking place in the environment. The updated sensory data is formed not in a new, but quite familiar environment. Placing any objects in a specific environment in which they are initially absent allows to simulate the most unusual practices to carry out educational tasks. The very emergence of augmented reality is largely driven by educational tasks. It was the drawing of augmented arrows and signs in various educational materials that made it possible to point to certain objects, making them more visible for perception.

One of the earliest in the field of augmented reality was the Handheld Augmented Reality project, which was authored by scientists from three major American universities. The project was brought to life with a grant from the U.S. Department of Education. As a part of the research, the developers placed a significant amount of data in the free access, dedicated to the creation of augmented reality algorithms for teaching American schoolchildren. By moving around their quite real school, depending on the locations, the student received educational tasks to be solved not only with their own knowledge, but also with the help of certain skills using the augmented reality system.

Based on the above, we need to identify the following advantages in the field of virtual world research in the study of foreign languages [2, 78-79p.]:

-Three-dimensional models engage students in cognitive activities;

-Students are immersed in virtual reality and solve communicative tasks while their attention is focused on the content of the statement;

-Imagery and auditory comprehension are essential to understanding speech, and are highly effective in communicating;

- In the virtual world, participants see each other in different images, and this helps to avoid unnecessary excitement and get as much practice as possible in communicating in the foreign language being studied.

Virtual worlds technologies are becoming one of the modern information technologies in foreign language teaching today. The learning platforms Second Life, Chinese Island, Mondly VR allow a noticeable reduction in the difficulties and costs of modeling a new virtual learning environment. Researchers see virtual worlds not as a means of teaching a language, but also as a means of spreading the culture of the target language, which leads to the development of national language policy in general [3, 63p.].

3. Discussion

To verify the data obtained during the theoretical collection of material, an experiment was conducted. The experiment was conducted in the city of Zhetisay, in the school "Karaozek" with 10th grade students. The essence of the experiment was that virtual reality technology was introduced into the traditional educational system. The software used was Mondly VR.

In the Figure 1. shown the interface of the Mondly VR.

Рисунок 1

Figure 1. Mondly VR.

The 10th graders were asked to complete 3 tasks in the Mondly VR app, and all students (100%) passed it successfully. After completing the tasks, a survey was conducted among the students about the Mondly VR app, and the tasks completed. The test result showed that in one hour the student was able to learn 30-plus words. From this it was possible to conclude about the high speed of vocabulary learning in the virtual world. Also, survey was conducted among the students of the 10th grade and the results are shown in the Figure 2.

Рисунок 2

Figure 2. Survey.

4. Conclusion

As a result of the experiment, we can see that 90% of students are motivated to learn a foreign language further and 95% of students are satisfied with the use of virtual reality technology. Virtual reality (VR) can be defined as a technically created world that affects people through their senses: seeing, hearing, smelling, and touching. The effect is so strong that the language barrier is completely overcome because of simulated virtual situations. An important area of application of virtual reality is to prepare for situations that are encountered in real life. The appeal of simulation is that it can provide training with a space equivalent to real life, but at a lower cost. The fact is that 3-D chat rooms create a virtual model of reality, where characters communicate in text and audio format. Studies have been done that have shown that the use of interactive simulations provided higher cognitive outcomes and more positive attitudes toward learning than traditional teaching methods.


  1. Fuchs, Philippe: Virtual reality headsets:a theoretical and pragmatic approach. - Taylor & Francis Group, 2017. -150-158p.

  2. Schutze, Stephan: New realities in audio:a practical guide for VR, AR, MR and 360 video. - CRS PRESS, 2018. -78-79p.

  3. Liu, Dejian, Dede, Chris ,Huang, Ronghuai, Richards, John: Virtual, augmented, and mixed realities in education. - Springer, 2017. -60-66p.

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