Материалдар / The dignity of south Kazakhstan
2023-2024 оқу жылына арналған

қысқа мерзімді сабақ жоспарларын

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ҚР Білім және Ғылым министірлігінің стандартымен 2022-2023 оқу жылына арналған 472-бұйрыққа сай жасалған

The dignity of south Kazakhstan

Материал туралы қысқаша түсінік
My Motherland. The dignity of south Kazakhstan.Talking about Turkistan. The name itself tells how sacredly powerful and strength-full the region is. Locating in the south and surrounded by mountains, confining landscapes and sculptures, reminding ancient buildings – are the dearest pearl of this steppe.
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04 Қаңтар 2022
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КММ «Aktobe secondary School»

Theme: My Motherland. The dignity of South Kazakhstan

Aktobe Secondary School

8 a grade student Kuatova Zhanel


My Motherland.

The dignity of South Kazakhstan

Kazakhstan is a beautiful place filled not only with a variety of nature and landscapes, but the country also has its unique cultural and historical differences. From the Sakhtar tribe and Kerey-Zhanibek khanate to USSR dependence and today’s Kazakhstan, it passed a long way through wars, invasions, famine, repressions, and other challenges for the whole Kazakh population. Not only being challenged by this all, but Kazakhstan has also its enriching literature and rich culture, preserving significant manuscripts, cultural architectures, and mysterious legends. Faculty Kazakh lands having several regions, which are all memorable in their way, to the point that when some tourists visit the country, they think that they already had experienced the entire Kazakh culture while it is only the tip of the iceberg.

Talking about Turkistan. The name itself tells how sacredly powerful and strength-full the region is. Locating in the south and surrounded by mountains, confining landscapes and sculptures, reminding ancient buildings – are the dearest pearl of this steppe. Centuries by centuries locals got inspirations from spiritual nature, inventing different legends about these beauties, passing them by word of mouth. Locating near the lofty mountains in Kazygurt, the Kyryk kyz nature monument symbolizes the region’s historical sides and notorious legacy. This phenomenon of mesmerizing, bizarre forms of fourty girls has an astonishing legend behind it too. Compelling Kyryk kyz is a perfect place to study Kazakh legends, and to get acquainted with these steppes’ great lands' history. The legend relates to the great war of Kazakhs and Zhongars in medieval times. According to this, when Zhongars were invading Kazakh steppes, fourty girls were walking up on a cliff and having a bath time not being aware of the menacing violence in their hometown. Suddenly, Zhongars found this group of girls too. Out of despair, girls ask God to make themselves and the Zhongars a part of the rock mountain. In the end, the invaders and the girls became rock statues, therefore their families and the village population were saved from the ruthless enemies. The captivating sculptures on the cliff still hold the atmosphere of the hopelessness of these girls. Having such a sad legend behind, this place also astonishes with unique nature – green and feather grass, fresh, calming air out of being in the middle of the steppe and not having any factories around, perfect mountains reminding Borovoyes mysterious landscapes, Kyryk kyz is a perfect mix of touching legend and alluring view.

There is a brief example of Kazakh compositions describing the nature and significance of South Kazakhstan back in medieval times. The story begins with a boy who has a conversation with his Grandpa:

-“Grandpa, we are so poor! When will we get to the development and nobility that other places have? Even Zhongars are way richer than us!”- said a little out of hopelessness and rage.

-” My dear, we are by no means poor!”- An old man calmly told.- “When others have farmers to raise a sheep or a horse, we have so many animals living in freedom; when others have a dog or two, our hunters have a group of dogs, playing from day to night; when others have only a few mountains or lakes, our land is filled by countless mountains and cliffs; when others hope to have a decent place to live, we have infinite lands. My son, we are the most blessed out of everyone!”- shown parable shows how much Kazakhs valued the natural blessings and historical places of our lands. Favored history and landscapes of South Kazakhstan are still alive and wait for the world to be seen. Pearls of nature as Kyryk Kyz, Koshkar Ata, or historical places as Arystan bab are all located here, in the South region.

The listed dignities and merits show south regions absolute stark, nobility while being the best place to visit elicited from having a lot of cultural and historical places. South Kazakhstan is worth visiting and learning about. speaking from the not-biased position, South Kazakhstan is frankly the most exciting and full of colors.

I was born here. I love and appreciate my Motherland.

Aktobe Secondary School

8 a grade student Kuatova Zhanel

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